Why do you get irritable during pregnancy? Nerves and pregnancy: what unnecessary experiences can lead to. What to do with irritability in a pregnant woman

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A pregnant woman is overwhelmed by a wave of emotions. I would like to tell the whole world about this inner light that fills every cell there - in the lower abdomen. Suddenly, positive emotions are replaced by anxiety and irritation, and sometimes unreasonable hysteria with tears. Unreasonable anger is replaced by resentment, then by guilt, then the phase of tenderness comes again.
And is it all for no reason?

Most often, irritation is caused not by psychological problems, but by a change in the physiology and hormonal balance of the female body. From the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman undergoes great changes. There is a global change of the whole organism:

  • Cardiovascular and nervous system,
  • The work of the endocrine gland,
  • respiratory organs,
  • digestive tract,
  • As well as the kidneys, pancreas and liver.
The restructuring of the body does not occur immediately, the body of the expectant mother gradually adapts to interaction with the system of all organs of the developing fetus. And at the very beginning of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the female body are actively taking place. This affects the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman. In the cerebral cortex of the expectant mother, excitatory processes begin to predominate over inhibitory processes. Still not fully aware of the state of pregnancy, a young woman begins to perceive the world around her more subtly, she reacts more sharply to the smallest external stimuli.
  • Sometimes there is a feeling of hopelessness, tearfulness, a state of depression.
  • There is increased exactingness, a feeling of lack of attention from loved ones.
  • Perhaps a critical attitude towards the words and behavior of her husband, as well as other people most dear to her.
  • Sounds, loud conversation, or simply the way someone around you communicate can be annoying.
An irritated emotional state can be further exacerbated by a lack of vitamin B. In order not to worsen the condition, you need to change your diet.

To whom is this reflected?

Most often, the hostages of the restructuring of the body of a pregnant woman are the closest people:
  • The husband, leaving for work, forgot to kiss. This will cause resentment and tears for the whole day, and in the evening a scandal with her husband and a sleepless night.
  • Mom didn't ask how she felt today. A pregnant woman will feel like the most unhappy and unnecessary, unloved mother. Nervousness can pour out on mom with a stream of tears and accusations. Or it can accumulate inside, and explode when the husband comes home from work. Then there will be a feeling of guilt before the undeservedly injured husband. Nervous worries about how to make amends for your misdeed will only exacerbate irritation.
Such a change in the psycho-emotional state causes not only external irritability, it negatively affects the working capacity of a pregnant woman, there is a negative effect on the entire autonomic nervous system of a woman, leads to fatigue and sleep disturbance.

Neurosis for all nine months?

Irritability and increased susceptibility are a consequence of changes in the nervous and endocrine systems. They will disappear as soon as the expectant mother can adapt to her new condition. Usually, such a restructuring of the body lasts from ten to twelve weeks.

The husband, parents and all close people should be aware that these changes are objective and try to help the pregnant woman cope with nervousness. It is necessary to be more attentive and friendly to the expectant mother, provide support and create a calm atmosphere in the family. The pregnant woman herself should also understand what is happening and try to help herself and manage her own emotions.

How to avoid irritability?

