Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. Pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children During the period of adaptation at home, it is necessary to observe the daily routine, walk more on weekends, reduce emotional stress

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Each person sooner or later changes the environment of his usual habitat. Everyone can say from their own experience that it is very difficult to get used to new conditions, people and activities. If this stage becomes difficult for an adult, then what is it like for children? The very first stage on the way of changing your usual existence is a kindergarten. The period of adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution will be decisive in how well they will feel. We will give useful advice for parents who want to help their child.

Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

The problem of early age to the conditions of the preschool educational institution is relevant, since the child does not yet have the skills to calmly and quickly adapt to new circumstances. There are two parties involved in the adaptation process:

  1. A child whose daily routine changes dramatically. The daily routine, diet, menu, environment, environment - everything changes in a child's life. If earlier the parents were constantly next to him, now they are not visible for half a day. If a child is difficult to adapt to kindergarten, he may develop anxiety and fears. He may feel unwanted, forgotten, abandoned, alone.
  2. Parents who also change their daily routine. If earlier the child was under their constant control, now they do not see him for half a day. What is happening to him? How does he feel? Are the caregivers treating him well? For parents, this period also becomes alarming.

The ability of children to quickly adapt to new conditions will largely depend on the staff of the preschool educational institution, as well as on the behavior of the parents themselves. If mothers and fathers run after children with tears in their eyes, then they will worry even more. If educators ignore all stages of gradual adaptation to a new environment, this can provoke various fears in babies.

If adults remember how children behave, they can note:

  • Some do not want to go to kindergarten at all.
  • Others come home with tears in their eyes.
  • Still others can go to kindergarten, but on its threshold fall into hysterics.

Children react differently to preschool education, to which they have not adapted. That is why it is so important to go through the stage when the child emotionally experiences parting with his parents and being in a circle of unfamiliar children and caregivers.

Kindergarten is the first social institution for a child. This is the first place where he must get used to a certain schedule and routine, rules and regime. Moreover, there are many new people here: peers (other children) and caregivers (strange adults). It is here that the child first learns to contact not only with children who he may not like, but is forced to see them every day, as well as with outside adults who do not babysit him, like parents and other relatives.

The first social skills are acquired in kindergarten. That is why the ability of a child to quickly adapt to new conditions is so important when he completely changes his life.

Adaptation depends on the following factors:

  1. Physiological and psychological characteristics of the child.
  2. The relationship of the child with his parents.
  3. Requirements that are put forward to the child in the preschool educational institution.

It is important that during the period of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution, parents and educators cooperate. All young children adapt differently. Everyone needs an individual approach. If parents notice that this process is not going well, then it is recommended to seek the help of a psychologist on the site.

Adaptation to the preschool educational institution for young children

The process of getting used to a new living environment is called. Adaptation to preschool children of early age is carried out in several stages. Their successful completion guarantees a painless adaptation of the child to kindergarten.

  1. The first is information gathering. Parents get acquainted with the rules, pupils and educators of the institution where they send the child. Here they make an individual schedule of visits to the child.
  2. Work is underway to eliminate anxiety in the child and to form a positive attitude towards the preschool educational institution.
  3. Summing up, collecting information about the success of the child's adaptation, drawing up a further plan to adjust the state of the pupil.

When adapting, what becomes important is the conditions in which the baby falls. If the home regime and kindergarten conditions are very different, this can lead to the rejection of the preschool educational institution by the child. A positive attitude is formed when the conditions in both environments are as close as possible. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to live at home with many children and caregivers, however, the diet, the approximate menu, the sleep pattern will already become the factors that will create the feeling in the child that everything is in order.

All children before entering the preschool educational institution grew and developed in different conditions. Everyone has their own individual needs. That is why you can see that some kids calmly part with their parents when they bring them to kindergarten, while others cry and throw themselves on the neck of mom and dad, not being able to let them go. If it so happened that the child is not ready to part with his parents, then they should be allowed to go to groups together for the first time. Until the child gets used to the new children, teachers and environment, let the parents accompany him.

Another way to quickly adapt a young child to preschool is to get to know new children and places in the period before entering kindergarten. It is good if parents will already show the baby the diversity of the whole world, visit new places and give the opportunity to communicate with unfamiliar children.

The adaptation period goes through three phases:

  1. Acute - the child is experiencing stress due to changed conditions. He may lose weight, sleep poorly, be silent, become nervous and moody.
  2. Subacute - the child calms down a little, but his development becomes inhibited during this period. He is not used to it yet, but he understands the need for adaptation.
  3. The third is compensation. The child adapts and catches up with the development that he missed.

Depending on how quickly the baby adapts to new conditions, there are 3 degrees of severity of this process:

  • Easy - within a month, the child goes from mental and somatic disorder to normalization and joyful mood.
  • Medium - the adaptation process lasts more than 2 months. The child slowly gets used to new conditions, needs support and reassurance from adults.
  • Severe - the child adapts very slowly. This takes several months. During this period, he becomes irritable and. Various violations of both physiological and mental state are possible.

Reminder for parents

In the ability of a young child to quickly adapt to a preschool educational institution, parents and those relatives who are constantly involved in his upbringing play an important role. The first abode where the child acquires values ​​and skills is the parental home. Before entering kindergarten, the child acquires the first skills that he will use, one might say, all his life. For parents, psychologists have created a memo to help them in the issue of adapting the child to preschool.

  1. The child copies the parents in everything: in behavior, manners, speech. To show the child how to behave with strangers and in a new environment, it is necessary to demonstrate this in practice. Meet him with other children and adults, visit new places.
  2. Parents are the first teachers. If adults communicate with the baby, tell him about life, especially about relationships with other people, about the rules for communicating with them, then he practices this in life.
  3. A strong child develops in an atmosphere of love, understanding and support.
  4. The development of the child begins in the parental home. Moms and dads should work with their children, developing their body and spirit. The first useful skills are acquired before kindergarten.
  5. Each child is individual. You should respect the wishes and opinion of the child, take into account his interests, develop at his pace.
  6. Get your child interested in new opportunities. If the parents themselves are not afraid to be in a new environment, then the children will be the same.

The first preparation for preschool education takes place at home. What is a kindergarten? How good is it? How to behave so that the child is comfortable in it? Parents should discuss these topics with the child even before he goes there.

Undoubtedly, there is no guarantee that the above recommendations will save parents from children's tears when visiting preschool. If it is not possible to go through all the stages of successful adaptation together with teachers, then a psychologist should be involved.


Regardless of the results, which will be observed only with the time of some stay in kindergarten, it should be understood that absolutely every child is under stress when he first enters it. Parents can speak from their own experience of the discomfort they experience when they change jobs or just start working. If adults already have some emotional adaptation skills, then children are just learning this. The prognosis can be varied, since it all depends on the mental and physiological characteristics of the baby.

You should be attentive to your child as the entire period of addiction. If there is a regression, then you should first discuss this topic with educators. Regression can mean:

  • Deterioration of the health or psychological state of the child.
  • Sleep disturbance that does not recover.
  • Capriciousness and hysteria.
  • Changing behavior to negative.
  • Decreased self-esteem.
  • Loss of self-care skills.

The temporary manifestation of these factors is natural. Only the aggravation of the child's condition becomes abnormal.

It is important to understand that educators are also people who are in suspense due to the large number of children. If everything is in order with the child, which is confirmed by the improvement in his condition during the period when he stays at home, and by the words of the psychologists who examined him, then you should think about choosing the right teacher or kindergarten. Not all educators are good. Not all teachers will communicate well with your child and treat him well. If the problem is not in the child, but in the teacher or kindergarten, then it is necessary to transfer him.

Preschool is the first place where a child learns collectivism and interaction with different people. If you choose a kindergarten incorrectly, then you can worsen the process of its socialization. Each kid must maintain his human dignity, which is noticeable upon returning from preschool.


Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

1 Structure of the adaptation process

2 Age and individual characteristics of young children

3 Features of successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten

Chapter 2

1 Characteristics of forms of work with parents in the adaptation period

2 Technology of pedagogical support for the child and family during the adaptation period

Chapter 3

1 Diagnostic study of adaptation of young children to new conditions

3 Analysis of diagnostic test results


List of used literature



Adaptation is usually difficult with a lot of negative changes in the child's body. These shifts occur at all levels, in all systems. Only parents usually see only the surface part of the iceberg - the behavior of the child.

Parents are concerned about whether the child is healthy or still sick. It seems to be neither. Your baby is in a special "third state" between health and illness. But you can't be in the "third state" all the time. Therefore, today or tomorrow the child will, in fact, get sick, or become himself again. If the severity of stress in a child is minimal, soon the parents will forget about the negative shifts in the adaptation process. This will talk about easy or favorable adaptation.

If the severity of stress is great, the child will obviously have a breakdown and presumably become ill. A breakdown, as a rule, is a witness to an unfavorable or severe adaptation in a baby. This testifies to the manifestation of his protest in the child in the form of various neurotic reactions, which speak of a rather strong psycho-emotional stress that he experiences.

In order to judge the process of adaptation in more detail and as objectively as possible, there are specially developed indicators that quite informatively characterize the characteristics of behavior and the manifestation of emotions in a child adapting to a new organizational team. Adapting a child to new environmental conditions is a difficult and painful process. The process, accompanied by a number of negative changes in the child's body, affecting all its levels, and possibly leading to stress.

What provokes stress in a child in such a situation?

To a large extent - separation from the mother, a sudden cessation of the intake of vitamin "M" necessary for him to live. In order to survive in this new environment, the child needs to behave differently here than at home. But he does not know this new form of behavior and suffers from it, fearing that he will do something wrong. And fear supports stress, and a vicious circle is formed, which, nevertheless, unlike all other circles, has an exact beginning - separation from the mother, separation from the mother, doubts about her altruistic love.

So, separation - fear - stress - failure of adaptation - illness. But all this is usually characteristic of a child with a difficult or unfavorable adaptation to kindergarten. With this type of adaptation, the process, as a rule, drags on for a long time, and the child adapts to an organized team for months, and sometimes cannot adapt at all.

Therefore, it is advisable not to send children with severe adaptation to kindergarten at the age of three, but if possible a little later, as their adaptation mechanisms improve.

The polar type for severe adaptation is the type of easy adaptation of the child, when your baby adapts to a new environment, usually for several weeks, most often for half a month. There is almost no trouble with such a child, and the changes that you see in his behavior are usually short-lived and minor, so the child does not get sick.

In addition to the two polar types of adaptation, there is also an intermediate option - adaptation of moderate severity. With this type of adaptation, the child, on average, adapts to a new organized team for more than a month and sometimes gets sick during adaptation. Moreover, as a rule, the disease proceeds without any complications, which can serve as the main sign of the difference between this type of adaptation and an unfavorable variant. The types of adaptation were studied in the works of Belkina V.N., Belkina L.V., Vavilova N.D., Gurov V.N., Zherdeva E.V., Zavodchikova O.G., Kiryukhina N.V., Kostina V. , Pechora K.L., Teplyuk S.N., Tonkovoy-Yampolskaya R.V. These researchers revealed the factors influencing the nature and duration of the adaptation period; recommendations have been developed for teachers and parents on preparing a child for entering a preschool institution and organizing an adaptation period in a preschool educational institution.

Insufficient competence of parents and educators in working with young children during their adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten determined the relevance of the research topic: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the kindergarten."

The purpose of the study is to investigate the process of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution.

The object of the study: the process of adaptation of young children.

The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children

To achieve the goal set in the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

-to study the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution;

-to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions under which the process of adaptation to the preschool educational institution is successfully taking place;

-conduct a diagnostic study of the adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten;

-analyze the results of experimental work;

-develop methodological recommendations for educators and parents on organizing the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution.

The work is based on the following hypothesis: to study the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a kindergarten, it is necessary to diagnose the adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution. This is not a hypothesis, what is there to prove? The theoretical and methodological basis for writing this work were:

studies on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions (V.N. Belkina, N.D. Vavilova, V.N. Gurov, E.V. Zherdeva, O.G. Zavodchikova, N.V. Kiryukhina, K.L. Pechora, Teplyuk S., R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya);

research on the interaction between kindergarten and family (E.P. Arnautova, T.A. Danilina, O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova, T.A. Kulikova, etc.);

research in the field of diagnosing the adaptation of young children (N.M. Aksarina, K.D. Gubert, G.V. Pantyukhina, K.L. Pechora).

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of guidelines for parents and educators on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution. These materials can be used in diagnosing children's adaptation to preschool conditions.

The work was carried out in stages:

Theoretical study of scientific - practical and methodological literature on the topic of this work.

Primary diagnosis (during the child's admission to a preschool educational institution).

Preventive and corrective work of a psychologist with children, parents, educators.

Control diagnostics (repeated) - after three months the child visits a preschool educational institution.

The study was carried out simultaneously in two directions: the first - the characteristics of the parents of the state of their children mainly in the family (questionnaires for parents); the second is the assessment by the educators of the condition of the children during the period of adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten (the so-called "Observation Maps").

Parents were offered a questionnaire in which they assess the psychological and emotional stress, the state of anxiety in the child and the degree of communication with peers. In the course of the study, the educators filled out the "Observation Card", which allows assessing the psychological and emotional state of children at the beginning of the adaptation period and three months after they started attending kindergarten.

Then psychoprophylactic and corrective work was carried out to solve the problems that arose in the initial period of children's adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

1 Structure of the adaptation process

Adaptation in the conditions of a preschool institution should be considered as a process of a child entering a new environment for him and painfully getting used to its conditions.

For a child to successfully adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, adults need to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten, a positive attitude towards him. It depends on the professional skills of educators, the atmosphere of warmth, kindness, and attention.

The child's adaptation process is influenced by the level of mental and physical development achieved, the state of health, the degree of hardening, the formation of self-service skills, communicative communication with adults and peers, the personal characteristics of the baby himself, as well as the level of anxiety and personal characteristics of the parents. Children with deviations in these areas are more difficult to adapt to new microsocial conditions. They may develop an emotional stress reaction, leading to a health disorder. To prevent such reactions, it is necessary to organize medical - psychological and pedagogical support for children during their preparation and adaptation to stay in a preschool educational institution (DOE). This work focuses on the following areas:

-preparing children for admission to the preschool educational institution and predicting adaptation to it;

-organization of the life of children in the period of adaptation;

-monitoring the health status of children during the period of adaptation and correction of emerging disorders.

The psychological readiness of a child for preschool education is one of the most important outcomes of mental development during preschool childhood.

Difficulties in adaptation arise in cases where the child encounters misunderstanding, they try to involve him in communication, the content of which does not meet his interests and desires. The child should be ready for the level of communication that the atmosphere of the kindergarten sets. As the analysis of cases of advisory practice shows, children do not always have the communication skills necessary for a particular group of kindergarten.

Failure to comply with the basic pedagogical rules in the upbringing of children leads to violations of the intellectual, physical development of the child, the emergence of negative forms of behavior.

Adaptation (from Latin - to adapt) - in a broad sense - adaptation to changing external and internal conditions.

When a child is separated from the family and goes to kindergarten, the life of both adults and children changes significantly. It will take some time for the family to adjust to the new life circumstances.

In the course of a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, three phases of the adaptation process were identified:

1. Acute phase, which is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status. This leads to weight loss, frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbance, decreased appetite, regression in speech development (lasts an average of one month);

2. The subacute phase is characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, all changes decrease and are recorded only in certain parameters against the background of a slow pace of development, especially mental, compared with average age norms (lasts 3-5 months);

3. The compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration in the rate of development; as a result, by the end of the school year, children overcome the above-mentioned delay in the rate of development.

The most important component of adaptation is the coordination of the child's self-assessments and claims with his capabilities and the reality of the social environment.

In relation to duration, four variants of adaptation are usually spoken of.

Easy adaptation - it takes a family about a month to adapt to new conditions.

Adaptation of moderate severity - the family adapts in two months.

Severe adaptation - it takes three months.

Very heavy adaptation - about half a year and more. The question arises - is it worth the child to stay in kindergarten, it is possible that he is a "non-sad" child.

Easy adaptation. The child calmly enters the office, looks around carefully before stopping his attention on anything. He looks into the eyes of an unfamiliar adult when he addresses him. The child makes contact on his own initiative, knows how to ask another person with a question, can ask for help. He knows how to occupy himself, uses substitute objects in the game, for example, feeds a doll, is able to keep his attention on one toy for a long time, his speech is well developed, his mood is cheerful or calm, emotions are easily recognized. The child adheres to the established rules of behavior, adequately responds to remarks and approval, correcting his behavior after them. He knows how to play next to other children, is friendly to them. Parents trust their child, do not control him every minute, do not patronize, do not indicate what the child needs to do. At the same time, they feel his mood well, support the baby. Parents are self-confident, trust the educator, defend their views, show initiative and independence.

Moderate adjustment. The child makes contact by observing the attractive actions of the psychologist, or through the inclusion of bodily sensations. The tension of the first minutes gradually subsides, the child can make contact on his own initiative, can develop play actions. Speech can be developed both within the age norm, and below or above it. Responds adequately to comments and encouragement, may violate established rules and norms of behavior (social experimentation). Parents often do not trust the child, they try to discipline the child, making remarks to him: “Do not take it without asking. Don't throw toys away. Behave yourself". Such parents are rarely in fusion with the child. With the caregiver, they can be frank or keep a distance. As a rule, advice and recommendations are accepted, they ask a lot of questions, avoiding expressing their point of view.

Difficult adaptation. Contact with the child can only be established through the parents. The kid moves from one toy to another, not dwelling on anything, cannot develop play actions, looks alarmed, withdrawn. You can learn about the development of speech only from the words of parents. A remark or praise from a specialist leaves the child either indifferent, or he gets scared and runs to his parents for support. They either ignore the needs of the child, or take care of him in everything, being in fusion with the baby.

Very hard adaptation. It is not possible to establish contact with the child during the first meeting. Parents are in fusion with the child, they doubt that he will be able to get comfortable in kindergarten. Parents are often authoritarian, compete with specialists, and demonstrate their over-competence in all matters. Sometimes parents form a couple, for example, an authoritarian husband - a dependent wife or an authoritarian grandmother of a child - a dependent mother.

Experts call the period of getting used to the garden - the adaptation period. Adaptation is easy, fast and almost painless, and sometimes it is severe, maximally pronounced. What type of adaptation your child will have depends on many factors, from the conditions of the pregnancy to the characteristics of the central nervous system of the child and the parenting style adopted in the family. Usually an experienced pediatrician can accurately determine whether your baby's adaptation period will be easy or difficult. But with any forecast, negative shifts in the child's body will still occur, shifts at all levels and in all body systems. What you observe in the behavior of the baby is only the surface part of the iceberg. The whole body and psyche of the child at this time is constantly under a current of strong neuropsychic stress, which does not stop for a minute. We can say that the child all this time is, at best, on the verge of stress, but most often he feels it in full.

If the severity of stress in a child is minimal, then soon you will forget about the negative changes in the adaptation period, like a nightmare. But this is in the case of easy adaptation. If stress has completely taken over the child (with a severe type of adaptation), then be prepared - a breakdown will occur soon and the child will fall ill.

Now a little more about what happens to the child's psyche during this period. The kid, after being sent to kindergarten, seemed to have been changed. For any reason - tantrums and whims. He has lost all the self-care skills he knew, his pants are getting wet again, he seems to have forgotten how to use a spoon, he has almost stopped speaking, at least in sentences. The full feeling that the child is not three years old, but barely two.

Psychologists call this phenomenon regression. This is how any person, especially a child, reacts to stress, as if “retreats” in his development a step back, loses everything that he has acquired. Usually everything returns to its place very quickly, as soon as the adaptation period ends. And the child becomes nervous and shy, and most importantly - for some reason, does not want to go to kindergarten at all. Just yesterday, he hurried his mother, asked when he would go to play with other children, and today, he harasses his mother with crying, so bitter that his heart bleeds, he asks not to take him anywhere, that he will be good, if only his mother will leave his home. Yes, he's just afraid to go to the garden.

Fear is a common companion of the adaptation period. In a new environment, the child sees a hidden threat to himself in everything. He is afraid of unfamiliar children, a new room, strange adults, whom he must now obey, afraid to do something wrong and be punished. And, finally, he is terribly afraid that his mother will forget him, will not come for him.

And most children find it very difficult to establish contact with unfamiliar children. Until now, there was always a mother nearby, behind whom one could hide. And now he is on his own. By the way, as soon as the baby establishes contact with peers in the group, the adaptation period can be considered to have passed. This is the most powerful stimulus that distracts from any fears and longing for mom.

But, finally, such a moment comes: after taking time off from work, the mother flies to the kindergarten, imagining with horror how the baby is standing at the door, waiting for her and crying, crying. She flies into the group and is surprised to see her child not crying at all, but playing merrily with other children. Not only that: he begs with tears not to take him away, but to let him play a little more.

But it's still ahead. In the meantime, stress dominates the baby.

What provokes the stress of the child during the period of adaptation to kindergarten? This is separation from the mother. It is known that at this age the baby is inextricably linked with the mother. Mom is the most important thing that he has, his air, his life. And suddenly my mother “exchanged” him for some kind of job. Betrayed. This is how a three-year-old child perceives this situation. How did it happen that his beloved and best mother in the world left him in a new environment and among unfamiliar children? In order to “survive” in this environment, it is necessary to behave here differently than at home. But the baby does not yet know this new form of behavior and therefore suffers, being afraid to do something wrong. With a mild degree of adaptation, the child quickly (up to 1 month) develops a new style of behavior. If this first lesson of survival is completed successfully, then in the future the baby will quickly adapt to any new environment throughout his life. And this is one of the main arguments of kindergarten supporters. The stress of the first weeks provokes the rapid development of all the adaptive mechanisms of the child, which is an excellent school of life for him and a "background" for many years.

Kindergarten is a new period in a child's life. For a child, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept a new environment, strangers immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying. Some easily enter the group, but cry in the evening at home, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, and before entering the group they begin to act up and cry.

2 Age and individual characteristics of young children

Regardless of the style inherent in a particular family, it always plays a cardinal role in the upbringing of a child. And it is the family that is the reason for the lack of social adaptation of the child, since the child is constantly surrounded by his parents, develops, is formed precisely in the family.

At the same time, the structure of the family, its educational and cultural level, the moral character of the family, the attitude of parents towards children and their upbringing play a role.

The role of the family in the formation of the child's "I-concept" is especially strong, since the family is the only social environment for a child who does not attend child care facilities. This influence of the family on the adaptation of the child continues in the future. The child has no past, no behavioral experience, no criteria for self-esteem. The experience of the people around him, the assessments that are given to him as individuals, the information that his family gives him, the first years of his life form his self-esteem.

The influence of the external environment reinforces the self-esteem received by the child at home: a self-confident child successfully copes with any failures in kindergarten and at home; and a child with low self-esteem, despite all his successes, is constantly tormented by doubts, one failure is enough for him to lose self-confidence.

According to Samsonova O.V. for children aged 2-3 years, the following criteria for the age-related state of the mental and physical development of the child are characteristic.

