Cosmetic procedure biorevitalization. Biorevitalization: description and types of procedure. What is useful to know about biorevitalization

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What is unique about laser biorevitalization, what is it? These are popular questions. This is the name given to the procedure of rejuvenation and moisturizing of the face.

It involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. The session itself can be carried out by injection or using a laser. The second option will be discussed.

What is the secret of laser biorevitalization?

So, itself is a procedure during which cocktails based on hyaluronic acid are delivered into the deep layers of the skin with the help of injections. As a result, the skin is moisturized, refreshed, and the synthesis of elastin and collagen is launched.

But for people who are categorically afraid of injections, laser biorevitalization was created. It involves the application of a special drug with hyaluronic acid to the skin, which helps to penetrate into the deeper layers of the laser (they act on the treated area).

Another name for laser biorevitalization is laser phoresis. This way:

  • saturates the skin with moisture;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • tightens the epidermis;
  • improves its color.

This procedure is also called neodymium fractional laser rejuvenation.

Dermatologist Jason Emer

With the help of a laser, cosmetologists open the conductive channels of the dermis. At the same time, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates into the subcutaneous layer in a significant (up to 4 ml) amount to a depth of 4 mm.

Therefore, at the end of the full course of sessions, clients of cosmetologists visually become 10-15 years younger. And you will see the achievement after the first procedure.

Age restrictions

Those who plan to resort to a rejuvenating technique are interested in at what age they can apply for laser biorevitalization.

According to experts, the procedure is acceptable after 25 years. This is due to the aging of the skin, which begins to appear closer to the 30s.

And laser phoresis helps to “catch” its withering at the very beginning, since such gentle manipulation is suitable for the prevention of skin aging. And young girls can start doing it too.

In addition, laser biorevitalization effectively fights other related problems, for example, it eliminates scars and scars.

In what cases is the procedure indicated

In cosmetology, laser biorevitalization is recommended if certain problems appear.


  • facial wrinkles;
  • skin laxity;
  • flabby outlines;
  • sensitivity and dryness of the epidermis;
  • photoaging;
  • puffiness, dark circles under the eyes;

Biorevitalization with a laser is indicated if the pores on the skin are enlarged or the patient is preparing to restore the skin after serious cosmetic manipulations.

The specialist will offer to resort to laser phoresis only after examining the face and analyzing the existing problems.

When not to use laser biorevitalization

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, those who have open wounds or boils on the face, herpes rashes need to postpone laser biorevitalization sessions.

But with the disappearance of these contraindications, you can plan a trip to a beauty salon.

But patients with allergic perception of hyaluronic acid, with voluminous pigmentation or moles should not take risks. It is forbidden to apply for laser phoresis sessions for patients with tuberculosis, dermal cancer, and diabetes mellitus.

Turning to a cosmetologist about rejuvenating laser manipulations, it is necessary to tell about all the concerns related to health.

Then the specialist will realistically assess the safety of the procedures for a particular patient.

Main advantages

Sessions of laser biorevitalization are in demand among clients of beauty salons. The technique is simple and does not cause discomfort or pain, as the integrity of the skin is preserved.

The following advantages of the technique can be distinguished:

  1. It is important that the process excludes infection with diseases transmitted through blood.
  2. An indisputable advantage is a quick recovery after a laser without complications and allergies.
  3. The prohibition list is insignificant, and many clients will be able to use this procedure without fear.
  4. A person does not feel pain, because skin punctures are not made. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of injections is better than that of the non-injection method.
  5. The patient recovers quickly. In rare cases, complications may occur.

This procedure is easily tolerated by patients. There are times when they even fall asleep during the session, as there is no pain. Laser biorevitalization delivers only pleasant sensations.

Plastic surgeon Raffi Karamanukyan

Compared with the injection technique, laser biorevitalization wins at a lower price.

