Funny congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland in verse - February - calendar holidays - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations. Funny and comic congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland Congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland

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Everyone - on a new foreign car,
Live without nerves and parks,
And all at your fingertips
Wallet to have tight.

For your wives to love you
And they didn’t drink idle,
Good luck to you all,
To make life seem like paradise!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let fate pour tenderness
And pour joy into your pocket,
Eliminate mischief from the road,

And the cart of success will roll up,
And love - to infinity,
And let my friends be true
Happiness will meet immeasurable!

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be a tough nut to crack, crack all difficulties like seeds, resolve problems and always stay on top! Fighting spirit, positive charge, striving for the best and only for victory!

Men are quite different:
Funny and rude, even dangerous.
One can safely go on a date,
To others, you will only squeeze out: "Goodbye."

Chatty excessively male taxi drivers,
The figure skaters are good,
Poets are capable of touching.
Explosive "vandams" are played with brass knuckles.

Comedians will make you laugh to tears,
Tennis players will aim and accurately,
Businessmen admire their mind,
Supermen fight us with charisma.

In general, a lot has been written about you:
There are in prose, in verse and on the walls of cellars.
You are our support and our support,
And the verdict of the prosecutor is not terrible with you!

You are the strength and humor, tenderness, affection
You turn your whole life into a beautiful fairy tale!
And this poem was not written in vain.
Hooray! Happy February 23rd to all of you!

Men's Day is a great holiday.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
You drink a beer, prankster,
Lie down on the sofa.

Hang out nicely in the bathhouse
And then "curl" to the pub,
And all night long macho passionate
Spend among the delights.

Scatter your socks casually
Crumble chips in bed.
But retribution is inevitable
On Women's Day will come, believe me.

Since February 23!
Let everything be with you:
Foreign car from the salon,
The house is chic, yes with a balcony,
cottage next to the ocean,
Pockets full of money
So that you live - do not grieve,
Vigorous and cheerful forever!

Socks, panties are on the shelf,
Shaving gel, shampoo, machine.
Today you are dressed with a needle.
Keep your congratulations.

Number twenty three today
February is cold outside.
I wish you happiness and longevity.
Continue the holiday at the table.

Socks to holes so as not to rub,
And they did not press so that the cowards.
Suddenly in life to flood
Good luck, light stripe.

There were money in the pockets
And buy a brand new Maybach.
To be respected and proud
And be the main one at work.

Always to have beer, fish.
Not "to the bathhouse", to the bathhouse to go.
A smile shone on his face.
To be healthy and happy.

Congratulations men
Since February 23!
On this holiday, we know for sure
You can't give socks.

Because very soon
We will have Women's Day.
Must be great, no doubt
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

We wish you a lot of money
And luck in love
And in work - promotions,
Let dreams come true!

Congratulations on February 23!
Let luck pour like from a barrel
And problems are just fun
And the income in the wallet is growing.

There will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, luck,
The brightest and most successful cases,
The mood creeps up stubbornly,
Any goal will be on the shoulder!

From February 23,
I congratulate you.
Let today for a year again
The stock will be replenished with socks.

Shampoos, gels and machine tools,
Deodorants and underpants.
If the spirits are lucky,
Men's holiday - it is!

Even if he didn't serve
But in terms of qualities - a man,
That's why congratulations
Deserved without exception!
I wish to be protected
For people who are near in life,
To behind your back
It was like behind a wall.
You are already a stronghold of the country.
And shoulder straps are not important!

Cool SMS for Defenders of the Fatherland Day 2019

Congratulations dear
Since February 23!
You are my true hero
I love you for a reason.
After all, in your arms I melt
I am from your tenderness,
But at the same time I know for sure:
You are the toughest and strongest of all.

The bear is still sleeping in the den,
But spring is just around the corner.
So it's time for us to meet
Twenty third of February.
If you are a man - a warrior,
On this day you must stand
Drink vodka twenty times.
Follow orders man!


Let on the holiday of the Army and Navy
All women will hunt,
Let the member stand at attention.
It's an honor, not a shame!

