Modular origami basket scheme. Master class on how to make a modular origami basket Origami basket easy diagram

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Origami is a recently popular technique for folding a variety of paper figures. This ancient art was born in China in the early Middle Ages. In those days, only people from the upper classes owned origami. The technique became widespread in Western countries after the end of the Second World War. Now origami is enjoyed by both adults and children. This art perfectly develops logic and attention. There are several types of it - flat and voluminous. Both of these species are interesting in their own way. We offer you to try your hand at 3D origami. The figure is usually assembled from a large number of modules, that is, the same elements that were pre-folded. So, let's make a modular origami "Basket".

How to make a basket out of modules - preparatory stage

Just before assembling an origami basket, you should start making a lot of modules. They come in different types, but the so-called triangular module is most often used. A4 office paper will do. The sheet must be cut into 16 identical rectangles in size.

She has pockets on the sides, where the same modules are then inserted. Due to this, a three-dimensional origami figure is assembled from modules - a basket.

For our future craft, you need to make 494 triangular blue modules and 168 pink triangular modules. This process, of course, is laborious and requires patience.

Modular origami "Basket" - master class

When all the necessary modules are made by you, you can proceed to the manufacture of the basket. The assembly diagram of a modular origami basket is as follows:

  1. We assemble a chain of blue modules. We insert one corner of two modules into both pockets of one module.
  2. Then, a module pocket is put on the free side corners of the upper modules.
  3. In a similar way, the entire chain of two rows is assembled, each of which should have 32 modules.
  4. Then you need to close the circle.
  5. Next, we build eight rows of the future basket of triangular modules. In each you need to use 32 blue modules.
  6. In the next row, you need to use pink modules. The total number of modules is 32, but every two blue modules alternate with two pink ones.
  7. The next row is laid out as follows: pockets of one pink module are put on the two central corners of two pink modules. We do the same with the blue modules. As a result, we have a row of 16 modules.
  8. After that, we put on two blue modules, and then one more blue module.
  9. We build new elements in the form of an arch: we string six blue modules with one pocket on top of each other. Then we fasten the upper elements together. We perform such actions around the circle of the basket.
  10. After that, lay out a new solid row of pink modules.
  11. You need to make a stand for the basket. It consists of 1 row of blue modules and 2 rows of pink modules. In each such row, 27 elements must be used.
  12. It remains only to make a handle for the basket. It is made up by alternating 1 pink module with 2 blue ones.
  13. In total, you need to make 79 rows. Bending the handle with an arc, we attach it.

Origami paper basket from modules is ready!

The most necessary thing in spring (and summer) is a basket. After all, the time of primroses begins, and to give or receive as a gift a whole basket of flowers is great at any age! An original origami basket will emphasize the sophistication of your bouquet, and ease of execution will add self-confidence.

1. We need a square of arbitrary size, you can 15x15 cm, you can more. If you use wallpaper, then the side of the square can be 50-60 cm, and the basket is suitable for tulips. We also need a strip of paper the same length as the side of the square, maybe a little more, 2-4 cm wide, depending on the size of the basket.

2. Bend the square diagonally, unfold, then fold along the midlines of the sides, unfold.

3. Bend the bottom corner to the intersection of the fold lines, repeat with the remaining three corners. When all four corners are bent to the middle, it is necessary to unbend each corner by half, so that the top touches the side line of the square.

4. Turn over the sheet. We bend each corner to the middle, to the line of intersection of the folds. Then we unbend the corners to half so that the top touches the side line.

5. Turn over the sheet. We have four folded corners. They must be folded with a small accordion, the same on all four corners.

6. Each corner with an accordion at the top is tightly squeezed with two fingers (you can support it from the inside with a third finger), the corner that is hollow inside should flatten completely. The accordion should fold in half along the fold line. Squeeze each corner in turn until you get a square shape inside the basket.

7. We bend the small triangles protruding below parallel to the bottom. The bottom of the basket is ready.

8. For a pen, we take a strip of paper, bend it in half if the basket is small, and if it is larger, bend it into four. There are slots on each side of the basket where you can insert a handle. It will hold on like this, but for strength it is better to glue the edge.

9. You can decorate the finished product with applique, paint it.

10. We fill the basket with flowers or souvenirs - and give it away! :) It can be used as a box for a perfume bottle or for storing small items, beads, jewelry.

Origami basket is one of the most popular paper origami. If you do not know how to make an origami basket, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami basket was taken by one of our site users. He got a resealable basket. The lid of the basket can be seen from the sides. Our reader even put some things in the basket. If you have photos of the origami you have collected, send them to the addressThis email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Assembly diagram

Below is a scheme for assembling an origami basket from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling an origami basket will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami basket quickly and without peeping into the diagram.