Cons of the technique

  • Laser biorevitalization accelerates metabolism in cells only in the upper layers of the epidermis. Therefore, the course of laser rejuvenation requires constant use to maintain the achieved result.
  • It is permissible to carry out procedures at home. However, a portable laser device will have to pay a considerable amount.
  • It does not hurt to seek advice from several cosmetologists. This, moreover, will allow negligent doctors to be excluded from the list of specialists.
  • Be sure to ask about the quality and duration of the use of the gel with hyaluronic acid. It is worth making sure that the chosen beauty salon takes care of the observance of natural sanitation.

How is the procedure (step by step)

The process of laser biorevitalization occurs with the "participation" of a diode laser and a special gel based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Technically, the manipulation looks like this:

  1. At the preparatory stage, the skin is cleansed with superficial peeling. This removes the upper keratinized layer of the dermis.
  2. Then the doctor applies a gel with hyalurononate to the face.
  3. Next, with a special device with laser radiation, the cosmetologist treats the skin with a gel. This triggers cell regeneration, resulting in facial rejuvenation.
  4. At the final stage, the epidermis is moistened with a cream to fix the result.

The procedure is carried out not only on the face, but also on the neck, hands, and also in the décolleté area.

Dermatologist Michelle Green

It is important that immediately after the end of the session, the patient can return to the normal course of life. Special care for the skin is also not required.

Compatibility with other procedures

Laser biorevitalization is possible after many anti-aging activities.

  • It is combined with the face, which is performed before the non-injection procedure. This tandem increases the natural production of hyaluronic acid in the skin.
  • A complex is allowed, consisting of simultaneous laser and injection procedures with the introduction of hyaluronic fillers into the skin. Manipulation is done with a laser device with a special nozzle. Such a device concentrates hydrocosmetics in the depths of the tissues, thereby rejuvenating them.
  • There is a good compatibility between laser biorevitalization and cleaning of the epidermis with ultrasound.
  • Laserophoresis is also used together with masks, which are popular with customers. The beam enhances skin regeneration and minimizes inflammation.
  • It is not uncommon to use a combination of laser resurfacing with various microdermabrasion.
  • Laser biorevitalization is combined with myostimulation,.

All this will allow you to achieve even greater rejuvenating performance.

A 3-day recovery period after each session, however, will require:

  • less exposure to the sun;
  • forget about visits to the pool, solarium, bath;
  • give up alcoholic beverages;
  • use a moisturizing face cream.

Such rules will certainly exclude unwanted manifestations from the laser course.

Dermatologist Jeff Rapaport

Complications and side effects

If contraindications do not apply to a person, the procedure was performed by an experienced doctor, and further elementary rules were followed, then complications are unlikely to appear.

But, nevertheless, you need to understand that laser biorevitalization involves a certain effect on the skin, so the occurrence of some side effects is not excluded:

  • the face turns red;
  • allergy appears;
  • swelling occurs.

These effects pass quickly. This will take a couple of hours or a few days.

Question answer

The procedure does not take much time. Often 15-45 minutes is enough. It all depends on the specific situation, the amount of processing and the specifics of the work of the beautician.

No, laser biorevitalization can also be performed in summer. The fact is that after peeling, active skin renewal occurs, and exposure to the sun can provoke pigmentation. Laser biorevitalization acts deeper, does not particularly affect the regeneration processes.

The cost of laser biorevitalization

Potential clients who have applied for laser biorevitalization are interested in the price of rejuvenation procedures.

In Russia, the cost is in the range of 800 - 3 thousand rubles. per session. It consists of the rating position of beauty salons, the qualifications of cosmetologists and the price of the device that is being manipulated.

The number of sessions of laser phoresis is usually set at least 5. Age clients are assigned a course of more procedures.

Based on this, such rejuvenation will require significant expenses. But beauty salons often offer discounts if you buy several manipulations at the same time.

Nevertheless, photos of those who have undergone laser biorevitalization convince of the effectiveness of procedures using this technique. And especially women willingly use it to look younger.