  1. You need to realize your condition, understand and accept it. If a woman came to pregnancy consciously and this is a desired child, the main thing is the healthy development of the fetus and care for the unborn child. Understanding and love of loved ones is a necessary condition for peace, and if necessary, you can take decoctions and tinctures of soothing herbs (only after consulting a doctor).
  2. It is more difficult to accept such a condition if pregnancy is undesirable, and the decision to keep the child is not made immediately. But once the decision is made, you need to shift your attention to the developing fetus. You can reassure yourself that this is a temporary state. The pregnancy will pass, you will have a child who will love you. You are blessed to be a mother. You will be loved and needed.
  3. You need to find some way for psychological relaxation. It can be listening to music, visiting the theater, communicating with nature, with animals. Good for calming drawing. The accumulated negative with a brush or pencil can simply be thrown onto the easel. Knitting cute little things for the future baby has a calming effect. You can do anything that brings positive emotions.
  4. Moderate exercise and physical activity also suppress irritability. You can do special gymnastics for pregnant women or yoga. There are dance groups created for expectant mothers. Pregnant women feel harmony with dance and music and get emotional satisfaction. Or you can just take a walk in the park before going to bed or in the morning, enjoying the scenery.
  5. An important element of a calm emotional state will always be peace and rest. Rapid fatigue is the norm for a pregnant woman. You should not be upset because of fatigue, you need to give the body a rest, slow down, approach work in a “dosed” manner. A full and comfortable sleep is required.
  6. Proper nutrition is essential. You should discuss your diet with your doctor. With a lack of vitamin B - eat cauliflower, legumes, eggs, spinach and walnuts.
  7. Try to communicate only with positive people, with those who are pleasant to you. You should not listen to stories about unsuccessful births, gossip about the incompetence of doctors. Limit your contacts. Let only close, loving people be with you.
  8. In very rare cases, the attention of loved ones and self-control do not bring the desired result, then, if necessary, you can go to classes with a psychologist.

The time that, it would seem, in a woman’s life should be the most calm and happy - the time of waiting for a baby, often actually becomes very stressful: many expectant mothers experience incomprehensible irritability during pregnancy and cannot cope with it. What's the matter? Why are pregnant women often unbalanced, and how can you help them conquer their "mood"? In order to answer these questions, we must imagine what happens to a woman during these months.

"You are pregnant!"

As soon as the doctor utters this phrase, everything in a woman's life changes dramatically. Regardless of whether this is a long-awaited child, or the doctor’s diagnosis turned out to be a surprise, the first is pregnancy, or the woman already has experience in bearing children, the expectant mother begins to worry. She has a lot to worry about.

What questions might concern her? Approximately the following:

  1. own health and the health of the child.
  2. Relationship with spouse.
  3. Position at work or, if the expectant mother is a student, in an educational institution.
  4. Change in appearance.
  5. Fear of childbirth.

And is it worth worrying about?

Even the closest people often do not understand the anxiety of a woman: the questions seem naive from the outside. In fact, all of them are important for the expectant mother: after all, for a certain time, she becomes completely dependent on her position.

In the coming months, she may not be able to pay as much attention to her husband as she did before - will he still be attentive to her? Will his feelings fade during this period? Will he cheat on her if she looks worse outwardly? Will he have the patience to spend all his free time near his pregnant wife, or will he be drawn to friends?

Her position at work will also change: whatever her achievements to this point, it is clear to her employers that she is not an “employee” for the next year or two. Will her superiors treat her humanly, freeing her from difficult areas of work for this time, will her colleagues support her with help? If the expectant mother is a student, she may lose interest in studying, or simply there will be no strength for serious studies in science, will teachers be loyal to her?

Of course, all this is not worth worrying about, because all decent people understand a woman and try to support her at this time, and loving husbands become even more attentive, gentle, affectionate; but until the expectant mother is convinced that everyone around her is taking care of her and her child, she can be seriously worried.

Excessive suspiciousness

Often during this period, a woman becomes irritable precisely because of suspiciousness. We have already noted above that the focus of her attention is health! It is worth the doctor to drop a careless word that the tests are “not very good”, or she is “overweight”, or “underweight”, or about something else related to her position, anxiety increases many times over. There may be no reason for excitement at all, the doctor only states the state of the body, but it begins to seem to the pregnant woman that everything is bad.

Note! Too much worrying, a pregnant woman can really provoke a deterioration in her health. At such moments, it is very important that her parents, husband, friends support her: they calm her down, distract her, create conditions for relaxation.

A woman’s relatives need to try to protect her from negative experiences, and for this, be with her all the time or at least in touch, in order to cheer her up with a word at the right time. No need to talk with her about “sad” topics, especially those related to motherhood. There are people who are very fond of whipping up fear with some tragic stories. For some reason, they do not come up with stories about how some women nurse their pregnancies perfectly and not only do not lose their beauty, but even get prettier every month; about the fact that some women in labor, with almost no pain, give birth easily and quickly - their stories revolve around the "fears" of the maternity hospital. It is better to exclude such people, even if they are close relatives or friends, from the social circle for these months.