Videos master class

Assembling an origami basket for beginners can seem like a daunting task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query "origami video basket" on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about the origami basket, which clearly show the steps for assembling the basket. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions on how to make an origami basket.

Here is also an interesting video on how to assemble a paper basket:

If you want an original paper basket, then watch this video:


The basket has quite a few symbolic meanings. For example, in many cultures, the basket symbolizes the feminine. A full basket is a symbol of abundance. If an item is inside the basket, many believe that this will grant him immortality or longevity.

Origami- art that allows you to give an ordinary sheet of paper a different life. Among the various directions origami, often complex and requiring basic skills, I like the direction to work with a single sheet, which allows you to quickly create a simple volumetric design. Especially great if it is also multifunctional.

Today I want to offer you a basket that is not at all difficult to make, which can temporarily replace a vase for low flowers or carefully store small trinkets.

1. To work, you need a paper square, the more the better. We bend the diagonals, turn over, bend the middle lines of the sides.
2. We bend the fold lines along the diagonals inward, we get a square with a drop-down bottom. We bend the side corners to the middle, combining the cut line with the middle fold line.

3. Open the formed "pocket" with your finger, flatten it, aligning the middle lines.
4. We have formed an acute angle. It must be bent to the line of intersection of the previously bent corners. Now you need to hide it under this intersection (you can completely, you can leave a small triangle sticking out).

5. Turn over and repeat the same on the other side.
6. We bend the formed figure in half so that the folded corner is inside.

7. Bend the side lines of the cuts to the midline, glue.
8. We put the basket on the table and level the bottom. The resulting product must be stable and voluminous. Side protrusions can be glued and get a short handle. You can extend the handle with an additional strip. The sample used an additional strip 1 cm wide and 6 cm long, on which roses are glued on top.

9. We decorate the sides with a bow or appliqué. For greater durability and color retention, the basket can be sprinkled with hairspray.

Paper for the product can be taken double-sided printer, or you can use ordinary single-sided colored paper or wallpaper. If you need to create a product from improvised materials, colored paper can be obtained on a regular printer by printing the desired color on one or two sides. Such paper will be thinner, but quite suitable for creating a surprise in a couple of minutes.

There are many modern methods aimed at developing various skills in children. We offer a classic method in which the child will learn to use adult objects together with you: scissors, paper, rulers and pencils. Let's try to make a paper basket today.

We have specially prepared several instructions for you, including one video instruction.(at the very end of the post). As they say, instructions for every taste)

Instruction number 1:

The simplest basket that even small children can make. It is made from a square sheet of cardboard or paper. To make the basket beautiful, you can pick up cardboard with a pattern, or stick the pattern yourself.

1. We need to do the following: draw it into 9 equal squares (it should turn out 3x3 squares), in general, as shown in the figure:

2. Make cuts so that you can fold the structure:

3. Now you need to bend the workpiece so that the opposite edges are parallel to each other, and the remaining two are equally inclined:

4. The squares in the middle should fix the basket and hold the entire structure, for this, take glue and glue them together:

5. It remains to cut out the hair, which will serve as a handle for our basket, and then paste it. So, the basket is ready! Delov for 5 minutes))

Instruction number 2, wicker basket:

Everything here is somewhat more complicated than in the origami technique and in the simple basket technique. To do longer, but more interesting, and the result will be much more beautiful. This basket is made from long, straight pieces of paper. Take two large multi-colored sheets of cardboard (flexible and dense) and cut them into many pieces 30-40 cm long and 1.2-2 cm wide. Once prepared, you can start weaving. It is better to make the first basket from two multi-colored sheets in order to see the result of weaving - this will simplify the task. Start interlacing the strips so as to get this checkerboard pattern:

2. Weave the bottom until its dimensions suit you. Approximately it should get a square with sides of 10-20 cm. Then it will be possible to start weaving the sides: it is necessary to bend the strips and fix the folds with glue and paper clips, and remove the paper clips only when the glue sets:

3. Weave the sides in the same way until you are satisfied with the height of the basket, while there should still be 3 cm left to bend and seal. If you want a deeper basket, then you need to prepare longer strips:

4. In principle, the basket is almost ready. It remains to bend the ends of the paper strips and glue them. And then glue the handle to the basket.

Instruction number 3, origami basket:
You will need a square piece of paper, take an A4 sheet and cut off enough of it to make a square:

You can make up a task with your child: let your favorite doll come to visit with this basket and take the gifts; Or make a flower basket together. Draw it first, think about its color and shape, think about how you can decorate it. Give your child space for imagination!

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