TOP-5 devices

To carry out the manipulation, professional equipment is required. Below is a list of popular devices:

  1. redline. This equipment is made in Germany.
  2. Dibi laser. This equipment stands out for its small size. Despite this, it is not inferior in efficiency to other devices. The development is carried out by an Italian company.
  3. Polilaser bionic. This device also stands out for its compactness. The development takes place by a Belgian company.
  4. Lasmic. This device is very popular.
  5. Vitalaser 500. Another popular device.

Biorevitalization of facial skin is a way to correct age-related changes and various cosmetic imperfections with the help of hyaluronic acid. Today, this procedure is the most popular non-surgical method of skin tightening. In the publication, we will talk about all the features of the procedure, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to care for the face after biorevitalization.

Before understanding how facial skin biorevitalization works, let's consider the structure of our skin and the main processes occurring in it.

The skin consists of three balls: the upper layer is the epidermis, the middle layer is the dermis, the lower layer is the hypodermis (subcutaneous fat). The main layer - the dermis - consists of cells and the intercellular space, which includes the matrix and blood vessels. The matrix contains the so-called fibroblasts, which are responsible for the continuous renewal and regeneration of tissues. The matrix also consists of such parts as elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Moreover, hyaluronic acid is the main substance in this layer. It gives the skin elasticity. And the higher its content, the more elastic the dermis.

With age, natural processes occur in the skin, due to which the production of hyaluronic acid decreases. As a result, the matrix loses its elasticity, metabolic processes and tissue regeneration slow down. This leads to the fact that the skin becomes dull, less elastic, stretch marks and wrinkles appear.

What is biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the dermis, which causes active division of fibroblasts and starts the processes of tissue renewal. After a biorevitalization session, the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin in the dermis increases, metabolic processes and blood supply are normalized.

It is worth noting that such a procedure is carried out not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body: on the neck, arms, and décolleté. Even one session of therapy helps to restore the skin, restore its youth and beauty.

Among the undeniable advantages of biorevitalization:

  • painlessness;
  • depth of exposure (hyaluronic acid is injected directly into the deep layers of the skin and stimulates the natural renewal processes);
  • quick result;
  • duration (the result is noticeable within 6 months after the session, and in some cases - for several years).

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Indications for biorevitalization:

  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • dryness and dehydration of the dermis;
  • the appearance of age and facial wrinkles;
  • injuries and damage to the deep layers of the skin;
  • dull or unhealthy color;
  • acne
  • rosacea;
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • enlarged pores.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • allergy to preparations containing hyaluronic acid;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • dermatological infections (herpes, psoriasis, fungal and bacterial diseases);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • low blood clotting.

Types of biorevitalization

There are two main types of biorevitalization procedures: by intradermal injections and non-injection (laser).


The most popular method today is injections of hyaluronic acid. During the procedure, the cosmetologist injects a preparation of hyaluronic acid under the skin (0.5-1.5 cm). If necessary, an analgesic (pain-relieving) gel is applied to the skin before the session.

Today, more than a dozen drugs for injectable biorevitalization are used. But most often cosmetologists prefer such manufacturers:

  1. IAL System (Italy)- the gold standard among biorevitalizers. Contains native hyaluronic acid. The effect after applying the IAL System becomes noticeable already on the 3rd day and lasts for a long time, as the drug is slowly washed out of the tissues.
  2. Juvederm Hydrate (USA). The drug contains hyaluronic acid and mannitol, an antioxidant that prevents the acid from being washed out quickly.
  3. "Skin R" (Italy). In addition to hyaluronic acid, the drug contains lysine, glycine and other amino acids. Ideal for mature skin.

Watch a video on how injection biorevitalization of facial skin is performed:

Non-injection procedure (laser)

Laser biorevitalization is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin through low-intensity laser radiation. During the procedure, the integrity of the skin is not violated (the density of laser energy is minimal, which eliminates the risk of burns and other unpleasant consequences), while its effectiveness is much lower compared to the injection method.

