O women, your name is perfidy! Attention! read only to serious men! Oh, women, your name is treachery! Oh women worthless read your name

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Unable to express my soul.

Here are the ways to seem, for it is

Only actions and easy to play

My grief is alien to embellishment

And they are not exposed.


Nice to see and commendable, Hamlet,

How do you pay a bitter debt to your father.

But your father lost his father himself,

And so is that one. For some time

Duty of orphaned loved ones

Keep sadness. But assert itself in it

With inveterate zeal - impious.

Men are unworthy of this sorrow

And exposes the lack of faith

Blind heart, empty soul

And a gross mind without proper development.

What is inevitable in such a move,

Like the most common occurrences

Is this prudent, grumbling,

Resist? It's a sin against heaven

Sin against the dead, sin against nature,

Before a mind that has reconciled

With the fate of the fathers and met the first corpse

And spent the last exclamation:

"That's the way it should be!" Please shake off

Count your sadness and us from now on

By my father. Let the world know that you are

Closest to the throne and fed to you

Love no less ardent than what

The gentlest of fathers is attached to his son.

As for hopes to return to Wittenberg

And continue learning, these plans

We positively dislike

And I ask you to think and stay

Before us, here, under the caress of our eyes,

As the first of a kind, our son and dignitary.


Don't make me ask in vain.

Stay here, don't go to Wittenberg!


Madam, I obey completely.


Here is a meek, appropriate answer!

Our home is your home. Madam, let's go.

With his complaisance, Hamlet brought

A smile in the heart, as a sign of which now

About the account of our toasts at the table

Let the cannon report to the clouds

And the rumble of heaven in response to earthly thunders

Mixed with the sound of bowls. Let's go.

All, Besides Hamlet, go away.


Oh, if you, my tight flesh,

Could melt, disappear, evaporate!

Oh, if the eternal did not bring

In the sins of suicide! God! God!

How insignificant, flat and stupid

It seems to me that the whole world is in its aspirations!

O abomination! Like an unweeded garden

Give free rein to the herbs, overgrown with weeds.

With the same indivisibility the whole world

Filled with rough beginnings.

How could all this happen?

Two months since he died… There won't be two.

Such a king! Like a bright Apollo

Compared to satire. so jealous

Who loved the mother that did not give the winds

Breathe into her face. O earth and sky!

What to remember! She was attracted to him

As if the hunger grew from the satisfaction.

And well, in a month ... It's better not to delve into it!

O women, your name is treachery!

No month! And the shoes are intact

In which the father's coffin accompanied

In tears like Niobe. And she…

Oh my god, the beast, devoid of reason,

I would have languished longer! - married! For whom!

For an uncle who is similar to the deceased,

Like me with Hercules. In a little over a month!

More from the salt of hypocritical tears

The redness on her eyelids did not subside!

No, you can’t see good from this!

Break, heart, silently hide.

Enter Horatio , Marcellus and Bernardo


Respect, prince!


Glad to see you healthy

Horace! Do you believe your eyes?


He is the most, prince, your faithful slave to the grave.


What a slave! We're just friends!

What brought you to us from Wittenberg? -

Marcellus - right?


He is the sweetest prince...


I am very glad to see you.


Good evening.


What brought you from Wittenberg?


Dearest prince, disposition to laziness.


Your enemy wouldn't say that about you

And you better not torment my hearing

Slanders on himself.

I know you: you are not at all lazy.

Why did you come to Elsinore?

Here you will be taught to drink.


I came

At your father's funeral.


My friend, don't laugh at me. Want to

"To your mother's wedding" - say?


Yes, indeed, it followed quickly.


Calculation, Horace! From the funeral

A commemorative pie went to the wedding table.

I would rather meet the enemy in paradise,

Than again in life to experience this day!

Father - oh, here he is as if in front of me!


Where, prince?


In the eyes of my soul, Horace.


I saw him once: beauty-king.


He was a man in every sense of the word.

I don't see that anymore!


Imagine, prince, he was here tonight.



King, your father.


My father?


