What can you buy for boys on February 23. Blendy Pens

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Boys are our future defenders, so it would be useful to give them gifts by February 23rd. From an early age, boys need to be brought up so that they understand that in the future their task is to become a real man who is brave, courageous and able to protect not only himself, but also his family. It is likely that thanks to the gifts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, he will be able to understand that he is treated like a real man. If you have not yet managed to decide what to give the boy an original and inexpensive gift for February 23, so that he is satisfied, in this article you can find some good ideas.

Top 15 gifts for a boy on February 23

An original gift will allow the boy to feel his individuality, significance. If you don’t have an unusual mindset, visit our top 15 gifts for a boy on February 23 and you will learn more about gifts for a guy.

  • Puzzles. An excellent gift option for a boy of this age will be a huge puzzle. If we talk about the image, you can buy a military-themed puzzle that will match this holiday. If he is interested in cars and motorcycles, opt for jigsaw puzzles featuring a beautiful racing car or motorcycle.
  • Set of bookmarks for books. For secondary school students, bookmarks for textbooks will be quite a useful gift, given that schoolchildren in grades 5-8 have at least 7 subjects. Bookmarks may contain symbolic inscriptions corresponding to the theme of this holiday.

  • Desk lamp. A table lamp with a unique design will be a useful item and a creative decoration for any room.

  • Board game. At this age, it is useful to give all kinds of board games that will develop thinking and attentiveness, so you can give the boy various strategy games that will help him not have fun with his little friends, but also develop useful abilities.

  • Walkie-talkie. Down with phones and smartphones, present him a walkie-talkie, which will be a real discovery for him! You won’t surprise anyone with a touch phone for a long time, but not everyone had to see the walkie-talkie, especially boys of this age. You can be sure that all his peers will be delighted too, and he will always be in the spotlight with such a gift.

  • Ball chair. An original gift idea for February 23 and just a handy thing. Due to its low weight, the chair can be easily rearranged to any desired location. This chair takes any shape, so sitting in it is more than comfortable and convenient!

  • Personalized flash card. At this age, it is difficult to find a person who does not have a flash drive. Therefore, a gift in the form of a personalized card would be a rather original solution. You can find such a little thing in special stores or make it to order (in the event that the necessary name is not found).

  • Congratulatory Diploma. A cool option would be a congratulatory diploma "To a real man" or "To the most courageous defender." It will be nice to receive such a gift.

  • Original constructor. Surely, a boy at this age would be interested in constructing any item of military equipment on his own. It can be anything, from weapons to various military installations.

  • BMP layout. If he is seriously interested in military equipment, a model of an infantry fighting vehicle or an armored personnel carrier will be a great gift for him. And the more it is, the better and more interesting it will be for the young man.

  • Pistol. For this age, an excellent gift for February 23 will be a submachine gun (of course, a toy). Boys from an early age begin to be interested in weapons and military equipment, so the model of a Kalashnikov machine gun will be a good gift for a young soldier, which will definitely interest him.

  • Radio controlled car. Not only children, but also adults dream of this amazing little thing. A cool RC jeep is sure to become a favorite toy of this age (and, quite possibly, his parents too).

  • Compact speakers. Without departing far from the topic of devices for a computer, I will immediately propose to present compact speakers for a computer or laptop on February 23 to a guy. In addition, speakers with an output for connecting a phone will be an ideal option for a gift. Thanks to it, you can listen to music by connecting the speakers directly to the gadget.

  • Watch. Wristwatches can be called an indicator of the style and taste of the one on whose hand they show off. A stylish watch with a leather strap will be a great gift for a boy of this age on Defender of the Fatherland Day. In general, it is believed that every man should have an expensive watch, so if you donate it, you will definitely not go wrong.

Top 5 do-it-yourself gifts for a boy on February 23

If you want your present to be different from standard and traditional gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day, the most suitable option is some craft that you can make yourself. It is not in vain that they say that the best gift is the one made by oneself, that is why we offer you the top 5 gifts for a boy on February 23 made by oneself. A beautiful and original gift is not only necessary to buy in a store, show your imagination and you will succeed.