Age features of the development of children 2-3 years old


Plays independently, shows imagination. Likes to please others; imitates peers. Plays simple group games.


Learns to run, walk on toes, maintain balance on one leg. Squatting down, jumping down the bottom step. Opens the drawer and topples its contents. Plays with sand and clay. Opens lids, uses scissors. Paint with your finger. Strings beads.


It can rotate the phone disk with a finger, draw dashes, and reproduce simple shapes. Cuts with scissors.


Looking at pictures. Disassembles and folds the pyramid without taking into account the size of the rings. Selects a paired image according to the sample.


Listen to simple stories. Understands the meaning of some abstract words (big - small, wet - dry, etc.). Asks questions "What is it?". Begins to understand the other person's point of view. Answers "no" to absurd questions. An initial idea of ​​quantity develops (more - less; full - empty).


There is a rapid increase in vocabulary. Understands complex sentences like: "When we get home, I will...". Understands questions like: "What do you have in your hands?". Listens to "how" and "why" explanations. Performs a two-step instruction such as: "First we wash our hands, then we will have dinner."

But the above criteria for the physical and mental state of the development of the child determine the development of the child without deviations in the health of the child. This state of health of preschool children is very different from the actual level of health in modern society.

If we talk about the causes of frequent violations of the mental health of children, then among their diversity, I would especially like to dwell on two aspects.

The first aspect is the increase in the frequency of perinatal damage to the nervous system while still in the womb or during childbirth. They manifest themselves in the first months of a child's life with excitement, sleep disturbance, changes in muscle tone. By the year, these disorders, as a rule, disappear (compensate).

But this is a period of so-called “imaginary well-being”, and by the age of three, more than half of these children have behavioral changes, impaired speech development, motor disinhibition, that is, syndromes of minimal brain dysfunction appear.

In these children, not only the behavior and development of higher brain functions are disturbed, but adaptation to preschool institutions and school is also difficult, and there are learning difficulties. This, in turn, determines their increased tendency to emotional disorders and neuroticism.

In these children, vegetative shifts are determined very early and dysregulation diseases, the so-called neurosomatic pathology, are formed. These can be various diseases of the cardiovascular system (for example, arterial hypotension and hypertension), the digestive tract (gastroduodenitis), the respiratory system (bronchial asthma).

The second aspect of frequent mental health disorders is stressful situations in a child's life. They can be caused both by the socio-economic troubles of the family, and by improper upbringing of the child. Stressful situations can arise when a child is separated from the family when he enters a preschool institution.

The unfavorable course of adaptation of children is often preceded by mental health disorders present from an early age. Therefore, it is very important to identify emotional disorders as early as possible and correct them.

At the age of three, the baby first begins to feel like a person and wants others to see it. But for adults, at least at first, it is easier and more familiar for everything to remain the same. Therefore, the baby is forced to defend his personality before us and his psyche during this period is in an extreme degree of tension. She becomes more vulnerable than before, reacts more sharply to various environmental circumstances.

According to the laws of our country, a mother can go to work when the child is three years old. For some, this way out, the return to the old life is desirable and long-awaited, for some it is a necessity. But before making a decision to go to work, you need to look carefully at the baby: if the crisis of three years is in full swing, then it is better to wait out this period, especially since it does not last so long.

On the other hand, an unfavorable course of adaptation to kindergarten leads to a slowdown in intellectual development, negative changes in character, violations of interpersonal contacts with children and adults, that is, to a further deterioration in mental health indicators.

With a prolonged stressful situation, these children develop neurosis and psychosomatic pathology, and this makes it difficult for the child to further adapt to new environmental factors. There is a vicious circle.

A special role in the long-term preservation of a stressful situation is given to interpersonal conflict. It is no coincidence that the problems of didactogenic diseases caused by non-pedagogical behavior of the educator have recently become relevant.

It should be noted that educators themselves often have health disorders similar in structure to the diseases of pupils, they often have a neurasthenic syndrome. Spending the bulk of their time in kindergarten, the teacher and his pupils, being in a single psycho-emotional ring, have a mutually contagious effect. Therefore, in the system of protecting the health of children, it is very important to normalize the psycho-emotional state of the educator.

The admission of a child to a kindergarten causes a change in the social environment around him, affects the mental and physical health of children. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of the necessary skills in the child. If a three-year-old kid preparing to enter a kindergarten speaks, has elementary self-care skills, and is drawn to children's society, then a child of an earlier age is less adapted to separation from the family, is weaker and more vulnerable.

It is this age that is accompanied by illnesses, and the child's adaptation in a children's institution is longer and more difficult. During this period, there is an intensive physical development, the formation of the child's psyche.

Being in an unstable state, they are accompanied by sharp fluctuations and even breakdowns. Changing environmental conditions and the need for new forms of behavior require efforts from the child, accompanied by tension.

The duration and course of the adaptation period, as well as the further development of the baby, depend on how the child is prepared for the moment of transition from the family to the children's institution. Changes in the child's lifestyle lead to a violation of his emotional state.

During the period of adaptation in a children's institution, children are characterized by emotional tension, anxiety or lethargy. The child cries a lot, seeks contact with adults, or, conversely, eschews adults and peers.

Since the child's social ties are broken, emotional stress affects sleep and appetite. The child shows separation and meeting with relatives very violently, exalted: the baby does not let go of his parents, cries for a long time after their departure, and the arrival again meets with tears. His activity and attitude to toys change, they leave him indifferent, interest in the surrounding stop decreases. At the same time, the level of speech activity is limited, the vocabulary is reduced, and the assimilation of new words is difficult. The depression of the emotional state and the fact that the child is surrounded by peers and is at risk of infection with someone else's viral flora, disrupts the reactivity of the body, leads to frequent diseases.

The emotional relationships of the child are built on the basis of his experience of communicating with the closest people. The baby in the first months of his life is equally friendly to any adult, the simplest signs of attention from the latter are enough for him to respond to them with a joyful smile, cooing, stretching out his arms.

Starting from the second half of life, the baby begins to clearly distinguish between loved ones and strangers.

At about eight months, all children may develop fear at the sight of strangers. The child avoids them, clings to the mother, sometimes cries. Parting with the mother, which up to this age could occur painlessly, suddenly leads the baby to despair, he refuses to communicate with other people, from toys, loses his appetite, sleep.

Such a manifestation of negativity towards strangers requires a serious reaction from parents. Limiting the child's communication to only personal communication with the mother will create difficulties in contact with other people.

In relationships with adults, a new link should appear - an object that will distract the baby from the person with whom he communicates.

Of course, children prefer to play with a loved one. But, if he has experience of communicating with different people, he quickly gets used to someone else's, joins in new relationships that do not require special emotional closeness.

The transition to a new form of communication is necessary for the successful entry of the child into a wider social circle and well-being in it. This path is not always easy and requires increased attention from adults.

It has been established that children who experience difficulties in adapting to a children's institution most often have limited contacts with adults at home. They play little with them, and if they play, they do not activate the initiative and independence of the kids' actions too much. Such children are most often spoiled and caressed.

In a children's institution, where educators cannot give them as much attention as in a family, children feel uncomfortable and lonely. They have a reduced level of play activity: it is predominantly occupied with toys. Communication with adults and other children becomes emotional. The cooperation with an adult necessary for this age is difficult, causing constant shyness and fear in children.

Thus, the reason for the difficult getting used to the nursery can be the protracted emotional communication between the child and adults, the lack of skills in activities with objects that require a different form of communication with adults - cooperation with them.

Psychologists have identified a clear pattern between the development of a child's objective activity skills and his adaptation to kindergarten. For those kids who know how to act with toys for a long time, in a variety of ways and with concentration, it is easier to adapt in a children's institution, they quickly respond to the suggestion of a teacher to play, and explore new toys with interest. For them, this is a habit. In case of difficulty, such children stubbornly seek a way out of the situation, while not embarrassingly turning to an adult for help. They like to solve subject problems together with an adult: to assemble a pyramid, a designer. For such a child, contact with any adult is not difficult, since he has the means necessary for this.

Children who have great difficulty getting used to kindergarten are characterized by the inability to act with objects, they cannot concentrate on the game, they are not proactive in choosing toys, they are not inquisitive. Any difficulty upsets their activity, causes whims, tears. Such children do not know how to establish business contacts with adults, limit communication with them with emotions.

The problem of adaptation of a young child has not yet been specially studied. Modern psychology needs to solve the following questions: how does a small child get involved in a new reality, what psychological difficulties does he experience in the process of adaptation, how can his emotional state be assessed during this period, what are the psychological criteria for the adaptive capabilities of a young child, and what are the ways to establish adult contact .

Today, the number of children with behavioral deviations (aggressiveness, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc.), neurotic disorders continues to grow. It is more difficult for such children to adapt to new social conditions.

It should be noted that neurotic disorders are transient states; they are distinguished by dynamism, they can quickly arise in stressful situations and quickly disappear, even with a little help that eliminates psychogenic factors. This is especially true of neurotic reactions, they are the initial form of mental maladjustment, i.e. behavioral response inappropriate to an external stimulus.

For example, a child who does not want to go to kindergarten because he is afraid of the teacher returns home. There he is surrounded by loving parents, he finds himself in a familiar situation, but he still cries, is afraid to be alone, eats poorly and falls asleep, although there were no such changes in the child's behavior at home before entering kindergarten.

The orientation of the teacher to a more affectionate attitude towards such a child contributes to his getting used to the kindergarten and, especially, to the teacher. At the same time, behavioral changes disappear without medical correction.

In the absence of timely assistance to such children, neurotic reactions are transformed into more persistent disorders - neuroses. At the same time, vegetative disorders increase, the regulatory function of the nervous system, the activity of internal organs are disturbed, and various somatic diseases can occur. It has been proven that more than half of chronic diseases (up to 80%) are mental and nervous diseases. As we say in Russia: "All diseases are from nerves."

Based on the above definition of mental health, one should not be limited only to the identification of neurotic disorders. In a child, it is also important to evaluate the indicators of neuropsychic development: at an early age of children (the first 3 years of life), this is, first of all, speech, motor development, and emotional state. In all age periods, when assessing mental health, it is necessary to characterize the emotional state of the child, his social adaptation.

The main tasks for preventing and overcoming the maladjustment of children in kindergarten are:

analysis of a specific single case in the context of new changed conditions (typical for preschool educational institutions);

identifying the causes of maladaptation and violation of the emotional and personal sphere of the child;

assessment of the psycho-emotional state of the child at the beginning of the adaptation period and after its completion.

All work is carried out in three stages:

Primary diagnosis takes place in three areas:

characteristics of parents of the state of their children in the family (questionnaire)

assessment by educators of the state of children during the period of adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten (observation map)

assessment of the psycho-emotional state of children (individual adaptation sheet).

According to the results of the survey of parents, educators designate for themselves the families of pupils with increased anxiety. In the future, the survey data allow you to competently build preventive and advisory work with parents. The main task here is not only to inform parents about the peculiarities of the child's adaptation period, but also to give recommendations on how to communicate with him during this period.

The second stage includes psycho-prophylactic and correctional-developing work aimed at removing problems that arise in the initial period of children's adaptation to the conditions of an educational institution.

At the third stage, a control diagnosis (repeated) takes place - at the end of the adaptation period and a second questioning of parents.

The child's relationship with his peers also has a huge impact on the adaptation process.

When communicating with other children, babies behave differently: some shun peers, cry when they approach, others join the game with pleasure, share toys, and strive for contacts. The inability to deal with other children, combined with difficulties in establishing contacts with adults, further aggravates the complexity of the adaptation period.

Thus, the state of mental and physical health of the child, his communication skills with adults and peers, active subject and game activities are the main criteria by which one can judge the degree of his readiness to enter children's institutions and a safe stay in them.

3 Features of successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten

Adaptation is an active process leading to both positive and negative results. Adaptation is manifested in a cumulative change in the body and psyche.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body and personality to a new environment. For a child, a preschool institution is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships. Adaptation includes a wide range of individual reactions, the nature of which depends on the psychophysiological and personal characteristics of the child, on existing family relationships, and on the conditions of stay in a preschool institution. Therefore, the pace of adaptation in different children will be different. The key to a successful visit to a kindergarten by a child is the contact of parents and educators, the ability and desire to cooperate mutually.

Successful adaptation creates internal comfort (emotional satisfaction) and external adequacy of behavior (the ability to easily and accurately fulfill the requirements of the environment).

The problems of social and mental adaptation remain at the level of modern theoretical research and are reduced to recommendations to bring the home daily regime closer to the regime of a preschool institution before the child enters kindergarten. The most effective, and sometimes the only method of corrective work with young children is play therapy, carried out both in individual and in group form. Young children love to play with toys and household items. During the game, they acquire new knowledge and skills, learn about the world around them, learn to communicate. Therefore, in choosing games for young children, we focus on sensory and motor games.

Sensory games give the child the experience of working with a wide variety of materials: sand, clay, paper. They contribute to the development of the sensory system: vision, taste, smell, hearing, temperature sensitivity. All organs given to us by nature must work, and for this they need "food".

The sensorimotor level is the base for the further development of higher mental functions: perception, memory, attention, thinking, speech. Sensorimotor development is possible only when a child interacts with an adult who teaches him to see, feel, listen and hear, i.e. perceive the world around.

No less fun for young children brings drawing. It is liked by all kids without exception. Maybe that's why, until the parents decide to buy paint for the child, he has to do the first picturesque sketches with improvised means - semolina in the kitchen or soap suds in the bathroom. You can teach your child to draw with wet palms or with dad's shaving cream, which is applied to the palms. The tasks of corrective work with children during the period of adaptation are:

-creating a safe and comfortable environment for the child;

-understanding the inner world of the child and accepting him as he is;

-giving the child more freedom and independence.

When conducting classes, educators take into account the specifics of working with young children: a young child is not able to independently declare his problems, so they often manifest themselves indirectly, through developmental delays, capriciousness, aggressiveness, etc. This necessitates activity on the part of a teacher, a psychologist to identify psychological problems in children, incl. and during the period of adaptation.

During the adaptation period, which can last from a week to three, the child's stay in kindergarten should be shortened, and the mother should be nearby. During the game, the child briefly leaves the mother, but then returns to her for “emotional nourishment”. At the same time, the mother monitors the safety of the baby, promptly responds to his calls. Gradually, the baby's time away from the mother increases, the baby begins to show independence in the game. Mom warns the baby that she will leave for a while and come after him after the walk. It is important, upon the return of the mother, to draw the attention of the baby to the fact that the mother did not deceive him and really returned to him. Gradually, the time of absence of the mother increases and the child remains in the group for the same time, but without the mother. Based on the individual characteristics of the child's behavior, the time spent by the child in the group increases gradually. The child may himself express the desire to sleep and dine with the children.

The lack of reflection in young children, on the one hand, facilitates, and on the other hand, complicates the diagnostic work and the formulation of the child's general problem. Corrective work related to the child's experiences is carried out according to the "here and now" principle, with an emphasis on the immediate consolidation of those positive processes that manifest themselves in the course of the correctional process.

At the end of the second stage of work, a final diagnosis of the degree of adaptation of young children is carried out, as well as a comparative analysis of the indicators of primary and final diagnosis.

At the end of the adaptation period, a medical, psychological, and pedagogical council with an expanded membership gathers in a preschool institution. It includes the head, deputy head, educational psychologist, head nurse, early age group educators and educators of other groups (by invitation). It discusses the results of the work carried out during the adaptation period, positive aspects, analyzes the results, adjusts plans for organizing adaptation, and outlines further work. The teacher of a preschool institution forms a child's interest in the environment, develops manipulative, objective and game activities. Only an adult can arouse in a child an interest in observations in nature, in examining objects of the surrounding world and arts and crafts, in examining real objects for the purpose of their subsequent depiction or playing around. In the process of adaptation of young children with mild developmental disabilities, all these principles must be taken into account. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the deeper the underdevelopment of the child's cognitive activity, the longer and more intensively correctional and pedagogical work is carried out with him. It is necessary to purposefully organize the life of a young child when he enters a preschool institution, which would lead to the most adequate, painless adaptation of the child to new conditions, would allow the formation of a positive attitude towards kindergarten, communication skills, especially with peers.

Educators working with young children have developed rules for themselves and for parents with young children.

Based on the foregoing, the following goals were determined, which in their work should be implemented by employees of preschool institutions during the adaptation period for children:

-creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group,

-developing in children a sense of confidence in the environment,

-pedagogical education of parents on the issues of adaptation of children.

In teaching a young child, techniques are used that form individual stages of his activity, rather even actions, since at an early age the child's activity is reduced to a set of individual actions.

In no case do not discuss with the child the problems that concern you related to kindergarten.

Do not show him that you are worried, afraid or unsure of something. Children at this age are extremely sensitive to the slightest nuances of our mood, they easily “read” the emotions of loved ones, especially the mother, no matter how hard she tries to hide her condition behind a smile or words.

Find out in advance all the new moments in the daily routine in kindergarten and enter them into the child's daily routine in advance while he is at home.

As soon as possible, introduce the baby to the children in kindergarten and the teachers in the group where he will soon come. It is very good if the group includes children with whom your child has already played before, for example in the yard.

Set up your child as positively as possible for his admission to kindergarten. Prepare him for a temporary separation from you and let him understand that this is inevitable, because he is already big.

Talk to him about how great it is that he is already such an adult.

And most importantly - all the time explain to the child that he is dear and loved to you, as before.

Reveal to your child the “secrets” of possible communication skills with children and adults.

Never threaten a child with a garden as a punishment for misbehaving!

Try to plan your time so that in the first week of visiting the kindergarten, the child does not stay there for more than 2-3 hours.

In the family during this period, it is necessary to create a calm and conflict-free climate for your baby. Spare his weakened nervous system!

Do not react to his antics and do not punish for whims. It is better to temporarily cancel trips to the cinema, the circus, to visit, to reduce the time you watch TV.

Try to keep the same routine at home on weekends as you did in kindergarten.

It is worth introducing the child to him a few days before entering the kindergarten: show the playroom, toys, demonstrate how convenient it is to wash hands, sit at the children's table, etc. This “first date” must certainly be colored by warm, sympathetic attention to the newcomer, confidence in his positive qualities, skills and knowledge, and that he will certainly cope with all new worries and will feel at home in the kindergarten.

In some kindergartens, the mother is initially allowed to be present with the child. Sometimes the baby is allowed to come to kindergarten with his favorite toy. Adaptation to kindergarten can be complicated due to such (according to adults!) Little things as the absence of a favorite toy with which the child is used to playing and falling asleep, the lack of “his” place at the table, etc.

Parents need to show a keen interest in the success of the baby, new friends, the tasks that he performs, and the difficulties that he has, to encourage the baby in his success and help in adaptation.

However, it is not necessary to ask him too importunately about what happened when the mother takes the baby from the kindergarten - he will remember and tell himself when he has a rest. A child can also miss his parents - therefore, a mother should not, having come home with her child, immediately rush to do household chores. It is necessary to allow the baby to sit on the lap of an adult, relax from being touched. He may need a quiet walk with an adult, relaxing music. The most common source of tension during the adaptation period is publicity, the presence of a large number of strangers around.

Therefore, it is good if, after a day in kindergarten, the child has the opportunity to retire, stay in a separate room, behind a screen, in a doll corner, etc. Another source of tension is increased demands for arbitrary regulation of behavior, self-restraint. In this regard, it can be useful for relaxation to provide the child with the opportunity to "rage" at home.

It is recommended to play more mobile emotional games with the baby. If you do not defuse the tension that arises in a child who feels constrained, tense in the garden, then it can cause neurotic disorders.

Watching the baby, an adult will feel what kind of activities after kindergarten help him relax, relieve tension: games with his brother, a walk with his mother, communication with pets or active games in the yard. Usually the adaptation period ends by the end of the first month.

An analysis of work in preschool institutions in recent years shows that the process of getting used to children is very successful. The degree of adaptation is mostly mild to medium.

It is also positive that young children, and especially the second year of life, get used to kindergarten painlessly. These data make it possible to judge the well-structured work of the teaching staff in organizing and conducting the adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Chapter 2

1 Characteristics of forms of work with parents in the adaptation period

For a child to successfully adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten, a positive attitude towards him. It depends, first of all, on the educators, on their ability and desire to create an atmosphere of warmth, kindness, and attention in the group. Therefore, the organization of the adaptation period begins long before September 1.

The adaptation period is a difficult time for the baby. But at this time it is hard not only for children, but also for their parents. Therefore, the joint work of the educator with parents is very important.

The purpose of this work is to develop the pedagogical competence of parents, to help the family find answers to questions of interest in raising children, to involve them in cooperation in terms of uniform approaches to raising a child.

The objectives of this work are the following parameters:

1. Develop a unified style of upbringing and communication with the child in the preschool educational institution and the family.

2. To provide qualified advice and practical assistance to parents on the problems of upbringing and development of the child.

3. To form in the child a sense of security and inner freedom, trust in the world around him.

4. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. When interacting with parents, you must adhere to the following principles:

Purposefulness, systematic, planning;

A differentiated approach to interaction with parents, taking into account the multidimensional specifics of each family;

Age-related nature of interaction with parents;

Kindness, openness.

The expected results of working with parents are a phenomenon of parents' interest in the work of preschool educational institutions, in raising children, improving parent-child relationships; increasing the competence of parents in psychological, pedagogical and legal issues; an increase in the number of requests with questions to the teacher, for individual consultations with specialists; growing interest in events held at the preschool educational institution; increase in the number of parents participating in joint activities; an increase in parental satisfaction with the work of the teacher and the preschool educational institution as a whole.

The cooperation of the preschool educational institution with the family is the interaction of teachers with parents, it is aimed at ensuring the unity and consistency of educational influences. L.V. Belkina suggests using the following forms of kindergarten work with the family:

parent meetings;


home visit;



Visual forms of pedagogical propaganda;


The presence of parents during the adaptation period in the group;

Shortened time spent by the child in the group during the adaptation period;

Algorithms "I'm getting dressed", "Learning to fold things", "I'm washing my face".

She also suggests using a long-term plan for working with parents during the adaptation period, which I used in my work, this work allows you to improve the relationship between the parents of pupils and kindergarten staff, which subsequently facilitates and helps in communication between parents and GDOU.


"Know Yourself as a Parent"

Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution

How to help parents during the period of adaptation of children to kindergarten

The value of the regime for education

Hygienic requirements for a child's clothing


Test "Me and my child"

"Healthy child"

Prevention of colds

Wellness system

Hardening in the family

Non-traditional forms of healing; acupressure, garlic infusion, brewing herbal tea

Nutrition is the key to health

"Communication between parents and children"

Games and entertainment

How to set up a play area at home

What toys to buy for a baby

Organization of walks with children

Love for the book

Children's library in the family

After a long-term plan of work with the family for the adaptation period has been drawn up, it is necessary to clearly regulate the pedagogical interaction of specialists with the family during this period.

Head: conducting excursions around the State Educational Institution, conversations with parents, drawing up parental contracts.

Senior educator: conducting sociological surveys (questionnaires), coordinating the work of specialists of narrow specialization.

Teacher psychologist: diagnosing, psycho-gymnastics, counseling.

