What does your face shape say about you? We read faces. Physiognomy

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People who have mastered the skill of physiognomy (reading by faces) can say a lot about a person. To do this, you just need to look closely and compare the facts with existing knowledge. For those who know how to read a person by the face, many manifestations of the interlocutor's character will not come as a surprise, since most often the features speak for themselves. With skills in this area, you can almost always predict how someone you come into contact with will behave.

Secrets of the face: the essence of Japanese physiognomy

Physiognomy as a science of the face has developed in ancient times. Ancient China is considered the birthplace of oriental physiognomy. In the West, this art became widespread in Ancient Greece, but Eastern physiognomy differs from Western.

Over time, Chinese physiognomists developed the art of face reading, created special treatises that were distributed throughout the countries of the East. They were also brought to Japan. And although it cannot be said that in our time in Japan they are completely fond of physiognomy, its influence can be traced in painting, the production of masks, theater, and various areas of communication. What is the essence of the Japanese method and how can one read the character of a person by the physiognomy of a face?

As you can see in the photo, the physiognomy of the face in the upper zone is mainly the frontal part, it clearly reflects the entire life path of a person:

For this zone, information is obtained for a period of life from 15 to 30 years, as well as in old age:

  • An ideal forehead (correct shape and healthy skin color) indicates an excellent state of body and spirit.
  • The middle zone (from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose) reflects the years of life from 35 to 50 years. The harmonious balance of this zone indicates the orderliness of the psyche. The lower zone (upper lip, jaws, mouth, chin) provides information about the period of life from 51 to 77 years and advanced age. The correct forms of this zone testify to the balance of character.

Physiognomy by facial features in Japan is based on the decoding of clearly marked positions. Each of these positions refers to a certain age and is associated with specific behavioral traits.

There are several schools of facial physiognomy for determining the character of a person, and each of them is based on its own system of positions (from 99 to 130). The interpretation of the content of these positions, and especially their combinations, is a rather complicated procedure.

Wanting to know the secrets of the face by the method of physiognomy, conclusions about the character of a person and the quality of his personality can be made only after examining all positions. In addition, the state of five vital features is taken into account: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, ears. The balance of these features (proportionality, color, purity of skin, etc.) is a favorable sign. Japanese facial physiognomy suggests that if all five named features are formed without flaws, then the life of a person with such features is like a full-flowing river. The flaws on the face of a person indicate a crack in his character.

Physiognomy of the face: what do eyebrows mean

Eyebrows in facial physiognomy are of great importance. Wide long eyebrows are considered ideal. The proportionality of the eyebrows (shape, color, density) is a sign of a balance of emotions, mind and character.

Rigid bristly eyebrows indicate the opposite. According to physiognomists, eyebrows reflect relationships with the immediate environment. The pleasant shape of the eyebrows signals that their owner gets along with others.

Here are a few more examples of physiognomy of the face on the eyebrows:

  • When thick eyebrows rise up with their outer ends, they say that this is a sign of generosity and courage. Such a person is considered born for success.
  • Dropping outer ends of the eyebrows indicate shyness.
  • When the structure and color of such eyebrows seem lifeless, it is believed that this is from the depletion of internal energy.
  • If a man has even and long eyebrows, and, moreover, they stand out against the background of a pleasant skin color, then he can be considered an intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, and any antics can be expected from her. Short eyebrows testify to the absurd nature of the owner.
  • Thick and bristly eyebrows mean that their owner is a person with a "devilish" nature, obstinate, stubborn and uncompromising.
  • Thick, heavy eyebrows that join together indicate an irresistible desire for dominance. A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character, she is not suitable for the traditional role of a housewife.
  • Highly located eyebrows are a sign of purposefulness. Eyebrows sitting very low are evidence of the opposite.

Physiognomy of the face: how to read a person in the eyes

And how to read the character in the face, looking into the person's eyes? The eyes have long been considered the windows of the soul. The eyes have always determined the state and feelings of people. It is believed that a person with beautiful, attractive eyes has health, will, intelligence, temperament. Such eyes radiate light and warmth, are well protected by eyelids, have an expressive iris. Deviations are a sign of defects in character and intellect.

Big eyes are usually a sign of a sensitive soul, often courageous and even striving for leadership. Small eyes often belong to closed, sometimes self-satisfied and stubborn people. Often such people are distinguished by amazing constancy.

