A scarf as a gift. Can I donate a handkerchief? It is possible or not to give people handkerchiefs What to do with a donated handkerchief

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From time to time, we all come across situations where we need to give something as a gift. It can be a gift for a wedding anniversary, birthday, christening and so on. Everyone has probably heard that there are gifts that should not be given.

There are superstitions associated with the world of spirits. It is for this reason that the attitude towards such gifts is negative.

A similar list of bad gifts includes watches.

Why can't you donate a watch?

When you give this gift, according to Chinese belief, you invite this person to the funeral. As for the opinion of our people regarding this gift, it is considered that you will no longer communicate with this person. Time to stop talking to him. According to some people, a watch as a gift means a decrease in its lifespan.

Why not donate knives?

Not everyone knows that a gift such as knives is also unacceptable. Why not donate knives? This gift symbolizes the misfortune of a person. This has been known for centuries. The knife attracts all evil spirits, which, according to people, also loves sharp edges. Therefore, when you give a knife to a person, an evil spirit also goes with this gift. Here is such a pun! You even run the risk of quarreling with the person who accepts such a gift from you. But modern man does not stand still. We have learned how to give knives and receive a symbolic payment for them, which means their acquisition. Only then you do not risk a quarrel.

Each of us must have heard that scarves are also considered an unacceptable gift.

Why can't you give headscarves?

Basically, people believe that handkerchiefs are the personification of human tears, especially nasal ones. There is also an opinion that when you give a scarf to your loved one, you part with it. Therefore, when you give a handkerchief or find it on the street, it means that you receive other people's tears.

An unacceptable gift is also a mirror.

Why not give a mirror?

According to popular beliefs, it is a magical object, and this opinion exists to this day. When you present a mirror as a gift, you present misfortune to this person. If it so happened that you received a mirror as a gift, then you need to wash it with running water and then put it in a dark place and do not look into it first. After all the actions taken, such a mirror can be used.

In addition to mirrors, watches, scarves and knives, some other things cannot be given.

If you give a person a comb, then you give him all your secrets at the same time. A similar interpretation of the gift also applies to the box. If you give a watch to a person, then the person who received it will look at the world through the eyes of the donor.

If you want to be closer to a person, then give him a carpet.

Along with knives, you can not give forks and spoons. This prohibition applies to any cutting objects. If the person who gives such a gift asks for it to be accepted persistently, then give a small amount of money for it. Thus, you buy it, and do not take it as a gift. Accordingly, nothing bad will come of it.

It is often customary for us to give expensive alcoholic drinks as a gift, but not every person knows that this means taking away a person’s health. You can bring alcoholic beverages to the guests, only you need to drink them together.

If you want to part with a person and break all kinds of ties with him, then give him gloves or mittens.

If you give a person a pencil or a pen, it means that you will manage this person.

A wallet is a good gift. Just do not forget to put a bill of any denomination in it. In this case, you give a person wealth and prosperity.

When you give a person something from cosmetics or some kind of perfume, this introduces deception into your relationship. You should also not give scarves, towels and napkins, as this promises separation in your relationship.

A tablecloth is considered a good gift. It makes you a welcome guest in the house of the person to whom you give such a gift.

Do not give a lighter as a gift. She promises the end of the relationship.

I also want to give one piece of advice. Never give a person cheap or very expensive gifts, as expensive gifts oblige a person, and cheap ones can simply offend. In both cases, you will put a person in an awkward position, although the concept of cheap and expensive for everyone is relative. We advise you to always think over a gift in advance, asking close people what he likes or what he is interested in, and then you will not go wrong with your gift.

People have long believed and continue to take different signs seriously. Many superstitions are associated with gifts for various holidays. So, for example, many doubt whether it is possible to give a handkerchief. This seemingly simple item for superstitious people is a sign of misfortune.

Can I donate a handkerchief?

Why can't you give a handkerchief?

When going to visit for the holiday, it is customary to prepare gifts. But it is not at all customary to give some things and objects, in addition, by presenting such a present, you can upset or offend a person. With a handkerchief just such a story. It is not customary to give it, no matter how beautiful or expensive it may be. The headscarf in Russia has a very definite negative theme. It is a symbol:

  • tears;
  • sorrows;
  • diseases;
  • of death;
  • partings.

