Manners in a million. How to look like a "woman in a million" with a very modest budget. It's quite real! Texture mix always looks great

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In order to be a successful person, you need to look the part. Those who aspire to the top of the food pyramid are well aware of this, and it is not for nothing that politicians hire image makers. The fact is that your appearance is not only a combination of clothing and accessories, but also a message that you convey to others. Recruiter Sylvie di Giusto, CEO of Executive Image Consulting, has been helping top executives dress to impress for years. Consider his eight golden rules for making you look like you're already a millionaire.

Buy an expensive suit

Every man should have at least one really high-quality suit, and a woman should have a jacket and a matching skirt. And you can not save on these items of clothing. The fact is that the price of a suit is visible to the naked eye by the cut and quality of the fabric, which, in turn, adorn even a less than perfect figure. So treat the purchase of an expensive suit as an investment - it will definitely pay off.

Sylvie di Giusto suggests using the "one to three" rule: for one good suit, you need to spend the amount that you would give for three in a mass market store.

Follow the details

Imagine a smartly dressed top manager with two higher educations, an MBA diploma and an impressive resume, who takes out an iPhone from his pocket, on the cover of which a swear word is written, albeit in English (which, of course, also says that he speaks foreign languages). At an interview in a large company, neither work experience nor Breitling watches will help him in this case, because a frivolous detail immediately reduces the impression, and he abruptly ceases to look like a serious person.

Use one bright accessory

When trying to come across as a serious professional, leave yourself some wiggle room. Buy yourself one bright thing that will draw attention to you. So your appearance will indicate that you are not afraid to stand out, and this is the quality of a successful person.

A business person should, of course, dress conservatively. But not boring. So sunglasses or watches can even be extravagant. Take an example from politicians. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a style icon among world leaders, is known for wearing colorful print socks like Chewbacca or maple leaves. Former US President George W. Bush also loves funny socks, and even a wheelchair does not prevent him from still looking like a spectacular man.

Do not confuse relaxation with carelessness

The casual style, adopted today in many companies as opposed to the strict business one, is quite difficult to maintain without looking sloppy. The problem is that it is often misunderstood. Many people think that dressing casually means not thinking about how you look at all. But this is far from true.

In fact, casual means that you deviate from the business dress code far from completely. The style icon in this sense is former American President Barack Obama: for him, a relaxed look meant that he took off his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves. You can go even further - and replace conservative slacks with jeans. But wearing a T-shirt instead of a shirt is already too much for a serious person. At the same time, it is easy to check how far you have gone in your relaxation: estimate how quickly you will change into a business suit, that is, how many wardrobe items you will need to change.

Be careful with perfume

When using perfume, remember another golden rule of an elegant person: "less is more." This applies to cologne in the first place. You understand what we mean: pouring perfume on yourself before leaving the house is a bad form.

However, it's not even that not everyone may like your new Tom Ford Ombre Leather (leather scents are incomparable, but they can annoy someone during the day in the office). It's just that aromas often distract people from the essence of the conversation: instead of listening to you, they sniff you. And this is a little not what you need to do while working.

Don't be afraid of flaws

Troubles with clothes happen, no one is immune from them. But a torn button or a small stain on a shirt, believe me, no one will notice if you yourself do not constantly think about them.

The fact is that if you become worried about the unfortunate button, then you will feel insecure, and this will be reflected in your behavior. And uncertainty is a quality not inherent in successful people. They do not worry about such trifles as a button - they have more serious things to do.

Dress to look taller

Influential people take up a lot of space, even if they don't come out tall. We will not go far for examples, they are already known to everyone. But still, people subconsciously see leaders in tall people, and until you have reached the top of the food chain, you should take care to rise above people physically.

Stylists know many tricks that allow you to visually become taller. Clothes in dark colors, and the top and bottom should be the same shade, which will help you "grow up" a little. At the same time, it is desirable that the lines of the suit be clear, graphic. And one more thing: avoid prints and patterns. See how political leaders dress - a navy blue suit like French President Emmanuel Macron's is fine.

Get enough sleep - it's refreshing

This advice of a woman is regularly found in magazines, but it never loses its relevance. Healthy sleep is the key to a beautiful complexion and good mood.