A large iris is a sign of softness and calmness, a small one is an imbalance in internal processes, which adversely affects relationships with others. The color of the iris indicates the presence or absence of vitality: black, brown and green - vigor; blue - sensitivity; light brown - shyness.

Physiognomy of the face by the eyes also takes into account their fit:

  • If both eyes are on the same horizontal line - a favorable sign.
  • The eyes are slanted downwards: in men - determination; in women - indiscretion.
  • If the upper eyelid is slightly pubescent, this is a sign of maturity; a strong drooping of the upper eyelid in men means depletion of energy.
  • The unpleasant color of the lowered eyelid indicates physiological abnormalities.
  • A swollen lower eyelid is a sign of a hectic life; too sagging lower eyelid - evidence of uncontrollable drives.
  • Swollen eyelids (upper and lower) - fatigue from life. If the outer corners of the eyes are buried in a network of wrinkles, this is a sign of insight.

In Japan, for example, up to 40 types of eyes are distinguished. All of them are identified with the eyes of animals. The behavior characteristic of each animal is attributed to the owners of the corresponding type of eyes.

Large, with a lively brilliance, the eyes are the eyes of a dragon. Such eyes are possessed by a person who uses power. The elongated shapes of the eyes with the rims bent upwards - the eyes of the sphinx - in refined natures. Large eyes with numerous folds on the eyelids - the eyes of a lion - are endowed with leaders. Elephants have narrow, elongated eyes with double, triple eyelids. They are usually characteristic of obese people, calm in nature. Round, with a yellowish sheen - the eyes of a tiger; narrow small eyes with a black and yellow iris - the eyes of a sheep; eyes with a triangular cut and sagging eyelids - the eyes of a horse; eyes with a break in the upper eyelid and a dull iris - the eyes of a boar; eyes with an excessively large iris are wolf eyes.

Before you read the face, remember that in assessing the character and destinies of people, the eyes are central. Treatises on physiognomy recommend reading on the face to begin with the eyes. However, it should be borne in mind that the most reliable information can be read from the eyes of a person who is already over 40, that is, when all the signs have already settled.

Here you can see photos of examples of physiognomy of a person's face by eyes:

What does eye color mean in a person

Green eyes are the eyes of tenderness, loyal and reliable people (which is especially true for women). At the same time, these are the eyes of people in need of love.

Dark-brown color to the eye means that a person acts mainly spontaneously (under the influence of feelings). Such people have absolutely no idea what they want, in particular, in love.

Grey eyes- the eyes of people who quickly respond to changes in the situation and overcome any difficulties. These are the eyes of inquisitive people, they can easily bewitch when they want to.

Light brown eyes- the eyes of people who obey reason rather than feelings. Usually light brown eyes belong to strong personalities. But very often, behind a harsh appearance, a gentle, sensitive nature and great cordiality are hidden.

Blue eyes are deceptive, they most often want to find dreaminess and naivety. But in fact, the opposite is true: these are the eyes of people who persistently achieve their goals, relying more on reason than on intuition. But in love, such eyes attract you, and it is impossible to forget them.

Black eyes mean that the person has a passionate temperament. Often such eyes belong to rather nervous people. They command, but without rudeness. If they want something, nothing will stop them, they are ready for anything in the name of protecting their happiness or their love.

How to read character by face: what does the shape of the eyes mean

The round shape of the eyes means that a person has a quick temper, but these are short-lived. Under all circumstances, there are no round eyes in vengeful people.

And if the round eyes are wide open, then this indicates impetuosity of character and sincerity.

Elongated almond-shaped eyes with upturned (raised) upward outer tips give out some cruelty. So, at least, they thought in the old days. And today it is readily admitted that such eyes testify to the subtleties of the soul, love, sensuality.

Elongated almond-shaped eyes with downturned outer tips give out a tendency to disputes and melancholy.

Deep-set eyes speak of a rich inner life. They analyze and treat others with distrust.

Bulging eyes (bulging eyes) reflect a pronounced sensuality and a very developed common sense. The owners of such eyes, as a rule, have something to remember.

Physiognomy of the face: what does the shape of a person's nose mean

According to the concepts of physiognomy of the face, the nose is also an indicator of the characteristics of the spiritual life of a person. The shape of the nose, like the eyes, stabilizes after the age of 40. However, the ideal nose is considered to have a rounded tip and shaped wings. Too big nostrils signal personality defects.

The ideal shape of the nose means that a person has the nature of a lion and is distinguished by courage, passion, assertiveness. People around like people with a beautiful nose. And hence the consequences - the owner of a beautiful nose becomes a strong personality.

