Shaman stone relief underwater. Rock Shaman-stone (Baikal): photos and reviews. Escape from captivity

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At 500 meters from the source of the Angara River, flowing from Lake Baikal in a kilometer-long stream, the top of a rock called Shaman-stone is visible. This is all that remains of the Primorsky Range after it was washed away in time immemorial by the waters of the Angara. The stone has a rather extensive rocky base, which forms a kind of threshold in front of the Baikal depths.

At the pier in the village of Listvyanka, located opposite the Shaman Stone, numerous boats offer tourists to swim up to the Shaman Stone.

After the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, the water level at the source of the Angara rose, so at present you can see only the very top of the Shaman stone, protruding 1-1.5 meters above the water surface.

In 1958, the representative of the Moscow "Hydroenergoproekt" N.A. Grigorovich proposed to blow up the Shaman-stone. In his opinion, this would make it possible to deepen the bed of the river flowing from Baikal to 25 meters and, thereby, release 120 cubic kilometers of water from the lake in 4 years to increase electricity production at the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station by 36 billion kWh. Fortunately, the project remained on paper. Firstly, in subsequent years, it was necessary to restore the initial level of Lake Baikal by reducing the flow of water through hydroelectric power stations, but given the commissioning of new power plants of the Angara cascade, this would have led to losses in electricity generation that exceeded the initial gain. Secondly, in many places the coastline had to retreat a kilometer or more. The implementation of this plan would cause irreparable damage to the fishing industry, because the coastal strip of the lake would be completely bare, and at the same time the main spawning grounds for fish would disappear. In addition, many settlements would lose their sources of water supply, and vast expanses of meadows and pastures on the coast of Lake Baikal would turn into semi-deserts. Due to these shortcomings, as well as public protests, this project was abandoned.

In winter, up to 15 thousand water birds live here in the non-freezing polynya of Lake Baikal, up to 15 kilometers long. The only non-freezing wintering place in all of northern Asia is arranged on Lake Baikal.

In ancient times, the inhabitants of the Baikal region endowed the Shaman-stone with miraculous powers. It was believed that the Shaman-stone is the habitat of the owner of the Angara - Ama Sagan Noyon. Particularly important shamanic rites were held on the Shaman-stone, oaths were taken and prayers were made here. It was believed that the criminal would definitely be punished for his sin on this stone. A criminal was brought here at night and left alone over a cold, chilling stream, especially unfaithful wives. If by morning, the water did not take him away, and he did not die from fear and the icy breath of Baikal, the person was recognized as innocent.

The legend about the old man Baikal, his daughter Angara and the hero Yenisei is connected with the Shaman-stone.

A long time ago, the old man of Baikal had a beautiful daughter - Angara. Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart.

But one day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara fled to her beloved Yenisei. When the father woke up, his anger knew no bounds. A fierce storm arose, the mountains roared, the sky turned black, the animals fled in fear all over the earth, the fish went to the very bottom - there was no one left in the area, only the wind howled, and the heroic sea raged.

The mighty Baikal hit the mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter Angara, the rock fell on the very throat of the beauty. The blue-eyed Angara pleaded, panting and sobbing, began to ask her father to let her go: But the stern father Baikal was adamant.

Angara has been crying for thousands of years, but only her tears are carried away in a stormy stream to the distance to the Yenisei.

This is the name of the rock on Baikal. Do you think she is a stone of shamans? No. The stone itself is a shaman. Shamans himself slowly at the source of the Angara. Perhaps, besides him, there are no shamans left on Baikal.

They say that the shamans stayed with the Buryats. But do you know that the word "shaman" does not exist in the Buryat language. And the words sorcerer, wizard, sorcerer, healer and priest - also do not. But they also have clergymen, and somehow they call them. What can be found in dictionaries.

There is a translation for ministers of three religions. In the first place is Lamaism - “lamyn shazhan”, in the second place is Orthodoxy - “the tribe of shazhan”, and only in the third place is what we call shamanism - “haryn shazhan”. For some reason, you won't even find Buddhism. It can be seen with the naked eye that in all three religions there is a common word - shazhan, and it is translated as religion.