Dad dear, I congratulate you on February 23! I wish you to always remain the way I know you: strong, courageous, fair and kind. You are our most reliable defender, a real man. With you, my heart is warm and calm. And yet I wish that you do not have to defend your family and country, because you are very dear to us. I love you, daddy!

Dear dad, let on the day of the Defender of the Fatherland you will have to protect only your modesty from the flood of kind words and praises that we will rain down on you today. Since February 23!


Congratulations on the holiday of February 23 , dear daddy. I wish you perseverance and courage to honorably celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day with numerous toasts and libations, but at the same time remain in a sober mind and firm memory. You are our protector!


P Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I hope you only have to protect me, And only from loneliness. You are my main character!

FROM On February 23, I congratulate my friends,
I've already heated the bathhouse, oh, and it's hot in my soul,
Bring beer, celebrate beautifully
Invite the girls to walk boldly!
Grab kefir, so that tomorrow the world will please you!


P Rivet, I am writing to you, your liver, I want to congratulate you on February 23 and say goodbye to you until March 9! Don't drink too much!

P every men's holiday you are given truly masculine gifts: vodka and beer! They are practical, they can be used as a set and they suit everyone! These are the perfect gifts! But remember that on March 8 they are out of place!

P Let's not go on the attack, Let's not sit in the trench, But business is the same fight, I believe that you will win!!!

P congratulations should always arrive on time, so I am writing to you early in the morning in order to still find you in combat readiness, and not alcohol and snacks taken prisoner by the troops! I wish you to surrender today to the mercy of the green serpent, and then have a good sleep in a soft salad!

T You like a true man like speed, booze and bitches! I wish you to get them all this is a pleasant cocktail that will hit your brain a little and resonate sweetly in your groin, and will not crackle in your head tomorrow! Since February 23!

P Our soldier has matches, bullets, moonshine - suck x .., NATO soldiers, tremble with fear, Pentagon. HAPPY VICTORY DAY!!!

M clear skies overhead, a bomb to the enemy right home, we will soon be building the best army in the world in post-crisis Russia!

P May all dreams, even the most erotic ones, come true! And after that, let even more interesting dreams come true and also come true, but then you can already relax! Since February 23!

FROM in the afternoon of men, very beautiful,
We want to congratulate you!

FROM today we meet in the sauna and we will celebrate there until the seventh, because if the wife finds out, then it is better not to appear at home and not receive congratulations from them! Especially wishes for pans and plates! Happy holiday!

FROM February 23, my friend! Be happy, smart and hospitable! And in general, open the door, we have already arrived! Happy holiday!

P let go! Let pass! So what, what’s the queue, I’m a festive SMS for a loved one! And in it I want to convey that I love you very much, my male protector, and I wish that our love never ends!
P/S:<><><>- there were still kisses, as she could, she passed it on :)

P congratulations, my defender, on February 23! I wish you to continue to remain as strong, courageous, but at the same time kind and affectionate.

T You are a man, which means that today is your holiday! And it doesn’t matter that you didn’t serve, now the army teaches little, the main thing is that you have an inner core, a masculine principle that women like so much :) Since February 23!

FROM On February 23, I congratulate a real man. Behind which, as behind a stone wall; with whom it is not scary to walk the dark streets; with which you can cry over a touching film! I'm happy I found you!

D dear, on February 23, I allow you to do whatever you want. I will not scream, swear and get angry at you, I will do it on February 24! Happy holiday, my love!

My protector, congratulations
I will be your age, I promise
If you want, lie on the couch that day,
Wherever you want, scratch yourself there!
Do you want beer, crackers in your bed?
Do you want me to be there all day long?
If you want, on this holiday come off!
But tomorrow again: "Stand up"!