  1. Original watercolor mug. Knowing the tastes of a man, it will not be difficult for you to beautifully decorate a mug that will become his favorite. To do this, you will need an ordinary white mug, nail polish, a container of warm water. Add a drop of varnish to a container of water, immerse a mug in it, pull it out and wipe off excess moisture. If necessary, wipe off excess with nail polish remover. Repeat the procedure several times, experimenting with different colors. Let the mug dry. The original gift is ready.

  1. Such a gift will definitely appeal to lovers of adventure and romance. Your task is to draw a map on which you need to look for trophies. For starters, it can be interesting souvenirs, for example, a keychain, goodies, stationery. However, at the end of the journey, there should be the most important stunning gift that you will definitely like. Fantasies A little and your present will be the best and will be remembered for a long time.

  1. Case for smartphone. Any man will definitely appreciate such a gift, especially since it will help protect the gadget from scratches and damage. You can make such a cover from any available material, it is best to give preference to wool, soft fabric, suede. In addition to the materials tools, you only need a template - the phone model on which the case is sewn.

Many remember the school days of the Defender of the Fatherland and March 8 as the dates of the voluntary-compulsory exchange of notebooks with pens. But what to give to boys on February 23, so that this gift delights a son, classmate, nephew, friend, becomes dear to him later? We decided to collect the most worthwhile gift ideas for boys of any age.

To really please an adult or a small hero of the occasion, you need to choose a present based on his preferences and hobbies. Therefore, many do not remember their school February 23 because of the stamping of gifts - not all boys are equally happy about the same thing.

Much attention should be paid to the age of the child, because children at the age of 6-9 are no longer babies, most have a serious hobby, many are already winning their first victories in sports and studies.

What can be given to boys on February 23 is a present that will be useful to the future owner or will completely please him, which will serve him for a long time or provide short but unforgettable moments. Too unusual a gift should not be given to a child, but a banal one will not please the boy either.

Although younger students understand electronics and gadgets no worse than any adult, you can wait a little longer with such a gift.

They are still direct curious kids who love everything cool and unusual, but at the same time modern and fashionable:

  1. Educational toys. For example, the “grabator” is a touch-controlled toy that surprisingly develops dexterity and motor skills, which will definitely be useful for a future defender. Its essence is to catch the flaming parts as often as possible. A good option could be a talking hamster, a laboratory kit, an electronic designer, a children's planetarium.

  1. First medal. It is symbolic to receive it on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Such souvenirs are not uncommon for gift shops, their price does not bite at all. A more expensive option is to order a real nominal medal. The souvenir is engraved with the name of the boy, the achievements for which he was given an award.

  1. Constructor. In any "Lego" or other thematic market, you can choose a set for every taste and budget - from a small "pocket" figure of a minion or Batman to a whole city of colorful details. The prefabricated wooden models are very interesting - you can glue and decorate both a ship, an airplane, a car, and an interesting stand for stationery (the instructions for such sets are always detailed - a child who starts assembling for the first time will immediately be able to figure it out).

  1. Piggy bank. What to give the boys on February 23, who already manage pocket money - a kind of safe. If a gift is from parents or relatives, you can put a symbolic initial capital there. Such a present will help the boy take care of money, not scatter it in the literal and figurative sense. Since there are a great many options for piggy banks, you can use this idea for a gift from the class - for each boy to choose exactly the one that he really likes.

  1. Favorite heroes. At this age, especially the guys "fan" for their favorite characters from movies or cartoons. If you know about such an “idol” of a boy, then on February 23 it will be the best gift for him to receive a present with the image of his favorite character - a T-shirt, a pencil case, a backpack, a set of figurines, a mosaic, stationery, etc.