Speech therapist: diagnostics, counseling.

Head Nurse: counseling, adaptation monitoring, immunoprophylaxis.

Physical education teacher: conducting classes with children and parents using various health technologies, leisure.

Educators: organizing and conducting joint special games with children and their parents, counseling.

Musical director: conducting games, classes, puppet theater performances, consulting.

Using these methods and techniques of interaction between the GDOU and the family during the period of adaptation, then the process itself for the kindergarten pupil will proceed not as an adaptive one, when the child is encouraged to learn the existing stereotypes, but as a constructive activity that involves the restructuring of existing forms of behavior and the formation of new ones.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child." To achieve a high quality of education for pupils, to fully satisfy the needs of parents and the interests of children, to create a single educational space for the child, is possible only when designing a system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. The processes in the education system, its variability, innovative programs, have necessitated finding solutions to the problems of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, creating conditions for improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Modern trends in the development of preschool education are united by one important and significant criterion - its quality, which directly depends on the level of professional competence of teachers and the pedagogical culture of parents.

The quality of family education, the expansion of the educational opportunities of the family, the increase in the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of their children are the most important problems of modern pedagogical practice, this is especially important at a time when parents bring their baby to a children's institution for the first time. Their solution is possible under the condition of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical preparation of the family, parents to perform their educational functions. It is these circumstances that dictate the need to constantly improve the level of pedagogical competence of parents, the need and relevance of organizing various forms of education.

The task of modernizing the interaction between family education and preschool education is the development of the relationship "Child-teacher-parent".

Any initiative of the teacher, addressed to the family, should be aimed at strengthening, enriching the ties and relationships of the child with adults.

There are traditional and non-traditional forms of communication with parents of preschoolers, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge.

Traditional forms of interaction with the family are presented: collective, individual and visual-informational.

Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular with both teachers and parents.

They are built according to the type of games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, drawing their attention to the kindergarten.

The principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented in new forms of interaction with parents. The positive side of such forms is that the participants are not imposed a ready point of view, they are forced to think, to look for their own way out of the current situation.

A special role in any form of organizing interaction with parents is assigned to sociological issues, questioning, testing of parents and teachers.

The main task of information-analytical forms of organizing communication with parents is the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, whether they have the necessary pedagogical knowledge, family attitudes towards the child, requests, interests, needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical information.

The principles on the basis of which communication between teachers and parents is built is, first of all, communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, rejection of criticism and evaluation of a communication partner.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents contribute to changing the views of parents on raising a child in a family environment. Visual and informational forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool educational institution, allow you to correctly assess the activities of teachers, revise the methods and techniques of family education, and more objectively see the activities of the educator.

The tasks of the visual-information form are to familiarize parents with the preschool educational institution, with the activities of teachers, etc.

Also, the communication of teachers with parents may not be direct, but through newspapers, the organization of exhibitions. Thus, the interaction of parents and teachers in a preschool educational institution has a pronounced specific character of cooperation, because both the content and forms of relationships between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions have changed.

The principle of interaction with parents is purposeful, systematic, planned. It is necessary to approach interaction with parents in a differentiated way, taking into account the multidimensional specifics of each family, it is necessary to take into account the age-related nature of interaction with parents, while maintaining goodwill and openness.

2 Technology of pedagogical support for the child and family during the adaptation period

Stages of work with children during the adaptation period:

All work with children of the 3rd year of life, especially at the first stages of group formation, comes down to observing the activities and behavior of children in different periods of time. The teacher needs to play various games with children during the entire adaptation period, try to introduce a game at any regime moments (after all, this is the main activity of the child). There are certain requirements for conducting adaptation games:

The game is repeated several times during the day;

When a new game is introduced, familiar games are repeated;

Familiar game situations are included in everyday processes;

Games and everyday processes are daily supplemented with techniques for inhibiting negative emotions;

Progress in the development of each game for each child is organized individually, according to the number of repetitions;

In everyday use of games, the state of the child is taken into account at a particular moment of interaction, so it is possible to return to games that were previously mastered.

This is necessary in order to trace the adaptation features of each child coming to kindergarten and ensure full communication with parents.

During the adaptation period, it is necessary to follow the sequence of work with the family:

1. Acquaintance. A child entering GDOU, together with his parents, gets acquainted with the group, conditions of stay, and teachers. Parents are offered a joint visit to the group at the time of organizing a variety of life activities. Events: housewarming, games, entertainment, rituals of meetings, farewells, health walks. Acquaintance with the kindergarten, meetings with employees.

2. Individual mode. For the child, a primary, individual visiting regime is established. The best option for including a child in a group of children is a daytime or evening walk, where the preschooler has access to the conditions of play and joint communication. For the first few days, parents are advised to take their children to bed, gradually, as the person socializes, the time of stay increases.

3. Observation of adaptation to the environment and filling in the data. Drawing up a scheme of individual psychological assistance. In the group of stay of children of the 3rd year of life, teachers fill out adaptation sheets. Filling in the adaptation sheets occurs after 10, 20 and 60 days of the teacher's stay in the group.

Degree of adaptation:

Mild degree: by the 20th day of stay in kindergarten, sleep normalizes, the child eats normally, does not refuse contact with peers and adults, he makes contact. The incidence is not more than 10 days, without complications and without changes.

Medium degree: behavioral responses are restored by the 30th day of stay in kindergarten. Neuro-psychological development slows down somewhat, speech activity decreases. The incidence is up to two times for a period of not more than 10 days without complications, the weight has decreased slightly.

Severe degree: Behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in kindergarten. Neuropsychic development lags behind the initial one by 1-2 quarters. Respiratory diseases more than 3 times for a period of more than 10 days. The child does not grow, does not gain weight within 1-2 quarters.

At the end of the period of adaptation, at the medical and pedagogical meeting, an analysis is made of the degree of adaptation of each child.

4. Organization of diagnostic work. Gradually, as the children's adaptive capabilities become more active (primary orientation in the group, kindergarten premises, territory, establishing contact with children and adults), the teacher, together with psychologists, organizes diagnostic work. Diagnosis is carried out in advance with the consent of the parents. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics during the period of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution is carried out in three stages

1st stage. Primary diagnosis

The purpose of which is to determine the factors that may hinder adaptation, and the strengths of the child's development, his adaptive capabilities. In this case, a parental survey is used (application - adaptation forecast; questionnaires for parents). The survey is conducted before the child joins the group. Based on the answers of parents to the questions of the questionnaire, a psychological portrait of the child is compiled in terms of the characteristics of his temperament. The survey data is supplemented by a conversation with parents and observations of educators in the first days of the child's stay in preschool. Based on the results obtained, the adaptation forecast is determined and an individual educational route is compiled. The most informative are the following diagnostic parameters:

-violation of contact with the mother by the type of symbiotic attachment or emotional coldness, alienation:

-unformed cultural and hygienic skills;

-insufficiently expressed ability to actively imitate.

On this basis, the type of temperament and features of the higher nervous activity of the child are distinguished; determine typical patterns of interaction with close adults in order to avoid breaking communicative stereotypes during the adaptation period. Then they draw up a card of individual support of the child. Individual work with children is the most important condition for their successful adaptation to preschool education. The need to develop individual educational routes is determined by the following factors:

-the experience of separation from the mother is different;

-the level of training of nervous processes is not the same;

-the social environment differs in its composition, quantity, duration, content, emotional richness of contacts;

-upbringing in the family, daily routine, classes, forms of encouragement and censure are organized differently;

-differences in the type of nervous system;

-differences in the pace of both mental development as a whole and their individual aspects. The individual path of development of a young child is revealed through the ratio of the age dynamics of the three lines of development: perception, movement and speech, or their sides. Based on the results of the primary diagnosis, a Card of individual support of the child is drawn up. Based on the results of the current diagnostics, the necessary changes are made to the Maintenance Card.

2nd stage. Current Diagnostics

Purpose to characterize the course of adaptation; to identify possible manifestations of maladjustment, the method of observing the child during his stay in the preschool educational institution is used.

3rd stage. Final diagnostics

The purpose of which is to determine the level of adaptation (disadaptation) of the child to the preschool educational institution, the method of observation is used (the child is observed for a week three weeks after the start of the visit to the preschool educational institution).

The result of the diagnosis is the compilation of a summary table on the levels of adaptation (disadaptation) of the children of the group; a decision is made to complete the adaptation process or to provide the child with individual assistance by specialists of the preschool educational institution.

The results of all diagnostic stages are discussed by the educator, the educational psychologist and the senior educator. For each child, measures are determined and, if necessary, adjusted to improve the outcome of the adaptation period.

Stages of work with parents during the adaptation period:

1. Informing about the problems of adaptation. Explain the goals and objectives of your work.

2. Drawing up a family history.

Appendix: adaptation forecast, questionnaires for parents whose children enter the State Children's Educational Institution.

3. Establishment of a trusting relationship between the employees of the State Educational Institution and parents.

The process of adaptation of the child largely depends on how the educator will be able to understand the needs, interests, inclinations of the child, relieve emotional stress in a timely manner, and coordinate the methodology for conducting regime processes with the family. To optimize the adaptation process, the educator can use the following: conversations with parents; questioning; child supervision; educational games. The teacher receives information about the child in the process of talking with the parents, as well as in the course of observing the child from the moment he enters the kindergarten. Already in the process of the first observations, the educator can obtain quite important information about the degree of "problem" of the child, his temperament, interests, features of communication with adults and peers, etc. However, the greatest attention should be paid to the peculiarities of the course of the adaptation process.

During the conversations, it is important that the teacher establishes contact with the parents, helps to relieve anxiety for the baby, informs about the course of the adaptation period, and focuses on active interaction.

In relation to children who need close contact with loved ones, work with the family should be deeper and more voluminous. At the same time, it must be remembered that all of the above activities should be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the child's getting used to the preschool educational institution.

The system of work aimed at the interaction between the child and the family of the pupil, in my opinion, will help the child to more easily adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, strengthen the reserve capabilities of the child's body, will contribute to the process of early socialization and, as a result, the interaction between the GOU and the family will be productive, bringing maximum benefit to all participants of the adaptation period.

Chapter 3

1 Diagnostic study of adaptation of young children to new conditions

Diagnostic research involves preparatory work to collect information about the child, his family, the level of preparedness for preschool, about the individual characteristics of the child: what he likes, what he doesn’t, what his skills are, what help he needs, what methods of encouragement and punishment are acceptable for a child.

Work in the diagnostic direction ensures, first of all, determining the level of development of the child, its compliance with the normative indicators of the leading lines of development for a given age. The results obtained make it possible to determine the nature of the psychophysical development of each child - its normativity, the presence of advance or delay, both in general and in separate lines.

The currently existing methods of psychodiagnostics make it possible to identify the degree of readiness of the child to attend kindergarten.

Among all the methods, the methods for diagnosing the preparedness of children for a preschool institution, developed by the associate professor of the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics of the RMAPE Pechora K.L., are most in demand and available for use, which are carried out with the direct participation of the child's parents. In this case, the method of questioning parents and the method of mathematical statistics and correlation dependencies are used.

With the admission of a child to a preschool educational institution, many changes take place in his life: a strict daily routine, the absence of parents for nine or more hours, new requirements, constant contact with children, a new room, fraught with a lot of unknown.

All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions, such as whims, fears, refusal to eat. Therefore, the principles of work on the adaptation of children in preschool educational institutions are:

1. Careful selection of teachers in emerging groups.

2. Preliminary familiarization of parents with the working conditions of the preschool educational institution.

3. Gradual filling of groups.

4. Flexible mode of stay for children in the initial period of adaptation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

5. Preservation of the first 2-3 weeks of habits existing in babies.

6. Informing parents about the peculiarities of adaptation of each child on the basis of adaptation cards.

In the process of adapting a child to a preschool educational institution, they also use such forms and methods of adapting children as: elements of bodily therapy (hug, stroke).

The main function of a psychologist in kindergarten is to accompany the mental development of children, creating conditions for its successful course.

The main method of work of a psychologist is - monitoring the development of the child at all age stages, tracking the dynamics of the development of the cognitive, emotional-volitional, personal spheres of the child. If necessary, the psychologist conducts individual or subgroup sessions with children with a developmental focus. All classes are held in a playful way, often fairy tales, outdoor games, psycho-gymnastic studies, elements of art therapy (creative activity) are used in the work. Children are usually very eager to attend such classes.

Unfortunately, it is not enough to solve the psychological problems of children only in a kindergarten, in classes with a psychologist. Without interaction with the child's parents, such work will be superficial, and the positive dynamics that will appear in the development of the child will decrease very soon. Therefore, first of all, the desire of parents to interact with a psychologist, to help the child overcome problematic moments, is the most important factor on the path of change for the better. Only the joint activities of teachers and parents will give a successful result.

As you know, it is better not to wait for a problem, but to do everything to avoid it. Therefore, it is better to start interacting with a psychologist from an early age. Starting from toddler age, each child falls under the close attention of a teacher-psychologist, who accompanies the process of adapting the child to kindergarten.

Being in a group, the psychologist identifies children with complex adaptation, observes the peculiarities of his neuropsychic development, supports him in every possible way, conducts developmental and psycho-prophylactic classes with a group of children, usually in the form of outdoor games, finger gymnastics.

Conversation, observation, questioning are methods that will help the psychologist at the consultation to better understand and predict the options for the development of the child, to select the optimal conditions for revealing his intellectual and personal characteristics. It will be useful for parents to learn to look at their child from the outside and choose the best strategy for raising him, based on unconditional love and trust. Parents need, as early as possible, literally from birth, to train the system of adaptive mechanisms of the child, accustoming him in advance to the conditions and situations in which he needs to change the form of behavior. And do not be afraid - the baby is not at all such a greenhouse creature as it seems to us.

An indicator of good adaptation will be the following behavior of the child: the baby says to his parents: “Well, bye” and breaks into the group, because friends and interesting activities are waiting for him there, and then he goes home willingly. Parents can comment on the child's behavior by filling out a questionnaire.

Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, and a manifestation of care for each baby. The first games should be frontal so that no child feels left out. The initiator of games is always an adult. Games are selected taking into account the capabilities of children, the venue.

The program of classes in the group is drawn up taking into account the characteristics of young children who do not attend kindergarten, which contributes to successful adaptation and a more comfortable further stay of the child in kindergarten.

Consultations are being held with parents to reduce the incidence during the adaptation period.

The adaptation period is considered complete if the child eats with appetite, quickly falls asleep and wakes up in a cheerful mood, plays with peers. The duration of adaptation depends on the level of development of the child. It is very important that parents during this period treat the child very carefully and attentively, strive to help him survive this difficult moment of life, and not persist in their educational plans, do not fight whims.

The nurse of the preschool educational institution should analyze the adaptation sheets on a weekly basis and single out children who have deviations according to the above criteria. These children are consulted by a pediatrician and a psychologist, and, according to indications, by other specialists. Assessment of the course of adaptation of children in preschool educational institutions is carried out by a pediatrician.

Adaptation is considered favorable in the following cases:

-if emotional - behavioral reactions were mild and normalized within 30 days in toddlers;

-neurotic reactions were not observed or they were mild and disappeared within 1-2 weeks without special correction;

-no body weight loss was observed;

-during the adaptation period, a young child suffered no more than one cold in a mild form.

Conditionally favorable is adaptation with moderately pronounced emotional-behavioral reactions and symptoms of neuroticism that required correction, with weight loss up to 150 g, a drop in hemoglobin to 115 g/l, 1-2 colds in a mild form.

In young children, a temporary regression of neuropsychic development is allowed for no more than one epicrisis period. The duration of the adaptation period is 75 days for young children. In the case of more pronounced changes or a delay in the timing of adaptation, its course is assessed as unfavorable.

Medical and psychological and pedagogical correction of adaptation disorders is always individual and should be prescribed by a pediatrician and a psychologist, and, if necessary, by other specialists to whom the child is referred for consultation.

The use of such physiotherapeutic procedures as massage and ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) is recommended in the autumn-winter period. If there is a physiotherapy room in a preschool educational institution, the range of preventive procedures can be significantly expanded (galvanization, inductothermy, UHF, ultrasound, drug electrophoresis, paraffin and ozocerite applications). Physical education classes should include elements of exercise therapy (breathing exercises, postural drainage, vibration massage of the chest).

Prevention of violations of the adaptation of children to stay in a preschool educational institution is an important measure for preserving and strengthening the health of children, their socialization, and is possible only with the joint participation in this work of the preschool administration, medical and pedagogical personnel, as well as parents.

3 Analysis of diagnostic test results

The means of preventing the successful adaptation of a child to the conditions of a preschool institution are the developmental function in the process of individual and group lessons with a teacher and the developmental interaction of parents with a child.

Successful adaptation is helped by a specially organized subject-spatial environment in a group, developmental interaction, cooperation between adults and a child in various activities, individual and group developmental classes with a teacher (taking into account the recommendations of a teacher-psychologist), and psychoprophylactic classes.

The process of entering a child into a preschool institution is difficult, both for the child himself and for his parents.

The child will have to adapt to completely different conditions than those to which he is accustomed in the family. And it's not easy at all. Previously formed dynamic stereotypes of the immune system, physiological processes undergo some transformations. There is a need to overcome psychological barriers. In this study, the tasks were set to generalize, systematize the accumulated experience, methods and forms of work with young children during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

We present the system of psychological and pedagogical support:

Questioning of parents (even before the child enters kindergarten). Oral and written recommendations to parents on the development of children of early preschool age and on preparation for entering kindergarten. Study of the medical record. (Preliminary collection of information about the child, his characteristics, style of family education, determining the level of readiness of the child to enter kindergarten.)

Supervision of children in a group. Interviews with parents and caregivers. Conducting psychological diagnostics of the level of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution. The main task at this stage is the identification, comprehensive examination and selection of young children with deviations in physical, emotional development and social adaptation.

Filling in by the educator under the guidance of a psychologist "Map of the psychophysical development of a child of an early age", in order to track the harmony / disharmony of the child's development. Summarizing information about the level of development of children, planning areas of individual work (individually according to the epicrisis terms of each child).

Psychological and pedagogical examination of children in order to determine the current level of development, identify problems and developmental deficiencies.

Expected results:

-Early detection of deviations in the development of children.

-Elimination of identified developmental problems during preschool childhood.

-Improving the psychological and pedagogical literacy of teachers and parents.

-Creation of a specially organized pedagogical environment.

The study involved 32 children - pupils of the younger - nursery group "Yablonka", of which eighteen boys and fourteen girls, aged from 1 year 6 months to 3 years. The study involved children of the older and younger subgroups of 16 people each.

Children have been attending the group since the beginning of the school year, the study began in September.

The study was conducted using the following methods:

-observation method.

-Method of interviewing parents.

Associate Professor of the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics of the RMAPE K. L. Pechora developed psychological and pedagogical parameters that determine the degree of readiness of the child to enter the preschool educational institution and predict how the adaptation will take place, which were used in this work.

After the psychodiagnostics, the results of the experimental work of studying the adaptation of children to attending a preschool institution in the first and second subgroups of the nursery group were analyzed.

Carrying out activities for the adaptation of children to a preschool institution contributed to an increase in the degree of adaptation of children of the first subgroup: out of 16 people, only one had a degree of adaptation as severe, 6 children moved into the category of a mild degree, and 9 in an average degree of adaptation. For children of the second subgroup, a more optimistic result is not a single child with a severe degree, and 8 children each with a mild and moderate degree of adaptation to kindergarten conditions. It was found that it is very important to identify problems that may arise during the adaptation period and advise parents on how to prepare the child for kindergarten.

Thanks to this method of work, the educator can learn in advance about the features of the development and behavior of the baby - his future pupil. When children enter the group, the teacher monitors their behavior and reflects it on the adaptation sheet until it returns to normal. If the child falls ill, this is noted specifically in the sheet, and upon the return of the baby after the illness, careful observation continues for at least three days. Based on these observations, a psychologist, a teacher can offer individual appointments that facilitate the process of adaptation.

For further work with young children, it is important to know how the adaptation of the entire group as a whole proceeds. The initial data in the analysis of the process are information about the readiness of the kids to enter the preschool educational institution and what are the results of the adaptation period under the supervision of educators, a psychologist, a doctor.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to the coordination of actions of parents and educators, compliance with the general approach to the child in the family and kindergarten. Parents should not be left behind.

Even before entering kindergarten, you can make a forecast of the child's adaptation to it. Make a decision about the possibility of visiting the kindergarten for the child. Here, work is needed on the psychological education of adults, in the process of which, educators and parents receive knowledge about the symptoms of difficult adaptation, recommendations for improving the adaptation to the general conditions of a preschool institution for each specific child with his pronounced personality.

Only joint actions of parents and teachers aimed at adapting the child to the conditions of detention in kindergarten can smooth out the negative manifestations in the behavior, psychological and emotional state of the child.

Factors that determine the success of a child's adaptation to kindergarten are related to the mental and physical state of his health.

First, it is the state of health and the level of development. Healthy, developed by age, the baby has the best capabilities of the system of adaptive mechanisms, he copes better with difficulties. Toxicosis, diseases of the mother during pregnancy cause an unfavorable maturation of the complex systems of the child's body, which are in charge of adapting to changing environmental conditions. Subsequent diseases adversely affect the immune system, can slow down mental development. Lack of proper regimen, sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system. Such a child copes worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period, he develops a stressful state, and as a result, a disease.

The second factor is the age at which the baby enters the child care facility. With the growth and development of the child, the degree and form of his attachment to a permanent adult changes. The kid is in dire need of a sense of security and support that a loved one gives him. The need for safety in a small child is as great as for food, sleep, warm clothes.

The third factor, purely psychological, is the degree of development of the child's experience of communication with others and objective activity. At an early age, situational-personal communication is replaced by situational-business communication, in the center of which becomes the mastery of the child, together with the adult world of objects, the purpose of which the baby himself is not able to discover. An adult becomes a role model for him, a person who can evaluate his actions and come to the rescue.

In order for the child to get used to kindergarten as painlessly as possible, a phased work of all participants (parents, pupils and teachers) is necessary.

The first stage includes information support.

The purpose of the first stage is to interest parents with young children in preschool services.

At the next stage, information for parents about the need to comply with the daily routine is especially important. For the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the children's institution, it is necessary to develop the subject activity of the child and create a separate play corner in the house for him with a set of toys.

Thus, when the processes of socialization in the family are successful, the child first adapts to the cultural norms surrounding him, then perceives them in such a way that the approved norms and values ​​of the group around him become his emotional need, and the prohibitions of behavior become part of his consciousness. He perceives norms in such a way that he automatically acts in the expected manner most of the time.

During the control stage of the analysis, the results are compared according to the "Observation Maps" at the beginning of the adaptation period and after a month of visiting the kindergarten by the children.

Based on the primary diagnosis, a conclusion is drawn up, which gives a preliminary assessment of the adaptation period of each child. Based on the results of the conclusion and the observations of the psychologist and educators, the circle of children in need of assistance in adapting is determined.

pedagogical adaptation educational child


Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships.

