The frost is small and does not order to stand. The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand. Case vii. joshu tells to wash the dishes

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The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

  • - i.e. to do, about a special duty Cf. Come, come, dear! I alone told your father the truth, as he was in the case, but God commands you. Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace. 1, 15...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Where God commands, take it there ...
  • - see How God allows ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - led "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - And God commands, that is, - to do about a special duty. Wed Come, come, dear! I alone told your father the truth, as he was in the case, and God commands you. Gr. L. N. Tolstoy...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • God wants everyone to know...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - In the great quarter they say: "Frost, frost, do not beat our oats!" Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

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  • - The house is small, but it does not order to stand ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See UM -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Kursk., Prikam. About the necessity, the immutability of something. MFS, 12...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - a, m., odush. (lat. vēlitēs - pl. from vēlēs...

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for adults and children

"How to protect yourself in severe frosts"

To enjoy all the delights of a real Russian winter, you need to remember a few tips on how to protect yourself from frost and the effects of winter cold.


It is not necessary to put on mountains of clothes, it is important to choose them correctly. Walking in winter without a hat is very unhealthy, and in severe frosts it is dangerous - this is a direct path to frostbite. The first to let you know about hypothermia are the upper and lower limbs, ears, nose. For hands in severe frosts, there is nothing better than mittens made from natural materials. But gloves should be abandoned, they are not suitable for warming hands in the cold. At the same time, in severe frosts, it is better to refuse to wear jewelry in order to exclude contact with cold metal.

On the feet should be waterproof warm shoes, insulated with fur insoles. Spacious enough to wear woolen socks freely. Wool not only retains heat, but also moisture, which allows you to keep your feet dry.

We pull the hat over our ears, turn up the collar. A hat and mittens should be worn indoors, since in severe frosts there is a risk of instant hypothermia of the extremities, especially in people with problematic and blood vessels.

Be sure to tie a scarf. The throat is very vulnerable - a few minutes of severe frost and you are guaranteed a sore throat. A scarf can be wrapped up to the very eyes, hiding the chin, cheeks and mouth from the burning frost. The nose can also be lubricated with a cryoprotector - a special winter cream that is applied half an hour before going outside. Such a protective cream will not be superfluous to apply on the hands and face.

Give preference to natural materials or the so-called "hi-tech" - professional, created specifically for athletes. In no case do not wear tight clothes and shoes - the chance of frostbite will be very high, as blood vessels are squeezed.

It is better to choose underwear from wool or special materials that absorb excess moisture. It is better not to wear cotton underwear, as cotton quickly absorbs moisture and cools in cold weather. You need to know that the thickness of the layer of clothing should be uniform everywhere. After all, if any part of the body is cold, then the whole body will be cold.

Rules of conduct in the cold.

Move, move, move and move again! Try not to breathe through your mouth, frosty air, not previously warmed up, can lead to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If you smoke, it is better not to smoke in the cold. Not only do the vessels constrict, but you also inhale a lot of cold air.

Alcohol in the cold is contraindicated! On the contrary, it leads to frostbite. Don't forget to grab a bite to eat when you go out. On an empty stomach, freezing occurs very quickly. At the first sign of frostbite, immediately go to a warmer room. Gently rub the skin with a woolen mitt. In no case do it with snow - ice crystals can injure tight skin.


In severe frosts, nutrition should be enhanced: meat, fish, butter and other high-calorie foods. After all, the body spends a huge amount of energy on warming and it must be replenished. Try to drink more liquids - hot tea, coffee, adding cream, milk, honey. Herbal decoctions are good, with the addition of mint and hawthorn. It is better to refuse diets in the cold season. Include in your diet more different soups with meat broth, milk porridges. If you will be outside for a long time, take a thermos of hot drink from home. Nutrition in cold weather should be as follows: a hearty breakfast and lunch (it is advisable to include hot soup in the menu), but a light dinner. Before going to bed, a glass of warm milk with honey or a decoction of herbs.

I still felt winter yesterday. A little, the very edge, but already something: in the morning the frost was minus 9, cloudy, but not gloomy; the western wind is barely perceptible; crumbly snow underfoot; cold nose, cold hands. I did not take skis - there is not much snow, and it is dense - it froze after the thaw.
I walk along the forest road and just smile. And why? And because I'm glad. I am glad that I finally observe a lot of animal tracks. I already thought everyone died out, or went somewhere far away from the winter rains and snowy mud. But no, the real winter came and the frost drove everyone out of the lairs and forced them to intensively look for food. It is necessary to live.

I decided to calculate - how many traces I will meet per kilometer of the way.
So. A lot of traces of affection and ... it seems, ermine. They proceeded with their “colons” all along and across. At first I thought, but then I got confused in their labyrinths and gave it up.
A hare crossed the road three times. Most likely he was alone and ran back and forth. Although….
Lots of fox tracks. One thing I realized that there were at least two foxes. They ran along the road, and across the road, moused on the edge, dodged and ... put marks on the bumps. For a kilometer of the way - five marks were put by the female. Lisovin followed her - he got acquainted. Is it possible that their weddings have begun - it's still early, in our area it is usually a rut in February-March. A capercaillie flew across the clearing, sat on the top of a pine tree, and began to pull at the branches. I decided to come closer ... Who is there! He let me go only about two hundred meters and flew into the birch forest. But five minutes later, a couple of capercaillie flew out of there. Having made a victorious circle over the birches, they disappeared into the pine forest. For the first time this winter I meet capercaillie.

Evening. It got dark. Feels cold -15. As I stop, I remember the proverb: “The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.” Movement is life.