Remember why people give handkerchiefs to funerals? So that all those who came to say goodbye to the deceased could cry and wipe their tears with this new item. It is also believed that if a girl gave a handkerchief to a young guy, they will part.

By the way, Vanga also spoke about the negative semantic load of such a gift, she also believed that receiving or giving a scarf was a disaster. In various eastern states, it is also not customary to present a handkerchief as a gift.

How to refuse a handkerchief?

It happens that you were given a handkerchief. And you are afraid to take it because of superstitions and will accept it, but you don’t want to offend the donor either. Any superstitious person will say that there will be no grief if you “pay off” the gift. Just quickly look in your pockets or purse for something you can give in exchange for a handkerchief. It's better if it's money.

Also, the bad properties of a handkerchief given to you by someone can be reduced or completely eliminated. Do the following with it.

Many of us have thought about why they give a scarf. People try to present original or unusual gifts, but not everyone pays attention to the meaning contained in this or that present, because even an ordinary trinket can bring great harm to its owner. Everyone knows such a wardrobe item as a scarf. Usually it is a piece of fabric, either square or triangular in shape, it is a multifunctional element of clothing. But why give a scarf? Is it possible to interpret such a present in a certain way?

Scarf and superstition

Definitely this dressing gizmo carries a sacred meaning. Many signs and superstitions are associated with it, so the choice of a gift should be taken very carefully and seriously.

Having stopped your choice on one option, you need to think about what the gift will bring to its owner. Even in such an inconspicuous object, a great threat to human life can be hidden. Since it carries a hidden sacred meaning, the people have come up with many beliefs, agreeing with which or not is a personal matter for everyone. Is it possible to give scarves and what to do if you were presented with one - we will analyze this information in more detail below.

Fortunately or not?

The question of whether handkerchiefs are given to loved ones was asked by everyone. Theoretically, this is possible, but in practice, esotericists do not advise giving them as a gift, as they will bring the owner a lot of worries and troubles, which will subsequently “end” in tears. In addition to failures, a donated piece of cloth can bring illness and misfortune to the family. Few people realize that the cause of the problems is an ominous gift, which you should immediately get rid of or not accept at all.

  1. The Bulgarian blind soothsayer Vanga said that if a person accepts a nosepiece as a gift, he will soon wipe his own tears with it. She advised trying in every possible way to refuse the surprise, and if it didn’t work out, then by all means “pay off” the gift. The person who gave the gift must be given a coin in return. It is known that the negative influence of a gift can be removed with the help of a silver object, which is immersed in water for 30 minutes, after which a donated piece of cloth is added there. The “procedures” do not end there, because first you need to dry the handkerchief, sprinkle it with holy water and iron it with a hot iron.
  2. The practice of Feng Shui and its followers are also against giving noses. A Chinese superstition claims that all the tears of the giver pass from his life into the life of the recipient of the present. There is also a saying “you can’t put a scarf on every mouth”, popular among the Slavs.
  3. Most foreigners are aware that a scarf is a source of grief and misfortune. Sometimes it is even used as a refusal of the bride to the groom. Thus, the Spaniards hint to the partner that the relationship has reached an impasse, or that "love has passed." In Germany, noses are presented only to sick people, and in Russia, a headscarf is indispensable at a funeral.

The history of the scarf and its properties

Signs and superstitions say that the scarves left after the funeral are very dangerous to keep in the house. It is forbidden to take other people's gizmos, because they only bring a destructive effect to the life of the new owner. Etiquette also says that presenting a handkerchief, whether it be a handkerchief or one that can cover your head, will be considered bad form.

In the Middle Ages, a scarf as a gift was very common. The knights accepted small pieces of embroidered fabric from their ladies as a sign of fidelity, and then kept them until their death. These pieces of fabric symbolized unrequited love, doomed to suffering on the one hand. The ladies of the heart, as was customary then, were married, so they could not reciprocate the knight.

The ancient Russians treated this sacred object in a special way. The girl wore a headdress if she wanted to show everyone her status: she was either betrothed or betrothed. Despite this, the scarf was still treated with caution. Esotericists strongly do not recommend giving a black headdress. When choosing a handkerchief for a man as a gift, you should abandon this idea in advance.