The course of the adaptation period, which can sometimes last for six months, as well as the further development of the baby, depends on how well the child in the family is prepared for the transition to a children's institution. A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of his emotional state.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of actions of parents and educators. Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact with the family.

The task of the educator is to reassure adults: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce the daily routine, and discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period.

In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment.

Thus, the adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution involves the mobilization of the professional forces of the entire teaching staff. And also, strategies for cooperation, partnership and co-creation of all specialists, and not just educators of age groups. The head of the preschool ensures that kindergarten teachers improve their communication skills in order to establish contact with families.

The staff of a children's institution can contribute to the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of a kindergarten, having the necessary methodological equipment for developing technologies for communicating with parents and conducting the necessary diagnostic procedures at a professional level.

The data of the study show that it is important to support any parent's focus on increasing their educational potential, in view of the variety of psychological impact on the child of the adaptation period when entering a preschool educational institution. At the same time, the competent professional communication of a teacher with parents is manifested in the ability to provide a high quality communication space in terms of style and chosen strategy, the relevance of the content and the skillful combination of a variety of forms of cooperation and methods of activating parents.

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Attachment 1

Tips for parents during the adaptation period

Start taking your child to kindergarten 2 months before the mother goes to work.

The first time to bring the child for 2-3 hours.

If it is difficult for a child to get used to kindergarten (adaptation group 1), then the mother can be in a group with the child to acquaint the child with his environment and fall in love into an educator.

Sleep and eating are stressful situations for children, so in the first days of your child's stay in kindergarten, do not leave him to sleep and eat.

During the adaptation period, due to nervous tension, the child is weakened and is largely susceptible to diseases. Therefore, his diet should contain vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Carefully dress the child for a walk so that he does not sweat or freeze, so that the clothes do not hamper the child's movements and match the weather. 8. Remember that the adaptation period is a strong stress for the child, so you need to accept the child as he is, show more love, affection, attention.

If the child has a favorite toy, let him take it with him to kindergarten, the baby will be calmer with it.

Be interested in the behavior of the child in kindergarten. Consult with the educator, physicians, psychologist, to exclude certain negative manifestations.

Do not discuss with the baby the problems that concern you related to kindergarten.


How to help your child get used to kindergarten faster?

Try not to be nervous, not to show your anxiety about the child's adaptation to kindergarten, he feels your feelings.

Be sure to come up with some kind of farewell ritual (smack on the cheek, wave your hand), as well as a meeting ritual.

If possible, bring the baby to the garden should be someone alone, be it mom, dad or grandmother. So he will get used to parting faster.

Do not deceive the child, take home on time, as promised.

In the presence of the child, avoid critical remarks about the kindergarten and its staff.

On weekends, do not drastically change the child's daily routine.

Create a calm, conflict-free environment in the family.

For a while, stop visiting crowded places, circus, theater with your child.

Be more tolerant of his whims, "do not scare", do not punish with kindergarten.

Give your child more of your time, play together, read to your baby every day.

Don't skimp on praise.

Emotionally support the baby: hug, stroke, call affectionate names more often.


The memo is issued to parents at the first parent meeting, which is held in the spring three months before the children enter kindergarten.

Adaptation in kindergarten is

Adaptation to environmental conditions. Correct relationships are established between the organism and this environment, and the organism adapts to environmental influences. The child's body gradually adapts, living in a family in certain, relatively stable conditions, the child gradually to a certain room temperature, to the surrounding microclimate, to the nature of the food, etc. Under the influence of systematic influences from the adults surrounding the child, he develops various habits: he gets used to the regime, the way of feeding, laying down, he forms certain relationships with his parents, attachment to them.

If the order established in the family changes for some reason, usually the child's behavior is temporarily disturbed. These violations of balanced behavior are explained by the fact that it is difficult for a baby to adapt to the changes that have arisen, old connections cannot quickly slow down in him, and new ones can also form instead of them. Adaptive mechanisms are not sufficiently developed in the child, in particular, weak inhibitory processes and relatively low mobility of nervous processes. However, the child’s brain is very plastic, and if these changes in living conditions do not occur so often and do not disrupt the usual way of life very sharply, then the child, with the right educational approach, quickly recovers balanced behavior and does not have any negative consequences, i.e. The child adapts to the new conditions of his life. An analysis of the behavior of children in the first days of their stay in a children's institution shows that this process of adaptation, i.e. adaptation to new social conditions is not always easy and fast for all children. In many children, the process of adaptation is accompanied by a number of, albeit temporary, but serious violations of behavior and general condition.

Such violations include:

Loss of appetite (refusal to eat or malnutrition)

Sleep disturbance (children cannot fall asleep, sleep is short, intermittent)

The emotional state changes (children cry a lot, get irritated).

Sometimes deeper disorders can be noted:

Increase in body temperature

Changes in the nature of the stool

Violation of some acquired skills (the child stops asking for a potty, his speech is slowed down, etc.)

The duration of getting used to new social conditions, as well as the nature of the behavior of children in the first days of their stay in a children's institution, depend on individual characteristics. Children of the same age behave differently: some cry on the first day, refuse to eat, sleep, respond to every suggestion of an adult with a stormy protest, but the next day they follow the children's play with interest, eat well and go to bed calmly, others, on the contrary, on the first day are outwardly calm, somewhat inhibited, fulfill the requirements of the educators without objection, and on the next day they part with their mother with tears, eat poorly in the following days, do not take part in the game, and begin to feel good only after 6 years. 8 days or even later. According to all these features, certain groups are distinguished, to which the child belongs according to the nature of behavior upon admission to a child care institution. Depending on which adaptation group the child belongs to, work with him will be built. Very often there are situations when a child cannot be unambiguously identified in one or another adaptation group. Those. the model of his behavior is not at the "junction" of the two groups, that is, it is borderline. A peculiar transition from one adaptation group to another shows the dynamics of the development of the process of getting used to the conditions of the child's institution. The following is a table that shows the 3 adaptation groups discussed above.

Below is information that parents and caregivers can follow to make the adjustment period easier and painless. So what should parents know and be able to do?

1. The more often the child will communicate with adults, children in the apartment, in the yard, on the playground, near the house, i.e. in a different environment, the faster and more confidently he will be able to transfer the acquired skills and abilities to the kindergarten environment.

2. Informal visit to kindergarten. Those. walks around the territory and an accompanying story about the kindergarten, and the story should be very colorful and, undoubtedly, positive. In your story, try to show your child how fun and good it is for other children in kindergarten.

3. Since each incoming child requires a careful individual approach, then children should be accepted gradually, 2-3 people, with short breaks (2-3 days).

4. In the first days, the child should stay in the group for no more than 2-3 hours.

6. The establishment of emotional contact between the child and the caregiver should be carried out in a familiar environment in the presence of a loved one. On the first day, a short-term acquaintance with the teacher, aimed at generating interest in kindergarten, at establishing contact between the child and the teacher in a new situation.

7. Group tours are very useful, in which the teacher, parents and child participate.

8. A negative impact on the course of adaptation, as well as on the behavior of children upon admission to a children's institution, is exerted by the lack of unity in the system of education in the family and in the children's institution.


Before admission, find out the regimen used in the family, the individual characteristics of the incoming child (questionnaire).

In the early days, do not break the child's habits, you need to gradually change the regimen and accustom the child to a new way of life.

Bring home conditions closer to the features of kindergarten: introduce elements of the regime, exercise the child in independence so that he can serve himself, etc.

Returning to the above table, I want to note that, depending on the level of communication skills of the child, the contact established with the family should be differentiated, i.e. in accordance with the adaptation group of the child, the scope and content of work with the family should be determined. So, in relation to the children of the first group, who need close contact with loved ones, work with the family should be deeper and more voluminous, provide for close contact of family members with educators and a psychologist of a preschool institution.

I want to note right away that not everyone will instantly see the fruits of their labors, the adaptation of some children can take from 20 days to 2-3 months. Especially if the child is sick, in the process of adaptation. Sometimes, after recovery, the child has to get used to it again. But I want to assure you that this is not an indicator. One should not worry when looking at a friend's child, who from the first days entered a new environment without much complications. I repeat that all children are different, each individual, each needs its own approach. I think that with your help we will find the key to each child. The rich experience and knowledge of educators, your love and care, in other words, coordinated work with the family, based on knowledge of age and individual characteristics, the needs of the child and the necessary conditions for raising a child before entering kindergarten, will solve the problem of adaptation at the proper level. With easy adaptation, the behavior of young children is normalized within a month, for preschoolers - in 10-15 days. There is a slight decrease in appetite: within 10 days the amount of food eaten by the child reaches the age norm, sleep improves within 20-30 days (sometimes earlier). Relationships with adults are almost not disturbed, motor activity does not decrease,

3 adaptation groups:

Emotional state: 1gr. - tears, crying; 2 gr. - reb. unbalanced, crying if there is no adult nearby; 3gr.-state of the child. calm, balanced

Activities: 1g.-absent; 2g.-imitation of adults; 3g.-subject activity or plot role-playing game

Relations with adults and children: 1g. - negative (the child does not accept the teacher's requests, does not play with the children); 2gr. - a positive attitude at the request of the teacher or children; 3gr. - positive at the initiative of the child

Speech: 1gr.-absent or associated with the memory of loved ones; 2gr.-reciprocal (answers questions from children and adults); 3gr.-initiative (he addresses adults and children)

The need for communication: 1gr.-need for communication with close adults, for affection, care; 2gr.- the need to communicate with adults, in cooperation with him and receive information about the environment from him; 3gr.- the need to communicate with adults in independent actions.

Annex 2

Memo on the organization of the pedagogical process during the period of adaptation (for educators and assistants to the educator of early age groups)

During the adaptation period, an individual regimen is established for each newly arriving baby, taking into account the recommendations of a doctor, a teacher-psychologist, and senior educators. Over time, all children are transferred to the general mode. During the adaptation period, it is necessary to take into account all the individual habits of the child, even harmful ones, and in no case re-educate him. It is necessary to prepare a "shelf of your favorite toy" where things brought from home will be located.

An adult should caress the child more often, especially when going to bed: stroke his arms, legs, back (children usually like this). A good effect of falling asleep is given by stroking the baby's head and eyebrows, while the hand should touch only the ends of the hair.

It does not interfere in the first days to show the child a children's institution in order to make it clear to the child: he is loved here.

In a psychologically tense, stressful situation, switching to an ancient, strong food reaction helps. It is necessary to offer the child more often to drink, to gnaw crackers. Negative emotions are inhibited by monotonous hand movements or squeezing of the hands, so the child is offered games: stringing balls on a cord, connecting parts of a large Lego constructor, playing with rubber squeaker toys, playing with water. Periodically turn on soft, calm music, but strict dosage and determination during the sound are required. The best cure for stress is laughter. It is necessary to create such situations that the child laughs more. Fun toys, cartoons are used, unusual guests are invited - bunnies, clowns, chanterelles. It is necessary to exclude the monotony of the life of children, that is, to determine thematic days. Eliminate intellectual and physical overload.

It is necessary to look closely at the individual characteristics of each child and try to understand in time what is behind the silence, calmness, passivity of some children.

The immutable rule is not to judge the experience of the child, never complain about it to parents. All the problems of the child become professional problems for the teacher. Talk to parents every day, instill confidence in them, dispel anxiety and anxiety for your child.

Annex 3

A. Games in the adaptation period with children.

The main task of games during this period is the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher.

The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, intonation, a manifestation of care for each baby. The first games should be frontal so that no child feels left out. The initiator of games is always an adult. Games are selected taking into account the playing abilities of children, the venue, etc. "Come to me". Game progress. The adult takes a few steps away from the child and beckons him to him, affectionately saying: “Come to me, my good one!” When the child comes up, the teacher hugs him: “Oh, what a good Kolya came to me!” The game is repeated.

"Petrushka has arrived." Material. Parsley, rattles. Game progress. The teacher brings Petrushka, examines it with the children.

Parsley rattles a rattle, then distributes rattles to children. Together with Petrushka, they shake their rattles and rejoice.

"Blowing Bubbles". Game progress. The teacher on a walk blows soap bubbles. Tries to get bubbles by shaking the straw rather than blowing into it. Counts how many bubbles can be held on the tube at a time. Tries to catch all the bubbles on the fly before they hit the ground. He steps on a soap bubble and asks the children in surprise where he disappeared. Then teaches each child to blow bubbles. (Tightening the muscles of the mouth is very helpful for developing speech.)

"Round dance". Game progress. The teacher holds the child by the hands and walks in a circle, saying:

Around the rose bushes

Among the herbs and flowers,

We are circling, we are circling a round dance.

Before that we were spinning

that fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, both "fall" to the ground.

Game option:

Around the rose bushes

Among the herbs and flowers,

We drive, we drive a round dance.

How do we end the circle

We suddenly jump together.

Adult and child jump together.

"Let's spin around." Material. Two teddy bears. Game progress. The teacher takes the bear, hugs it tightly to him and spins around with him. He gives another bear to the baby and asks him to also spin around, clutching the toy to himself.

Then the adult reads the rhyme and acts in accordance with its content. The child follows him with the same movements.

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And then I'll stop.

I'll spin around quickly,

Quietly, I'll circle around

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And I'll fall to the ground!

"Hide the bear." Game progress. The teacher hides a large toy familiar to the child (for example, a bear) so that it is slightly visible. Saying: “Where is the bear?”, He is looking for him along with the child. When the baby finds the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find it. After playing with the bear, the teacher himself hides, loudly saying “ku-ku!” When the child finds him, he runs across and hides in another place. At the end of the game, the adult offers the child to hide.

"Sun and Rain" Game progress. Children squat down behind the chairs, located at some distance from the edge of the site or the wall of the room, and look into the "window" (the hole in the back of the chair). The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children run all over the place. At the signal "Rain! Hurry home!” run to their places and sit down behind the chairs. The game is repeated.

"Train". Game progress. The teacher offers to play the "train": "I am a locomotive, and you are trailers." Children stand in a column one after another, holding on to the clothes of the person in front. “Let's go,” the adult says, and everyone starts moving, saying: “Choo-choo-choo.” The teacher leads the train in one direction, then in the other, then slows down, stops and says: "Stop." After a while, the train sets off again.

This game contributes to the development of basic movements - running and walking.

"Round dance with a doll." Material. Medium sized doll. Game progress. The teacher brings a new doll. She greets the children, stroking each on the head. The adult asks the children to take turns holding the doll by the hand. The doll invites you to dance. The teacher puts the children in a circle, takes the doll by one hand, gives the other to the child, and together with the children moves in a circle to the right and left, singing a simple children's melody. Game variant. The game is played with a bear (hare).

"Catch-up" (carried out with two or three children). Game progress. The doll, familiar to children from the game "Dance with a Doll," says that she wants to play catch-up. The teacher encourages the children to run away from the doll, hide behind the screen, the doll catches up with them, searches, rejoices that she has found, hugs: “Here are my guys.”

"Sun Bunnies" Material. Small mirror. Game progress. The educator lets out sunbeams with a mirror and says at the same time:

sun bunnies

They play on the wall.

Beckon them with your finger

Let them run to you!

At the signal "Catch the bunny!" the kids are trying to catch him.

The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

"Playing with a dog" Material. Toy dog. Game progress. The teacher holds a dog in his hands and says:

WOF WOF! Who's there?

This dog is visiting us.

I put the dog on the floor.

Give, doggy, Petya a paw!

Then he comes with a dog to the child, whose name is given, offers to take her by the paw, feed her. They bring a bowl of imaginary food, the dog "eats soup", "barks", says to the child "thank you!"

When repeating the game, the teacher calls the name of another child.

Shy, shy children who feel uncomfortable in a group need special attention and an individual approach. You can ease their state of mind, cheer up with “finger” games. In addition, these games teach coherence and coordination of movements. "Gathering Treasures" Material. Basket. Game progress. On a walk, the teacher collects treasures with the child (pebbles, twigs, pods, leaves, etc.) and puts them in a basket. Finds out which treasures arouse the greatest interest in the baby (this will prompt further ways of communication). Then he names some treasure and asks to get it from the basket.

"Who's in the fist?" Game progress. The teacher opens his hands and moves his fingers. Then he tightly clenched his fists so that the thumbs were inside. Shows the child several times how to do it, and asks him to repeat. You may need to help him move his thumb into his fist.

Reads a poem and performs movements with the child.

Who got into my fist?

Could it be a cricket? (Close your fingers into a fist.)

Come on, come on, get out!

Is it a finger? Ah ah ah! (Put thumb forward.)

"Playing with hands" Game progress. (Performing the movements, the teacher asks the child to repeat them.) The adult puts his fingers down and moves them - these are "streams of rain."

He folds the fingers of each hand into a ring and puts it to his eyes, depicting binoculars. He draws circles on his cheeks with his finger - a “brush”, draws a line from top to bottom along his nose and makes a speck on his chin. He bangs his fist on his fist, claps his hands. Alternating such actions, the educator creates a certain sequence of sounds, for example: knock-knock, knock-clap, knock-knock-clap, knock-clap-clap, etc. The games below will not only encourage the timid and cheer the crying, but also calm too naughty, they will switch attention and help an angry, aggressive child relax. "Let's ride a horse." Material. Rocking horse (if there is no horse, you can put the child on your knees). Game progress. The teacher puts the child on a rocking horse and says: “Masha rides a horse, (says in a low voice) no-no.”

The child repeats quietly: "No-no." Adult: “To make the horse run faster, tell it loudly: “No-no, run, horse!” (Swings the child more strongly.) The kid repeats the phrase together with the teacher, then on his own. The adult makes sure that the child pronounces the sound “n” drawlingly, and the whole sound combination loudly and clearly.

"Blow on the ball, blow on the spinner." Material. Balloon, spinner. Game progress. A balloon is hung at the level of the child's face, and a spinner is placed on the table in front of it. The teacher shows how to blow on a balloon so that it flies high, and invites the child to repeat the action. Then the adult blows on the spinner to make it spin, the child repeats.

"Fun with a magnifying glass." Material. Magnifying glass (preferably plastic). Game progress. On a walk, the teacher gives the child a blade of grass. Shows how to look at it through a magnifying glass. Invites the child to look through a magnifying glass at fingers and nails - this usually fascinates the baby. Walking around the site, you can explore a flower or tree bark, consider a piece of land: are there any insects, etc.

"Together with the bear." Material. Toy bear. Game progress. The teacher talks “on an equal footing” with the bear and the child, for example: “Katya, do you like to drink from a cup?”, “Misha, do you like to drink from a cup?” He pretends to give tea to the bear. Then he does other manipulations with the bear.

"Playing with a doll" Material. Doll. Game progress. Give the child his favorite doll (or soft toy), ask him to show where the doll has a head, ears, legs, stomach, etc.

"Let's collect toys." Game progress. Invite your child to help you pick up the scattered toys they played with. Sit next to the baby, give the toy in your hands and put it in the box with him. Then give another toy and ask them to put it in the box themselves. As you stack the toys, sing something like, “We collect toys, we collect toys! Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we remove them in their place.

Children of two or three years of age do not yet feel the need to communicate with their peers. They can watch each other with interest, jump, holding hands, and at the same time remain completely indifferent to the condition and mood of the other child. An adult must teach them to communicate, and the foundations of such communication are laid during the adaptation period.

"Pass the bell." Material. Bell. Game progress. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. In the center stands a teacher with a bell in his hands. He rings the bell and says: “Whoever I call will ring the bell. Tanya, go get the bell." The girl takes the place of an adult, rings a bell and invites another child, calling him by name (or showing with his hand).

"Bunny". Game progress. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle with the teacher. One child - "bunny" - sits in a circle on a chair ("sleeping"). The teacher sings a song:

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you?

You are sitting very sick.

You don't want to play

Dance with us.

Bunny, Bunny, dance

And find another.

After these words, the children stop and clap their hands. "Bunny" gets up and chooses a child, calling him by name, and he stands in a circle.

"Call." Material. Ball. Game progress. Children sit on chairs. The teacher examines a new bright ball with them. Calls one child and offers to play - roll the ball to each other. Then he says: “I played with Kolya. Kolya, who do you want to play with? Call." The boy calls: "Vova, go play." After the game, Kolya sits down, and Vova calls the next child.

Smoothing out the adaptation period will help physical exercises and games that can be carried out several times a day. You should also create conditions for independent exercises: offer kids wheelchairs, cars, balls.

"Ball in a circle" Game progress. Children (8-10 people) sit on the floor in a circle and roll the ball to each other. The teacher shows how to push the ball with both hands so that it rolls in the right direction.

"Run to the tree." Game progress. In two or three places of the site - to a tree, to a door, to a bench - colored ribbons are tied. The teacher says to the child: "I want to run to the tree." She takes him by the hand and runs with him. Then he runs with the child to another place marked with a tape, each time explaining what he is going to do. After that, the adult invites the baby to run independently to the tree, to the door, etc. Praises the child when he reaches his destination.

"We stomp our feet." Game progress. The players stand in a circle at such a distance from each other that they do not touch their neighbors when moving. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the text slowly, with an arrangement, giving them the opportunity to do what the poem says:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

We give hands.

We run around.

After a while, the teacher says: "Stop." Everyone stops.

"Ball". Game progress. The child pretends to be a ball, jumps on the spot, and the teacher, putting his hand on his head, says: “Funny friend, my ball. Everywhere, everywhere he is with me! One, two, three, four, five. It's good for me to play with him! After that, the "ball" runs away, and the adult catches it.

The main figure and center of attention for two-year-old children is always an adult, so they watch his activities with great interest. If the kids are not currently disposed to outdoor games, you can read a fairy tale to them or play calm games.

Appendix 4


The questionnaire will help parents and teachers assess the child's readiness to enter a preschool institution and anticipate possible adaptation difficulties. After answering the questions and counting the points, we get an approximate forecast for the child's adaptation period.

(Surname, first name of the child)

1. What mood has been prevailing in the child lately at home? Cheerful, balanced - 3 points

Unstable - 2 points

Suppressed - 1 point

2. How does your child fall asleep?

Fast, calm (up to 10 minutes) - 3 points

Does not fall asleep for a long time - 2 points

Restless - 1 point

3. Do you use additional influence when the child falls asleep (rocking, lullabies, etc.)?

Yes - 1 point

No - 3 points

4. What is the duration of a child's daytime sleep?

2 hours - 3 points

1 hour - 1 point

5. What is your child's appetite?

Good - 4 points

Electoral - 3 points

Unstable - 2 points

Bad - 1 point

6. How does your child feel about potty training?

Positive - 3 points

Negative - 1 point

7. Does your child ask for a potty?

Yes - 3 points

No, but sometimes dry - 2 points

No and walks wet - 1 point

8. Does your child have negative habits?

Sucking on a pacifier or thumb sucking, rocking

(specify other) - 1 point

No - 3 points

9. Is the child interested in toys, objects at home and in a new environment?

Yes - 3 points

Sometimes - 2 points

No - 1 point

10. Does the child show interest in the actions of adults?

Yes - 3 points

Sometimes - 2 points

No - 1 point

11. How does your child play?

Can play independently - 3 points

Not always - 2 points

Doesn't play alone - 1 point

12. What are the relationships with adults?

Selective - 2 points

Difficult - 1 point

13. What is the relationship with children?

Easily makes contact - 3 points

Selective - 2 points

Difficult - 1 point

14. How does he relate to classes: attentive, diligent, active?

Yes - 3 points

Not always - 2 points

No - 1 point

15. Does the child have self-confidence?

Yes - 3 points

Not always - 2 points

No - 1 point

16. Does the child experience separation from loved ones?

He endured separation easily - 3 points

Hard - 1 point

17. Does the child have an affective attachment to any of the adults?

Yes - 1 point

No - 3 points.