May this day be on your table
Salo, herring and sandwich with pate.
May your day be celebrated not only in winter,
But of course spring, autumn and summer.
Let the morning with breakfast in bed start with balloons,
Let the wives clean even your socks today.
Let everyone do from your start,
But remember - on the eve of March 8.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you, my dear brother,
It's time to celebrate the holiday, get up and don't crush the sofa.
Well, it's time to put champagne with glasses on the table,
Caviar, salmon, cakes, fruits must be forced on the table.
If you don’t get up, I’ll immediately hurt you, you’ll wind it up quickly on your mustache.
Oh, you already managed to gobble up everything? Gave us such an embarrassment.
I wish you wisdom, great generosity, health,
Meet your guests with joy - with bread and salt.

May this day be so dear to us,
All men will have a working day off.
Let men be paid on February 23, 13,
And wives only make you happy.
So that you lie on the couch all day
And watched football on the channel.
To pour beer from the tap
And you felt like you were in the Maldives.

You are a man and I am a man - we know how to fight,
They defended the honor of the court, the honor of their village.
We proved to the women who is the boss in the house,
Congrats guys, let's go out today.
The lads will buzz until darkness, maybe until dawn,
Let's get it from my wife - it will live until the summer!

We are the happiest today
We catch admiring glances around,
We are lucky to be born with you as men,
Protect and repel our girlfriends.
Today we accept congratulations
We build eyes, in thoughts sitting on a horse,
Adventures are waiting for us today, my friend -
Chur, the blonde goes only to me!

Brother for brother, blood for blood
We often heard this
And sisterly love
Lost in the dark shadow.
Girls, let's drink for us,
We can also protect
And we serve even now
On our border we can!

I pour a neighbor, I say:
Darling, today is your holiday, so I will be yours!
He was embarrassed, blushed, but the bastard was delighted,
Although he hides a smile, it is immediately clear that he is happy!
On the Day of the Defender, we will hit a dashing stack,
I welcome a neighbor: "I will only be with you!"
He believed and timidly hugged me lightly,
Well, where can a girl find such a fool?

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important, world holiday,
And it doesn't matter if you were called by a mighty country.
Even if you didn’t hold a machine gun in your hands
This is your great holiday, since you are a real kid.
If you conquer your fear and know how to protect -
So you confirm everyone in the world needs to live.
I wish you happiness, do not lose your fighting spirit,
May you never know how battles sound like.

Day of all defenders of the Fatherland -
Great and bright holiday of those
Who tears his soul for humanity,
Who loves peace and children's laughter.
Let happiness come in wagons,
Income grows by hectares.
Be proud of your shoulder straps
And drive away the dust of adversity.

How many strong women have become
they are at work, at home and in love,
but on the day of the defender of the Fatherland,
let men to power!
Let them forget about sofas
and beer in the restaurant around the corner,
let them feel protected
in their glorious, fighting spirit!

Forget about work
gather men - friends.
Those who served or fought
for the day of the defender has come.
Everybody go to the restaurant
order a snack, beer jug.
Have fun with the men
and come back home!

At least sometimes we scold you for nothing.
today with 23 congratulations!
After all, we feel bad without men,
and there are many reasons for that.
Firstly, it will be boring to live,
after all, there is no one to cook borscht.
Secondly, we will freak out,
after all, intimacy will be missed.
Thirdly, win from melancholy,
because there is no one to wash socks.
Fourthly, who will snore,
sing drunk songs from the balcony.
We love you for these pranks,
we won't be happy without you.

Defender of the Fatherland Day
The whole country celebrates
We wish you strength and joy,
We defeated the enemy!
No matter how much fun
Tomorrow ... cheerfulness in the morning,
The hangover was hard
Well... and the service is not easy.
Service loyal to the country
After all, no one canceled ...
This will tell you, of course.
Even the chief general!
So tomorrow at eight sharp
Everyone be sober in the ranks!
There are three words for you to check:
"Motherland, I love you!"

Defender of the Fatherland Day
Brave whirlwind came
Congratulations representatives
All armed forces!
On the table are wine, champagne, and salads, and caviar...
- "Lieutenant, where are you looking?"
- "Into your clear eyes."
There will be dances, songs, music,
Let the blood run through the veins!
And then we probably
There will be ... passionate love.
Maybe this day will give
World a new family?
"But first I'll dance!"
- "I'll probably sing to you."