How much sleep you need to feel good, decide for yourself - everyone has their own needs. If you are one of those lucky ones who gets enough sleep for six hours, you can only be envied. But there are people who need to sleep for ten hours, and they can only be advised one thing: of all entertainment, choose the most affordable - sleep.

Every girl knows how difficult it is to always be on top. After all, self-improvement often takes a lot of time and money.
What a blessing that there are life hacks that can make life easier for any woman. We decided to collect the most valuable tricks that will help you always look like a million.

Mascara will hide growing roots

Girls who dye their hair dark know how unsightly growing hair roots look. Mascara, which simply needs to be applied to the roots, will help to cope with this problem.

Natural curls can be done without tongs

To make a natural curl of hair, it is not at all necessary to be the owner of special tongs. You can simply twist dry hair into a tourniquet and warm it up well with a hair dryer. Owners of thick hair will have to twist several bundles.
The pencil will provide a fashionable curl. Another useful life hack for girlish tricks. If there are no round tongs, you can simply wind your hair on a pencil and warm each strand thoroughly with an iron.

The napkin will not allow the hair to be electrified

If you fix the napkin on the comb in this way, hair will stop accumulating on it. And it will also help to avoid electrified strands after combing.

Starch will solve the problem with oily hair

Many girls experience a lot of inconvenience due to quickly greasy hair. But not everyone knows that this problem is very easy to solve. Hair will stay cleaner longer if starch or baby powder is applied to the roots.

Toothbrush will add volume to hair

You can add volume to your hair without special shampoos and complex styling. It is enough to comb the strands layer by layer with a toothbrush towards the roots. The changes will be visible to the naked eye.

Lavender oil will give gorgeous eyelashes

Adding two drops of lavender oil to your mascara will help separate and lengthen your lashes. It is noteworthy that lavender oil accelerates hair growth, so after using this mascara for several days, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Scotch tape will help make up the eyelids

Do not spend a huge amount of time on eye makeup will help adhesive tape, which can be used as a contour stencil. To prevent the tape from sticking too much to the delicate skin of the face, it must be applied several times to the hand and peeled off before use.

Q-tip transforms day makeup into evening makeup

To quickly transform a natural daytime makeup into an evening one, it is enough to blend the eyeliner with a cotton swab. Then makeup can be supplemented with your favorite colors.

Makeup brush can change shape

To do high-quality makeup, it is not necessary to buy brushes of all kinds. Such a powder brush can become wide if you put a hairpin on it, and narrow if you fasten the bristles with an elastic band.

You can forget about lipstick on your teeth

Lipstick remaining on the inside of the lips constantly stains the teeth and makes the smile ugly. You can erase excess dye by swiping your finger, pencil or even a spoon several times from the inside out. Excess lipstick will remain on the finger.

Aspirin will get rid of red spots

An aspirin scrub will make the skin smooth and relieve red spots. To do this, a few tablets need to be soaked in water, applied to the face, and washed off after five minutes.

The patch can fix the earrings

Earrings with a hook instead of a clasp never freeze in their original position and are constantly twisted. To fix the earrings, you just need to glue the tip of the hook to the back of the earlobe. This can be done with a body adhesive plaster.

Even with the help of a patch, you can hide the bones of a bra

A popped-out bra bone can scratch the skin for a whole day and cause a painful wound. To protect yourself from such consequences, you can stick a piece of adhesive plaster on the broken tissue area, which will hold back a sharp piece of iron.

Antiseptic will solve the problem with sweat

Not always deodorant can fully protect against the smell of sweat. Since an unpleasant odor appears due to the multiplication of bacteria, you can protect yourself from it with an antiseptic applied to the skin of the armpits or other problem area.

Hairspray will protect the feet from slipping

It is almost impossible to find the perfect shoes: some will rub, while others will definitely leave an unsightly gap in the back. To solve the problem of a "hole" between the foot and the heel, it is enough to apply hairspray to the foot, which will not allow it to slip forward.

Spend a penny, look like a million - why not?!

Master this useful art. In the end, we in Russia have a special demand for it: after all, there are only a few connoisseurs of true luxury. So is it worth paying more?

Each of us dreams of looking like a million. “But where can I get this notorious million?” - we think. Meanwhile, it will not be a revelation to say that the strong, rich and famous of this world, for whom spending a couple of hundred thousand dollars or pounds on a dress is not a question, does not always look like the amount actually spent, and sometimes they don’t look very good at all. Why? Doesn't obviously expensive and fashionable clothes guarantee one hundred percent success? Undoubtedly, clothing as part of your image plays a big role. But to truly look expensive, you need to work on yourself. And to be fashionable, you need to understand very well what this fashion really is.