Number of points:

Adaptation forecast: Ready for admission to the preschool educational institution 40 -55 points

Conditionally ready 24-39 points

Not ready 16-23 points

SIGNS THAT YOUR CHILD IS ADAPTING: good appetite, peaceful sleep, willing communication with other children, an adequate response to any suggestion of the teacher, a normal emotional state.

Questionnaires for parents whose children enter preschool

Dear parents, we will be grateful if you answer these questions.

Questionnaire for parents

We are glad to see your child in our kindergarten. We would be interested to know about your child. This will help him adapt faster, feel like a full member of our team.

Information about parents


Place of work


Place of work

Home address

Information about the child

Date of Birth

How do you consider your child?

very emotional

Calm, balanced


Do you think that your child...

unnecessarily restless




Very mobile

What does your child like to be called?

What is your child's favorite and least favorite food?

Is the child willing to interact?

With children of your own age

With older children

With relatives

With unfamiliar adults

Favorite child activities?

Is it easy to make your child laugh?

How does the child react to a violation of the usual regimen, a change of scenery?

How does the child sleep, does he fall asleep easily, in what mood does he wake up?

What mood is the child usually in, does it change easily and under the influence of what factors?

How does a child learn the rules of behavior, is it easy to obey them?

What manifestations of the child's behavior worry you?






Telling a lie


Individual features that, in your opinion, should be taken into account by the educator when working with your child?

Child's health status

What do you think of the child's health status?



Frequently ill child

Do you often get colds?

Which specialist doctors see the child?

Are you familiar with the conditions of upbringing in preschool?

Do you know how the process of getting used to preschool children goes by?

From what sources

When did you find out (before or during the period when the child entered the kindergarten)

Has your child been prepared for kindergarten?

Who was primarily responsible for raising the child?

Is the daily routine of the child observed in the family?

Does the child have habits?

Fall asleep in your arms

Fall asleep while rocking

Suck your finger, pacifier

Drink from a bottle, etc.

B: Plan of educational and educational activities for the adaptation period in the early age group

Days of the week

Type of work

MONDAYHalf-afternoon (morning)

Y/n “What has changed?”

The development of attention, the correct pronunciation of the name of objects.

day walk

P / and "Who will hit?"

Development of dexterity, tenacity, development of the ability to play ball. Half a day

Entertainment "Grandma Arina came to visit us!"

Create an atmosphere of joyful mood; teach children to guess riddles, read poetry

Consultation with parents Individual approach to the child

To draw the attention of parents to the formation of certain character traits of the child

TUESDAYHalf-afternoon (morning)

Y/and “What else is the same shape?”

Teach children to find objects of the same shape.

day walk

P / and "Soap bubbles!"

Learn to name the shape, size; develop the speed of reaction; the ability to burst bubbles with two hands. half a day

Reading A. Barto's poem "The Ball"

Learn to listen carefully to the poem, understand the content; to encourage the kids to help read the poem, and to arouse sympathy for the girl Tanya.

Conversation with parents your child

Identification of negative character traits and individual characteristics of the child


Repeating the nursery rhyme "Like our cat"

2. Finger game for nursery rhymes "Like our cat"

Repeat a familiar nursery rhyme, create a joyful mood

Develop fine motor skills.

day walk

P / and "Jump up to the palm of your hand"

Development of dexterity, speed of reaction and movements half a day

Table theater "Teremok"

Teach kids to listen to a fairy tale, create a joyful mood

Conversation with Sonya T.'s parents about the conditions of upbringing in the family

Facilitate adaptation of Sony

THURSDAY noon (morning)

Reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "Hedgehog"

Introduce a new poem to help understand the content

Modeling "Let's make a bowl and treat the hedgehog with milk"

Encourage accessible techniques (rolling, flattening) to make a bowl for a hedgehog.

day walk

P / and the game "Who will get into the basket?"

Development of dexterity, development of the ability to play ball. Half a day

Game-staging "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear"

With the help of staging, tell the kids how to say goodbye to their mother in the morning - do not cry when parting, so as not to upset her.

group parent meeting Education in children of independence in self-service

Show the importance of self-reliance in self-care in raising children

FRIDAYHalf-afternoon (morning)

Reading the story of L.N. Tolstoy “There was a squirrel in the forest”

2. Drawing "Nuts for squirrels"

Introduce kids to the squirrel and her children, learn to listen to the story, understand the content, answer questions

2. Teach kids to draw round nuts with pencils; to promote the manifestation of care, sensitivity to squirrels

day walk

adaptation kindergarten child


2 Age and individual characteristics of young children

Conclusions on the first chapter

Conclusions on the second chapter





The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that the kindergarten is the first non-family institution, the first educational institution with which children come into contact. The child's admission to kindergarten and the initial period of being in a group are characterized by significant changes in the environment, his lifestyle and activities, and can cause emotional stress.

The admission of a young child to a preschool educational institution may be accompanied by the problem of his adaptation to new conditions, since adaptive opportunities are limited. The emergence of the so-called "adaptation syndrome" in a child is a direct consequence of his psychological unpreparedness to leave the family.

This is due to the characteristics of early age. Children are emotionally unstable. Separation from loved ones and a change in the usual way of life cause negative emotions and fears in children. A long stay of a child in a stressful state can lead to the development of neurosis, a slowdown in the pace of psychophysical development.

The course of the adaptation period and its further development depend on how well the child is prepared in the family for the transition to a children's institution. To make the period of adaptation of children easier, professional help is needed for the family. The kindergarten should come to the aid of the family. Kindergarten should become "open" on all issues of development and education.

In the pedagogical literature, the issues of adaptation to preschool institutions for young children are more covered (A.I. Zhukova, N.I. Dobreitser, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, N.D. Vatutina, etc.). Adaptation is defined primarily as a medical and pedagogical problem, the solution of which requires the creation of conditions that meet the needs of children in communication, close interaction between the family and public education, good medical care for children and the correct organization of the educational process (N.M. Aksarina).

Analysis of studies (N.M. Aksarina, N.D. Vatutina, G.G. Grigorieva, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya and others) shows that the problem of adapting a child to kindergarten conditions has been thoroughly studied in early childhood pedagogy. The studies highlight the degree of adaptation of the child; disclosed factors affecting the nature and duration of the adaptation period; recommendations were developed for teachers and parents on preparing a child for entering a preschool institution and organizing an adaptation period in preschool educational institutions (Belkina V.N., Belkina L.V., Vavilova N.D., Gurov V.N., Zherdeva E.V. , Zavodchikova O.G., Kiryukhina N.V., Kostina V., Pechora K.L., Tonkova-Yampolskaya R.V.).

At the same time, the problem of adaptation of young children remains, since it is necessary to look for ways of painless adaptation of children, creating conditions for children with different levels of adaptation, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. And of course, work on the adaptation of children should go in close contact with their parents and begin already in the family, before entering kindergarten.

Analysis of the problem in theory and practice, a large number of studies on the problem of adaptation of young children to a preschool educational institution (DOE) and the lack of competence of parents and educators in working with young children led to the choice of the research topic: “Adaptation of young children to kindergarten conditions” .

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution.

The object of the study is the process and features of the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution.

The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution.

When conducting the study, we proceeded from the hypothesis that the adaptation of young children will be successful if:

-psychological and pedagogical conditions will correspond to the age and individual characteristics of young children;

-the level of neuropsychic development of young children will be determined;

-pedagogical work with children will be carried out from the group of adaptation of children with a humane and individual-personal approach to children;

-cooperation will be established with parents of young children adapting to the conditions of preschool.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis of the study, the objectives of the study were determined: study the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the adaptation of young children to a preschool institution;

2.determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions under which the process of adaptation is successfully taking place;

To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used:

-theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

-conversation with educators;

-supervision of children;

-survey of parents;

-study and analysis of documentation on the adaptation of young children;


Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study:

-studies on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions (V.N. Belkina, N.D. Vavilova, V.N. Gurov, E.V. Zherdeva, O.G. Zavodchikova, N.V. Kiryukhina, K.L. Pechora, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya);

-research on the interaction between kindergarten and family (E.P. Arnautova, T.A. Danilina, O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova, T.A. Kulikova, etc.);

-research in the field of diagnostics of young children (N.M. Aksarina, K.D. Hubert, G.V. Pantyukhina, K.L. Pechora).

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of guidelines for parents and educators on the adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions, in the development of a long-term plan for the work of educators with children with different levels of adaptation.

The main stages of the study:

The first stage (September 2010) is theoretical. The study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, its generalization and analysis; setting goals and objectives, formulating research hypotheses.

The second stage (October 2010 - February 2011) is experimental. Diagnosis of the neuropsychic development of children, the level of adaptation. Development of recommendations for educators and parents, a long-term plan for the work of educators with children with different levels of adaptation.

The third stage (March-April 2011) is generalizing. Analysis and generalization of the results of the study, design of research materials.

Base of the study: MDOU Kindergarten No. 368.

Structure of the study: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for organizing the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

1 Characteristics of the concept of "social adaptation"

Social adaptation belongs to the category of interdisciplinary scientific concepts. A great contribution to the study of the problems of personality adaptation was made in domestic (M.R. Bityanova, Ya.L. Kolominsky, A.V. Petrovsky, A.A. Rean, etc.) and foreign psychology (A. Maslow, G. Selye, K. Rogers, T. Shibutani, H. Hartmann and others). In recent years, issues of social adaptation have been more and more actively considered in pedagogical works (Sh.A. Amonashvili, G.F. Kumarina, A.V. Mudrik, I.P. Podlasy and others).

If psychological science mainly studies the adaptive properties of the individual, the nature of adaptive processes and the mechanisms of adaptation of the individual to the social environment, then pedagogy is interested in the management and pedagogical support of the social adaptation of the younger generation, the search for means, forms, methods for preventing and correcting adverse adaptation options, the role of various institutions of socialization in the adaptation of children and youth.

When considering theoretical problems related to the psychology and pedagogy of personality development, adaptation is considered as a phase of the personal formation of an individual entering a relatively stable social community (E.V. Ilyenkov, A.V. Petrovsky, D.I. Feldshtein). Personal development is presented here as a process of its entry into a new social environment, adaptation and, in the end, integration with it.

Highlighting the stages of personality development, A.V. Petrovsky considers the first phase to be the phase of adaptation, where the assimilation of the norms operating in the community and the mastery of the corresponding forms and means of activity are supposed. The subject, entering a new social community, cannot yet manifest himself as a person before he has mastered the existing norms. If an individual fails to overcome the difficulties of adaptation, he develops qualities that lead to serious personal deformation. Adaptation is a prerequisite for individualization and socialization of the individual.

Having been born, the child enters into a special relationship with his environment, and the environment plays not only the role of the external environment, not just the living conditions that affect the child, but serves as the main source of his development, acting as a kind of trigger that enhances or inhibits internal processes. . This is all the more important because in the development of the child, as noted by L.S. Vygotsky, what should happen at the end of development is already given in the environment from the very beginning.

The world of human relations is revealed to the child from a real position, which is determined by the objective place he occupies in these relations. At the same time, the child's own internal position is also important, i.e. how he himself relates to his position, what significance the surrounding reality has for him, and how he experiences its demands on himself personally, L.I. Bozovic. The child does not passively adapt in a certain social environment, adapts to the surrounding world of objects and phenomena created by previous generations of people, but actively masters their achievements in the process of multifaceted activity, always mediated by the relationship between the child and the adult. Thus, two socio-psychological components are distinguished: forms of individual-independent behavior and social and social development of a person.

The social and social development of a person is inextricably linked with the need to reproduce oneself in accordance with the conditions and level of development of society and is conditioned by its successful socialization.

The concept of socialization as a process and result of the assimilation by an individual of a system of social norms, values, roles, skills has a different interpretation. For example, socialization in behaviorism is reduced to the process of social learning, the result of which is the experience acquired by a person throughout life (A. Bandura, B.F. Skinner, J. Watson).

The socialization of the individual also presupposes a counter process - the individualization of social life. Individualization as “being-with-itself-itself” (V.I. Slobodchikov) involves the search by an individual for ways and means to express his individuality, to transfer his own experience, worldview to society and reflects the content side of the subjectivity of the individual.

In modern psychology, such an understanding of individualization is accepted, in which its essence lies in an activity that tries to reveal itself in all directions and, of its own free will, manifests itself in the implementation of both private and general spiritual interests, in the pursuit of that inner freedom, on the basis of which the subject has principles, has his own views, and because of this acquires moral independence (V.P. Zinchenko).

Awareness of oneself as a person is impossible without the activity of a person, outside of his communications occurring in the very process of activity. The role of activity in the process of developing the child's personal qualities and, thus, in the process of adaptation in society was given the most attention in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.I. Feldstein and others, where it is argued that personality as a quality that expresses the social human essence is formed in the child’s activity specially organized by adults.

In the process of its joint implementation, interaction (“co-existence”) of the child and society is carried out. In the course of activity, which includes the pole of the subject and the pole of the object, the processes of “objectification” (the subject embodies his ideas, his psychological qualities in the subject) and “deobjectification” (the subject assigns the qualities of the object of activity) take place, D.I. Feldstein. It is the activity that ensures the adequacy of the mental reflection of reality.

Through activity, the subject enters into practical contacts with the surrounding objects, which enrich and change him. Thus, being both the result and the subject of social relations, the personality is formed through its own active social actions, consciously and purposefully transforming both the environment and itself in the process of activity.

It is in the process of purposefully organized activity that the formation of all internal personal structures takes place, the main mental processes self-develop. This formation occurs as a result of the actualization of the mechanism of internalization of external forms of activity into an internal, ideal plan of thinking and consciousness. Internalization is understood as the formation of social structures of cognitive processes, the consciousness of the child as a whole (L.S. Vygotsky).

Internalization occurs by appropriating the structures of external activity by the psyche with the parallel developing activity of the personality itself, its self-movement, self-development. This process requires the presence of a developed adaptive potential of the child's personality, which allows him not only to successfully adapt to the requirements of society, but also to actively transform it.

Such a "broad" understanding of the process of adaptation, linking it with personal subjectivity, is characteristic of the psychological school of J. Piaget. According to his concept, adaptation should be considered as a unity of oppositely directed processes: accommodation and assimilation. The first of them provides a modification of the functioning of the organism or the actions of the subject in accordance with the properties of the environment. The second one changes certain components of this environment, processing them according to the structure of the organism or including them in the behavioral patterns of the subject. Consideration of adaptation in the unity of its opposite directions is an important condition for the application of this concept as a category that plays an active role in explaining any active functioning.

Socio-psychological adaptation (E.S. Kuzmin, V.E. Semyonova) is the interaction of the individual and the social environment, which leads to the optimal ratio of the goals and values ​​of the individual and the group. In the course of socio-psychological adaptation, the needs, interests and aspirations of the individual are realized, its individuality is revealed and developed, the individual enters a new social environment, becomes a full member of the team, asserts himself.

In the Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia, social adaptation is defined as a person's adaptation to the conditions of a new social environment; one of the socio-psychological mechanisms of personality socialization.

The very concept of "social adaptation" is seen as the process of adapting an individual to a changed environment with the help of various social means. Social adaptation is an element of activity, the function of which is the development of relatively stable environmental conditions, the solution of recurring, typical problems by using the accepted methods of social behavior, actions.

The main way of social adaptation is the adoption of the norms and values ​​of the new social environment, the established forms of interaction, as well as forms of objective activity.

The result of social adaptation is the achievement of positive spiritual health and the correspondence of personal values ​​to the values ​​of society, the development of certain necessary personal qualities in an adapting individual (G. Allport, A. Maslow, S. Rogers, A. Bandura).

Analysis of the concept of "social adaptation" is difficult for two reasons. Firstly, social adaptation is the interaction of two mutually adapting structurally complex systems - the individual and the social environment. The social environment and the personality, which is the subject and object of social relations, are in a complex interaction: the personality adapts the social environment to itself to the same extent as the social environment adapts the personality to itself. Secondly, the analysis of the concept of social adaptation is complicated by the fact that the term "adaptation" is endowed with social content while maintaining some biological characteristics.

Bearing in mind the biosocial nature of man, adaptation mechanisms must be considered at different levels of his biological and social organization: adaptation to constantly acting environmental factors is provided by genetic programs formed in the process of long-term biological evolution.

Under genetic control, morphological, biochemical and functional systems are formed, which could arise gradually due to mutations and natural selection, which contributed to the adaptation of the organism to very slow changes in the environment.

Adaptation at this level took place as the creation of harmony with the real conditions of existence without taking into account the upcoming future changes (K.A. Timiryazev). Such genetic programs are not always optimal in a rapidly changing environment.

In the process of further evolution, more flexible universal mechanisms appeared that allowed the body to adapt to rapidly and continuously changing environmental conditions. These mechanisms reached the level of the nervous system and contributed to the development of the organs of higher nervous activity, the improvement of the reflex and motor apparatus, the use of personal experience for the protection, education, training of the young, adaptation to new situations through an individual change in behavior and the emergence of a reasonable type of behavior (K.I. Zavadsky, E.I. Kolonsky).

Data from the school of the Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlova testify to the special role of higher nervous activity in ensuring the balance of the body with the external environment. In higher animals, and especially in humans, adaptation due to behavior comes to the fore, as A.N. Severtsov in 1922, "a powerful means of adaptation to the environment." The organism responds to rapidly advancing changes in environmental conditions with a certain behavioral reaction without restructuring their morphological and functional organization and in most cases adapts to new conditions very effectively.

Behavior is one of the most effective ways of individual adaptation. Behavior provides the body with additional opportunities that can not only complement, but also change autonomic reflex reactions.

In humans, the development of higher nervous activity has reached such a level that behavior has become the determining factor in its adaptation. Man's adaptation to various environmental conditions is based mainly on certain forms of behavior, including artificial and technical means, thanks to which he can exist in such conditions that are unbearable for other organisms.

Adaptation is the process of adapting a person to the conditions of the environment, which he himself increasingly creates as a result of the transformation of the environment, aimed at self-preservation, human development and the achievement of the main goal of human progress (V.P. Kaznacheev, V.P. Lozovoy).

A person not only adapts to living conditions, but also to a greater extent adapts the external environment to his biological capabilities, creates an artificial environment - the environment of culture and civilization, due to which he adapts to any conditions of existence. Of all living beings, man has the greatest ability to adapt (A.N. Skvortsov, D.R. Deryapa).

The evolutionary development of adaptive mechanisms is reflected in the phases, stages of their development and individual adaptation of the organism. Experimental data carried out at different levels in different conditions allow us to consider the creation of an adaptive state as a dynamic process with sequentially flowing phases, which are based on their own physiological, psychological and social mechanisms (A.D. Selye) .

The adaptation process is a function of time, where physiological, psychological or social mechanisms may be activated at various stages. The ability of various body systems that provide homeostasis to effectively adapt their activities to changing environmental conditions is determined primarily by the work of central regulatory mechanisms. All normal life processes are adaptive in nature, i.e. all physiological reactions can be either adapted to specific environmental conditions, or unadapted, that is, in the process of adaptation. Hence, the degree of participation of different physiological systems at different levels of adaptation can be different.

Thus, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process that leads either to positive (adaptation, that is, the totality of all beneficial changes in the body and psyche) results, or negative (stress). There are two main criteria for successful adaptation:

1.inner comfort (emotional satisfaction);

2.external adequacy of behavior (the ability to easily and accurately fulfill the requirements of the environment).

Psychic adaptation is a psychic phenomenon, expressed in the restructuring of a dynamic personality stereotype in accordance with the new requirements of the environment.

Social adaptation is the process and result of the child learning new social roles and positions that are significant for the child himself and his social environment: parents, teachers, peers, people, the whole society.

In the course of a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, three phases of the adaptation process were identified:

1.the acute phase, which is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, regression in speech development (lasts an average of one month);

2.the subacute phase is characterized by an adequate behavior of the child, that is, all shifts decrease and are recorded only for certain parameters against the background of a slow pace of development, especially mental, compared with the average age norms (lasts 3-5 months);

.the compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration in the rate of development; as a result, by the end of the school year, children overcome the above-mentioned delay in the rate of development.

There are three degrees of severity of the passage of the acute phase of the adaptation period:

-easy adaptation - shifts are normalized within 10-15 days, the child gains weight, behaves adequately in a team, gets sick no more often than usual;

-adaptation of moderate severity - shifts are normalized within a month, while the child loses weight for a short time, a disease can occur lasting 5-7 days, there are signs of mental stress;

-heavy adaptation - lasts from 2 to 6 months, the child often gets sick, loses existing habits, both physical and mental exhaustion of the body can occur.

As a result of the analysis of scientific literature, we came to understand the social adaptation of preschoolers as a process of active development of the social environment, mastery of forms of behavior aimed at harmonizing relations with others and their own development in this environment.

Social adaptation at an early age is accompanied by a change in the social situation of development, the child's admission to kindergarten. A positive adaptation experience helps a preschooler to adapt outside of primary school, in an open, rapidly changing society, and creates favorable prerequisites for further personal development.

Difficulties that arise in children in the process of adaptation can lead to its most unfavorable form - maladaptation, which can manifest itself in violations of discipline, play and learning activities, relationships with peers and educators.

For the successful adaptation of young children, it is necessary to know and take into account the age and individual characteristics of each child.

2. Age and individual characteristics of young children

Adaptation of the child should be based on knowledge of mental, age and individual characteristics.

In Russian pedagogy and developmental psychology, the process of early development of a child from birth to 3 years is divided into two main periods: infancy (from birth to 12 months) and pre-preschool childhood (from 12 to 36 months).

At an early age, intensive mental development occurs, the main components of which are:

-objective activity and business communication with an adult;

active speech;

-arbitrary behavior;

-formation of the need for communication with peers;

-the beginning of the symbolic game;

-self-awareness and independence.

Early age has great opportunities for forming the foundations of a future adult personality, especially its intellectual development. At this time, there is such an intensive development of the brain, which will not be in any of the subsequent periods of life. By 7 months the brain of a child increases by 2 times, by 1.5 years - by 3 times, and by the 3rd it is already 3/4 of the mass of the brain of an adult.

It is in this sensitive period that the foundations of intellect, thinking, and high mental activity are laid. Underestimation of the possibilities of early age leads to the fact that many of its reserves remain undiscovered, and subsequently the lag is compensated with difficulty and not completely.

At an early age, there is a very special attitude of the child to reality, this feature is usually called situationality. Situation is the dependence of the child's behavior and psyche on the perceived situation. Perception and feeling are not yet separated from each other and represent an inseparable unity that causes direct action in a situation. Things have a special attraction for the child. The child perceives the thing directly here and now, without bringing into the situation his own intention and knowledge about

The age of 1-3 years is a period of significant changes in the life of a small child. First of all, the child begins to walk. Having received the opportunity to move independently, he masters the far space, independently comes into contact with a mass of objects, many of which previously remained inaccessible to him.