But well, let's go the other way, if "haryn shazhan" is translated as shamanism (not shamanism, but shamanism), then maybe the matter is in "haryn"? But if you request it in the dictionary, the standard answer is given - there is no translation.

There is also a shaman-stone in Altai. Maybe look for the word shaman in the Altai language? It is not there either, but, according to dictionaries, it is possible to find at least its translation - “kam”. And they call on this "kam" to expel the shaitan - the Muslim devil.

They expel him with a ritual. Probably from here "kam"? Kam casts shamans, drives out the shaitan, like the Kirghiz, and many other Turkic peoples, but shamans, again, are not even close. The etymology of words can tell more than the history of the origin of the name of shaman stones. "History is the science of what is not and will not be" (Paul Valery).

It is more correct, therefore, to call the Baikal stone not a Shaman-stone, but a Shaman-stone, without terrible associations about petrified shamans.

Shaman and Shaman - stones on Baikal

The Angara is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal. The shaman-stone stands at its very source, on the shore of Lake Baikal. Shamanka - a rock on the island of Olkhon. They are similar in shape, only the Shaman is more slender, and the Shaman has a tail. These stones of Baikal have become its symbol, they can often be seen on advertising booklets. This served them badly, greatly increased the flow of tourists and businessmen with predatory plans - to turn these tourists into their source of profit.

From time to time there are new legends-bait for the naive. Here, there was a rumor that the spirit of a wolf lives in those places. And pilgrims flowed, wishing to partake of this spirit. And local administrations at this time are trying to moderate the wolf-phobia of small nationalities engaged in cattle breeding.

They are ready to transfer all the wolves to Baikal, if only to increase their source of profit. The usual war of pastoralists. They do not like wolves, they call them devils.

The article was written by Uliana Kor

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One of the main attractions of Lake Baikal, which you should definitely visit, is the Shaman Stone. It is located at the source of the Angara River. For the uninformed, do not confuse this natural landmark with the Shaman Rock at Cape Burkhan. A shaman-stone, at its foot for a long time shamans performed their rituals, and according to the beliefs of local residents, the owner of the Angara River, Ama Sagan Noyon, lives here. At the Shaman-stone, not only rituals were performed, but also justice was administered - they brought the criminal and left him on the stone. If during the night the waters of Lake Baikal did not wash off the suspect, he was acquitted.

The legend of the shaman stone.

There are many legends about the origin of the shaman-stone on Baikal. Here is one of them. A resident of this place - his name was Baikal, dreamed of marrying his daughter to Irkut - a handsome, young warrior. But the girl fell in love with the young man of the Yenisei, and ran away with him. Then the father, out of resentment, threw a stone after him, this is the Shaman-stone. And Irkut is now called a tributary of the Angara River.

After the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, the water level in the Angara River rose by several tens of meters. Therefore, today, the Shaman-stone can be seen only in sunny weather, and only its upper part, protruding 1.5 m above the water.

How to get to the Shaman stone.

Visit Shaman Stone it is possible by car or in warm weather - on the ship "Rocket". It is located near the village of Listvyanka, 70 kilometers from Irkutsk. Shuttle taxis run daily from the Irkutsk bus station. Departure as it fills up with passengers. A regular bus runs every half an hour, the first one leaves at 08:30 in the morning, you will reach the place in an hour.

Shaman stone today- This is a huge rock mass at the source of the Angara. In good weather, only its top is visible above the water, but a ridge lies under the water, thanks to which the Angara does not freeze in winter. The length of the non-freezing polynya is from 5 to 15 km. This is probably the only one in the entire northern part of Asia ice-free wintering where up to 15 thousand waterfowl winter at the same time.

The reserved rock with the mystical name Shaman-stone rises at the source of the Angara. This unique natural monument is one of the pearls of the Pribaikalsky National Park. The shaman-stone is considered to be the symbol of Baikal. Above the water, sometimes only the top of the rock is visible. The underwater slopes of the massif go deep into hundreds of meters. The shaman-stone plays an important ecological role. Thanks to him, the beautiful Angara does not freeze in the cold. Up to 15,000 waterfowl hibernate in its 5-15 km polynya. This wintering is the only non-freezing one in the whole of northern Asia.