Calm down: hold back your surprise

And listen. I'll tell you -

These eyewitnesses will support me -

Something unheard of.




Two nights in a row with these people

Bernardo and Marcellus, on duty

Amid the dead infinity of the night

Here's what's going on. Someone unknown

Armed from head to toe

And your real father passes by

Sovereign step. Thrice he slides

Before their eyes at a distance

Outstretched hand, they are standing

Frozen with fear and speechless,

Like thunder struck, about what

They tell me under a terrible secret.

I stood guard with them on the third night,

Where, confirming it all verbatim,

At the same hour, the same shadow passes.

I remember your father. Both are similar

Like those hands.


Where did he go?


On the site where there is a guard.


Have you spoken to him?


But without success. However, for a moment

By turning the shoulders and head

I concluded that he would not mind answering,

But at that moment the rooster crowed,

"O women! Worthiness is your name!"

Recently I was rereading Chekhov.
I wanted to describe for myself the essence of Olga Ivanovna, the heroine of the story "The Jumper", but it did not work out briefly, but I did not want to do it for a long time. In such cases, Chekhov's well-known saying that "brevity is the sister of talent" comes to mind. So I see this couple before my eyes, brevity and talent ... go side by side, inseparable, like Countess Cherry, and not tear one from the other.

If we talk about Olga Ivanovna in other words, then a quote from the same story is in place:

"He served science and died from science. And he worked like an ox, day and night, no one spared him, and the young scientist, the future professor, had to look for a practice for himself and do translations at night in order to pay for these ... vile rags!
And Korostelev looked with hatred at Olga Ivanovna ... "

The noble Korostelev could not directly accuse Olga Ivanovna of having brought her husband to death with her frivolous behavior. I can not either. Or rather, I can, but then you get a long school essay on the topic "What is good and what is bad." And I want it short and clear!

Therefore, I will turn "for help to a friend" and give another quote - from Arthur Schopenhauer. Of course, he was an evil person in relation to women, and I would argue with his statement, but it fits the description of Olga Ivanovna perfectly:

"... women have neither susceptibility nor true inclination either to music, or to poetry, or to educational arts; and if they indulge in them and rush about with them, then this is nothing more than a simple monkey for the purposes of coquetry and desire to please. "

And you can say even angrier, as in the title of this post.
"Women, nothingness is your name!" - so in 1837 the famous Russian writer Nikolai Polevoy translated the words of Hamlet. In the original, the expression sounds quite harmless Frailty, your name is woman!, and many translators of "Hamlet" translated the word Frailty in different ways: humility, humility, fragility, frailty, variability, inconstancy, treachery, insignificance, vanity, powerlessness, fragility, but Polevoi surpassed everyone with his annihilating "Nothingness!".
Killed so killed!

Interestingly, it was Polevoy's translation that remained in the people's memory and turned into an aphorism. This is probably the merit of sexist men who began to use it as a derogatory argument in the fight against women for the primacy of the sexes.

But, I repeat, Frailty as a "nonentity" is incomparable to Olga Ivanovna.
She is not a nonentity, and she cannot be judged for her character. Her only fault is that she got married without loving Dymov. And you can’t get married (and get married) without love! Sooner or later the gun will go off. And not only hurt, but also kill!

Cicero said: "Lidness is characteristic of a flourishing age."
While Olga Ivanovna was "at a flourishing age," she mindlessly "plucked the flowers of pleasure," violating the laws of married life and falling into the "sin of adultery."

When Dymov died, "Olga Ivanovna remembered her whole life with him, from beginning to end, with all the details, and suddenly realized that he was indeed an extraordinary, rare and, in comparison with those whom she knew, a great man" .

And she also realized that not only diphtheria, but she herself was to blame for the death of her husband. She felt that "from an empty whim, from pampering, all, with her hands and feet, she smeared herself into something dirty, sticky, from which you will never wash off ..."

At the end of the story, Chekhov leaves readers with the hope that Olga Ivanovna will nevertheless “wash herself off”, realize the nonsense of her fluttering through life and straighten her attitude towards her. The father died, the husband died, the lover rejected ... how many more losses must go through in order for Olga Ivanovna's "brains" to fall into place?