Schoolchildren 10-14 years old

Boys of this age are already quite serious guys, so you need to try so that the gift really sincerely surprises them:

  1. Adventure. The coolest gift ever! Give the boys a day in the trampoline park, in the water park, bowling, on the rides. It’s a good idea to arrange a sports festival with a themed winter Zarnitsa, organize a class trip to nature. You can also choose a “quiet” option - going to the movies (there are always patriotic films at the box office on February 23, but why not be inspired by watching a movie about superheroes?) and discussing movies in a cafe for ice cream and pizza.

  1. Puzzle, logic game, puzzles. What to give boys on February 23, if you know their preferences - your choice of designers, educational video games, creative kits, mosaics.

  1. Mini trainer. The present will come in handy for those teenagers who spend a lot of time at the PC. It can be a press roller, expander, etc. And dad can surprise the future protector of the family with a home sports corner!

  1. Book. At all times, a book has been the best gift, and on Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can make a boy happy with a work in the spirit of the holiday. You should not immediately start with the biography of Zhukov or "War and Peace", the boy will be more interested in the illustrated history of military equipment, weapons, and someone will be impressed by works about young heroes. Remember those adventure books that you read as a child - perhaps they will also become desktop for the hero of the holiday. One of the best books for this age is an illustrated encyclopedia written in simple language - like "Everything about Everything", "I Know the World".

  1. Key chains or bumpers for the phone. The most versatile gift - you just need to know the model of the teenager's phone. You can decorate a plain silicone bumper with your own hands using acrylic paints. There is an option to glue a handwritten mini postcard, photo or collage to the bumper with colorless glue and cover it with epoxy resin. The keychain can be presented as a favorite multi or movie character, or with useful features, such as a flashlight or a laser pointer.

  1. Cup. An inexpensive and seemingly ordinary gift, which, with a creative approach, can become truly original. A good option for a gift from the class - you just need to contact the workshop that makes printing on mugs to order. The image can be chosen as a common one for all the boys - a funny photo of the class, a collage for the holiday, a composite portrait of their faces, a general congratulation from the girls, or an individual one for each - a funny caricature image, an original congratulation, a fantasy "what kind of warrior are you in the future" and etc.

Youth 14-17 years old

Guys of this age are already very serious people, but also loving to have fun and fool around from the heart:

  1. Emotions. A memorable adventure or outing will please young men no less than younger children. Only the "weekend hike" should be cooler - an analogue of the "Battle of Heroes", a quest or a room of fear, a climbing wall, laser tag or paintball. If the guys in the class are not indifferent to sports, February 23 can be spent on a ski slope or on a skating rink with sticks and a puck.

  1. Beat the standard gifts: chocolate, shampoo, shower gel. Create in Photoshop yourself or download a ready-made template for an individual label, print it on self-adhesive paper.

  1. Cool calendar. Since the year is just beginning, this gift will not lose its relevance when presented. A flip calendar, on each month of which classmates say warm words to the future defenders of the country, is great, especially if you get a school uniform for a photo shoot. Printing such a little thing in a limited edition printing house will cost quite inexpensively.

  1. For exams. The “sick” topic of impending exams can be mitigated with funny stationery, organizers, notepads. Also a good gift, on the contrary, will be a solid writing set.

  1. Headphones. Not a cheap, but memorable gift, especially since the choice of headphones is now unspeakably large. The presentation can be pre-ordered in the online market, after reading the reviews on its quality. Of course, not everyone can afford Monster Beats, but still, the headphones should not disappoint the guy.

  1. Flash-card. A necessary thing for study and for life. The gift is good because it is rich in a wide range - you can choose for every taste and color. For a collective gift for boys, you can pick up multi-colored flash drive bracelets, on which you can pre-load a congratulation (such a video is later in this article).

  1. Electronics. The guy will also like other "electronic" gifts - computer mice, portable chargers, mini-speakers for the phone, cooling pads for laptops, monopods. If you know the composition of his game collection, then it would be nice to give a license to a game of his favorite genre, which is not yet in his collection.