Shaman-stone - the sacred symbol of Baikal

The rock is not just a natural formation. The history of its appearance is covered with legends. They have been passed from mouth to mouth for many centuries by residents of the surrounding towns and villages. The legend of the Shaman Stone is a beautiful tale about the confrontation of natural forces. It is believed that those who do not know the history of the rock will not be allowed to approach it. The legend, which is told to tourists on Baikal, will be memorized like this.

It was a long time ago. In distant times, heroes, heroes, sons of nature lived on Earth. Great and full of untold riches was the huge Baikal. He was respected and revered. They bowed before him, and no one dared to disobey the king of nature. Baikal had a beautiful daughter. The full-flowing river Angara grew proud, wayward. She was the joy of a great father.

It was the turn of the beautiful Angara to choose a husband. It was in the summer, on the eve of the great holiday of Surkharban. Baikal called on the heroes to measure their strength, show their courage, win the heart of the princess. Among the stately handsome men there was a strong man, especially any old man. Remote Irkut is good for everyone: full of waters, and fast running, and heroic strength. But no matter how much Baikal praised its favorite, the heart of Angara adamantly remained.

On the day of Surkharban, the heroes met in a fight to measure their strength. The young Yenisei, the son of the formidable Sayan, surpassed all. His courage and valor won the heart of the princess of Angara. Baikal got angry, got angry, did not give a parental blessing. The young had to leave. For many days and nights majestic Baikal persuaded his daughter to give her wayward heart to Irkut. The beautiful river was relentless. Baikal found justice for his daughter, imprisoned her. Angara yearned, but soon decided to escape. She called on her younger brothers, the brooks, to help. The fellows hurried to rescue the sister, the dungeon was washed away in an instant, Angara broke free.

Father Baikal was furiously angry, he raised foamy crests in a terrible storm. For several days the earth and sky shook. Animals and birds left their homes in fear. But the Angara did not stop the storm on Baikal. She ran away from her father without looking back. The strongman Irkut set off in pursuit of the beauty, but did not catch up. The Angara almost ran to the Yenisei, but then lightning flashed in the sky, fell to the ground with a terrible roar, split the coastal rock. The angry Baikal grabbed a block of stone and threw his daughter after him. But the Yenisei Angara managed to embrace it, save it from the elements. Since then, the rivers have been inseparable. A piece of rock, thrown by Baikal after Angara, still lies where it fell. The water around it never freezes. The legend says that these are traces of the Angara, Baikal, Irkut and Yenisei.

In the old days, people called the rock the Shaman-stone. It is sacred, located in a sacred place. For many centuries, offerings have been brought here to the gloomy, dangerous Baikal. It was believed that the rock is able to punish criminals and liars. From time immemorial, people were tested on the Shaman-stone, who, according to legend, did the right thing, survived.

The old people say that the nature of the lake deteriorated after the flight of his beloved daughter. Once Baikal was bright and affectionate. Today, his character is quarrelsome, his behavior is unpredictable. If the old Baikal becomes angry again, the Shaman-stone will be washed away in an instant, and the whole world will follow it.

Scientific history of the Shaman stone

Scientists have confirmed the movement of the rock, which is unnatural from a natural point of view. This indicates that certain tectonic events took place in the Baikal region in ancient times. Witnesses of natural disasters were the then inhabitants of these places. They laid down the legend about the angry old man, his beautiful daughter, the struggle of the powerful rivers for the heart of the Angara.

In ancient times, during natural disasters, new drains of the lake were formed, old ones were blocked. All this was accompanied by a riot of elements, earthquakes, and strongest storms on Baikal. It is not surprising that the lakes were afraid, they revered him, they reckoned with him. Until now, Buryat shamans perform various rituals on the shores of the lake. Not available today for offerings Shaman Stone. It was almost completely flooded after the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station. In clear weather, the rock rises only 1-1.5 meters above the waters of the Angara source. But the Shaman-Stone has not lost its sacred meaning.

You can see the legendary rock today during an excursion to the village of Listvyanka. Here is an observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the one and a half meter cap of the Shaman stone, almost completely hidden under water, but majestic, mysterious. This rock is unique. The shaman is called a stone that makes you shudder. This unique natural monument is recommended for every visitor to Baikal.