Oh, women, your name is treachery!

The second day of the Russian figure skating championship ended in Kazan. In women's single skating, a set of awards was played. In dancing, the battle for second place continues.

The second day of the Russian figure skating championship ended in Kazan. In women's single skating, a set of awards was played. In dancing, the battle for second place continues. The apotheosis of the performance of sports couples was the blackout in the Ice Palace "Sports Saray".

Russian championship. Kazan

Women. free program

1. Elizaveta Tuktamysheva - 110.06

2. Adelina Sotnikova - 105.62

3. Katarina Gerboldt - 99.18.

Women. Final results

1. Adelina Sotnikova - 160.55

2. Elizaveta Tuktamysheva - 159.88

3. Katarina Gerboldt - 149.31.

Russian championship. Kazan

Couples. Short program

1. Maria Mukhortova - Maxim Trankov - 68.03
2. Yuka Kawaguchi - Alexander Smirnov - 65.18
3. Ksenia Krasilnikova - Konstantin Bezmaternykh - 59.68.

William Shakespeare was right. As always. It is absolutely impossible to rely on women, especially figure skaters. One has only to predict something smart, as they manage to perform in a completely unexpected way. Well, who, tell me, assumed that Alena Leonova, the most anticipated contender for first place in the national team, would look at her marks after an arbitrary program through bitter tears. Actually, Alena started crying already by the middle of her composition, after two falls in a row and an axel in one and a half turns instead of two and a half. As a result, Leonova became only the fifth and will be able to represent the country at the Euro only by the grace of the Russian Figure Skating Federation. Of the contenders for places in the national team, Katarina Gerboldt, who won bronze, turned out to be the best. According to the sports principle, it is she who should become the first number of the national team. Gerboldt trains with the most experienced Tatiana and Alexei Mishin, her programs were staged by excellent choreographers Tatiana Druchinina and Irina Zhuk, the figure skater herself is a beautiful girl named after the two-time Olympic champion Katarina Witt. But it is difficult to call her results at the international level otherwise than monstrous: 26th place at the 2006 World Championships, 12th at the Grand Prix stage in Japan this season and not a single performance at the European Championship. From a skater with such a track record and the lack of a stable cascade of two triples, it will be difficult to expect a decent performance. Herboldt's company at the Euro should, in theory, be made by Nina Petushkova, who took fourth place. She has better technique, in the arsenal there is a combination of “two and a half axels plus a triple toe loop plus a double toe loop”. The main problem is with the choreography, but with a clean box office, this is most often forgiven. Finally, about the winner of the Russian Championship, Adeline Sotnikova, we can only say that at the moment we can only gnaw our elbows, looking at her birth certificate. She performed her free program with only one mistake (a fall from a triple lutz), but at the age of 12 this wonderful talent cannot skate for Russia even in juniors. Waiting sir…

Russian championship. Kazan

Original dance

1. Yana Khokhlova - Sergey Novitsky - 61.35
2. Ekaterina Rubleva - Ivan Shefer - 55.09
3. Anastasia Platonova - Alexander Grachev - 53.87.

Dancing. After two kinds

1. Yana Khokhlova - Sergey Novitsky - 99.44
2. Ekaterina Rubleva - Ivan Shefer - 88.63
3. Kristina Gorshkova - Vitaly Butikov - 87.53.