Note! A woman will be much calmer if, while waiting for a baby, she devotes her free time to reading books with pleasant stories, listening to good music, communicating exclusively with bright people - kind, cheerful, carrying positive energy.

One of the causes of irritability is poor health

Some women do not think about the “bad”, they are not afraid of anything, and at the same time they are unable to cope with their emotions. Often they themselves cannot explain to themselves: why did the husband become annoying? Why is the mood constantly on the verge of collapse, although there are no visible reasons?

This most often happens to those women who are not accustomed to complaining, avoiding the load. In an effort to stay "in line", that is, to cope with all the same work that recently did not tire them at all, they suddenly begin to get tired, but they do not admit it to themselves.

The family looks at the woman with a feeling of involuntary admiration: she does not change her lifestyle at all! He also works or studies, manages to do everything around the house; but for some reason she became a little irritable, but this is excusable for her - she is in a position! In fact, you should not test the health and nervous system of a woman: definitely, she gets tired! Most of the household chores should be taken over by her family members: it’s better for her, if pregnancy is not at all a burden for her, she will spend an extra hour on a walk - walk in the park or in the square, breathe fresh air.

The attention of loving people is the best remedy for irritability

Whatever the reason for the bad mood of a pregnant woman, her loved ones should remember: she needs to be protected! In no case should you argue with her during this period, quarrel, swear. She is carrying a child: the most complex processes are taking place in her body, the hormonal background is changing - all this cannot but be reflected on an emotional level.

The appearance of irritability during pregnancy is not at all a sign that a woman's character has deteriorated or that she has become worse at treating her family members. Neither the expectant mother herself, nor her environment should focus on this: petty insults, tears, anger - everything will pass ... The main thing is that soon there will be joy in the family - a child will appear!


What changes occur in the mood of a pregnant woman and how to survive it, see the following video:

Most pregnant women know that any emotional experience affects the condition of the baby. A close physiological connection with it is manifested at the level of all organs and systems. What happens if you are nervous during pregnancy? Violation of the rhythm of breathing and heart, changes in the level of hormones, the activity of the nervous system in the mother will immediately affect the child.

The gestation period is very difficult emotionally. Anxiety in a woman arises due to many external reasons: the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, its complications, the need to regularly undergo diagnostic examinations. There is constantly more or less pronounced anxiety about the condition of the child, and at the end of the term - about the upcoming birth. All this is exacerbated by changes in the endocrine system. An imbalance of hormones makes a woman more whiny, restless, suspicious, irritable. Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy? What to do to avoid unnecessary emotional experiences?

All women have to be nervous during pregnancy, it is impossible to completely exclude situations that cause emotional outbursts. But only intense and prolonged experiences can negatively affect the state of the mother and child. Daily troubles do not cause significant changes in the body of a pregnant woman, compensatory mechanisms work.

Nervous stresses during pregnancy very quickly lead to disturbances in the emotional state: tearfulness, irascibility, irritability, depression. With prolonged exposure to a stressor, depression can develop. All this negatively affects the course of pregnancy, since there is a connection between what a woman experiences and the benefits in the work of body systems.

Why should pregnant women not be nervous? Because prolonged emotional experiences can provoke a number of complications:

  • Spontaneous abortion. If you are nervous in the early stages of pregnancy, the already existing risk of miscarriage increases. The situation is the more dangerous, the more intense the stress factor (psychological trauma).
  • Early discharge of amniotic fluid. Protracted emotional experiences lead to tension, which manifests itself at all levels (mental, physiological). As a result, the integrity of the bubble may be broken.
  • Abnormal cessation of fetal development. The most dangerous is the 8th week. At this time, stressful circumstances can lead to.