February 23 suddenly came,
And in the pocket of 3 rubles - not enough for beer.
A friend shouts: "Let's pour!
It's a sin not to drink for you and me."
No, I love my wife
Baba is a beast that can pour.
We wish, men - to be a family in the first place!
So that all your actions clearly follow honor.

Without you, men, we are unable to live -
You are our strength and support.
We wish you to be brave
Peace to protect from all discord.
Carry your women in your arms
And then the mistress of the house will be more affectionate.
You can then on all rights -
Watch football and put fishing rods on the balcony.

Commander, today is your holiday!
Congratulations on the day of the defenders of you.
Let's drink to our holiday!
You know, I have a flask in my pocket.
On a glorious day, it's not a sin to get drunk.
We will not lose our resilience.
Let's get drunk - we'll be ready to fight.
We won't lose our strength.

Congratulations on the defenders of the day!
Have a good walk today.
In order not to find you it was with fire,
Just don't get up early tomorrow.
Shame famously the army though you!
Eat like a good pig.
Well, if you'll be alive in the morning,
I know the brine will relieve the torment.

Happy Defender's Day, Defender,
You are like a primitive
You protect me so hard
Like the flame of the first fire obtained,
You are a hero and you can win
Enemy and mammoth calmly fill up,
So be always strong as at the peak of humanity,
My protector, Happy Defender of the Great Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23rd.
Keep up and be young.
Let's raise our glasses
And let's drink to you, our friend!
You do not sleep at your post and do not be shy,
And remember the enemy, not the sparrow!
Don't be sad and don't be sad
Easy service, good luck!

It's a man's business to serve in the army,
And stand at the post, guarding your native land.
But do not grieve, we will drink to your health,
Be a man, we congratulate you!
And this day is February, the 23rd.
Do you remember us, do not forget your friends,
We will help you with everything we can.
In the meantime, catch our fiery "Hello!"

I congratulate you on the day of the defenders,
I wish you a great walk today!
I wish you more drink
And then to pester his wife.
Do what you want today
It is possible to scare a dear mother-in-law,
Remember how you perform lezginka,
You were ashamed to get up tomorrow.

Happy Defender's Day!
Pour me a full glass.
I wish you full fun
I want to become even stronger.
There is a great power in us,
We just need to wake her up.
No matter how we destroy anything,
Until tomorrow morning to live?

Who said that the protector is a man?
I will protect everyone around me.
For men's wide backs
I don't want to hide anymore.
Therefore, on this day, I congratulate
Women all for smiles and laughter.
Only they know better
How a man is given success.

Look at today's men?
Well, who should defend the Fatherland?
For no particularly good reason
The lady is not in a hurry to give a hand.
Accept as they are
There are no more weak female forces.
And male prowess, courage, honor
Today we send to the rear!

That the male gender is now fading away,
do not cry women you are in vain,
because behind the window comes again,
the twenty-third day of February!
And on such a day, any man
will prove to everyone that he is a warrior, that he is a hero,
what kind of family is your own, and country
he is valiantly ready to stand as a mountain!

On February 23 we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. As this date approaches, all women begin to think about unusual ways to congratulate their husband, father, brother, friend, son or colleague. If the gift is bought, and the speech for the gala dinner is written, you can simply come up with a short message and send it to your mobile phone in the morning to cheer you up. In general, absolutely all meetings, calls and SMS on this day are of particular importance. When a man congratulates, this is a very close and good friend, and when a woman is either a close person, or her attitude is probably something more than just sympathy. Feel free to send holiday greetings to everyone you care about or just like. This is an absolutely legal and easy way to draw attention to yourself and an excellent application for the fact that March 8 will be adequately celebrated. After all, every representative of the strong half of humanity, who was congratulated, is obliged not to disgrace himself on International Women's Day.

You can prepare in advance and pick up original congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Cool poems are suitable for this, a wide range of which is presented on our website. Choose funny, funny, but kind and sincere, it will become a universal present at no cost, besides, everyone will like such quatrains without exception. February 23 is a great occasion to once again raise the fighting spirit of men, thank them for their care, express their warmest wishes and express their feelings.


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