We will be very happy if our ideas suggested to you what to present on February 23 to a boy, teenager or young man. We wish the perpetrators of the holiday to grow up to be real men, the pride of the family and the Motherland!

At the end of February, the whole country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, it is customary to congratulate men, grandfathers and boys of all ages. Teachers, parents and girls are thinking about how to come up with gifts for boys on February 23 at school. The article describes the ideas of congratulations and gifts for boys of primary, middle and senior school age.

A festive concert from girls in honor of February 23 for boys is always fun, provocative and pleasant for each side. The period of preparation in the strictest secrecy, the moment of performance, watching the performance and accepting congratulations - emotions that will be remembered in years to come with special trepidation

You can congratulate the boys on the Defender's Day in an original and fun way by creating collective or personal congratulations.

Parents can decide to buy the same prizes for all children, or give the girls the right to choose what to give to whom. The main thing is to pay equal attention to each boy so as not to leave anyone aside.

The main thing is to give equal attention to each boy - glazed gingerbread from February 23

Congratulations to the whole class

The teacher is able to organize mass congratulations to the “male half of the class”

  • arrange holiday concert , where girls can show their acting talents and please the audience with ditties, songs - alterations, dances and humorous skits.
  • play out win-win lottery . The main thing is to prepare surprises with the same value for the boy.
  • Create congratulatory wall newspaper with photos of the heroes of the occasion and playful slogans (it is very important to stick to tactics in order to prevent offensive criticism and ridicule), to emphasize the best qualities of classmates.
  • Organize after class awarding honorary certificates and medals all the boys. Choose an acceptable title for everyone and a sweet reward.
  • circus visit or a dolphinarium in honor of the holiday, will please the children, no less than the received surprise.

A trip to the circus in honor of the holiday, for example, Du Soleil will be a joy for the guys, and the taste develops

Gifts for boys 6 - 9 years old

When choosing a gift, you should be guided by the age restrictions of the male representatives. Young children will be pleased with toys, and grown-up teenagers will be pleased with cool accessories.

The range of gifts for primary school boys is quite large:

    Constructor "lego".


    Kit toy soldiers .

    Military typewriter or a tank.

    Album and a set of pencils.


    Pistols with bullets or sound machines.

    Mask superhero.

    laser wand or other luminous objects.

    chocolate bar, in a personalized wrapper or in a superhero costume.

    Air pistol .

    Policeman's set .

Figurines of small Lego soldiers - the dream of any boy

Might come in handy too! .

    Shield and sword"knight".

    Children's darts , using a target and Velcro balls.

    clockwork toys .

    Small locomotive and Railway.

    cars- shifters.

    Children's books (It is advisable to take the advice of parents).

    original whistles .

    Sweet toys (homemade chest filled with chocolate coins, or cars - sweets)

    Toy tools or children's work equipment.

When considering what to give boys on February 23 at school in grade 3, you need to take into account the tastes and hobbies of this generation. Perhaps a toy character from a popular animated series will please the children more than sweets and "military items".

A children's building kit with tools is a great opportunity to accustom to work and an opportunity to reveal the boy's abilities

Gifts for boys 10 - 14 years old

Teenagers still gravitate towards toys, but they also crave recognition of their growing up. You can give them one of the following options:

    Calculator .

    Modelku car.

    interesting thematic pen and notepad.

    Stand for handles in the form of a soccer ball.

    Construction set famous landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Mausoleum and so on)

    Mugs with names or portrayal of TV characters.

    small puzzles cities or animals.

    encyclopedias various kinds.

    Board games : walkers, dominoes, lotto, checkers, chess, "Manager" and so on.

Board games, in particular Ekiwoki, perfectly train erudition, broaden your horizons, and playing it is incredibly exciting and fun.

Might come in handy too! Read the article at the link and get inspired by ideas A: Perfect gift for New Year and Christmas.

    Darts .

    Original pencil case .

    Disk with a computer game.

    Sharpeners and erasers in the form of sneakers or horror movies.

    Souvenirs with jokes .