Thus, prolonged and intense emotional experiences are dangerous for the course of pregnancy. Prolonged exposure to a stressor or a sudden traumatic event can trigger an abortion.

Consequences of emotional instability during pregnancy

If you are nervous a lot during pregnancy, then this will lead to the following problems:

  • Blood pressure will rise, the heart rate will become rapid, uneven. This will lead to changes in the vessels of the placenta and fetus, and then to. As a result, the child does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, begins to lag behind in development.
  • The manifestations will intensify.
  • The sleep-wake regime will be disturbed, chronic fatigue and depression will develop.

Being nervous during pregnancy is dangerous because it is fraught with undesirable consequences for the health of the child.

After birth, he may show:

  • emotional excitability, increased anxiety and hypersensitivity to external stimuli, meteorological dependence;
  • violations of sleep and wakefulness, in severe cases leading to a delay in mental and physical development;
  • insufficient weight gain;
  • susceptibility to asthma.

Children of restless mothers often toss and turn in the stomach, push, kick.

How to deal with emotional stress during pregnancy?

Since it is almost impossible not to be nervous during pregnancy, you should try to reduce the intensity and duration of experiences.

The emotional state is easier to control when its impact on the process of bearing a child and his health is clear.

  • Planning. Making a plan (daily, weekly, monthly) makes the future more predictable, certain and reduces anxiety.
  • Information about pregnancy. Communication on the forums of young mothers, reading articles, books about bearing a child significantly reduce the level of anxiety of the expectant mother. It becomes clear what is behind all the processes, changes occurring in the body.
  • Support for a loved one. The help of relatives is always more effective than any other. For most women, the support of a husband is important. Often close women (mother, sister, girlfriend) who have already given birth to children become good helpers in the fight against anxiety and anxiety.
  • Child contact. Even with a baby in the stomach, you can interact: stroke, talk, sing songs. All this helps to establish emotional contact with him, to calm down.
  • Search for positive emotions. It is necessary to find time for what gives pleasure: books, films, walks, communication with positive people, delicious food. You can even write it into a plan, then execution will be more likely.
  • Compliance with the daily routine. It should include full sleep, including daytime sleep, five meals a day in small portions, walks in the fresh air. By the way, during physical exertion, even light, the production of the hormone of happiness increases, so walking, light dancing can quickly cheer you up.

Pregnancy is a joyful and special time. Unfortunately, the expectation of the birth of a baby does not always cause only positive emotions. Sudden mood swings, sudden tears in the eyes, outbursts of unreasonable anger, tantrums can appear already in early pregnancy as one of its first signs. Such changes in the state of the psyche of a pregnant woman are not accidental. This is a process laid down by nature, quite complex, but does not require treatment.

Why does irritability appear during early pregnancy?

The main culprit of the unstable psycho-emotional background of a pregnant woman is progesterone. The level of this hormone increases significantly before each menstruation, which is why nervousness and aggression during menstruation are so common. After the onset of conception, the level of the hormone progesterone increases significantly compared to menstruation and affects the behavior of a woman. Such a hormonal surge affects the mental state of the expectant mother, everything infuriates and irritates her.

Fortunately, during this period, the concentration of the hormone estrogen also increases, which to some extent neutralizes a bad psycho-emotional state (otherwise depression and neurosis during the period of bearing a child would occur very often). But, unfortunately, this does not allow to completely avoid irritability and nervousness.

Mood swings: tearfulness during pregnancy

Tearfulness is an anxious and emotional condition that we deal with throughout our lives. Tearfulness during pregnancy is quite common, and can accompany the expectant mother throughout the pregnancy.

Any little thing can bring a pregnant woman to tears, she becomes very touchy and whiny.

It may seem to the expectant mother that her environment and her husband do not care about her and do not sympathize with her difficult situation. Constant tearfulness and irritation can occur for no apparent reason, and at the same time, even realizing her ridiculous behavior, a woman cannot stop crying. A pregnant woman needs to remember that if she constantly succumbs to such emotions, then this can negatively affect the development of the child.