It seems that the frost is not great, but the trees in the forest are cracking. Somewhere far away in the village fireworks are fired - they celebrate the Old New Year. A fox barked in the depths of the forest. A rare light snow fell.

In the morning I walked along the same route. During the night, either weasels or ermines trampled even more. On the way, winding, a preoccupied fox passed - he was looking for his fox.

Winter is terrible with frosts, winds and snowdrifts, that it’s even too lazy to go outside, and not just to make a sortie further than your yard. It's good to be young, wherever you want, you run there. But it’s already hard for an old and sickly one, then the legs buzz, hurt, then the eyes don’t see so sharply, then the pressure jumps, then there is no time, or laziness-mother holds tightly in her arms. Everyone has their own reason, and life flows.

One fine frosty day, a group of elderly women gathered in the "Rodnik" Complex Center for Social Services for the Population. Men after the holidays are difficult to stir up. Accompanied by specialists in social work, they took us for a walk to the ski base. The brave and skillful got up on skis, ran, and others looked after them, waved their hands and slowly went for a walk along a flat path with sticks. Walking with Scandinavian sticks is not so easy, we were taught this science by a young mentor, physical education instructor Vadim Ilyasovich.

What a beautiful forest in winter! Fir-trees and pines in white coats stand, birches in fluffy hats, and mittens hang on each branch. And what kind of air, you breathe, and you can’t breathe, and silence ...

We went two laps with Elena Anatolyevna. Our skiers completed more laps accompanied by Elena Sergeevna and Vadim Iyasovich. All the women's cheeks turned pink, their eyes sparkled, they forgot about pressure and illness. An hour and a half flew by quickly. The frost grew stronger, pinched our noses, drove us home. And they took us to a cafe to warm us up with a hot lunch.

Nice walk! It brought mood, cheerfulness and joy, and also some exciting expectation - “What else interesting awaits us?” ....

Ludmila Shorygina
The scenario of the sports festival "The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand"

Target: to promote the accumulation of children's motor experience, to stimulate initiative action in various types of exercises, to increase the interest of preschoolers in outdoor games, to promote the development of the ability to organize their free time, to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle; foster camaraderie, discipline, mutual assistance.

materials: emblems "snowflakes" and "ice", two relay sticks, two relay flags, two stuffed balls, two clubs, two pucks, two pairs of skis, two sleds. Two hats for grandfathers frost(blue and red nose). 4 hoops and snowballs (16 pcs).

Lesson progress:

Children line up in columns sports grounds. Each team has an emblem.

Vedas: Winter has come, dressed in white at home.

stand trees in white hats

Winter is for the strong, the dexterous, the brave.

Which team will name the most proverbs about frost?

Freezing and iron breaks and beats a bird on the fly.

Frost is not great, Yes won't stand.

Freezing The lazy one is grabbed by the nose, and before the nimble one he takes off his hat.

take care of the big nose freezing.

How frost or creaky Yes, it doesn't hurt.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

Two friends - frost and blizzard.

Before the start of the competition, a warm-up to the music is held. With the evaluation of each team.

I relay: "Which team is faster?"

Everyone takes part children: crawl under the rope, run between two hymns. sticks, run around the pyramid and return.

A snowman appears on skis.

Snowman: Hello children! I was already going to rest in my winter kingdom, because I had to work hard. Look how much snow, what high snowdrifts I have piled up! And how many trees have silvered - do not count! But I see your holiday. Can I play with you too?

Vedas: Let's go, Snowman, to our stadium and the children will show how strong and dexterous they are.

II relay: "Running with Medicine Balls" snake.

SH relay: "Keeping the puck with a stick"

In a straight line

Snake between objects

P / and "Hockey" to the first goal scored.

Snowman: Well done boys! I see growing here real hockey players. Now we will play with the fans in an outdoor game "Grandfather Mazay, get out into the sun"

Vedas: And we have a Snowman, there are also skiers. Look how smart they are!

IV relay: "Running on one ski".

Snowman: I'm a funny snowman

I've been used to games since childhood.

I know how to play snowballs

And I keep my nose like a carrot

Let's have fun playing

And throw snowballs at the target.

game task: "Which team will move the snowballs faster from hoop to hoop".

Mobile game "I won't let you in". The host invites the children to join hands and form a circle so that the Snowman is in the center.

Vedas: Snowman, and you dance to us and then we will let you out.

The snowman is dancing, the children too.

game task "Sledging": one is lucky - the other goes, they change back.

P/game "Two frost» : On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. The teacher selects two drivers who stand in the middle of the site between the houses, facing the children. it Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose. At the signal of the teacher "Begin", both Frost say: "We are two young brothers, two frost removed. I - Jack Frost. I - Frost Blue Nose. Which of you decide to set off on the path? All playing answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of freezing» and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. Frozen stop there where he captured them freezing, so stand until the end of the run of all the others. Frozen count up, after they join the players. Players can run out of the house only after the word « freezing» . Who will run out earlier and who will remain in the house are considered frozen. The one who was touched Freezing, stops immediately. You can only run forward, but not backward and not out of bounds.

folk game "Snowflakes and Wind": team "Wind"- everyone is running, team "Wind subsided" o Everyone stand in a circle.

Snowman: We had a good time, but it's time for me to leave. And I have a surprise for you - sweets.

The snowman rewards the children, says goodbye, gets on his skis and leaves.

Vedas: Let the frost is cracking

The blizzard is circling in the field!

Toddlers are tough

Do not be afraid of cold!

Well done we guys:

Brave, skillful,

friendly, funny,

Fast and bold.

To the sounds of the march, the children leave with sports grounds in a group.

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