A long nose, as a rule, is a sign of a pronounced personality. A variety of shades stand out here: a long nose, well balanced with eyes, mouth, chin, indicates a strong nature; short nose - about the openness of the soul and optimism; a bony, long nose is an indicator of pride, arrogance, quarrelsomeness. A bony long nose with a pronounced hump often belongs to a gloomy person. If the bridge of such a nose is too sunken, deformed or dotted with horizontal ruts, this is a sign of malaise. However, with a general balance of the face, the sign of malaise does not dominate. The ideal is considered to be a high and even bridge of the nose, which happens in healthy people.

The tip of his nose says a lot about a person. A person with a tip of the nose resembling a "suspended drop" is usually cheerful, and therefore, he thrives. If the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, then such a person is considered insightful, cunning and even vindictive. The full, large, bulbous tip of the nose is evidence of cordiality and warmth.

A raised nose with bulging nostrils means that a person is self-willed, unrestrained and loose. The forked tip of the nose is evidence of timidity. Too small nostrils speak of compliance, wide wings of the nose - about conceit, a red nose - dishonesty, a porous red nose ("spoiled orange") often belongs to drunkards. Dark spots on the nose are a sign of physical distress. As a rule, a nose that stands out sharply on a woman's face indicates a dysfunctional life in her youth. However, these signs begin to manifest themselves clearly only after 35-40 years.

What does big and small mouth mean: facial physiognomy by lips

The shape and size of the lips in the physiognomy of the face make it possible to determine the strength of the internal energy of a person. Usually people are impressed by a large mouth in men and a small one in women.

In women, a large mouth means that she has a masculine character, and men do not like it too much. The general rule is that those with a small mouth are preoccupied with the struggle for survival and endowed with a weak character. A thin line of closed lips signals a scrupulous character. A person with a large mouth and falling corners of the lips has a strong will, it is difficult to influence him. A constantly twitching mouth ("horse mouth") is a sign of neuroticism.

An arched nose with the corners of the lips directed downward means that a person has a sensitive nature. Bulging large lips are evidence of success. Symmetrical (without distortions) opening of the mouth indicates a balance of emotions. If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth, this is a sign of a difficult life. If such wrinkles go to the corners of the lips from the wings of the nose (a mouth-nose ring is created), this is evidence of deceit. The mouth, one side of which is lowered, often belongs to the stubborn. If the upper lip clearly protrudes above the lower - this is a sign of indecision, if the lower lip protrudes further than the upper - selfishness.

Wrinkles above the lips are a natural sign of aging. Often fine wrinkles signal poor health. Wrinkles that cut deep into the lips sometimes speak of prosperity in youth and deprivation in adulthood. Spoiled teeth and tongue are an indicator of poor health.

Physiognomy of the face: what does the shape of the ears mean in a person

The physiognomy of the face divides the ears into four parts: the outer rim, the middle rim, the inner rim, the lobe. Usually, the ears determine the features of the life path in childhood. Face reading has general rules: a well-shaped ear indicates a happy childhood; their shapelessness and pallor are about unfavorable factors. Too big ears mean that a person has personality flaws; too small is also a sign of trouble.

In addition, pay attention to the position of the ears on the head. Upper ear area:

  • above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence;
  • at eye level - above average intelligence;
  • below eye level - average or even low intelligence.

An ear without a well-shaped lobe indicates an imbalance in the personality. A long earlobe is evidence of carelessness. A small lobe indicates scrupulousness. An earlobe that is too large means that the person is wise. If the earlobe leans forward slightly, this is a sign of sincerity.

The inner rim of the ear is an indicator of emotional experiences: if the rim is pulled in - restraint of nature, if it is protruded - intemperance. Preference is given to pink ears. Yellowness or blueness of the ears are considered a sign of malaise; dark skin color near the front and upper parts of the ear - a hidden disease. Moles inside the ear - trouble.

Physiognomy: what does the shape of a person's face and the width of the chin mean

Analysis of the five vital facial features is considered the basis of the face reading procedure. Reading in the face is carried out in two ways: observation from the side and in the process of conversation. The second way is preferable. In both cases, the shape of the face is first determined: in physiognomy, oblong, triangular, trapezoid and round forms are distinguished.

The oblong shape of the face is a rectangle. The width of the face is about the same as the width of the chin. This is the so-called aristocratic type. Elongation indicates intelligence, sensitivity, poise. Often a person with this face shape is prudent and reasonable. They say that such people have organizational talent, and are distinguished by aspiration to the goal.