It has been proven that if the expectant mother was nervous and worried during pregnancy, then the child after her birth will be restless and capricious. In addition, there is a direct relationship between the weight of the baby and the emotional state of the woman during pregnancy.

Common: Nervousness during pregnancy

Nervousness during pregnancy is an undesirable condition. It is especially difficult for expectant mothers who were prone to constant mood swings and could be aggressive to maintain emotional calm. Strong emotional experiences can be experienced by a woman who has previously experienced a miscarriage or premature birth. Strong nervousness, up to psychosis, may be present if pregnancy is undesirable for the expectant mother.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes a strong hormonal shake-up. It is for this reason that many expectant mothers seem overly irritable and nervous. There are many reasons for this behavior, and with each trimester of pregnancy, there are more and more reasons to change your mood. How to help normalize a woman's hormonal background and stop being nervous over trifles will be discussed in the article.

Why does anxiety increase during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, as mentioned above, the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes greatly. Hormonal restructuring occurs in any organism in which a new life is born, so any woman in one way or another becomes vulnerable psychologically. During the period of bearing a baby, people around you, and especially relatives and friends, need to be very sensitive towards a woman.

Already at the time of fertilization, the value of the hormone gonadotropin jumps sharply. Its rate reaches its maximum mark by 7-10 weeks. Increased concentration greatly affects the physical condition of a woman and changes her psychological background, making her mood changeable. Many have a feeling of nausea and taste preferences are replaced.

Reference! The hormone progesterone has a great influence on the mood of the expectant mother. Its level fluctuates from low to high at high speed, which dramatically affects mood. An important role is played by estriol - a natural antioxidant produced throughout the entire period of gestation.

Causes of increased irritability:

- in the 1st trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women are the most whiny and irritable. This is due to a sharp jump in the hormonal background and adjusting it to the most acceptable. Frequent predetermining factors of bad mood during this period include:

  • Features of the psyche of women. If the expectant mother before the conception period had a tendency to an unexpected change of mood, then she will bring such a state into her pregnancy that has begun. The psyche of such young ladies is quite resistant to stress, therefore it is not so dangerous for emotional health in general.
  • Previous bad pregnancy experience. If a woman previously had the experience of miscarriage, then the stress received during this period by itself passes into a new pregnancy. Coping with the emotional fear of loss in this case becomes very difficult. A woman every minute listens to her body in order to avoid previous sensations.
  • Unexpected pregnancy. If conception occurs unplanned, then after learning about it, a woman experiences stress, either joy or panic. Well, if the baby is long-awaited. In this case, the emotional background quickly returns to normal and the stress disappears. But if the child is unexpected, then a storm of emotions simply covers the confused mother. Here you need to quickly decide to accept the situation, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the child.
  • The role of a strong personality. If a woman is accustomed to hard work, solving independent problems, then the understanding that this will have to be postponed causes her a slight psychological shock. To cope with emotions, you should get used to the idea of ​​motherhood and your feminine essence: softness and weakness.

- in the 2nd trimester

By the middle of pregnancy, women tend to calm down a bit. The role of the expectant mother is already fully realized by them and the psyche returns to normal. However, in the second trimester of pregnancy there are very frequent emotional breakdowns, which are accompanied by irritability on the part of the expectant mother.

Attention! A woman may begin to take offense at everyone around. She is literally hurt to the core by the words of her colleagues that she is absent-minded or put a cup of coffee in the wrong place. Even if there was no reproach, the woman will still find a hint of resentment in the advice or hint.

Sounds and smells can suddenly begin to irritate, and even quiet noises cause great bewilderment, up to hysteria. If in the second trimester a woman continues to be disturbed by toxicosis, then irritability intensifies against this background. At the same time, vomiting can lead to a constant feeling of hunger, which mommy tries to eat with something tasty and satisfying. In turn, the addiction to sweets and starchy foods noticeably adds kilograms on the scales, which also adversely affects the woman's well-being and her emotional background.