Vacationers recreation center "Circum-Baikal" excursions to the legendary Shaman-stone are offered. Traveling is like traveling through time. Just one look at the sacred symbol of Baikal will take you back many centuries. It seems that from the observation deck in Listvyanka only the cap of the rock is visible ... But in a minute, the events of bygone years will unfold before your eyes. You will see the Angara running away, the angry father of Baikal, you will hear the sound of waves and wind, the roar of falling stones. Here, in one of the most interesting places on our planet, the feeling of reality is lost. So majestic, a little gloomy, wayward, demanding unquestioning obedience, Baikal meets those who open their hearts to it.

In good weather, only the top of the Shaman-stone is visible above the water, protruding by 1-1.5 meters, but under the water there is a rock mass, thanks to which the Angara River does not freeze in winter. Up to 15,000 water birds live in a non-freezing polynya 5 to 15 km long. This is the only non-freezing wintering place in all of northern Asia.

Unique geological object (passport)

Category: Unique Geological Object (UGO)
Geological profile: Geomorphological
Total area: 0.05 ha
Year of creation: 1981
Status: regional significance

Regulatory framework for functioning: Approved, Decision of the regional executive committee of 19.05.81 N 264
List of main objects of protection: an island in the headwaters of the Angara, composed of Lower Archean gneisses, quartzites, amphibolites

Brief description of the geological object: There is perhaps no more popular and legendary place than a tiny island at the source of the Angara, called the Shaman's Stone. This is all that remains here from the Primorsky Range after it was washed away in time immemorial by the waters of the Angara. The stone has a rather extensive rocky base, which forms a kind of threshold in front of the Baikal depths.

Geographical position: the source of the river Angara, 0.5 km from the nominal alignment

Latitude: 51.87 Longitude: 104.8 (degrees)

Additional information: The shaman's stone is surrounded by waters, and so far the only failed attempt on its integrity can be considered a proposal for an explosion to quickly fill the reservoir of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station.

Stone that makes you shudder

Many people know the wonderful legend about the appearance of this stone, with which old Baikal tried to block the way of his wayward and beautiful daughter, who secretly ran away to the handsome Yenisei.

Under the strictest guardianship of her father, Angara felt like an involuntary recluse, and in every possible way prayed to the heavenly powers for her release.

"Oh you Tengarin gods,

Have pity on the captive soul

Don't be harsh and strict

To me, surrounded by a rock.

Understand that youth is pushing Baikal into the grave with a ban...

Oh give me courage and strength

Reveal these walls of rocks ... "

Many people know the legend, but few people are aware that the stone is famous not only and not so much for this legendary past, but also for the fact that it served as a cult haven for the prayer rites of the Buryat shamans. No less interesting is the fact that it was a kind of "sworn" place, to which people were sent who were suspected of lying or treason, especially unfaithful wives were "lucky" in this regard. It was believed that a person who speaks a lie will definitely be punished for his sin on this stone. Important evidence of these facts can be found in G.F. Miller, a German historian who described Siberia in the 18th century. On the basis of Buryat beliefs, he wrote about the presence of Aiesha-tscholo “making rocks tremble” at the source of the Angara and noted that this and similar places “are so revered that persons accused of a crime and wishing to prove their innocence resort to such a rock and clasp it with both hands, being firmly convinced that if they swear falsely, they will certainly die.

As some researchers suggest, the legend of the unnatural movement of the shaman stone is a confirmation that in not so long ago ancient people were real witnesses of geological cataclysms on the coast. In particular, this applies to disasters in the course of which new flows from the lake appeared and old ones were blocked, for example, in the areas of Kultuk or Buguldeyka (see the material on these areas).

In 1972, another memorable place for Irkutsk people, and not only them, appeared near the Shaman monument - a stone obelisk on the banks of the Angara source, near which the famous Russian playwright, thirty-five-year-old Alexander, died. He - half Russian, half Buryat - drowned here, unable to cope with the icy water. Anticipating his fate, he once wrote in his diary: "I will never be old."


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