The triangular face is characterized by a high and wide forehead, protruding cheekbones, a small bony nose, deep-set eyes, a small and slightly protruding chin. In the area between the cheekbones and the chin, there is little flesh on such a face. According to the physiognomy of the face, such a chin indicates a high sensitivity. The triangular shape of the face is perceived as a sign of high endowment. At the same time, in the character of a person with a triangular face, physiognomists also note such traits as cunning and quarrelsomeness. Such people are not inclined to attachment and devotion. They say that among spies and traitors, most of all people with a triangular face shape.

The trapezoidal face shape has much in common with the triangular. This face is characterized by a broad forehead and a slightly narrowed (but not pointed) chin. The trapezoidal shape of the face means that the person is intelligent, sensitive, artistic, while the spirit of a fighter is not characteristic of him. Women with a pronounced trapezoidal face shape are optimistic. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for others.

The square shape of the face usually belongs to a stern, masculine, often heartless type. It is believed that such people are usually slow-witted, often rude, persistent. Also, a square face shape means that a person has a decisive character. In communication, they are straightforward and frank. People with a square face have an unquenchable thirst for success. They make good performers, although they themselves are persistently drawn to leadership. Women with this face shape are characterized by a desire for dominance.

The round shape of the face is associated with good nature, gentleness, peacefulness. Often people with a round face shape are gourmets. They love comfort, good company and do not seek fame. However, they are not alien to ambition. If a person with a round face has a high nose bridge, protruding cheekbones and even burning eyes, he is considered purposeful. Such people make enviable leaders and generals.

The art of reading in the face, like any other art, should be learned persistently, patiently and for a long time.

The distance between people of different heights when communicating

A group of psychologists, after conducting a series of experiments, found out that there is a clear relationship between the "talk distance" and the growth of the interlocutor. Namely: the higher the man, the closer he comes to his interlocutor, and, conversely, the smaller the growth, the further he prefers to be from his interlocutor. In women, the opposite relationship was observed.

Such a distance between people when communicating is explained quite simply: in our society, a kind of “cultural norm” has been created - a man should be tall, and a woman, on the contrary, should be miniature. And although this is not always the case in reality, we all unconsciously try to fit life into theory. Therefore, a tall man is pleased to stand next to his interlocutor, and a tall woman, on the contrary, tends to move away to hide her "flaw".

It follows from this, in particular, that it is not worthwhile to approach a tall interlocutor or a short interlocutor during a conversation - they will feel embarrassed. And in the same way, do not miss the opportunity to please a person - come close to a miniature woman or a tall man: let the absence or presence of an extra 10 cm of height bring them joy and pleasure.

How can one develop a magnetic gaze?

Let's say you have a meeting with an unpleasant person for you. He is quick-tempered, arrogant, stubborn, has a very high opinion of his own merits, does not tolerate other people's opinions, suppresses everyone with his high official position. Perhaps it will even be your boss-tyrant (this happened in your fate, no luck!), And he called you for another dressing, which he always succeeded in, and he (not only with you) really enjoys such moments. You can put an end to these pleasures. With one magnetic look. Yes Yes.

How can one develop a magnetic gaze, and how to use this "secret weapon"?

During a conversation, look at the boss between the eyes, i.e. at the bridge of the nose. At the same time, imagine that you see a small dot there and you know the weak side of the character of this person (all such people are actually weak and deserving of contempt).

So, talk to this person and calmly observe the point between his eyes. Do not look at him gloomily and point-blank. You will soon notice how he will start to run around restlessly with his eyes. But when he starts talking, don't look at him. Consider, for example, his clothes, hairstyle, hands, in a word, whatever you want, just do not look into his eyes. Listen to him calmly, carefully, do not rush into a skirmish, especially do not show that you faltered, were frightened. But as soon as you start talking again, then again look between his eyes at an imaginary small dot. Calmness and such a look (it will seem to your interlocutor that you are looking straight into his eyes, look inexorably, firmly, as they say, see through him) is the basis of your behavior in this situation.

Result? A few of these meetings, and your tyrant boss will be broken.

You won. First their insecurity, and then - someone else's arrogance. And almost at a glance.

What does the look of a person mean during a conversation?

If the interlocutor blushes and hides his eyes, you will most likely suspect that he has done some kind of dirty trick behind your back. And in vain! Recent research suggests quite the opposite. What does the look of a person mean during a conversation?