It is also worth noting that there are 2 types of biorevitalization, depending on its intensity: preventive and therapeutic. Preventive is aimed at preventing early aging, the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin. Such a course includes 2 procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Therapeutic is intended for people who have pronounced signs of skin aging. This course includes 3 procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Results and possible consequences of the procedure

Even one session of biorevitalization will allow you to achieve the following results:

  • smoothing age and mimic wrinkles, slowing down the processes of the appearance of new ones;
  • skin hydration;
  • narrowing of pores, elimination of post-acne symptoms;
  • alignment of the relief and skin tone;
  • increase in skin elasticity;
  • rapid recovery of the epidermis after the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • acceleration of the healing process of injuries and scars.

After the procedure, redness of the skin at the injection sites and swelling are often observed. After injections, papules also form, which disappear a few hours after the session. Very rarely, painful sensations and hematomas appear at the impact sites. But even if such symptoms occur, they disappear within a day. Injection marks completely disappear 2 days after the procedure. To avoid any unpleasant consequences after the procedure, it is extremely important to properly care for the face.

Biorevitalization Alternatives

Despite the wide popularity of biorevitalization, today there are relatively new methods of skin rejuvenation and wrinkle removal. Alternatives to biorevitalization can be the following procedures:

Skin care after the procedure

After biorevitalization of the face, it is extremely important to properly care for the skin in order to maintain the effect as long as possible. Care after biorevitalization involves the use of restorative and caring cosmetics, which is prescribed by a cosmetologist. These can be collagen masks based on chitosan, healing and anti-inflammatory gels.

Prolong the effect of the procedure will help sunscreen, which must be applied every time before going outside.

In addition, to avoid unpleasant consequences after the procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • on the first day, you can not touch the injection sites, rub and massage them;
  • for several days it is forbidden to use decorative cosmetics;
  • papules that form at injection sites should not be pierced and cauterized;
  • at least 14 days after biorevitalization, other cosmetic procedures (peelings, cleansing, etc.) cannot be performed;
  • you can’t drink alcohol and smoke for 3-4 days, as toxins can slow down the rehabilitation process;
  • you can not visit the solarium and expose the skin to ultraviolet radiation, so as not to provoke swelling and cause irritation.


Biorevitalization is an effective skin rejuvenation procedure. But in order for it to be successful and bring excellent results, it is very important to choose a good beautician and follow all the recommendations after the procedure.

It is produced in all connective tissues, which, although not responsible for the work of specific organs, make up to 90% of their mass and, like a vigilant commandant's patrol, ensure the general order in the body. For example, through the presence of collagen and elastin in the fibrous (fibrous) tissue, hyaluronic acid "commands" the elasticity and firmness of the skin. But its main life-giving force is the ability to retain water molecules, maintain hydrobalance in cells, and provide skin hydration. A failure in these processes leads to dryness, lethargy, a decrease in skin tone, sagging, the formation of wrinkles and deep dips, and the appearance of the effect of photoaging. Unfortunately, with the age of a person, the quality and quantity of hyaluronic acid in the body decreases, "looking" for the skin to lose its influence. It is possible to achieve a rejuvenating effect by introducing synthetic (laboratory) HA into problem areas, which creates not only a hyaluronic depot (reserves), but also promotes the synthesis of natural acid.

What is useful to know about biorevitalization

1. Technically, these are injections of special preparations with HA into the epidermal (performs protective functions) and dermal (provides firmness and elasticity) layers of the skin. Injections are carried out pointwise, in areas with the most noticeable signs of aging - the areas of the eyes, forehead, nasolabial folds. The sequence, the number of quick injections, as well as the composition of the administered drugs is determined by the cosmetologist. The best of them are those used in our clinic IAL - System ACP and IAL - System, Juvederm Hydrate, JaluPro and others.
2. It is carried out both on the face and in other problem areas that show early skin aging - neck, décolleté, outer side of the hands;
3. The procedure is effectively used not only to improve the external condition of the skin. She has proven herself well for correcting various defects - rosacea (violation of blood microcirculation, fragility of small vessels in the skin), age spots;
4. "Hyaluronka" can be the only injectable substance or used in combination with some others - amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, peptides. The composition of the injections, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, is determined by the doctor.
5. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid can only be carried out by certified cosmetologists with a specialized higher medical education. A medical institution, such as an RTH clinic, must have the appropriate Department of Health of the City of Moscow to provide cosmetic medical services.