    Magnets with jokes or topics of interest.

    twister .

    Thematic set cards .

    cool masks , toffee worms, dracula false teeth and so on.

    Bright scarves .

    Spinners .

    Magician's set or a young archaeologist.

    Assemblies airplanes .

    Magnetic bookmarks .

    coasters for books.

    colorful folders for notebooks.

    Sets for applique or sculpting.

    Finger football .

    Children's magazines for boys.

Finger football for boys 10 - 14 years old - just what you need

Might come in handy too! Read the article at the link and get inspired by ideas P gift ov DIY teacher's day How to make an original gift for a teacher.

Youth souvenirs

For boys aged 15 and older, it is worth picking up cool and practical presents.

    Headphones .

    Mat for a computer mouse.

    Mugs with fun and inscriptions of classmates.

    Interesting keychains .

    Pocket flashlights .

    coasters for mobile phones.

    USB flash drives in the form of a grenade.

    Pens in a case.

    magnets with photos of classmates.

    Stylish notepads or notebooks.

    Cool piggy banks .

    Case for mobile phone.

    Original icons and pennant.

    Medals with jokes.

    Scary masks .

    Leather bracelets .

    Thermo mugs .

    Painting with a joke.

    Manual expander, for pumping up the muscles of the arm.

    baseball caps with funny captions.

    Backgammon or chess.

A personalized mug with an individual congratulation for each boy is great and touching

It might be interesting! Read the article at the following link .

    Poker set kart .

    Hourglass or pictures - antistress.

    Musical column .

    Wrist watch or themed alarm clocks.

    Covers for a passport.

    Football ball .

    Male gel , shampoo.

    T-shirts with funny captions.

    Towel with symbols or decorated in the form of a soldier.

    Photo album or a photo frame.

    original figurine- a souvenir in the form of a ship or an airplane.

    Leather gloves - mitts.

    Tickets in the movie theaters.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, be sure to set a festive table for the boy. You can cook your favorite dish for your son, nephew or godson, bake pies or cakes. Dances, thematic meetings, trips to the historical museum can be organized at the school. The evening will be doubly interesting thanks to the joint tea drinking.

  • Handmade things.
  • Personalized chocolates, sets of sweets, cookies, honey.
  • Computer accessories.
  • Gadgets.
  • Consoles, discs with games.
  • Radio controlled toys.
  • Stationery.
  • Board games, sets for creativity.
  • Puzzles and puzzles.
  • Prefabricated models of ships, aircraft, armored vehicles.
  • Sporting goods.

Choosing inexpensive and budget gifts for a boy

On the eve of the holiday, adults are looking for an answer to the question: how to please their boy? For the future defender of the Fatherland, you can always choose one of the things that he dreams of. The gift will definitely please the child. Inexpensive gifts are more preferable in terms of price, and there are plenty to choose from. Numerous souvenirs, robots, figurines of superheroes are very popular with schoolchildren. It is not forbidden to give something developing for February 23: a coloring book on a military theme, plasticine, a set of a young carpenter. A good idea is a camouflage pencil case or backpack, themed notebooks and textbook covers, sticker sets, chocolate weapons.

3D pen "MyRiwell 100". It will be a good gift for a gifted child. With its help, you can create real masterpieces.

Magic Gyro Magnetic UFO. original toy. Thanks to her, the boys will get a visual representation of the laws of physics.

Named wooden weapon. A great inexpensive gift option. Tell the student that a real gun is a reward for a professional military man.

Set of erasers "Military equipment". It is better to give the boys along with an illustrated guide. They will be amazed by the possibilities of steel machines.

USB hub "Black octopus". Such gifts do not need instructions. Any student knows how to use a splitter.

Keychain with sound "Pac-Man". Can be attached to keys or textbook bag. Looks very interesting.

Original gifts for February 23 for your boys

The idea for a gift will be prompted by the interests of the child. Many boys are fond of aviation and astronautics. The Rocket Launcher Kit will make a lasting impression on them. You can also make your son or nephew a participant in a thematic quest, a reconstruction of a battle. They become frequent pastimes of members of historical clubs. Cool photo calendars are a universal solution. The photo can show off friends or classmates.