The draw for the short program of sports couples ordered that Maria Mukhortova and Maxim Trankov skated fourth, and their main competitors Yuka Kawaguchi - Alexander Smirnov - 10th. Therefore, no matter how brilliantly the first ones skated, they would not have received very high marks in life: the judges always leave a gap for rivals. Wards of Oleg Vasiliev did not tempt fate and did without falls. The roughness was in twisting, in particular, but without crime. But for the support of the guys, the level was lowered, which did not prevent them from updating their best result in the short program by almost two points. To come out on top, Kawaguchi and Smirnov had only to skate without mistakes. This task turned out to be too tough for the partner - after a parallel jump, Alexander touched the ice with his hand and, together with Yuka, remained second. The adventures of Russian figure skaters did not end there. Literally a few minutes after the start of the short program of Ksenia Stolbova and Artur Minchuk, the lights went out in the palace ... Apparently, it is not without reason that this wonderful building bears the proud name of "Sports Sarae". As it turned out, the entire area was left without electricity. After 10 minutes, the light was found, the guys were graciously allowed to finish the program, although their coach Lyudmila Velikova asked the judges to let the couple roll the composition completely. But the decision was made, and the program was overwhelmed, like the entire championship for Stolbova and Minchuk. The organizers, frankly, are lucky that this couple does not claim prizes, otherwise they would not have avoided a major scandal. And so everything seemed to work out, although the sediment remained ...

In dancing, justice slowly but surely takes over. Ekaterina Rubleva and Ivan Shefer performed their original brilliantly, improving Personal Best by four and a half points. Their group partners Yana Khokhlova - Sergey Novitsky, apparently, completely relaxed in the absence of competitors. Yana even allowed herself a small mistake, which, however, did not affect the balance of power in any way: their superiority of 11 points over other pairs is simply irresistible. Katya and Vanya still have no time to relax, because the gap between the second and fourth places is only two points, and the whole struggle for third place in the team is still ahead.

And again those damned semi-dark corridors smeared with old brown blood. This mute, diluted only by rare dry messages, space. Dead men, mutilated corpses, monsters overgrown with thorns and notches. I became so close to them that I don’t even remember how to properly communicate with the living. With these, everything is simple: he saw, cut off a limb with a three-point laser, heard the final death cry with gloomy satisfaction, with a strangled roar, broke his chest with a kick. A communication algorithm developed over many years. Like a second cousin's birthday party. What the hell am I talking about? No-no ... now it's not nonsense. Not images of a sick mind. I'm not crazy - and, to tell the truth, I never have been. I do not argue - many years ago, a delusion, the images of the Obelisk held the inflamed mind in a vice ... But the damned alien mechanism had long abandoned attempts to torment my brain. In many ways, also because now I myself see everything perfectly. You do not need to become One with the bloody mess of Necromorphs to see one simple truth: everyone around you is a traitor. All the people, and especially the women that surrounded me, all are traitors. Doubt? Don't believe? Just think. You are the ones who know my history. Remember everything from the very beginning. Ishimura. I was carried to this lost ship with only one purpose - to find out if my girlfriend, Nicole Brennan, is okay. Already on the approach, having received that strange message from her, I began to suspect that I would never see her alive again. But damned feelings... And for her sake, only for her sake, I stepped into the sharp-toothed darkness. It was scary at first, yes. I was afraid to turn around, in each branch of the corridors inventing the heavy tread of the enemy behind me. He was afraid to handle weapons on a workbench, looked around every minute. I was afraid to approach the shops - I first ransacked all the corners and nooks of the room. He winced at the whisper that tickled his ears. And blindly followed Kendra's instructions. A traitor who worked for the government! Her treachery came as a complete surprise to me, a disarming surprise. But she got what she deserved. I almost rejoiced at her death. I would have been delighted if I had not known that I would have to fight with the monster that knocked the breath out of her before my eyes a minute earlier. When it was all over, I dodged death - as it seemed to me. However, he took something with him as a souvenir ... someone. After a three-year intermission in a play called Life, I woke up in a mental hospital. That young orderly... I still feel sorry for him. And so his excited voice, sacredly confident in the words he uttered, stands in his ears. He became a victim. Fast, sad, pointless. Not as rushing about as I am, not as drunk with bitterness. He just didn't have time to realize the ugliness of the situation when you're being used. Hurrying through the hospital corridors, luridly adorned with blood, I was almost not surprised that the obsession had returned. A simple engineer got off too easy then, on the Ishimura. I was almost no longer afraid of the familiar, almost native muzzles of necromrophs, crawlers-“scorpions”, screaming monsters stuck to the walls ... There was something that worried me much more then. Seizures. Images of bloody Nicole brainwashing me. Diana promised to get rid of the obsession - another woman on my crooked life path. Yes, I really had no choice but to follow her instructions. Go or die. What's in your head will eat you alive. Great prospect, isn't it? Or Brennan, or Necromorphs. The choice is yours! And the bottom line is that there was no choice. The gloomy prospect perfectly subordinates any spirit to someone else's will, makes you catch every word as the ultimate truth. Follow orders and don't turn. And in the end - get the same straitjacket, but with a slightly different sauce. It's just luck, is it luck? Or bad rock? - saved me from the fate of a brainless vegetable in the wrong hands. But Diana was still sorry. Beautiful ... However, all my dear traitors were beautiful, as if by selection. You might think that for the beauty I could forgive them for what they did to me! Damn... But I almost believed Nicole. A demon in my own head. Washed from the blood, timid, tender, beautiful… Luring straight to Hell. "Make, make us One!" Baby, there's only one way I know, but you're already too dead for it! Ha ha... I had to go through it again. A needle in the eye is not what I would like you to feel. The last thing I wish you. But she helped to see ... Yes, apparently it really helps sometimes to delve into the brain with a knitting needle in order to understand that your fantasies are fucking you hard. Well, a bit of a dopey Obelisk, to be quite frank. I killed her. With my own hands, in my own head. A traitor, another, but not the last. When even my own brain failed me - how could I trust others? But I believed. Again. Timidly, furtively looking back, constantly fearing and afraid. Going back and experiencing all past situations, moments, episodes. Once again absorbing poisonous assurances that now everything will be as it should, as it should ... And now - betrayal again. Ellie, I'm not surprised anymore. Only bitterness rolls down my throat like expired whiskey. I will not ask: "How could you?", shout: "You changed me!" No. I know. You are women, and your name is treachery. And your guilty looks from Robert's arms are useless here. I'm just going to do what I have to do, what I can do best. As always. I recently got it. The only ones who have always been selflessly loyal to me are the Necromorphs. Time after time they come back like an honest wife from a long night shift at the factory. They smile with a tortured smile of death itself, wheeze with delight, throw themselves into their arms. They don't betray. They always come back to me.