Indications for biorevitalization of the face

> Dry skin
› Loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin
› Decrease in turgor (indicator of hydration of the body), leading to withering and aging of cells, flabbiness of the skin
› Violation of pigmentation (pigment spots, moles, neoplasms of non-oncological origin)
› The need to restore the skin after plastic surgeries and procedures
› Damage to the epidermis by ultraviolet (sun, solarium)

Why course injections are needed

Patients do not experience any serious pain. But for safety reasons, people with a low pain threshold are treated with a special anesthetic cream. After the procedure is completed, so-called papules (tubercles) appear on the skin. This is not some kind of negative side effect, and is fully consistent with the logic of the intervention. Since hyaluronic acid, which is a viscous substance, penetrates into the deep layer of the dermis, displacing (raising) fragments of the epidermis above it. Papules disappear in one or two days.
The general condition of the skin changes positively and dynamically in the next two weeks, the “second youth” of the skin lasts for several months. The course of the procedure brings the greatest effect. It is advisable to carry out 3-4 such corrections with breaks from 3 months to six months.

It remains to add that biorevitalization in Moscow at a price accessible to the widest range of patients and is not economically unaffordable. The cost of procedures depends on the class of specialists, the quality of the drugs and instruments used, the medical "neglect" of the case. In the clinic, it starts from 7000 rubles. More expensive cases are compensated by seasonal discounts, which are indicated on the clinic's website.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Today, the natural desire of women to keep their beauty unfading as long as possible is successfully supported by the achievements of modern cosmetology. Learn more about one of the effective rejuvenation procedures - biorevitalization. Information about the types of this effect, indications for such beauty sessions and their price will help you make the right choice.

What is biorevitalization

To understand the benefits of this cosmetic procedure, you need to know what its mechanism is. Biorevitalization is a non-surgical method of intensive action on the skin with special preparations, due to which vitality returns to the skin of the face, it is renewed. After the sessions, the oval of the face is tightened, the network of fine wrinkles disappears and problematic deep folds near the eyes and lips, which always appear with age, are well smoothed out.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is carried out. This substance is a natural component of human skin, but with age, its production in the body decreases significantly. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin by injection or other intense exposure - laser, current, ultrasound, etc. The course of biorevitalization, conducted by an experienced cosmetologist, activates the natural production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and hydration of the skin, which has a positive effect on the appearance of a woman.

This technique of introducing the active substance into the skin is preferred by those women who want to get a rejuvenating effect, but they are afraid of injections of hyaluronic acid. Laser biorevitalization of the face involves the delivery of the active substance to the deep layers of the skin using an infrared laser. The non-injection system effectively saturates the deep layers of the skin with hyaluronic acid in this way: under the influence of a laser, special transport channels in the epidermis open, through which the active composition penetrates without punctures.

Injection biorevitalization

According to the reviews of women who have tried this radical method of intensive care, hyaluronic acid injections give a wonderful result, for which it is worth suffering a few unpleasant moments. The procedure of injection biorevitalization consists in introducing the active substance under the skin by means of multiple micro-punctures with a special syringe with a very thin needle. You need to know that such injections can be carried out in two ways:

    Manual technique. In this case, the cosmetologist himself introduces the drug. With this method, there may be small errors in the accuracy of the injections (the distance between the punctures, the amount of the injected substance), but the procedure itself for the client feels more delicate than when using special equipment.

    hardware method. Thanks to the use of appropriate nozzles on the apparatus controlled by the cosmetologist, injections are carried out more accurately, but most clients speak of this method of introducing the active substance as more aggressive.

Biorevitalization - indications

When should a woman think about applying such intensive care? In this matter, you need to focus more on your own feelings. The procedure for the introduction of hyaluronic acid is recommended for all the fair sex, who want their face to look more well-groomed, its color improved, the oval tightened, and the network of fine wrinkles smoothed out.