- in the 3rd trimester

The third trimester is quite a difficult test for a woman. Its mass noticeably increases, and the stomach begins to pull down, it becomes difficult to stay on your feet for a long time, it pulls you to lie down more. It is because of the excess body weight and the huge load on the legs that a woman experiences severe discomfort and leads to irritation.

Quite strong edema is inevitable, especially in cases where a woman is forced to spend time in a sedentary job, and there is no opportunity to carry out physical unloading. At the same time, household duties (cleaning, cooking) are piled on a pregnant woman after work, which emotionally put pressure on the psyche and provoke reasonable nervous breakdowns. It is important for men to support their beloved, help her with household chores, and even shift some functions onto their shoulders.

An early meeting with the baby adds a note of fear to the mood of the mother: she worries about the normal process of childbirth and the successful birth of the child. Every day, experiences are accumulating, and the closer the period of childbirth comes, the more stress and anxiety the mother has in her head.

What to do with irritability in a pregnant woman?

With strong irritation, a woman's mood changes, fussiness and panic appear, sleep is disturbed and tears appear in her eyes. It is urgent to cope with the symptoms that overtook mom in order to avoid consequences. Experts recommend adhering to the following rules of conduct:

  • To relax. You need to take a comfortable position and distract from all thoughts. To do this, you can turn on an interesting movie with a positive orientation, go for a few sessions of relaxing massage, walk in a nearby park or square, turn on soothing music. You can simply take a warm shower or sit in a bubble bath with your favorite scent.
  • Do what you love. It can be a trip to the store or a beauty salon. It can also be a useful activity to return to your hobby. It is important to find something to your liking, which will completely relax both the body and the soul, give harmony and peace.
  • Speak out. It is very important for a woman to tell about all the accumulated fears and doubts to other people, especially her partner. A man should listen carefully to his wife, and it is not necessary to say something in response. It will be enough to nod or console an agitated woman. This method works flawlessly. Not a single girl can resist the understanding and attentiveness of her chosen one.
  • Try to remember the funniest and most exciting moments in your life. When there is no one to speak out, and melancholy simply fills everything inside, you need to try to take out of your memories the most amazing moments that can immediately correct the "distressed situation". It happens that 10 minutes of such a process is enough for mommy to calm down and all the functions of her body come back to normal.
  • Protect yourself from negative information. Try to react as little as possible to the environment. You can not watch TV with sad news, as well as listen to sad music on the radio. It is best to sit in peace and quiet, it is better to include videos about animals, birds, small children.

Why is it bad to be nervous during pregnancy?

Not a single expectant mother is immune from irritability. However, it is important for her to learn not to dwell on her negative emotions, but to try with all her might to get rid of them. Mother and child in the womb constitute a single and inseparable whole. All the disturbing moments around affect the well-being of the mother, and with her reaction she forms the well-being of the unborn baby.

With strong emotional upheavals, shocks, endless irritation of a woman, not only her psyche suffers, but also the psyche of the fetus being laid. At the same time, physical development can also suffer. Those children whose parents were very nervous during pregnancy are born mentally unstable and they often have deviations in physical development.

During pregnancy, all the most important processes in the body take place, which directly affect the development of the fetus. Any manifestation on a physical or psychological background in a mother will cause a reaction in her child. Therefore, positive reactions increase vitality, and negative ones reduce it, while violating the gene component. This happens according to the laws of nature. The future mother should experience and experience only the brightest feelings and respond only with good urges to the world around her.

Important! A pregnant woman should not feel remorse and suffer because of her behavior. It is important for her to realize that she is really not to blame for this state, unless you deliberately start scandals, taking advantage of your position and demonstrating your whims and whims at every opportunity and without it.

A woman should calmly carry out her pregnancy at any time. It doesn’t matter if conception has just occurred or a decent period of gestation has already passed, the child in the womb is sensitive from the first moments of its formation in the womb. To remove all negative thoughts, you need to focus on the pleasant and good. The future father should play a big role in this.

Specially for- Elena Kichak


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