There is a category of women who need to get their coveted stamp in their passport by all means. They are ready for anything, just so that the victim does not slip out of their hands. They spread their nets wherever possible and wait for a fish to fall into their net. Working on multiple fronts. These women care little if their chosen victims love them or not. They don't care who will be around - the main thing is to get rid of loneliness, to prove to everyone and everyone that "I am no worse than others, since I have a legitimate husband." At the beginning of a relationship, such a woman is sweet, flirtatious ...

But some time passes and she begins to act, she wants to make her cherished dream come true as soon as possible. But as soon as she finds out that the victim she has chosen is not going to tie the knot, she immediately loses interest in the man.

2. Single mother

The woman has a difficult financial situation. Living on one salary is almost impossible. Yes, a child needs a father. All these factors put together make a woman look for her soul mate.

3. Center of the Universe

A category of women seeking to be in the spotlight. She is talkative, flirtatious, a smile never leaves her lips. He tries by all means to draw attention to himself. Men, although they consider themselves the strong half of humanity, can still easily fall into women's networks.

Many men like such women. But before you connect your life with her, think twice. Is it easy for you to live with her? Near such a woman, other men will constantly wriggle around. Can you stand this test?

4. Obsession with girlfriends

Without girlfriends - nowhere. They are for her and the sun, air and water. Their opinion is very important for her, and if her friends appreciate the chosen object, then this is good, but if not ... Then let her "knock down" herself further along the avenue. A woman trusts all the secrets to her friends and listens to their opinion. She herself can’t do anything specifically, and, perhaps, doesn’t want to decide, and therefore “trusted people” - her friends - decide everything for her. Thus, she becomes a hostage to her environment. Such women are dangerous because, having married, they will still be completely dependent on their friends, and their decision will be the main one.

5. Hunters for other people's money

Looking for a wealthy man. They care little if he is married or if he is old enough to be a father. The main thing is to have an apartment, an expensive car, to buy gifts. Such women are dangerous because they are ready to kiss, hug a man day and night and inspire him that he is the one and only, that only next to him does she feel like a real woman.