What else is worth knowing about biorevitalization - indications for its use are also such visible changes and conditions of the skin:

    puffiness, dark circles and bags under the eyes;

    rosacea (spider veins);


    enlarged pores;

    stretch marks, scars, scars after any skin injury;

    damage after plastic surgery or other intensive cosmetic procedures.

Biorevitalization - contraindications

Not every woman dares to make injections in her face, here it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. In addition to the indisputable advantages of this procedure, there are also contraindications for biorevitalization of the face. The cosmetologist must familiarize the client with the list of restrictions on the procedure during the preliminary consultation, so that the woman is sure that there are no risks.

According to the list of contraindications, biorevitalization of the skin is prohibited when:

    exacerbation of inflammatory and infectious diseases;

    skin lesions - unhealed scars, abscesses, other wounds;

    large age spots, moles on the face;


    diabetes mellitus;



    individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;

    during menstruation.

Biorevitalization - complications

According to the reviews of clients of cosmetologists who have undergone such skin rejuvenation sessions, after the procedure, you still have to expect unpleasant moments. Even if the beautician did everything in the best possible way, within 2-4 days, tubercles from injections will be visible on the surface of the skin until the hyaluronate resolves. The face will be slightly swollen, bruising will appear in some places. In the body, inflammatory processes can worsen. If side effects last longer than the specified period or appear in a more severe form, you should immediately seek medical help!

Women who have received injections of hyaluronic acid must adhere to the rules of the rehabilitation period for several days. If you neglect the recommendations, which the cosmetologist necessarily informs about after biorevitalization of the face is done, the consequences can be very unpleasant: side effects on the skin will last much longer, and the effect of the procedure will decrease significantly. For example, if alcohol is abused after sessions, then hyaluronic acid will not produce a directed effect, but will simply be excreted from the body.

Preparations for biorevitalization

A common question that is asked by ladies planning a course of beauty injections is which remedy is better to choose to achieve the maximum effect from injections? It must be remembered that the client alone cannot take into account all the indications that biorevitalization will help her cope with - preparations for such a procedure are produced with different formulas and can solve different problems. The optimal composition for each woman should be selected by a qualified cosmetologist-dermatologist. Popular drugs from this group are Aquashine, Hyalripier, Hyaluform, Viscoderm, etc.

The price of biorevitalization

A significant issue is the cost of anti-aging sessions. The main factor that will directly affect how much biorevitalization will cost is the price of the drug used. You also need to consider that the biorevitalization procedure is always a course of sessions. Depending on the condition of the skin, it may take from 2-3 to 10 visits to a beautician to get the expected result. According to the offers of various cosmetology clinics, the price of such a rejuvenation course starts from 6,000 rubles and can reach 25,000 rubles or more.

Biorevitalization - before and after photos

Deciding to take such a step in intensive care for her face, every woman wants to know exactly what to expect from the procedure. More precisely imagine: biorevitalization - what it is, and what result you can expect after the course, a selection of photos will help you. Seeing firsthand the difference in skin condition will help you make an informed decision about whether you want to have these sessions. Although many ladies who use this procedure say that biorevitalization before and after is always a wow effect for the skin, it is up to you to decide whether the injections are worth the declared price.

Video: face biorevitalization

It's no secret that from around the age of twenty-five, the first signs of aging begin to appear on our skin: it loses elasticity and firmness, becoming drier. But if during this period these signs are easy to hide with the help of cosmetics, then from about thirty-five years old it will be difficult to manage with creams alone. Not everyone decides to resort to the help of surgical procedures aimed at rejuvenating the skin. It is for such women that today there is a completely new non-surgical method of facial rejuvenation - the biorevitalization procedure.