"Fashion" in Latin means "measure, rule, image." Once upon a time, it was she who rigidly dictated to us the silhouette, length, color. Think back to the 1960s. Everyone was wearing a mini. And what was to be done by those who could not afford to put their feet on public display? Today, fortunately, the situation has changed dramatically - fashion has become much more democratic. It offers a variety of lengths and rich colors ... The time has come for the so-called eclecticism, when the question "What is not fashionable today?" sometimes even designers find it difficult to find the answer. Therefore, nowadays the focus is increasingly on individual style, on clothes that emphasize the features of your character. And in this sense, it no longer plays a special role how much money we all have in our account or in cash in our wallet, how much of these savings we can painlessly take to the store, spending on the next dress, skirt, blouse ... Much more important is to feel your style and learn correctly wear the simplest, sometimes very inexpensive things. How? Recommendations, comments and advice from stylists, designers, psychologists will help you with this.

Psychologist's comment

Yours or someone else's? Clothes will tell

If you sit quietly in a corner with your hands folded in your lap, you are still exchanging information with others. Who? Where? Who works? Married or not? People look for answers to questions by looking at clothes.

The division into friend or foe can be traced quite clearly: you should look and smell the same as it is customary for people in your circle. He is dressed the same as we are, which means that he is his, in a different way - you will have to prove that he is yours.

It is always safer to follow the rules of the game adopted by the team, wear a uniform and feel like an integral part of the whole. It is this message that underlies any traditions associated with things, be it a national costume or fashionable clothes - it is the desire for unification that makes us adhere to certain rules when creating our image. The first part of the saying "They meet by clothes ..." is no less important than the second. A good impression from the first meeting is the key to continuing the relationship, so working women attach such importance to the observance of the dress code.

With the help of a properly composed wardrobe, you can drastically change your life (make a career, successfully marry). This is where fashion comes into conflict with tradition. The ability to balance fashionable and traditional in your appearance creates your uniqueness, while blind adherence to fashion along with extreme conservatism kills it.

Having found your style, you should not stop there, fashion changes, and the years leave their mark on the face and figure. When choosing clothes, it is worth moving from extravagance to conservatism, and not vice versa. Although sometimes the choice of image depends more on temperament, and not on age.

Be Adequate:

  • your society - try to look like it is customary in your circle, so as not to cause unnecessary gossip, and not always friendly;
  • to her age - a woman dressed out of age causes surprise and bewilderment of others;
  • your time - follow the fashion (without fanaticism), so as not to be considered backward and old-fashioned.

Stylist's comment

business lady or young peasant woman

Fashion these days has squandered its dictatorial tendencies. Today, a democratic diversity of styles flourishes. The basis of the wardrobe of a modern woman is inexpensive, but high-quality clothes. By putting on basics and adding trendy details and accessories to them, you will be at your best. But at the same time, you need to capture your own style, and not blindly copy models from the catwalks. It is no coincidence that today there are many multi-brand stores where things of various styles are collected under one roof. When buying clothes from different designers, you can successfully combine them, including mixing styles. But no matter what today's fashion offers, one must always remember about harmony and a sense of proportion. You need to dress for the time and place.

With all the variety that is offered in clothing today, four styles or directions can still be distinguished. Of course, this division is conditional and the boundaries of each style are blurred. One can flow into another, but nevertheless, you can almost always accurately determine it when forming your wardrobe. When buying this or that thing, be sure to look into the fitting room. Evaluate how this dress or suit fits the type of your figure. The silhouette of things is very relevant, but does not fit your body type? Do not buy such clothes, it will give the opposite effect - at best, the figure will look shapeless, at worst - the chosen item will further emphasize your shortcomings.

To level them, use the so-called visual illusions. Longitudinal constructive lines, vertical stitching or trim, arrows on the trousers visually stretch the figure, which means you will look slimmer and taller. And the horizontal divisions of the costume, on the contrary, shorten the figure.

When choosing a blouse or an open dress, keep in mind that the V-neck lengthens the neck, as well as a deep bob.