He looks at all the women he knows with caution and is ready at any second, like a panther, to rush to protect his property to the point that he scratches out the eyes of another woman. For her, the financial situation is above all.

6. Sports interest

The category is a woman who is ready to meet men at any moment. They have no serious intentions. They just love being around men. They get bored with the same satellite very quickly. Without complexes, sexy. With the help of changing partners, they come to know the "still unidentified world." Through trial and error, over time, they come to the conclusion what kind of man they need. They are dangerous because they can fall in love with themselves.

7. Evil vipers

There is nothing worse than an evil woman. She is angry at the whole world, even at her children. Such women hate men and blame them for all mortal sins. Be careful with such a woman. She, like a snake, slowly and quietly creeps up to a man and unexpectedly inflicts a deadly poisonous bite on him. They have one goal - revenge. And they take revenge cruelly. Getting rid of a bite is excruciatingly painful and long.

8. Limitchitsa

Many women, coming to a big city, try with all their might and means to become a city dweller. Marriage is their only way to achieve their intended goal. For them, the main thing is to temporarily sign in order to permanently register. If fate brings you to a limiter, then listen to what she says in between words about love. You can be a launching pad for her to achieve her goal.

Next to such a woman, you will feel like a fish in a net. It's almost impossible to escape from it. She is always by your side. She is terrified of letting you out of her hands. She doesn't care about anyone or anything but you. She lives on your body and does not allow you to breathe freely. Ready to go to nasty football or watch hockey with you, just to feel your presence.

10. Investigator

You will not have time to get to know her, as she begins to conduct an interrogation: were there many women before meeting her, were there any beloved women. "Investigators" in the first days of acquaintance are interested in salary, plans for the future, they ask about bad habits, all sorts of addictions. As an investigator, such a woman is interested in the past and present personal life of a man. The question arises: who needs such pressure from the first days of acquaintance? Everyone has their own life and each of us has a past and a present.

11. Hard worker

For her, material wealth is the main thing in life, and therefore she is ready to work day and night, thereby replenishing her wallet and increasing her wealth. He is proud of the fact that he receives a lot of money and allows himself to relax in Cannes or Paris. Next to such a woman, a man feels at ease. Yes, and she constantly reminds that she does not need anyone's help and that she can handle all the problems herself.

12. Beggar woman

The financial situation makes her look for a person who is able to get her out of this situation and open a new world. She returns to her family, to her miserable apartment, where there has been no repair for more than 10 years, and, lying in bed, imagines how she turns from Cinderella into a queen. The work frightens her and therefore the only way to escape from poverty is to find a husband. The age of the chosen one is of little concern to the beggar woman. Of course, she wants a young, handsome businessman nearby, but this is not the main thing for her. The main thing is to change your social status by any means and by any means.

13. Day bird

A married woman who is bored with family life and problems. She wants romance, adventure, a change of scenery. Such a woman is a day bird, because in the evening she definitely needs to be at home and in high spirits. Dreaming of being loved. She is good, only for intimacy, but no more. Long-term relationships can lead a man to a dead end. Nothing human is alien to the strong half ... And if he falls in love, what then?

14. Mommy

There are quite a few women in this category. Such a woman constantly plays the role of a mother and does not allow you to think and act as your heart tells you. Her constant care and guardianship turns a man into a child. Signs of such women: constant concern for a man who is nearby, it costs nothing to bring you lunch and put it on the coffee table, just so as not to tear you away from football or hockey, blowing dust off your clothes, taking care of your health, according to Ivona.

15. Intellectual

An intellectual is very dangerous for the average man. She knows everything, because she constantly reads and watches TV, and not love soap operas, but popular science programs or something like that. Every minute she tries to emphasize her superiority and intelligence. Intellectual women think that it is their intellectuality that can strike a man on the spot, and he, like a wounded bird, will fall at her feet.

There can be more than one hundred such signs, depending on what a man considers "dangerous" for his life.


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