What is biorevitalization?
The basis of this technique is delivery to skin cells by means of injections of hyaluronic acid. Interacting with cell receptors, it stimulates tissue regeneration. This acid is a natural component of our skin and is produced in the body on its own, it is she who is responsible for the natural hydration of the skin, its elasticity and youth. However, over time, this process slows down significantly, resulting in dull, aging skin and the appearance of wrinkles. The biorevitalization procedure not only supplies the skin cells with this acid, but also stimulates the production of its own elastin and collagen fibers in the body. Thanks to this procedure, you can preserve youth and elasticity of the skin for a long time, as well as correct existing wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. Thousands of patients who have experienced this rejuvenation technique on themselves speak of it as a tool that radically improves skin quality in a minimum period of time. However, it can be carried out not only on mature skin. Biorevitalization is also recommended at a young age as a prevention of aging, as well as to improve the quality of dull, dry, thin skin and its healing.

Biorevitalization effectively fights not only skin aging (wrinkles, dull complexion), but also its various defects (rosacea, age spots). This procedure not only improves the external condition of the skin, but also restores the structure, bringing it as close as possible to healthy young skin, and also slows down the processes of skin aging.

The very name of the procedure literally translates as a natural return to life (“bio” - natural, natural, “re” - return, “vita” - life). This rejuvenating procedure has no trauma and no recovery period, which distinguishes it from similar surgical procedures.

The biorevitalization technique is applicable to any area of ​​the skin that needs restoration. As a rule, the loss of tone and elasticity occurs most quickly in open areas of the skin (face, décolleté, hands, neck), which is due to frequent exposure to ultraviolet radiation. For those who have significantly reduced skin turgor, there is dehydration, a decrease in elasticity, and there is also a tendency to form wrinkles, it is recommended to go through two or three sessions with a break of fifteen to twenty days. In the future, to maintain the achieved effect, the procedure can be carried out every two to three months. The effect of the biorevitalization course lasts up to six months.

For intradermal administration, cross-linked or cross-linked (synthesized) hyaluronic acid is used. So it lingers in the skin for a long time, and does not dissolve very quickly, as happens with hyaluronic acid, used in mesotherapy for making cocktails. Biorevitalization can rightfully be considered the most effective type of mesotherapy.

Carrying out biorevitalization.
Using a special syringe, a specialist injects hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel into problem areas of the skin. For example, several injections are required to treat the skin of the entire face. Initially, the injected acid moisturizes the skin by effectively attaching water molecules, and then it is utilized by the cells and used to restore the fibers of the dermis, resulting in an increase in skin regeneration.

This procedure is almost painless, so no anesthesia is performed. However, if desired, the doctor can treat the areas with an ointment with anesthetic properties.

After a full course of biorevitalization in the skin, the synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid significantly increases, blood flow increases and metabolic processes improve, which leads to normalization of water balance, increased skin elasticity and improved color. The effect of the first session will be noticeable immediately: wrinkles will be smoothed out, facial contours will improve, the skin will acquire a healthy color and natural radiance. But this effect will not last long, so it is recommended to repeat the procedure. After completing the full course (the number of sessions will be determined by the specialist, taking into account the characteristics of your skin) biorevitalization, the skin will become such that young girls will envy.

For injections, Teosyal, Ial system, Aminoyal and Anti-radical complex are used.

Types of biorevitalization courses.
This procedure can only be carried out by a certified specialist (dermatologist-cosmetologist) who has permission to carry out cosmetology practice. In addition, the institutions themselves (salons, clinics) must have permission to provide such services. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, as well as characteristic problems, the specialist will determine the number of sessions, the technique of administration and select the drug. Patients immediately before the procedure are advised to verify the integrity of the package with the syringe and clarify the expiration date of the drug.

The biorevitalization procedure completely eliminates any possibility of an allergic reaction to the injected drug, since it is completely identical to natural hyaluronic acid.

There are two types of biorevitalization courses: preventive and therapeutic revitalization.

Preventive, most often, is expressed in the prevention of dry skin and its early aging due to imbalance of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This course includes two procedures with an interval of three to four weeks. This type of course, through active hydration and maintaining a balance of nutrients, inhibits the aging process. As a rule, this course includes biorevitalization, hands, face, lips.