And one more subtlety: never take clothes one size smaller, even if your plans include an enhanced diet. You will lose weight at best in a month or two, and you will want to wear trousers or a skirt tomorrow - you will be uncomfortable in a new thing, and it will not produce the desired effect.

Pay special attention to shoes. There should be several pairs in your arsenal - 2-3 pairs for every day, for festive clothes and sportswear or for relaxation. It should always be chosen in unison with the costume, and as a result, with the situation. If you are going for a walk, do not wear stilettos (this will not earn you extra points) and do not come to the office in sneakers, even if you are wearing jeans - you can always pair them with masculine-style leather low shoes or timeless moccasins. Note that many designers now produce shoes and accessories along with clothes - an integral part of not only festive, but also everyday clothes.

In this article, I want to give some tips on what a woman should do to look like a million dollars. After all, a handsome, stylishly dressed person always seems to us more successful, confident, happy, and according to statistics, people like him more. And what follows, a stylishly dressed and good-looking person is always easier to achieve his goals. With his appearance, he shows us that he deserves the best. Namely - beautiful things, the best man, a prestigious job.

I have always adhered to the rules that you need to start with yourself and the rules of the "golden mean". And therefore I think that the external attractive image of a person, in addition to education, creative hobbies, relationships with other people, is also important in the implementation of plans.

Remember that appearance is your business card.

Watch movies featuring style icons such as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich and Sophia Loren to develop your taste and sense of style, as well as for those who appreciate the time to immediately contact a professional image stylist to create an image and help you look per million, taking into account individual preferences and characteristics.
Stick to a feminine classic style in clothing. Opt for quality fabrics. When choosing an outfit, you should follow the rule - if open up, then closed bottom and vice versa. Shoes with medium or high heels.

Find your stylist. Healthy thick hair of natural color and elegant styling is the main advantage of a woman who wants to look like a million.

Take care of your skin. She should be healthy, young, well-groomed, with a pleasant gentle natural make-up. There are many videos on YouTube on how to do natural makeup, and you can also ask a friend who is a makeup artist to teach you how to do makeup for every day. I have nothing against plastic surgery if you don’t like something in your appearance and this shortcoming prevents you from living. In addition, you have found a surgeon with good patient reviews, so why not take a chance.
Hands and nails should be well-groomed. Many men shared with me that they always pay attention to the condition of the girl’s hands and use them to conclude whether she is taking care of herself, who she is and what she is like. The coating should be done with shellac, as it will last up to three weeks on your nails. Noble colors are: Burgundy, red and neutral beige/pale pink.

Complete the outfit with jewelry made of gold, silver or pearls. As well as exquisite vintage jewelry. Many craftsmen produce, collect such jewelry and it is not difficult to find them on the Internet now.

And most importantly, pay attention to details. After all, they create the same image. If you have some money for new clothes, then allocate some of this money for the purchase of a significant branded accessory (bag, scarf, cell phone, watch, shoes, belt). Such accessories immediately attract attention and help you look like a million.

If you are reading this article, then you want to change your life. So start to finally change your life, because if not now, then when?!

Fashion expert Tatyana Korona / Online style/image consultations coming soon


With Vicki Oliver's The Millionaire Handbook: How to Look and Act Like a Millionaire, Even if You're Not, you can achieve a lot. For example, one of the genius tips: invest in clothes on a one-third basis. This means that you need to reduce the number of things you buy to one third, but the price of each of these things should be three times higher. Thus, for the same amount that you used to spend on a wardrobe, you will buy fewer things. But - excellent quality! Expensive and high-quality classic-style items that will last for more than one year are a great investment in your appearance.


Casual - does not mean sloppy. Casual is a casual business, office style that is easy to transform both for work and for non-formal settings. For example, you can replace creased trousers with discreet dark-colored classic jeans and pair them with a quality, well-fitting jacket with three-quarter or thumb-length sleeves.

Pay close attention to things in black: black only looks stylish when things are new. Washed and faded black looks lonely.


High-profile brands make the image not expensive, but cheap. Things whose origin is difficult to identify look better than a belt or a bag with a distinctive print or a huge buckle with the letter H. Also, you should refuse bags a la Chanel on a long chain, set the teeth on the teeth with Burberry-style plaid scarves and other easily recognizable things, the true value which everyone knows. This can provoke a dissonance in the perception of your image: a potential employer or fiancé will think about where, in fact, you get the funds to buy such things?


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