Folk omens, what will they tell?

Finding someone else's scarf at home is in trouble. The esoteric find is strongly recommended to be burned so as not to attract unnecessary trouble to the house. To put on someone else's scarf around the neck - a woman promises misfortune. It is also a bad omen for a young unmarried woman to give a handkerchief. Well, if it was lost, then in the future it promises to get rid of problems. There are also a few common ones:

People either believe in omens or they don't. Everything is extremely simple. But, whatever one may say, certain objects can bring happiness and joy to the owner, while others can destroy someone else's life in a few moments. That is why, first of all, the choice of a gift must be taken responsibly, and, judging by the information above, it is by no means possible to give someone a handkerchief or accept it as a gift.

The famous healer Vanga said that you can rejoice at some gifts, but it is better to avoid others. In fact, there are gifts, after receiving which, misfortunes occur in the house. What should be done to protect yourself and your family from such presentations?


As you know, a person puts on gloves when his hands are cold, then why should he warm himself with someone else's warmth? After you have received gloves as a gift, you enter into the power of the giver. In ancient times, by giving gloves to a person, he could be forced to fulfill his desires. Not only the state of your psyche can change, but also your physical strength. After receiving such a gift, it is necessary to return the gloves to the giver within a week, but others, and also as a gift. If this is not possible, then come to visit and leave the donated gloves with the donor in the house for one week, during which time all the energy from the gloves will spread throughout the house and completely leave them.


Gloves have an impact on the condition of a person, while a belt can protect against any action. This is manifested in stiffness, conciseness, the inability to achieve the desired results from their actions. Thus, you were "saved" from changes in life, possible successes and victories. Your personal space has become very small and cramped. What to do in this case? Similarly with gloves - pay off.

After this, it is necessary to carry out a ceremony: light three candles from the church, put a belt in front of you and read “Our Father” 12 times. Then extinguish the candles. After a week, you can put on the belt again.

3. Handkerchief

Do not give or accept such a gift. Vanga warned - take a handkerchief, wipe your tears soon. Since ancient times, in many countries, scarves were given only in difficult periods - they were distributed during funerals; given to the seriously ill; when love passed or marriage was impossible. The scarf symbolizes illness and trouble, so by accepting it, you take on the misfortunes of the giver.

4. Pectoral cross

If you are not sure of the sincerity of the giver, in no case do not accept the gift! Think about the fate of the donor - if he is happy, lucky and rich, then perhaps he wishes you the same, but if he is haunted by illness, failure, problems, then you took the cross of the donor on yourself, his fate. In this case, redemption will not work. Give the cross to the church. Take it to a pawnshop, and distribute the money to the poor, buy a gift for the donor and give it back. It is impossible to leave a pectoral cross, a powerful force comes from it.

5. Overseas souvenirs

Souvenirs from exotic countries were brought to each of us by friends and relatives, but how often did we study the semantic meaning of a curiosity? If it's a pyramid, then it's a good symbol. If it is a deity, study it, what it is responsible for, what it carries in itself, and then perform the ceremony, remove the negative and charge it with positive. First, wrap any souvenir in white silk and put it in a dark place (preferably on a closet) and keep it there for 7 days.

After that, during the week, we clean the gift with “golden” and “silver” water in turn. African masks and deities, ritual objects are considered the most dangerous souvenirs. Remember, knowledge is our weapon.

6. Clock


They can stop the time of your happy, carefree life. Redeem immediately.

7. Mirror

Takes beauty and youth, joy and love of life. Antiquarian mirrors are especially dangerous. Even rituals do not always help. It is best not to take a gift, throw it away.

8. Ancient coins

In addition to the fact that money has the ability to make all our dreams and fantasies come true, it has also been a cause for contention at all times, and often pushed people to crime. Fatal events and human vices are imprinted on every ancient coin. They contain information about the emotions of each owner of the coin - greed, anger, hatred, etc. We perform a ritual to clean such cursed coins.

We wrap the coins in white silk, keep the day on the windowsill. We keep it in front of the icons for three days, and every morning we burn three church candles. Hide the coins in a metal box, you can pull it out 1-2 times a week. You can wipe the coins with "golden" water.