By the end of the second year of life, children's coordination of movements improves, they master more and more complex sets of actions. A child of this age knows how to wash, climb onto a chair to get a toy, loves to climb, jump, and overcome obstacles. He feels the rhythm of the movements well. Communication between children and adults at an early age is an indispensable condition for the development of objective activity, the leading activity of children of this age.

A child of the second year of life actively learns actions with such tool objects as a cup, spoon, scoop, etc. At the first stage of mastering the tool action, he uses tools as an extension of his hand, and therefore this action was called manual (for example, a baby uses a spatula to get a ball that has rolled under a cabinet). At the next stage, the child learns to correlate tools with the object to which the action is directed (sand, snow, earth are collected with a spatula, water with a bucket).

Thus, it adapts to the properties of the tool. The mastery of object-tools leads to the assimilation by the child of the social way of using things and has a decisive influence on the development of the initial forms of thinking.

As a result of such a “liberation” of the child, a decrease in his dependence on an adult, cognitive activity and objective actions are rapidly developing. In the second year of life, the child develops objective actions; in the third year of life, objective activity becomes the leading one. By the age of three, the leading hand is determined in him and the coordination of the actions of both hands begins to form.

With the emergence of objective activity based on the assimilation of precisely those modes of action with an object that ensure its intended use, the child's attitude to surrounding objects changes, the type of orientation in the objective world changes. Instead of asking "what is this?" - when confronted with a new object, the child has a question: “what can be done with this?” (R.Ya. Lekhtman-Abramovich, D.B. Elkonin).

At the same time, this interest is expanding enormously. So, with a free choice of objects and toys, he seeks to get to know as many of them as possible, involving objects in his activity.

In close connection with the development of objective actions, the child’s perception develops, since in the process of actions with objects, the child gets acquainted not only with the ways of using them, but also with their properties - shape, size, color, mass, material, etc.

The practical objective activity of children is an important stage in the transition from practical mediation to mental mediation; it creates conditions for the subsequent development of conceptual, verbal thinking. In the process of performing actions with objects and designating actions with words, the child's thought processes are formed. The most important among them at an early age is generalization. Children develop simple forms of visual-active thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the selection of certain external and internal features of objects.

At the beginning of early childhood, the perception of the child is still extremely poorly developed, although in everyday life the child looks quite oriented. Orientation occurs rather on the basis of recognition of objects than on the basis of true perception. Recognition itself is associated with the selection of random, conspicuous landmarks.

The transition to a more complete and comprehensive perception occurs in the child in connection with the mastery of objective activity, especially instrumental and correlative actions, during which he is forced to focus on different properties of objects (size, shape, color) and brings them into line according to a given attribute. First, the correlation of objects and their properties occurs practically. This practical correlation then leads to perceptual correlations. The development of perceptual actions begins.

The formation of perceptual actions in relation to different content and different conditions in which this content is embodied does not occur simultaneously. In relation to more difficult tasks, a young child may remain at the level of chaotic actions, without any regard for the properties of the objects with which he acts, at the level of actions with the use of force, which do not lead him to a positive result. In relation to tasks that are more accessible in content and closer to the child's experience, he can move on to practical orientation - to problems that in some cases can provide a positive result of his activity. In a number of tasks, he moves on to a proper perceptual orientation.

Although a child at this age rarely uses visual correlation, but uses extended "trying on", however, it provides a better account of the properties and relations of objects, provides more opportunities for a positive solution to the problem. Mastering "trying on" and visual correlation allows young children not only to differentiate the properties of objects at the "signal" level, i.e. to search, detect, distinguish and identify objects, but also to display the properties of objects, their true perception based on the image. This finds its expression in the ability to make choices according to a model.

The close connection between the development of perception and activity is manifested in the fact that the child begins to make a choice according to the model in relation to form and size, i.e. in relation to the properties that must be taken into account in practical action, and only then - in relation to color (L.A. Venger, V.S. Mukhina).

The development of speech during this period is especially intensive. Mastering speech is one of the main achievements of a child of the second or third year of life. If by the age of 1 year the child comes almost completely without speech, having 10-20 babble words in the dictionary, then by the age of 3 his dictionary has more than 400 words. Throughout the early years, speech becomes increasingly important for the entire mental development of the child. It becomes the most important means of transferring social experience to the child. Naturally, adults, guiding the perception of the child, actively use the name of the properties of objects.

By the end of the second year, the child begins to use two-word sentences in his speech. The fact of intensive assimilation of speech by him is explained by the fact that babies like to pronounce the same word repeatedly. They kind of play with it. As a result, the child learns to correctly understand and pronounce words, as well as build sentences. This is the period of his increased susceptibility to the speech of others. Therefore, this period is called sensitive (favorable for the development of the child's speech).

The formation of speech at this age is the basis of all mental development. If for some reason (illness, lack of communication) the baby's speech capabilities are not used to a sufficient extent, then his further general development begins to be delayed. At the end of the first and beginning of the second year of life, some rudiments of play activity are observed. Children perform with objects the actions of adults they observe (imitate adults). At this age, they prefer a real object to a toy: a bowl, a cup, a spoon, etc., since it is still difficult for them to use substitute objects due to insufficient development of their imagination.

The emergence of speech is closely related to the activity of communication, it appears for the purposes of communication and develops in its context. The need for communication is formed with the active influence of an adult on a child. A change in the forms of communication also occurs with the initiative influence of an adult on a child.

In infancy, the manifestation of one child's interest in another is dictated by the need for new impressions, interest in a living object. At an early age, a peer acts as an interaction partner. The development of the need to communicate with peers goes through a number of stages:

-attention and interest in peers (second year of life);

-the desire to attract the attention of a peer and demonstrate their successes (end of the second year of life);

-the emergence of sensitivity to the attitude of a peer and his influences (third year of life).

Children's communication with each other at an early age has the form of emotional and practical influence, the characteristic features of which are immediacy, lack of subject content, irregularity, mirror reflection of the partner's actions and movements. Through a peer, the child distinguishes himself, realizes his individual characteristics. At the same time, adults play a decisive role in organizing interaction between children.

The child of the second year is very emotional. But throughout early childhood, children's emotions are unstable.

At an early age, the beginnings of moral feelings begin to form. This happens if adults teach the baby to reckon with other people. “Don’t make noise, dad is tired, he is sleeping”, “Give grandfather shoes”, etc. In the second year of life, the child has positive feelings for the comrades with whom he plays. Forms of expression of sympathy are becoming more diverse. This is a smile, and an affectionate word, and sympathy, and a manifestation of attention to other people, and, finally, the desire to share joy with another person. If in the first year the feeling of sympathy is still involuntary, unconscious, unstable, then in the second year it becomes more conscious.

In the process of communicating with adults in the second year of life, a child develops an emotional reaction to praise (R.Kh. Shakurov). The emergence of an emotional reaction to praise creates internal conditions for the development of self-esteem, self-love, for the formation of a stable positive-emotional attitude of the baby to himself and to his qualities.

The study of the individual characteristics of children requires considerable time and systematic observations. To this end, the teacher needs to keep a diary, recording in it the peculiarities of the behavior of the pupils, making periodically brief generalizations of the results of the observation.

The individual characteristics of the child are also associated with the type of his nervous activity, which is hereditary. I.P. Pavlov in his doctrine of higher nervous activity revealed the main properties of nervous processes:

-strength of excitation and imbalance;

-balance and imbalance of these processes;

their mobility.

Based on the study of the course of these processes, he identified 4 types of higher nervous activity:

Strong, unbalanced, characterized by strong excitation and less strong inhibition, corresponds to the choleric temperament. For a child of choleric temperament, increased excitability, activity, and distractibility are characteristic. He takes care of everything with passion. Not measuring his strength, he often loses interest in the work he has begun, does not bring it to the end. This can lead to frivolity, quarrelsomeness. Therefore, in such a child it is necessary to strengthen the processes of inhibition, and the activity that goes beyond the limits should be switched to useful and feasible activity. It is necessary to control the execution of tasks, to demand to bring the work begun to the end. In the classroom, you need to direct such children to comprehend the material, set them more complex tasks, skillfully rely on their interests.

Strong balanced (the process of excitation is balanced by the process of inhibition), mobile, corresponds to the sanguine temperament. Children of sanguine temperament are active, sociable, easily adapt to changing conditions. The characteristics of children of this type of higher nervous activity are clearly manifested when they enter kindergarten: they are cheerful, immediately find comrades for themselves, delve into all aspects of the life of the group, with great interest and actively participate in classes and games.

Strong, balanced, inert, (corresponds to phlegmatic temperament). Phlegmatic children are calm, patient, they bring a solid matter to an end, they treat others evenly. The disadvantage of the phlegmatic is his inertia, his inactivity, he cannot immediately concentrate, direct attention. In general, these children do not cause trouble.

Of course, such traits as restraint, prudence are positive, but they can be confused with indifference, apathy, lack of initiative, laziness. It is necessary to carefully study these features of the child in various situations, in various activities, not to be hasty in their conclusions, to check and compare the results of their observations with the observations of colleagues and family members of the child.

Weak, characterized by weakness of both excitation and inhibition with increased inhibition or low mobility (corresponds to melancholic temperament). Children of a melancholy temperament are unsociable, withdrawn, very impressionable and touchy. When entering a kindergarten, school for a long time they can not get used to the new environment, the team of children yearn, feel sad. In some cases, experiences respond even to the physical condition of the child: he loses weight, his appetite and sleep are disturbed. Not only teachers, but also medical staff and families should pay special attention to such children, take care of creating conditions that cause them as many positive emotions as possible.

The property of the nervous system of each person does not fit into any one "pure" type of higher nervous activity. As a rule, the individual psyche reflects a mixture of types or manifests itself as an intermediate type (for example, between a sanguine person and a phlegmatic person, between a melancholic person and a phlegmatic person, between a choleric person and a melancholic person).

When taking into account the age-related characteristics of the development of children, the teacher largely relies on the generalized data of pedagogy and developmental psychology. As for the individual differences and peculiarities of the upbringing of individual children, here he has to rely only on this material, which he receives in the process of personal study of the pupils.

Thus, early age covers the period from 1 year to 3 years. During this period, the social situation of the child's development changes. By the beginning of an early age, the child, acquiring a desire for independence and independence from an adult, remains connected with an adult, because he needs his practical help, evaluation and attention. This contradiction is resolved in the new social situation of the child's development, which is the cooperation or joint activity of the child and the adult.

The leading activity of the child also changes. If the infant does not yet single out the method of action with the object and its purpose, then already in the second year of life, the content of the child's objective cooperation with the adult becomes the assimilation of socially developed methods of using objects. The adult not only puts an object into the child's hands, but together with the object "transmits" the mode of action with it.

In such cooperation, communication ceases to be a leading activity, it becomes a means of mastering social ways of using objects.

In early childhood, one can note the rapid development of the following mental spheres: communication, speech, cognitive (perception, thinking), motor and emotional-volitional spheres. In the speech development of a young child, the main thing is to stimulate his active speech. This is achieved by enriching the vocabulary, intensive work to improve the articulatory apparatus, as well as expanding the zone of communication with adults.

3 Factors that determine the nature, severity and duration of children's adaptation to new conditions. Organization of adaptation of young children to kindergarten

The complex and multivariate process of social adaptation is influenced by various factors that determine its course, pace and results. The scientific literature presents different groups of factors:

-external and internal;

-biological and social;

-factors that depend and do not depend on preschool teachers.

It should be noted that the factors that impede the adaptation of preschoolers and lead to maladjustment of the personality are more fully studied and characterized in the psychological and pedagogical literature.

Based on the research of specialists studying the problems of adaptation, it is possible to conditionally divide the factors into two groups - objective and subjective. The first group includes factors related to the environment of preschoolers, the second - factors related to their biological and psychological characteristics.

Among the objective factors we have included:

-environmental factors (socio-economic, socio-cultural, environmental characteristics of the country and region in which the child lives),

-pedagogical factors (training program; the personality of the educator, his competence, communication style; the state of the material and technical base of the preschool educational institution, sanitary and hygienic conditions; continuity between a preschool educational institution and an elementary school),

-family (material, living conditions of the family; general cultural level of parents, their social status; nature of marital and child-parent relationships; style of family education),

-peer groups (kindergarten group; the nature of communication between a younger student and peers outside the preschool educational institution).

The group of subjective factors included the state of health, age and individual characteristics of preschool children, the level of training of their adaptive capabilities.

Objective and subjective factors are inseparable unity, constant interaction and can have both positive and negative impact on the process of social adaptation of young children.

Adaptation as an adaptation of the body to a new environment includes a wide range of individual reactions depending on the psychophysiological and personal characteristics of the child, the specific nature of family relationships and upbringing, and the conditions of stay in kindergarten. Up to 2-3 years, the child does not feel the need to communicate with peers, replaced by the mother and loved ones. Therefore, normal and especially emotionally sensitive, impressionable and attached children have a hard time adapting to kindergarten, because they react affectively to separation from their mother and the absence of an equivalent replacement.

T.A. Kulikova writes in her writings what difficulties the adaptation of the child to new conditions entails, it requires the destruction of previously established ties and the rapid formation of new ones. At first, in kindergarten, everything seems unusual to the child, he is worried, and sometimes frightened by the situation: a large room, unfamiliar children around, strange adult teachers, a nurse, a music director. The level of noise in a group room can have a strong psycho-traumatic effect on a small child: conversations of a large group of adults, footsteps, sounds made by toys, slamming doors.

Children respond to these changes in life, as I.P. Pavlov, a reaction of caution or protest: they become timid, withdrawn, lethargic, whiny, capricious, stubborn, restless. Often they do not want to leave the house, they come up with imaginary diseases.

In the behavior of individual children, under the influence of difficult experiences, traits characteristic of children of an earlier age may appear: speech becomes more primitive, some skills are temporarily destroyed (for example, personal neatness skills). Neurogenic disorders occur: regurgitation, vomiting, temporary fever, rash. For some, sleep worsens, for others, appetite decreases.

A.I. Barkan describes indicators of the psycho-emotional level, which quite informatively characterize the behavior and manifestations of emotions in a child adapting to a new organized team.

1.negative emotions

As a rule, this component is found in every child adapting to new conditions for the first time. Manifestations are different: from barely perceptible to depression. The child is depressed and indifferent to everything: does not eat, does not answer questions, does not sleep. Then his behavior changes dramatically: he rushes about, conflicts with everyone. Closes again. This reaction is repeated several times a day. Often children express their negative emotions by crying, from whimpering to constant crying. But the most informative is paroxysmal crying, which indicates that, at least for a while, all negative emotions in a child suddenly recede due to the fact that they are pushed aside by positive ones. Children who are almost adapted to the garden are characterized by "crying for the company", with which the child supports the "newcomers" who have come to the group. Usually, the so-called whimpering persists longest of all the negative emotions in the child, with which he seeks to provoke a protest when parting with his parents.

2. Fear

Always present with negative emotions. The child is afraid of an unknown environment, meeting strangers, new caregivers, and most importantly, losing his parents. Fear is a source of stress, and its attacks can be regarded as a trigger mechanism for stress reactions.

3. Anger

When the child is under stress, anger flares up. During the adaptation period, the child is so vulnerable that everything can serve as a reason for anger. Anger breeds aggression.

4.Positive emotions

Usually in the first days of adaptation, they do not appear at all or are slightly expressed in those moments when the child is distracted by novelty. The easier the adaptation, the earlier positive emotions appear: joy, smile, cheerful laughter.

5.Social contacts

The sociability of the child is a blessing for the successful outcome of the adaptation process. N.D. Vatutina considers communication between adults and children the root of the whole process of getting used to a preschool. She divides children according to the level of communication into 3 groups:

-in the first group, children who have a predominance of negative emotions: refusal from an adult, from contacts with peers, every minute remembering loved ones;

-the second group - children with an unstable emotional state. Such a child holds on to the skirt with his fingertips, is afraid of losing an adult and constantly monitors him, there may be responses to the adult's suggestions, but there is no contact with peers. The child constantly feels the need to communicate with adults, and as soon as the teacher stops supporting him, he moves to the first group with difficult adaptation;

-the third group - active contact with adults. Children actively move around the group, act with toys, there is temporary contact with peers, initiative speech. When the adult's attention is weakened, the child moves to the first group after 2-3 days. Such a child needs help from any adult to learn communication skills. As soon as the child manages to establish the necessary contacts in the group, all shifts in the adaptation period will subside - this is an important step towards completing the entire process of the child's adaptation.

6.cognitive activity

Present next to positive emotions. As a rule, cognitive activity decreases and fades against the background of stress reactions. At the age of three, this activity is closely connected with the game. Therefore, the child, having come to the first kindergarten for the first time, is often not interested in toys and does not want to be interested in them, does not want to get acquainted with peers. As soon as the activity of stress becomes minimal, cognitive activity will soon resume. skills

Under the influence of stress, children usually change so much that they lose almost all the self-care skills that he has long learned and used at home (eating on his own, dressing and undressing, using a handkerchief). As the child adapts to the conditions of an organized team, he “remembers” the skills he has forgotten and easily learns new ones.

8.Features of speech

In some children, speech changes in the direction of regression against the background of stress. Vocabulary is depleted, only infantile light words are used in conversation. In speech there are no nouns and adjectives, there are only verbs. The sentences are monosyllabic. Such speech is the result of hard adaptation. With mild - it does not change or changes very little. However, in any case, the replenishment of his active vocabulary, necessary for the age of the child, is difficult.

9.Physical activity

During the adaptation process, it rarely remains within the normal range. The child is severely retarded or uncontrollably hyperactive. However, one should not confuse his activity, changed in the process of adaptation, with the activity inherent in the child's temperament.

10. Sleep

At first, there is no sleep at all. As they get used to the kindergarten, the child begins to fall asleep, but the sleep is restless, interrupted all the time by a sudden awakening. And only when the child adapts to the garden, he can sleep peacefully.

11. Appetite

The less favorable the child adapts, the worse his appetite, sometimes it is completely absent. Normalization of reduced or increased appetite, as a rule, signals that the negative shifts in the adaptation process are not increasing, and soon all other indicators of the child’s emotional “portrait” will return to normal. Against the background of stress, a child can lose weight, but having adapted, he will easily and quickly not only restore his original weight, but also begin to recover in the future.

At the beginning of attending kindergarten, adaptive stress changes reactivity - the body's defenses. The child often begins to get sick with acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, and infections. In addition, the period of adaptation to a preschool institution may coincide with the crisis of three years, which unwittingly places another heavy burden on the child's shoulders, tearing his psyche.

In the first weeks of being in kindergarten, children need to feel the constant help and care of the teacher, his readiness to protect, caress, and reassure. The sooner the child feels trust in the caregivers, establishes contact with them, the calmer he will endure the changes in his life, separation from home.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of the actions of parents and educators, the convergence of approaches to the individual characteristics of the child in the family and in kindergarten.

Significant difficulties in adaptation may be experienced by children who previously attended kindergarten, but not regularly. Therefore, we can conclude that the communication of children is a necessary element of preparation for school, and the kindergarten can provide the greatest opportunity for its implementation.

The common task of teachers and families is to help the child, as painlessly as possible, enter the life of the kindergarten. The position that the family will take during the period of preparing the child for kindergarten, in the first days of being there, is important. The formation of this position should be influenced by the head of the kindergarten, the psychologist, the medical staff and, of course, the educators of the group to which the child is to be sent.

In order to avoid complications of the first stage and create an optimal course of adaptation, it is necessary to ensure a phased, gradual transition of the child from the family to a preschool institution.

The first stage is preparatory. It should begin six months before the first admission to the kindergarten group. This stage is informative accompaniment: questioning. Parents need to help prepare their child for kindergarten. Through individual contacts, find out what worries and worries parents about kindergarten, whether they have prejudices against preschool institutions, in connection with which they arose.

Further tactics with the parents of a newborn child should be aimed at relieving their anxieties and worries, convincing them that the child will be loved and taken care of: they are introduced to the group room, to the regimen, to the content and organization of meals, classes. Games with children. Together with the parents, a sparing regimen is developed for the child in the first weeks of his stay in a preschool institution.

During the adaptation period, educators must earn the trust of the child and provide him with a sense of confidence and security in kindergarten. The program of this work is designed for a maximum of four weeks.

The first week the child comes to the kindergarten fed, so that new food and unusual conditions for its intake do not become a traumatic factor, and remains in the group for 2-3 hours in the presence of close relatives. During this time, he masters new premises for him, gets acquainted with other children. If the child is in a good mood, easily lets his parents go, they can leave him alone in the group for 2-3 hours from the second day.

Every day, the time spent in kindergarten should be increased, bringing it to lunch. It is desirable that at this time the mother would come for the child at the end of the walk, help him undress, and he would have lunch in the kindergarten in her presence. In the third week, the child can stay for daytime sleep. The teacher should set the child up for sleep in advance, offer to bring a soft toy from home. With a favorite toy, the child is more likely to lie in bed. When the child gets used to sleeping in kindergarten, he is left for the whole day.

In the first weeks, the child should feel the constant help and care of the teacher, his readiness to protect, caress, and reassure. For example, after a nap, it is important to show children that their awakening is greeted with joy. It is necessary to do a very light gymnast with the children in bed, caress, stroke, that is, gradually “win” the location and trust of the kids.

It is necessary to constantly approve the slightest manifestations of independence in children, praise for any achievements. They must constantly feel that the educator rejoices in their successes, supports, gives strength to their abilities.

During this period, it is important to conduct collective games in which all children act as equal participants and perform the same actions together. During the game, it is necessary to provide each child, albeit short-term, but individual contact with the teacher. According to L. Pyzhyanova and R. Kalinina, the main goal of teachers, when organizing the lives of children who first entered kindergarten, is to create an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group that contributes to the formation of a positive attitude and desire in the child to go to kindergarten.

The development of a unified approach to raising a child, coordinating the impact on him at home and in a preschool institution is the most important condition that makes it easier for him to adapt to a change in lifestyle.

Thus, the problem of a child's adaptation to a preschool institution is closely related to the problem of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the family.

Based on the analysis of the studied literature, it is logical to conclude that the success of a preschool institution is determined by the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the interaction between teachers and families. Building a system of relations between teachers and parents should be based on the psychology of trust. Parents and teachers lack information about the upbringing of the child, the features of his development outside the boundaries of their direct influence. There is a need for mutual assistance. This need is sometimes unconscious, and the motives for interaction between the family and the kindergarten do not always coincide.

Information material that is placed on stands, in parental corners, in the lobby of a preschool institution will help to expand parents' ideas about the life of children in kindergarten. It is important that this material be dynamic, reflect current events and carry specific knowledge. Family support or a clear focus on family problems is needed: training and assistance from specialists.

In the conditions of an open kindergarten, parents have the opportunity to come to the group at a convenient time for them, watch what the child is doing, play games with him.