Therapeutic is aimed at combating severe skin problems caused by age-related characteristics, and is characterized by a more intense and deep effect on the skin. This course is required for patients with significantly reduced skin turgor and sagging skin. This course fights the visible signs of skin aging, and also restores the process of cell nutrition by increasing the level of hyaluronic acid in skin tissues. The treatment course includes, as a rule, three procedures with an interval of three to four weeks.

Indications for carrying out:

  • dry and aging skin;
  • severe dehydration of the skin;
  • the presence of age spots;
  • loss or decrease in elasticity and turgor of the skin;
  • skin restoration after laser resurfacing and chemical peels;
  • early skin aging due to the negative impact of environmental factors and bad habits;
  • recovery after plastic surgery.
Benefits of the procedure.
  • painlessness and absence of any discomfort;
  • high efficiency;
  • quick result;
  • no recovery period.
Contraindications for carrying out.
This method of skin rejuvenation has some contraindications, like any other cosmetic procedure. These include:
  • the presence of various skin diseases;
  • inflammation of the skin in the treated area;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in severe form;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of an allergy to the administered drugs;
  • the presence of various autoimmune diseases;
  • taking drugs that thin the blood;
  • increased tendency to form keloid scars;
  • the presence of acute herpes infection.
After a course of revitalization, even deep wrinkles and folds are completely smoothed out. The effect lasts up to six months.

Side effects.
After the revitalization procedure, redness or pallor of the skin, swelling in the treated area, soreness and some swelling at the puncture sites may be observed, and small hematomas are also possible. However, such manifestations will completely disappear after one to two days. Otherwise, you should notify the specialist who performed the procedure.

Recommendations after the procedure.
During the first two days after the procedure, it is not allowed to touch the face, apply makeup and generally use any cosmetic products. The exception is drugs specially prescribed by a doctor. When hematomas appear, you can use an arnica-based cream. In addition, during the week you can not visit the sauna, bath, play sports. For two weeks it is forbidden to use the services of solariums. Staying in the open sun for a long time or sunbathing is also not recommended. For a week or two, the doctor forbids any physiotherapy, as well as plastic surgery.

Laser (hardware) biorevitalization.
This method is beginning to gain momentum in popularity. With this variant of biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid is injected through the action of a “cold” laser. This method allows you to more evenly distribute hyaluronic acid in skin tissues. This procedure is carried out by seven laser sources that evenly scatter energy over the surface of the skin. Due to this, the time for the procedure is significantly reduced. It should be said that the density of the energy transmitted by the laser is minimal, which eliminates the risk of burns even with prolonged exposure (the temperature of the treated skin area will not rise by more than one degree).

In order to increase the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin, two procedures are combined: the skin is treated with a special hypoallergenic Hyalupure gel and an infrared athermal laser.

Hardware biorevitalization contributes to the opening of transport channels through which hyaluronic acid is delivered to the deepest layers of the epidermis, in addition, it stimulates metabolic processes and the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

The results of hardware biorevitalization.

  • Wrinkles are smoothed out, and their number is also significantly reduced (especially with biorevitalization of the eyelids or biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes).
  • The skin becomes hydrated.
  • The pores are narrowed and the skin relief is leveled.
  • The volume of the lips increases as a result of biorevitalization of the lips.
  • The skin becomes younger and more elastic.
  • There is a rapid recovery of the skin after thermal and sunburns.
  • The healing process of traumatic and surgical scars is accelerated.
In addition, this technique contributes to increased production of its own hyaluronic acid in the skin, as well as elastin and collagen fibers. The course of laser biorevitalization usually includes three to six sessions every seven days. The effect of this procedure also lasts up to six months, after which it is recommended to repeat the course again. Such a procedure practically does not entail side effects, and also does not require a recovery period.

Most patients about this method of rejuvenation respond with enthusiasm. They love the immediate result: the skin really looks hydrated, young and firm, wrinkles and fine lines are smoothed out, and the complexion is visibly improved. In addition, many women have noticed that after this procedure, the skin reacts less to stress factors and looks fresh even after lack of sleep and exposure to bad weather.


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