9. Malachite

Brings destruction. Everyone remembers the fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain"? So, if you want to negotiate with an obstinate stone, then perform the ceremony. Wrap the jewelry (stone) in purple silk. Light a thick church candle in front of the fabric with the object, let it burn out, then light three thin church candles and first turn to the mountain from which this stone was removed. Ask her blessings and guidance.

And then turn to the stone, ask it not to harm you, not to harm you, because you have the blessing of mother mountain, otherwise she will split it into grains, grind it into grains of sand and scatter it in the wind. Once you have agreed with the stone, rub it with golden water. Malachite jewelry cannot be worn for more than 6 hours.

10. Scissors

They shorten life, redraw it completely, break off relations with others. Do not take them, do not hesitate to refuse a gift. And if the guest nevertheless left them, draw conclusions about the essence of your friend. Clean the apartment (house) after the guest leaves and throw away the gift.

11. Knives

They are pushing for crimes, you need to pay off immediately.

12. Wallet

Can let you around the world if the donor did not put a coin in it. Let him put in at least a penny. You must also give the giver a coin.

Tips can surprise, make laugh, and maybe make someone angry, but they certainly won’t bring harm.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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The closer the holidays are to us, the more often we think about what present to choose. There are a lot of interesting ideas, but the more options, the more difficult it is to choose one thing.

In addition, you want to not only present a beautiful present, you need it to be necessary, practical and bring maximum pleasure to the birthday man.

Along with all these points, one more important aspect must be taken into account - symbolic warnings, simply put, superstition.

Not all gifts can be given, and some need to be presented only in a certain amount or color scheme. If the birthday man is superstitious, then these nuances are very important.

A lot of different signs "spin" around handkerchiefs. Our article will answer the question: “Is it possible to give handkerchiefs as a gift?”, and not to superstitious people, it will help you choose the appropriate option.


It is believed that a handkerchief brings separation. Such a present brings tears and grief. Perhaps this is due to the direct purpose of this accessory. After all, whatever one may say, this is an attribute of farewell and sadness, and, often, it is used precisely for such unfun occasions.

It has long been in Russia that relatives of a deceased person distribute handkerchiefs to guests. They are tied on the arm - this is a sign of mourning. Of course, it is not necessary to associate these traditions with the fact that this accessory will definitely bring trouble.

Although, not only in Russia it is not customary to give handkerchiefs for ordinary holidays. For example, in European countries, girls give these accessories to guys as a sign of parting.

But, do not despair, if in spite of everything you want to bring a scarf as a gift, but are afraid to invite trouble, then you need to “pay off”. How to do it?

When presenting a present, ask the hero of the occasion for a coin, and it turns out that you did not give, but sold your gift. That's all, now it's just a purchased thing that can be used at the request of the owner.

How to choose and present?

Despite all the superstitions, many people give handkerchiefs, especially men's chest models. This accessory complements the classic suit.

If you manage to choose the right pattern and color, then due to the scarf, the image will become stylish and complete. In order for everything to be perfect, you need to know which suit the accessory is selected for.

The color should not merge with the "background", but too noticeable contrast is useless. Simply put, you need to choose the right tone that will favorably emphasize the main color. For example, you can buy a yellow or green scarf for a blue classic suit. You can complement your present with original tie clips.Here are great options:

Regarding the drawing, the main thing here is not to overdo it, if there is no decor on the jacket and pants, then you can pick up a scarf with a light print, but if the suit has at least a minimal decor, then your present should be plain. You do not need to buy comic models, unless the offering is intended for a child.

The fabric also matters, it should be combined with a tie or bow tie. In order not to miscalculate, it is better to buy a kit where, in addition to the main offering, there will be. You can add original cufflinks to the "set".

If you did not buy a ready-made set, but folded it yourself, then it is important to take care to fold everything beautifully. If you doubt your abilities, then look for a video - instructions.

In principle, it is not difficult to roll up these things, you will only need a few minutes of your time, but it is better to take care of this in advance so as not to rush and not worry on the day of the celebration.

Take the maximum time to choose a gift and do not pay attention to any superstitions. If you present a present with sincere wishes of happiness, kindness and good luck, then this is exactly what the birthday person will receive.


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