Collaboration is incompatible with a monologue, and even more so with teaching, which modern teachers and many parents gravitate towards. Cooperation is dialogue, and dialogue constantly enriches all partners.

Both teachers and parents should look for positive ways and forms of communication that can encourage a partner to interact, to think, to empathize, which do not humiliate, do not cause a defensive reaction. The line of interaction between the teacher and the family does not remain unchanged. The turn to interaction with each family carries a preference for individual work (individual conversations, consultations, family visits).

It is necessary to study the interaction in a small group of parents with similar problems of home education, that is, to implement a differentiated approach.

The line of interaction on the family through the child, who shares his positive emotions and impressions with his household members, is essential and important, thereby attracting parents to help and cooperate in a preschool institution.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Adaptation is a complex process of adaptation of the body, which occurs at different levels - physiological, social, psychological. It is necessary to develop a unified approach to raising a child, coordinating the impact on him at home and in a preschool institution.

For the successful adaptation of young children, it is necessary to know and take into account the age and individual characteristics of each child. By the beginning of an early age, the child, acquiring a desire for independence and independence from an adult, remains connected with an adult, because he needs his practical help, evaluation and attention. This contradiction is resolved in the new social situation of the child's development, which is the cooperation or joint activity of the child and the adult.

The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of children to a preschool institution are: taking into account their individual psychological and age characteristics, “risk” factors that complicate adaptation; organization of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family; counseling parents and educators on the problem of adaptation of young children.

The kindergarten should become a real, not declared, open system, parents and teachers should build their relationship on the psychology of trust. The success of cooperation depends largely on the mutual attitudes of the family and the kindergarten. The need for mutual assistance is experienced by both parties - preschool institutions and the family. However, this need is sometimes unconscious, and the motives for interaction between the family and the kindergarten do not always coincide. So, it is necessary to create conditions that ensure the satisfaction of this need.

Chapter 2. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten

1 Diagnostic study of adaptation of young children to new conditions

The purpose of the experimental work is to study the passage of the process of adaptation of children, the influence of various factors on the duration and nature of the child's adaptation to new living conditions.

Objectives of the experimental work:

1.identify the level of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution in the first days of his admission to kindergarten;

2.develop a long-term plan for the work of educators with children with different levels of adaptation;

Diagnosis of the level of adaptation of young children on the basis of MDOU kindergarten No. 368 in Chelyabinsk. 19 children aged 2-2.5 years participated in the experiment.

The following research methods were used: conversation with educators; supervision of children; survey of parents.

The first meeting with parents took place immediately before the child entered kindergarten (about a week before the child entered the group). Parents were asked to answer the questions of the questionnaire "Child's readiness to enter kindergarten" (Appendix).

Based on the results of processing personal data, the state of readiness of children in this group to enter a preschool educational institution was revealed, which is shown in the figure (Table 1, Fig. 1).

Table 1. Readiness of children to attend preschool

ReadinessPointsResults Number of children% Ready55-40526.3 Conditionally ready39-241052.6Not ready23-16421.1

According to parents, 26.3% of children are ready to enter kindergarten, 52.6% are conditionally ready, and 21.1% are not ready.

Fig.1. Readiness of children to enter kindergarten

Thus, the majority of children have an insufficient level of readiness for the conditions of the preschool educational institution. The level of preparation of children for preschool, identified on the basis of a survey of parents and observations of children, can be characterized as average, since the assessment “conditionally ready” prevails.

A conversation with educators showed that when a child entered kindergarten, teachers used forms of organizing communication, both individual and frontal.

In individual conversations with parents, we found out the conditions of the child's life in the family, his state of health, habits, character traits, regimen, relationships between adult family members; introduced to the kindergarten staff who will work with children; talked about the daily routine of children in kindergarten.

Visual information for parents was used quite fully. It included the following:

-Visiting card of the institution indicating the direction of its activities and program of work, additional services.

-Information about achievements (diplomas, certificates of both employees of the institution and children).

-A stand on the rights and obligations of parents, which contains brief excerpts from legal documents from the international to the local level (the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law on Education, and others).

-Schedule of work of employees with children and parents (indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee).

The stand of visual information for parents is designed in the same style, not overloaded with material, it is distinguished by good design, simplicity and logic of the material presented.

The period of adaptation of children in the presence of parents lasts up to two weeks, gradually reducing the intensity of their participation in the activities of the child, while tracing the adequacy and competence of the actions of the educator.

The result of the ascertaining experiment showed that conditions have been created in a preschool institution for organizing the process of adapting children to kindergarten, but they should be updated and expanded using new forms and methods of working with children, parents and teachers of a preschool educational institution.

In kindergarten, attempts to solve the problem of adaptation are mainly reduced to recommendations to parents to bring the child's daily regimen as close as possible to the regimen of a preschool institution. In addition, some educators have a simplistic view of the emotional reactions of children who first come to kindergarten. They believe that crying and whims are the result of pampering and effeminacy in the family. Such an opinion may be the result of a negative attitude of the child in kindergarten.

The duration and nature of adaptation are particularly influenced by such factors as social and emotional-psychological. During the passage of the acute phase of the adaptation period in a preschool institution, the level of adaptation of moderate severity prevails in children, the level of adaptation is also medium.

To determine the success of children's adaptation, we used the methodology proposed by A. Ostroukhova. Observing the process of adaptation and entering the data of their observations into a special protocol, the educator draws a conclusion about the result of the adaptation of each child.

The success of adaptation is manifested in behavioral reactions and in the duration of the adaptation period. There are four main factors of behavioral adaptation: emotional state, sociability, afternoon sleep, appetite.

Each of the factors can be assessed from +3 to -3, that is, from excellent adaptation to complete maladaptation.

For the convenience of data processing and in order to avoid subjective interpretation, brief descriptions of different ratings are given (+1, +2, +3, 0, -1, -2, -3).

In total, for all four factors, you can get +12 or -12, in the interval of which the levels of adaptation are determined. The duration of the adaptation process can be limited to one day (when the child is socialized on the first day in a preschool educational institution) or be as long as you like.

The level of adaptation is derived from the interaction of the duration of the adaptation period (A) and behavioral responses (P). When identifying the level of adaptation to the preschool educational institution, we relied on the recommendations of A. Ostroukhova.

Table 2. Level of adaptation of children to preschool

Adaptation Terms (A) Behavioral reactions (P) Levels of adaptation Easy From 5 days. up to a week + 12 ... + 8A-1 and P-1 A-1 and P-2 highAverage From 15 days. up to 3 weeks + 7 ... 0A-1 and P-3 A-2 and P-2 medium Complicated From 25 days. up to 5 weeks -1 ... -7A-2 and P-4 A-3 and P-3 complex Disadaptation More than 5 weeks -8 ... -12A-3 and P-4 A-4 and P-4 maladaptation

Determination of behavioral response in accordance with the assessment of adaptation factors.

1)The emotional state of the child.

3 Cheerful, cheerful, mobile, active.

2 Smiling, good mood, calm.

1 Sometimes thoughtful, withdrawn.

Slight tearfulness, whimpering.

Crying for the company; paroxysmal crying.

Strong, preventive crying; depressed mood.

2)Social contacts of the child.

3 Many friends, willingly plays with children.

2 Restrained, asks for hands; reluctant to play with children.

1 Indifferent to games; withdrawn, closed.

Unhappy, does not contact children, even if involved in the game.

Shows anxiety, throws started games.

Unfriendly, aggressive, prevents children from playing.

3) Child's sleep.

3 Sleep is calm, deep, falls asleep quickly.

2 Restful sleep.

1 Falls asleep not soon, sleeps calmly, but not for long.

Falls asleep with whimpering, restless in sleep.

Falls asleep with weeping, restless for a long time in a dream.

Lack of sleep, crying.

4)Child's appetite.

3 Very good appetite, eats everything with pleasure.

2 Normal appetite, eats until full. Sleep is calm.

1 Appetite selective, but saturated. , but not for long.

Rejects some dishes, is naughty.

You have to make sure that he eats, eats for a long time, reluctantly.

Aversion to food, feeding painful.

The first signs that the child has adapted:

-a good appetite,

-willingness to communicate with other children,

-an adequate response to any suggestion of the educator,

-normal emotional state.

The results of the analysis of the adaptation map of children are presented in Table 3. As a percentage, the levels of adaptation can be presented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 2).

The results showed that a high level of adaptation was found in 36.8% of children, medium - in 47.4%, complex - 10.5%, maladaptation is observed in one child, which is 5.3%.

Table 3. The level of adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution

Level Number of children% High (up to 1 week) 736.8 Medium (up to 3 weeks) 947.4 Difficult (up to 5 weeks) 210.5 Disadaptation (more than 5 weeks) 15.3

Fig.2. The level of adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution

Thus, the results of diagnosing the adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution showed that a group of children was identified who did not adapt to kindergarten, the adaptation period exceeded 4 weeks. With these children it is necessary to carry out work taking into account individual characteristics with the involvement of parents.

The results of the study showed the need to use new, additional forms and methods in organizing the process of adaptation of children, which would allow creating all the necessary conditions for a more successful, quick and painless passage of this period in the lives of children and their parents.

When developing forms and methods of adaptation, we relied on the recommendations of Larionova G.B., Kalitina R., Danilina T.A.

As a result, a program of work was developed: "Adaptation as a process and result of learning the experience of communication in joint activities."

Purpose: preparing the child for self-disclosure of personality, self-realization of social and creative abilities.

1.taking into account their individual psychological characteristics and “risk” factors that complicate adaptation; communication in the joint activities of the teacher with children.

2.organization of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, which includes:

-awareness and understanding by preschool teachers of the role of the family;

-the inclusion of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution, the expansion of parents' ideas about the life of children in the preschool educational institution;

-psychological counseling of parents;

-development of a unified approach to raising a child at home and in a preschool institution, uniform requirements for him.

To ensure these conditions, it is necessary to carry out work in the following areas:

1.Work with parents began long before the child entered preschool (half a year) in order to achieve a gradual transition from the family to kindergarten.

2.Create on the basis of the kindergarten "Young Family Club" and "Mom's School" - to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

.To create an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group, to improve the professional level of educators, to develop in them such qualities as empathy, organizational and artistic abilities, and emotional stability. To do this, systematically conduct seminars, pedagogical councils, psychological trainings with educators.

.Correctly organize gaming activities during the adaptation period, aimed at the formation of emotional contacts "child-adult", "child-child" (Appendix).

The stages of the program implementation are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Stages of program implementation

StagePeriodContentPreparatoryUntil AprilFirst acquaintance with the teachers and the group during the registration of the childMayTraditional parent meeting: a detailed acquaintance with the conditions of the kindergarten, with the organization of the life of the kids in the kindergarten. Familiarization of parents with the characteristics of age opportunities and indicators of early childhood development. Acquaintance with the features of the adaptation period and the factors on which its course depends: state of health, level of development, age, ability to communicate with adults and peers, the formation of subject and game activities, the proximity of the home mode to the kindergarten mode. Information support - “Memo for parents” August Preliminary acquaintance with children, visiting a group by parents with children for three days during the preparation of the group for opening; the formation in children of a positive associative connection with the preschool educational institution. Questioning of parents to determine the readiness of the child to enter the preschool educational institution. Medical-psychological-pedagogical service - forecasting the course of adaptation according to the survey, identifying the "risk" group, developing a sequence for receiving children and recommendations for teachers and parents. Discussion with parents of the date of admission and the duration of the daily stay of the child in kindergarten during the adaptation period. Observation stage August-September Gradual admission of children to the group, a gradual increase in the time the children stay in the group, finding the mother in the group if necessary, monitoring the behavior of children, counseling parents. The development of an individual regimen for the child is the gradual entry of the child into the life of the kindergarten. Registration of adaptation sheets, assessment of the level of neuropsychic development of children Stages of analysis and conclusions End of September Processing of results and analysis of adaptation sheets, individual development maps. Identification of children with a severe degree of adaptation and individual work with them. Making changes to an existing work model In kindergarten, we created a design model for the junior group "Rainbow". The group environment model is based on two simple ideas. First: a kindergarten is a second home for a child, in which it should be cozy and joyful; second: for the full and versatile development of children, a specially organized environment is needed for games and recreation, for classes and a variety of activities accessible to this age.

The image of the house is created by the interior of the group room: one of the walls is decorated with a poster in the form of a house made by the hands of group educators and parents (from different pieces of wallpaper). In the group, as well as in the child's apartment, there is the most diverse large-sized children's furniture: a table, chairs, a stove, a sink, a sofa, armchairs, a bath for playing with water, a large soft carpet in warm colors. In the "foyer" children are met by a cheerful clown swinging on a swing at the level of the child's eyes. On each child's bed, in a cozy bedroom decorated in warm golden tones, lies his favorite toy. There is a mini-museum "Toy-fun" in the group, which gives children great joy. With the help of parents, toys with color sound effects, mechanical (clockwork) toys are collected here.

For the convenience of organizing a variety of activities for children in the group, several corners are allocated:

-Corner of sensory development of children. For the development of sensory skills in the corner, material was collected for the development of children's ideas about the shape, color, size, nature of the surface of objects (pyramids, cubes, insert toys, mosaics). There are also various didactic games for mastering actions with certain objects, teaching the culture of communication.

-Design corner. There is a variety of materials here: soft modules, wooden cubes, "bricks", plates.

-Sports section. Equipped with multi-colored bright balls of different sizes, skittles, stuffed cubes, toys - rocking chairs, jump ropes, ring toss, crawling collars, a dry pool with many multi-colored soft furry balls.

-Fine art corner. Here are collected large stencils of various animals, pencils, coloring books, plasticine, crayons, felt-tip pens, various stamps, a “magic screen”.

-Music corner. It is represented by various musical instruments and unusual instruments made by the hands of educators (maracas from "kinder surprises", rattles from felt-tip pens, etc.).

-Artistic and speech corner. Attracts bright books, pictures.

-Pets' corner. Created to form a careful and benevolent attitude towards nature. Children watch aquarium fish and houseplants, guinea pig.

-Corner for parents. Here, in addition to traditional information, there are folders of the Medical-Psychological-Pedagogical Service. Each kindergarten specialist came up with his own business card - with his own color photograph, with specific information about the development of children, with tips, recommendations and applications. Such a form of work as the availability of letters of thanks to parents and educators from the administration of a preschool institution is widespread. These letters and certificates are also placed in the corner for parents.

The main method and form of organizing work on adaptation is a game.

The main task of games in the adaptation period is the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person and an interesting partner for games. Emotional communication arises on the basis of actions accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, and care for each child.

The first games are played frontally so that no child feels left out. The initiator of games is always an adult. Games are selected taking into account the playing capabilities of children, the venue.

Shy, shy children who feel uncomfortable in a group need special attention and an individual approach. You can ease their state of mind, cheer up with “finger” games. In addition, these games teach coherence and coordination of movements. Games can encourage a timid and cheer a crying child, switch attention and relax an angry, aggressive child (Appendix).

Children of two or three years of age do not yet feel the need to communicate with their peers. They can watch each other with interest, jump, holding hands, and at the same time remain completely indifferent to the condition and mood of the other child. An adult must teach them to communicate through the game, and the foundations of such communication are laid during the adaptation period.

Thus, a clear professionally coordinated and thoughtful work of teachers, the participation of parents and a prosperous microclimate in kindergarten are the key to the optimal course of adaptation of children to a preschool institution.

The formation of adaptive mechanisms depends primarily on the ability of educators to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and love in the group. The child must make sure that the teacher is ready to take care of his well-being. The first contacts with the child should be contacts of help and care. The main task of the teacher is to earn the trust of the child.

A teacher working with young children should first of all love the little ones, and this love should be manifested in his appearance, words and actions.

Children like in educators: emotionality and sincerity, kindness and responsiveness, a cheerful mood and the ability to create it in others, the ability to enthusiastically play and invent stories, quiet speech and soft, affectionate movements.

A professional teacher has an arsenal of techniques to slow down the negative emotions of kids. He can offer:

-games with sand and water (give children unbreakable vessels of various sizes, spoons, funnels, sieves, let the baby pour water from one container to another or catch balls, fish with a net);

-monotonous hand movements (stringing pyramid rings or balls with a hole on a cord);

-squeezing the hands (give the baby a rubber squeaker toy, let him squeeze and unclench his hand and listen to the toy squeak);

-drawing with felt-tip pens, markers, paints;

-listening to quiet, calm music (“Morning” by Grieg, “King of the Dwarfs” by Schubert, “Melody” by Gluck);

-engage in laughter therapy.

Almost any baby at first experiences discomfort from the size of the group and the bedroom - they are too big, not like at home. In order for the child to want to go to kindergarten with pleasure, you need to “domesticate” the group. The introduction of elements of family life into the practice of early age groups should become the norm for educators.

It would be nice if parents bring from home the baby's favorite toy, with which he is used to playing and falling asleep, a plate and spoon, which he is used to using at home.

To create a feeling of psychological comfort, security, to give the bedroom a more comfortable look, a bedside rug, a curtain, a pajama, a phyto-pillow made by mom will help. All these attributes become a symbol and part of the house for the baby.

It is very good to have an album in the group with photos of all the children of the group and their parents. The kid at any time can see his loved ones and will no longer yearn away from home.

In order to visually reduce the room of the group, it is better to place the furniture not around the perimeter, but in such a way that it forms small rooms in which children feel comfortable.

It is good if the group has upholstered furniture: an armchair, a sofa, where the child can be alone, play with his favorite toy, watch a book he likes, or just relax. It is advisable to place a living corner next to the corner of "silence". The green color of plants favorably affects the emotional state of a person.

Instructions were developed for parents (Appendix).

Do not plan many activities for the day with children. It is enough to organize 1-2 forms of work for each direction.

When planning game interaction, the teacher selects a variety of types of games:


water games;

sand games;

-finger games;

-games with didactic toys;

Fun games.

In the direction "We play and build" reflects the activities of children with plastic and wooden constructors, as well as construction from soft modules.

In the “Building Emotional Responsiveness” section, you can include:

Reading poems;


singing songs;

-listening to music;

-looking at toys, books, pictures;

-observation of the object of nature;

-drawing pictures for kids.

When planning the section "Child Development", the teacher selects:

-game exercises;

Outdoor games;

-musical games.

In order for the adaptation to be successful, a work plan was developed (Table 5).

Table 5. Indicative work plan for a two-week adaptation period

Week Playing interaction Playing and building with kids Forming emotional responsiveness Developing movements exercise “Go to the horse” Outdoor game “Horse” Story game “Let’s bake a bun, feed the doll” Playing with sand “Baking pies” Building game “A tower of cubes for a bird” Reading S. Kaputikyan’s poem “Masha is having lunch” Examining illustrations for the poem Game exercise Mobile game "Chase the bird" Story game "Dress up, we are going to visit" Fun game "Catch, fish" Construction game "Let's build a train, let's go to visit" (soft modules) Drawing pictures for kids "Flowers for kids and Masha's dolls" Observation “Flowers in our flowerbed” Game exercise “To visit the dolls” Mobile game “Funny scarves” Story game “Let's put the doll to sleep” Game with fingers “Fingers got up” with a matryoshka toy Building game “A house from a cube and a prism” Singing a lullaby “Bai, bai, bai! I shake the doll "Reading nursery rhymes "Katya, Katya is small" Game exercise "Walk along the path" Outdoor game "Collect balls and balls" Fun game "Swim, boat" Construction game "A house of two cubes and a prism" Reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin “The wind is walking on the sea” Dancing to the music “Dance, my doll” Game exercise “Find a boat” Outdoor game “Carousels” Week 2 Story game “Teddy bear visiting the children in kindergarten” Didactic game “Collect the cones in a basket” Construction game “Little Tower” Considering a new toy “Hello, stomp bear” Reading nursery rhymes “Ladushki” Game exercise “Clumsy Bear” Outdoor game “Catch up with the bear” Story game “Feed the bear cub with pancakes” Pyramid game Construction game “Big Tower” Reading nursery rhyme “Goyda” , goyda, cradles "Game exercise" Take the pancakes to the bear cub" Mobile game "Pancakes-pancakes" Subject game "Ride the bear cub in the car" Water game "Wash the car" Building game "Path for the car" Drawing cards Incas for kids “Colorful balls”, Reading nursery rhymes “Let's go, let's go ...” Game exercise “Roll down the hill” Outdoor game “Catch, catch” (with a clockwork toy) Story game “Let's put the car to sleep” Building game “Bed for a little one bear cub "Reading A. Barto's poem "Bear" Listening to a lullaby Game exercise "Go to the horse" Outdoor game "Hello, friend - bye, friend." Fun game “We gently stroke the animals” Construction game “The bear cub goes to visit the bunny along the path” Considering subject pictures “Friends of the teddy bear” Reading the poem “Bunny” by A. Barto Game exercise “Find the bear cub” Outdoor game “Catch the balloon”

When building a developing environment for children from one and a half to three years old, one should take into account the age-related physiological and mental characteristics of the child, increased motor activity and pronounced cognitive activity, which manifests itself in an irrepressible desire to explore everything that is in the child's field of vision.

Let us consider the main characteristics of the subject environment for early childhood groups.

1.Diversity. The presence of all kinds of gaming and didactic material for sensory development, productive and musical activities, the development of fine motor skills, the organization of motor activity, etc.

2.Optimal saturation. Materials and equipment should create an optimally saturated (without excessive abundance and without lack) integral environment. The thesis “a lot means good” in this case is incorrect. Do not oversaturate, kaleidoscopic environment, it is harmful to the development of the child, as well as the scarcity of the environment.

.Stability. Young children do not respond well to spatial changes in the situation, they prefer stability, therefore all materials and aids, markers of the playing space must have a permanent place.

.Availability. The location of the game and didactic material in the field of view of the child (high furniture and closed cabinets are excluded).

.Emotionogenicity. Ensuring individual comfort, psychological security and emotional well-being (the environment should be bright, colorful, attracting the attention of the child and causing him positive emotions).

.Zoning. The construction of play and learning zones that do not intersect with each other (this is due to the peculiarities of the play activities of young children - they do not play together, but side by side).

Educators arrange the spatial environment in such a way as to provide enough space for all kinds of activities for kids: from active to those requiring concentration and silence.

Conclusions on the second chapter

The second chapter presents the diagnostic results. The state of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution in the first days of his admission to kindergarten was revealed. A program of work with children and their parents has been developed, aimed at increasing the level of adaptation of children enrolled in a preschool educational institution to its conditions. The program takes into account social, psychological factors that affect the level of adaptation of children to a preschool institution.

The necessary conditions for a child's adaptation to preschool education are: coordination of actions of parents and educators, convergence of approaches to the individual characteristics of the child in the family and in kindergarten.

The process of a child getting used to kindergarten is quite long and is associated with a significant stress on all physiological systems of the child's body, and since the adaptive capabilities of a child at an early age are limited, a sharp transition to a new social situation and a long stay in a stressful state can lead to emotional disorders or a slowdown in psychophysical the pace of development. A gradual transition of the child from the family to a preschool institution is necessary, which will ensure the optimal course of adaptation.