The original present does not necessarily have a high price. Rather the opposite. The boy will be convinced of this by receiving a tank sharpener, soap in the shape of a grenade, a thermos cartridge, a lunch box stylized as a package of dry rations. Such gifts will be remembered with special feeling. Nobody else had them.

Program for children "Pilotik". Chance to try yourself as an aircraft captain. The child will not only brag about the gift to his friends, but will also be able to take 3 people with him into the cabin.

Space borscht in a tube. Such food is used by the crew of the orbital station. The portion is designed for one astronaut.

Zorbing. Descent from the mountain inside a transparent ball. You can get a lot of unforgettable emotions.

snow thrower. A must have for winter. The range of the throw will increase, and the accuracy will increase.

Science of Magnets Pack. Bodies with a magnetic field seem magical. With their help, you can work wonders. The student can easily verify this.

Metal creative book "The Cretaceous period". An organizer that can replace a classic pencil case. Number one among the gifts for the collected students.

Presents for boys on February 23, depending on age

The easiest way to please a primary school student. At 7-10 years old, boys do not expect stars from the sky. They can be presented with a set of soldiers, personalized notebooks and pencils, commemorative medals, award figurines, MP3 players. In middle school, kids are more picky. For this age, practical things are more suitable. A compass and a flashlight will come in handy on hikes, illustrated guides, books will help you learn a lot about the world around you, and dumbbells, a horizontal bar and an exercise bike are needed for sports. It is especially difficult with high school students aged 15-17. At this age, it is difficult to call them children. Choosing gifts is even more difficult. Let the graduates themselves suggest suitable ideas. Surely they will want to get a tablet, smartphone, virtual reality helmet, electric scooter, projector or something similar.

Aerofootball "Hover ball". Better to give to first graders. They have little homework and a lot of free time.

Electronic piggy bank "Mini safe". Stylized as a safe with money. Ceramic variations of the gift will seem uninteresting.

Young Chemist Pack. While the boy is in high school, introduce him to the basics of complex science. Experiences will delight the child.

Pen holder with clock, calendar and thermometer. Original desktop organizer. It is not forbidden to use this gift even after graduation.

Smart watch Smart Watch V8. Great gift for the 23rd. The gadget will reveal its potential in conjunction with a smartphone.

Gyroscooter. You can donate without hesitation. A high school student will easily learn how to control the device and begin to ride to the envy of friends.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday loved by men of all ages: from 3 to 103 years old. This date has long been associated with courage, honor and love for the motherland. On February 23, mothers and grandmothers try to congratulate all the males in the family and give them gifts. What can be presented to the boy at home and classmates at school?

What can you give boys on February 23

Initially, Defender of the Fatherland Day was a holiday of the military, and it so happened that boys were more often presented with gifts in the appropriate style, but now more and more often parents and relatives give their sons educational toys, designers and kits for creativity.

Not everyone considers February 23 an important date, comparable to the New Year or a birthday, so they prefer to choose gifts that are inexpensive and not related to military symbols. It is also very important to take into account the age of the child: toddlers love toys, and older children love things that can be used in everyday life, or developing creative kits.

Gifts for preschoolers at home and in kindergarten

Close, well-knowing interests and preferences of the child, can make a choice according to his hobbies. Preschoolers will be happy with gifts such as:

  • machine guns or pistols for playing army, spies or war games;
  • special services cars with sound effects;
  • figurines of superheroes from films and characters of favorite cartoons;
  • soldiers;
  • radio-controlled cars;
  • sets for role-playing games as policemen, firefighters, rescuers;
  • children's toy binoculars;
  • sets of toy tools;
  • coloring pages with images of military equipment or cartoon characters.