In the process of long-term observations of the adaptation period of children of early preschool age to the conditions of the kindergarten, it was revealed that it is necessary to develop common stages in the transition of a child from a family to a preschool institution.


As a result of the research work, its goal was achieved: the psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the successful adaptation of the child to a preschool institution were identified and theoretically substantiated, a work program was introduced into the practice of a preschool institution to create effective psychological and pedagogical conditions for the child's adaptation to a preschool institution.

The tasks of the study were also solved: the problem of adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution in the psychological and pedagogical literature was studied; based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the child's adaptation to a preschool institution were identified and theoretically substantiated; a program of work with teachers, children and their parents has been developed to ensure the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the child's adaptation to a preschool institution.

The underlying hypothesis was confirmed, that is, the process of adaptation of the child to a preschool institution is successful, subject to the observance of psychological and pedagogical conditions.

1.Create additional services for parents to gradually get used to kindergarten, for example, a short stay group, a Sunday group.

2.Support the family with an information base while targeting its problems.

.Establish work on interaction with the children's clinic in order to obtain complete information about the physical health of children from birth, to predict the level of adaptation and the use of individual forms and methods of work, both with the child and with his family.

.Periodically analyze the forms and methods of communication used with children, parents during the adaptation period, make amendments, adjust.

.To search for effective and non-traditional forms of work with the family on the problem of adaptation, it is necessary to exchange experience with other preschool institutions.

.It is advisable to learn to predict and determine the expected result of the development of new forms of cooperation with the family.


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Questionnaire "Child's readiness to enter kindergarten"

FULL NAME. child ___________________________________________

What mood prevails in the child (underline)

cheerful, balanced - 3 points

irritable, unstable - 2

depressed - 1.

How does your child fall asleep?

fast (up to 10 min.) - 3

slowly - 2

calmly - 3

restless - 2.

What do you do to make your child fall asleep?

additional impact - 1

without impact - 3.

How long does a child sleep?

less than 1 - 1.

What is your child's appetite?

good - 4

electoral - 3

unstable - 2

bad - 1.

How does your child feel about potty training?

positive - 3

negative - 1

asks for a potty - 3

not asked, but sometimes dry - 2

does not ask and walks wet - 1.

Does your child have negative habits?

sucking a pacifier or sucking a finger, rocking (specify others) - 1

no negative habits - 3.

Is your child interested in toys, objects at home and in a new environment?

sometimes - 2.

Is there any interest in the actions of adults?

sometimes - 2.

How does your child play?

can play on his own - 3

not always - 2

does not play himself - 1.

Relationships with adults:

easy to contact - 3

selectively - 2

difficult - 1.

Relationships with children:

easy to contact - 3

selectively - 2

difficult - 1.

Attitudes towards classes: attentive, diligent, active:

not always 2.

Does the child have self-confidence?

not always - 2.

Do you experience separation from loved ones?

endured separation easily - 3

hard - 1.

Is there an affective attachment to any of the adults?

Adaptation forecast

Ready to enter kindergarten - 55-40 points

Conditionally ready - 39-24 points

Not ready - 23-16 points.

Adaptation card of the younger group (19 people)

№ p/n Adaptation terms (A) days Behavioral reactions (P) Adaptation level Emotional state Social contacts Child's sleep Child's appetite Total 113+1+1+1+1+4 medium 25+2+3+3+1+9 high 320+2+2-3- 3-2 difficult 412+1+1+2+1+5 medium 514+1+2+2+1+6 medium 64+3+3+3+1+10 high 714+1+1+2+1+5 medium 85+2 +2+2+2+8high 93+1+2+3+2+8high 1010+1+1+2+1+5medium 1115+1+1+2-10medium 1232-3-2-3-2-11disadaptation1323 -1-1+1-1-2 difficult 1411+2+2+1-2+3 medium 1510+2+2-1+1+4 medium 162+3+3+3+2+11 high 173+2+3+2 +2+9high 181+3+3+3+3+12high 199+1+1+2+1+5medium

Reminders for parents

Dear parents!

Soon you and your baby will have to start a new life. In order for your child to quickly and easily get used to a new way of life, to feel confident and comfortable in the group, we ask you for cooperation during the period of his adaptation to new conditions.

Spend the first acquaintance of the child with the kindergarten in absentia through the photo album “We are waiting for you, baby.

Take your child for several morning and evening walks, so it will be easier for the child to get to know caregivers and other children. The kid should see how moms and dads come for the children.

Bring the child to the group when the other children are walking, give him the opportunity to master the new environment.

For the first week, bring the child to 9 o'clock so that he does not see the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with his mother. It is desirable that the baby be fed.

The second week of stay in kindergarten, the baby stays in the group for the same time as in the first week, but without a mother.

It is desirable that the mother comes at the end of the morning walk and the child has dinner in her presence.

For the third and fourth weeks, we invite the child to stay for a daytime nap and ask the parents to pick up the baby shortly after the daytime nap.

Develop self care and personal hygiene skills in children.

The home regime must correspond to the regime of a preschool institution.

Encourage play with other children, expand your social circle with adults.

If you have any questions about the problems of the kindergarten, do not discuss it in front of the child, but be sure to share it with the staff of our institution.

Regulations on the "mother's school"

General provisions

"Mom's School" was created with the aim of establishing cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in the education of young children.

"Mom's School" carries out its activities in accordance with the regulatory legal acts in the field of education, the charter of the preschool educational institution, these Regulations.

The participants of the "Mom's School" are: parents of young children, teachers, the head nurse of the preschool educational institution, as well as doctors of the children's clinic.

The head of the preschool educational institution writes an order to create a "Mom's School", assigning a certain area of ​​​​work to each specialist of the preschool educational institution.

The main principles of the "Mom's School" are voluntariness, competence, and observance of pedagogical ethics.

The main activities of the "Mom's School"

Providing medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of young children.

Promotion of positive experience of family education.

Increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents of young children.

Promoting the activities of preschool educational institutions among the population of the microdistrict.

Rights and obligations of participants in the "Mom's School"

Parents (legal representatives) have the right to:

to receive qualified advice on child care, the problems of raising, developing and adapting a child to a preschool educational institution;

to receive practical assistance in organizing classes with children at home;

to express their own opinions and share experiences in raising children.

DOW has the right:

to study and disseminate the positive experience of family education;

to make adjustments to the work plan of the "Mom's School" depending on the problems that arise, the interests and requests of the parents.

DOW is obliged:

organize the work of the "Mom's School" in accordance with the plan approved by the head of the preschool educational institution and taking into account the interests and needs of parents;

provide qualified advice and practical assistance to parents.

Organization of the activities of the "Mom's School"

The work of the "Mom's School" is carried out on the basis of a kindergarten;

Work planning is based on the results of a survey of parents (legitimate submissions);

At the final meeting of the "Mom's School" the results of the work and its effectiveness are discussed;

Forms of organizing the work of the "Mom's School":

round table, psychological trainings, workshops, solving pedagogical situations, providing family education experience, video screenings on organizing the life of children in a preschool educational institution.

The theme of the "club of a young family"

№ p / p The theme of the club's work Form of holding Terms of carrying out Responsible 1 Adaptation of the child to DOUP psychological training October Senior educator, teacher-psychologist 2 Family Code - a document regulating the legal issues of family relations on the basis of the current Constitution of the RRF and new civil legislation Consultation November Lawyer 3 Importance of the daily routine in maintaining the emotional well-being of the child Consultation December Educators 4 Features organizing nutrition for young children in kindergarten and in the family Practicum January Art. Nurse 5 If the child is naughty Round table February Teacher-psychologist 6 Creating conditions for the development of sensory abilities of children Workshop March Senior educator 7 Hardening as one of the means of preventing colds Consultation April Pediatrician 8 Types of social assistance to the family Consultation May Employee of the Department of the Center for Social Protection of the Population 9 Education of independence and cultural and hygiene skills in young children situations) June Educators of early age groups 10 Protection of the rights and dignity of the efforts of the family and kindergarten Round table July Specialists of the department for the protection of the rights of minors 11 Activation of the speech and motor activity of the child Round table August Senior educator 12 Meeting with law enforcement officials Evening of questions and answers September Representatives of law enforcement agencies

Games in the adaptation period with children of two to three years

Sun and rain

Game progress. Children squat down behind the chairs, located at some distance from the edge of the site or the wall of the room, and look into the "window" (into the hole in the back of the chair). The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk!" Children run all over the playground. At the signal: “Rain! Hurry home!” - run to their seats and sit down behind the chairs. The game is repeated.

Game progress. The teacher offers to play the "train": "I am a locomotive, and you are trailers." Children stand in a column one after another, holding on to the clothes of the person in front. “Let's go,” the adult says, and everyone starts moving, saying: “Choo-choo-choo.” The teacher leads the train in one direction, then in the other, then slows down, stops and says: "Stop." After a while, the train sets off again.

This game contributes to the development of basic movements - running and walking.

Sunny Bunnies.

Material. Small mirror.

Game progress. The teacher sends sunbeams with a mirror and says at the same time: “Sunbeams are playing on the wall. Wag them with your finger. Let them run to you!" At the signal "Catch the bunny!" the kids are trying to catch him.

The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

Dog game.

Material. Toy dog.

Game progress. The teacher holds a dog in his hands and says:

WOF WOF! Who's there?

This dog is visiting us.

I put the dog on the floor.

Give, doggy, Petya a paw!

Then he comes with a dog to the child, whose name is given, offers to take her by the paw, feed her. They bring a bowl of imaginary food, the dog "eats soup", "barks", says to the child "thank you!"

When repeating the game, the teacher calls the name of another child.


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Adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

Kindergarten is a new period in a child's life. For him, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept a new environment, strangers immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying. Some easily enter the group, but cry in the evening at home, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, and before entering the group they begin to act up and cry.

From the moment a child enters kindergarten, he begins the process of adaptation to new conditions. What is adaptation? Adaptation is the process of a child entering a new environment for him and adapting to the conditions of this environment (social environment, daily routine, norms and rules of behavior, etc.)

Adaptation is a rather difficult period, both for the child and for his parents.In children during this period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some children experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but refuses in kindergarten. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to a deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes to a disease.

There are 3 stages of the adaptation process:

    Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status (weight loss, illness, loss of appetite, poor sleep, regression in speech development, resentment towards parents ...) - 1 month

    The subacute phase is characterized by adequate behavior of the child, all shifts decrease, all mental and physical processes return to normal - 2-3 months.

    The compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration in the rate of development.

The adaptation period to new conditions for each child proceeds differently. On average, this period takes from 2 to 5 weeks. There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation The child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, after 1-2 weeks sleep improves. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relations with close adults are not violated, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, he is interested in other adults. Attitude towards children can be both indifferent and interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. The incidence is not more than once, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions and changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation. Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and longer. Sleep is restored only after 20 - 40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored in 20 - 40 days. Mood unstable during the month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards relatives is emotionally excited (crying, crying at parting and meeting). Attitude towards children, as a rule, is indifferent, but may be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills, the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. Incidence up to two times, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight does not change or slightly decreases. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relations with adults and children, communication only under certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, peeling of the skin (diathesis) - within one and a half to two weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation. The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude to relatives - emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech does not use or there is a delay in speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

The duration of the adaptation period depends on the individual - typological characteristics of each baby. One is active, sociable, inquisitive. His adaptation period will pass quite easily and quickly. The other is slow, imperturbable, likes to retire with toys. Noise, loud conversations of peers annoy him. If he knows how to eat himself, dress himself, then he does it slowly, lags behind everyone. These difficulties leave their mark on relationships with others. Such a child needs more time to get used to the new environment.

Studies of teachers and doctors show that the nature of adaptation depends onthe following factors:

    child's age. It is more difficult for children under the age of 2 to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they understand the speech of an adult well, they have a richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

    health and developmental status of the child. A healthy, well-developed child is more likely to endure the difficulties of social adaptation.

    formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy, activities.

    individual characteristics. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of their stay in kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat, sleep, they react to every suggestion of an adult with a violent protest. But a few days pass, and the child's behavior changes: appetite, sleep are restored, the child follows the game of his comrades with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. Without objection, they fulfill the requirements of the educator, and in the following days they part with their parents with tears, eat poorly, sleep, and do not take part in games. This behavior can continue for several weeks.

    living conditions in the family. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.). If a child comes from a family where the conditions for his proper development were not created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

    the level of fitness of adaptive mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. The training of mechanisms does not happen by itself. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Toddlers who, before entering kindergarten, repeatedly found themselves in different conditions (visited relatives, acquaintances, went to the country, etc.), get used to a preschool institution more easily. It is important that in the family the child develops a trusting relationship with adults, the ability to positively relate to the requirements of adults.

Causes of severe adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Entering kindergarten, the child experiences stress. Any stress, especially prolonged, leads to a decrease in the immune reserves of the body, increases susceptibility to various diseases. It is also important that the child's body in the children's team is faced with a microflora alien to him, he has no immunity to the majority. It is with this that the increase in cases of diseases in the first year of visiting a kindergarten by a child is connected. Medicines are used to increase immunity, consult your doctor.

Also, the child needs measures to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily intestinal dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis - qualitative and quantitative changes in the species composition of microorganisms that normally inhabit the intestines. Violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora leads not only to incomplete absorption of nutrients, but also to various violations of the normal functioning of the body. Prevention of dysbacteriosis in children should be carried out not only after acute intestinal infections, but also with drastic changes in living conditions, upon admission to kindergarten. Usually, such drugs should be given for a long time, and parents always want to give a magic pill, after which the child will never get sick. Such miracles do not happen. Every parent should remember that maintaining good health is painstaking, strenuous and necessarily regular work.

It must be remembered that food in kindergarten may differ from the preferences of the child, and he will also have to get used to this. And parents are better off before the child enters kindergarten to adjust his diet.

Tips for improving your child's health:

    compliance with a strict regime;

    healthy, balanced diet;

    stay outside for at least 2-3 hours daily;

    playing sports in accordance with the age capabilities of the child;

    a favorable microclimate in the family is the love of both parents.

First of all, the child needs to create at home such a regime and living conditions that would be as close as possible to the regime and conditions of the kindergarten.

Approximate daily routine for children under 3 years old:

7.00 - 7.30 - wake up, morning toilet.

until 8.00 - admission of children to kindergarten.

8.00 - 9.00 - morning exercises, washing, preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

9.00 - 9.20 - games, organization of educational activities.

9.45 - 11.00 - walk.

11.00 - 11.20 - return from a walk, game.

11.20 - 12.00 - lunch.

12.00 - 15.00 - daytime sleep.

15.00 - 15.25 - gradual rise, afternoon snack.

15.25 - 15.45 - independent game activity.

15.45 - 16.00 - organization of educational activities.

16.00 - 17.00 - walk.

17:00 - 17.20 - return from a walk, game.

17.20 - 17.50 - preparation for dinner, dinner.

17.50 - 19.30 - independent activity, going home.

19.00 - 20.00 - walk after kindergarten.

20.00 - 20.30 - return from a walk, hygiene procedures, calm games.

20.30 - 7.00 - preparation for bed, night sleep

If children in the family sleep, eat, walk at different times, they hardly get used to the daily routine in kindergarten. The discrepancy between the home regimen and the regimen of a preschool institution negatively affects the child's condition, he becomes lethargic, capricious, indifferent to what is happening.

Bringing a child to kindergarten for the first time, it is not recommended to leave him immediately for the whole day. The most sparing option is if the child in the first days will be in the group for 2-3 hours, and will have lunch and sleep at home, in a familiar environment. It is better to coordinate the time with the teacher and come with the child during walking hours. Allowing you to gradually get used to it, you can leave the child for daytime sleep, taking it immediately after waking up. When you see that your appetite and sleep have returned to normal, you can leave it for the whole day. But do not force things, you need to go to work faster, you want the child to start going to kindergarten all day long, you insist, but the child has not yet adapted, and psychosomatic illnesses begin. All children are individual and get used to kindergarten in different ways.

On the first day of visiting the kindergarten, do not leave the child alone right away, it is best to come for a walk and spend it together, you will have the opportunity to get to know the teacher, observe the child's behavior, set the child up for a positive attitude towards the kindergarten. When you part, leaving the child in kindergarten - part with the child easily and quickly. Of course, you are worried about how your child will be in kindergarten, but long farewells with a worried expression will cause anxiety in the child, and he will not let you go for a long time.

Remember to reassure your child that you will definitely come back for him.
If a child has difficulty separating from his mother, let his father take the first few weeks to kindergarten.

Give the child his favorite toy to kindergarten, let the toy walk with him every day and get to know other children there, in the evening you can ask what happened to the toy in kindergarten. Thus, you will find out how your baby manages to get used to the kindergarten. Play with your child with homemade toys in kindergarten, where one of them will be the child himself. Watch what this toy does, what it says, help your child find friends for it and solve your child's problems through it, orienting the game towards a positive result.

Many children in the early days are very tired in kindergarten from new experiences, new friends, new activities, a large number of people. If a child comes home tired and nervous, this does not mean that he is not able to get used to kindergarten. It is necessary to take such a child home earlier. During the adjustment period, exclude unnecessary irritants - TV, loud music (in extreme cases, do not turn them on very loudly), loud conversations, large crowds of people.

It is now important for a child to be with you as much as possible, to be sure that you love him. Engage in calm games at home, reading, looking at pictures, drawing, modeling, walking before going to bed. Do not go with him to visit, on holidays, as this creates an additional burden on the nervous system. Do not accept guests for now, you will make up for everything later, when the child gets used to it. Be sure to tell the child that you love him, that you will certainly come for him. When you take your child home, talk to the teacher and find out how the child ate and slept. If necessary, compensate for malnutrition or lack of sleep at home.

Equally important in the period of a child getting used to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is the presence of the necessary cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills. Quite often, children, coming to kindergarten, do not know how to eat on their own, do not ask for a potty, do not know how to dress and undress, use a handkerchief. The child must be taught to: wash hands, use a spoon, eat on their own, eat soup with bread, chew food well, keep the table clean while eating, use a napkin, participate in undressing, take off clothes and shoes unbuttoned and untied by adults, take off tights, know their clothes, be able to ask an adult for help.

For the formation of these skills, appropriate conditions are necessary: ​​uniform, deliberate requirements for children from all adults in the family, constancy of requirements, specificity of rules and a gradual increase in their volume. In the formation of skills, exercises in action, encouragement for the performed action in the form of praise, approval are of great importance.

Sometimes, upon admission to kindergarten, there is a temporary loss of already acquired skills and habits. To prevent this from happening, it is important not only to train children in the application of the acquired skills, but also to control their implementation in different situations, to explain their meaning. Children who have formed the necessary skills related to eating, washing, dressing, undressing, laying down, feel calmer and more confident in a group.

So, the admission of a child to kindergarten can be painless for him, if you prepare the baby for this in advance. For this you need:

    timely expand the circle of his communication with adults and peers and thereby contribute to the formation of the need for communication and development;

    it is correct to build the entire system of family education so that the child has a positive experience of communication, the skills and abilities necessary for this age are developed;

    the child must be sure that he is loved by his parents, that he is not sent to kindergarten as a punishment, but because he has grown up and his parents are proud that their child has become big, he can do a lot on his own and can go to kindergarten.

And no matter how good the kindergarten is, do not make an irreparable mistake - do not consider that it replaces the family!

Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the child's attention to activities that bring him pleasure. It is, first of all, a game.

The game "Pour, pour, compare"

Toys, foam rubber sponges, tubes, bottles with holes are lowered into the basin with water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

take as many items as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

collect with one hand, for example, beads, and with the other - pebbles;

Raise as many objects as possible on the palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes the hands, holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child's hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

The game "Drawings in the sand"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump on the tray, elephants will stomp, it will rain. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing, a child will tell you, who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with two hands.

The game "Talk to the toy"

Put on a glove toy. There is also a glove toy on the child's hand. You touch her, you can stroke and tickle her, while asking: “Why is my ... sad, his eyes are wet; who he made friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play”, etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his feelings and moods to it, the child will tell you what worries him, share what is difficult to express.

"Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten"

Adaptation of young children

Pre-nursery patronage is over. And now the baby crosses the threshold of kindergarten. In the life of a child, the most difficult period begins for his entire stay in kindergarten - the period of adaptation.

Adaptation is usually called the process of a child entering a new environment and getting used to its conditions.

In children during the adaptation period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some toddlers experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but in kindergarten he refuses. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to a deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes to a disease.

There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation, the negative emotional state does not last long. At this time, the baby does not sleep well, loses appetite, and is reluctant to play with children. But within the first month after entering kindergarten, as you get used to the new conditions, everything returns to normal. The child usually does not get sick during the adaptation period.

With moderate adaptation, the emotional state of the child returns to normal more slowly, and during the first month after admission, he usually suffers from acute respiratory infections. The disease lasts 7-10 days and ends without any complications.

The most undesirable is a difficult adaptation, when the emotional state of the child returns to normal very slowly (sometimes this process lasts several months). During this period, the child either suffers from repeated illnesses, often with complications, or exhibits persistent behavioral disorders. Severe adaptation negatively affects both the health and development of children.

What determines the nature and duration of the adaptation period?

Studies of teachers and doctors show that the nature of adaptation depends on the following factors:

the age of the child. It is more difficult for children aged 10-11 months to 2 years to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they understand the speech of an adult well, they have a richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

The health and developmental status of the child. A healthy, well-developed child is more likely to endure the difficulties of social adaptation.

Formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy, activities.

individual features. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of their stay in kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat, sleep, they react to every suggestion of an adult with a violent protest. But a few days pass, and the child's behavior changes: appetite, sleep are restored, the child follows the game of his comrades with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. Without objection, they fulfill the requirements of the educator, and in the following days they part with their parents with tears, eat poorly, sleep, and do not take part in games. This behavior can continue for several weeks.

living conditions in the family. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.). If a child comes from a family where the conditions for his proper development were not created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

The level of fitness of adaptive mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. The training of mechanisms does not happen by itself. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Toddlers who, before entering kindergarten, repeatedly found themselves in different conditions (visited relatives, acquaintances, went to the country, etc.), get used to a preschool institution more easily. It is important that in the family the child develops a trusting relationship with adults, the ability to positively relate to the requirements of adults.

Objective indicators of the end of the period of adaptation in children are:

· deep dream;

· a good appetite;

a cheerful emotional state;

Complete restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

age-appropriate weight gain.

Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the baby's attention to activities that bring him pleasure. It is, first of all, a game.

The game "Pour, pour, compare"

Toys, foam rubber sponges, tubes, bottles with holes are lowered into the basin with water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

take as many items as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

collect with one hand, for example, beads, and with the other - pebbles;

Raise as many objects as possible on the palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes the hands, holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child's hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

The game "Drawings in the sand"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump on the tray, elephants will stomp, it will rain. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing, a child will tell you, who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with two hands.

The game "Talk to the toy"

Put on a glove toy. There is also a glove toy on the child's hand. You touch her, you can stroke and tickle her, while asking: “Why is my ... sad, his eyes are wet; who he made friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play”, etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his feelings and moods to it, the child will tell you what worries him, share what is difficult to express.


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