Among the developing presentations often choose:

  • board game;
  • a game that teaches math or reading;
  • a book of adventure stories;
  • a children's encyclopedia on military subjects or a publication with tasks for boys;
  • simple constructor;
  • puzzles with cars and planes;
  • model for gluing a tank, aircraft or car.

Grandparents are usually much more conservative in choosing a gift for their grandchildren. DIY kits are a great way to spend time with your child doing something together.

In the kindergarten before the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday, the parent committee will have to choose such gifts that would suit most adults in the group and be useful to kids. With a limited budget, this often becomes a very difficult task. Most of the presented presents will satisfy most of the requirements of parents and children.

How parents can please their son on Men's Day - photo gallery

An intelligence car with working special signals and a siren is an excellent choice A set for role-playing games in the police will interest the little defender of the Fatherland Children's Encyclopedia of Aviation and Navy of Russia - a thematic book for the holiday A toy machine that makes realistic sounds of gunshots is essential for playing war games Children's binoculars will come in handy for a little spy

Gifts for schoolchildren on February 23

Gifts for school-age children are chosen depending on their temperament and character.

Present ideas for teenagers - table

Actual gifts for a child who studies at school - photo gallery

Wood burning kit will be interesting for assiduous schoolchildren Things that come in handy in winter are appropriate as a gift for February 23
Crystal growing kit will spark interest in chemistry Children's encyclopedia of military affairs can become a child's reference book
The Morse code set will introduce the boy to the basics of electricity

Original gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day

If parents want to give their children an unusual experience, you can think about more expensive original presents. Will amaze the imagination of the future defenders of the Fatherland:

  • kit for launching a rocket at home, self-made slime, lava lamps;
  • yo-yo;
  • participation in an entertaining military program (winter paintball, a quest on a military theme, a master class on making a wooden sword or chain mail);
  • a flash drive with an original children's design for older boys who have to bring homework in the form of electronic presentations to school;
  • spy pen and eavesdropping kit.

It will be great if the school teacher agrees to hold a meeting for students with a veteran or a representative of a profession related to the defense of the Motherland or citizens in peacetime: a policeman, firefighter, military man.

Commemorative gifts

Sometimes parents have an idea to give a gift that their son will remember for a long time. For February 23, this is a wristwatch or a photo book filled with photographs of the boy in the appropriate setting: in the military museum, at the Victory Parade, in military uniform or after a solemn event at which he congratulated veterans.

What gifts for boys on February 23 can be made with your own hands

Do-it-yourself memorable gifts can be made by both relatives and classmates at school:

  • teachers quite often involve girls in making a homemade postcard or a hand-sewn phone case;
  • grandmothers knit original slippers in the shape of a tank or a knight's helmet for their grandchildren;
  • busy parents rarely have enough free time to surprise themselves. Kits for joint creativity with the child will come to their aid, when mom and dad will help their son in assembling complex models of equipment, in wood burning, or together with the child they will make a desktop organizer for stationery.

Homemade gifts from girls in the class and relatives - photo gallery

Postcard for February 23 - a present that any girl can make Hat-helmet - a gift to your beloved grandson from a grandmother-needlewoman Slippers-tanks will warm the legs of a beloved grandson Do-it-yourself writing set - a necessary thing for a student

Sweet gifts for boys on February 23

The stores now offer a great variety of sweet sets for various dates. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date of the sweets included in it. If you want to give the boys a delicious gift in an original way, then use the ideas from the Internet:

  • chocolates and sweets purchased separately can be independently decorated in the style of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday. For example, try making a candy tank;
  • any chocolate bar is easy to wrap in a themed wrapper;
  • bakeries or private craftsmen offer a variety of military-themed gingerbread sets.

Cool themed sweets - photo gallery

Chocolate in a themed wrapper is original and tasty Candy tank - a little imagination and the gift is ready A set of gingerbread for the holiday will please any boy

Whatever gift you choose for a future defender, it is important to remember that patriotism and respect for the family and the Fatherland are brought up daily. Then the present on February 23 will become a symbol of masculinity for the child, and not a mere formality.


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