It turns out that people blush not only when they are embarrassed, but also when they feel guilty. Then the paint is a silent request for an apology. In addition, a person often blushes when something pleasant happens to him.

And the eyes are even more interesting. If the interlocutor looks at you for a long time with a glazed look, it means that he misses half of your words past his ears. On the contrary, when your boss or friend is listening very sincerely, he may unconsciously roll his eyes - a sign that he is making an effort to fully comprehend the meaning of your words. If he lowers his eyes, this indicates that he is very worried about everything you said.

← Tell your friends

It is known that most people do not have a pronounced, distinct face shape. Mostly we see combinations of square and round, oval and diamond-shaped faces on the streets, but at the same time, some people have a face shape that can be easily recognized. Based on a study of the faces of 3,000 students, Jean Haner concluded that rectangle = smart, circle = kind, square = hardy, and oval = talkative.

Rectangular face shape

Prominent cheekbones, a high forehead and a square jaw, roughly related in width, indicate that a person has a well-developed logical thinking. These are really very smart people, but sometimes so much that it becomes scary for them. They are somewhat of a planner and do not often talk about their feelings. Work is above all and their internal tension can be removed only by mental activity. And that is not always the case.

Round face shape

This face shape is characterized by a wide hairline and a very smooth transition from the chin to the cheekbones. Chubby people typically prioritize people, endowing them with their kindness and compliant nature. They do not always receive the same in return, so disappointment haunts them all their lives. Fight it and try not to attract narcissistic people to you.

Oval face shape

Slightly tapering to the forehead and chin, the face with fairly wide cheekbones is the most common and most aesthetically correct face in the world. These people always say the right things and are able, with the richness of their language, to set people up for themselves, and not against them. The worst enemy can easily become a good friend, as soon as they speak, however, if their correctness “rolls over”, write wasted.

Square face shape

The enthusiasm of people with a square face knows no bounds. They are hardy, ready to take on any project, they will do everything on time ... but in the end they will be terribly tired.

Diamond shaped face

The beautiful shape of the face with the "precious" name is distinguished by a wide protrusion in the middle and tapering lines going to the forehead and chin. This form reveals perfectionists who take control of everything and want to see things and people in a strictly defined way. Thanks to the detailed study of everything that surrounds them, they do their job with high quality and their imperfection is only in the fact that they are sharp on the tongue.

Heart shaped face

A person with a wide forehead and a narrow chin is like a little energizer rabbit. He never sits still, has incredible inner strength and goes ahead to his goal. Their strength is not from endurance, their strength is like an application to character. Of course, they are stubborn, but how creative!

pear shaped face

Or just a triangle: narrow forehead + wide lower jaw. These people love to blame, discuss and charge others with their emotions. No matter what, the process itself is important.

Hello dear readers of the Reading Technologies blog!

I will dedicate this article to esotericism.

But not in the sense that we will control fate through thoughts and attract events with energy. No. But we will try to use interesting and useful esoteric knowledge to develop our qualities.

Take, for example, the quality observation.

Indeed, in fact, to be able to observe means to be able to see details in an object / phenomenon that others do not notice.

But how can you notice, let alone distinguish one from the other, if you don’t know what parts the object actually consists of and how it is correctly described. After all, one must not only be able to see, but also know - what you need to see in a particular object of observation .


Since ancient times, people have tried to classify similar properties of objects into so-called Typologies .

For example, there are typologies of a person by temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. According to the type of body structure: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

Or division according to the signs of the Zodiac or the year of the Chinese calendar.

Similarly, typical properties were noticed in the lines of the palm - arose palmistry , in the arrangement of objects - Feng Shui , in handwriting - graphology etc.

It was also noticed that people with the same facial features very often have similar character traits. This is how physiognomy.

About it today and will be discussed in our "Book review".

The concept of Physiognomy

Physiognomy- this is a method of determining the type of personality and character of a person, and even fate by external facial features. This is in short.

The first mention of physiognomy is attributed to Aristotle. Even earlier, Hippocrates was also interested in this.

The word physiognomy (from the French physionomie) first came to the Russian language - the art of recognizing a person's character by the features of his face.

Today, a face is called a physiognomy, and instead of " physiognomy"use the word" physiognomy».

Later, from the concept of "physiognomy" stood out kinesics (gestures, facial expressions) phrenology(study of the structure of the skull), oculesica (eye language), etc.

Principles of physiognomy

We single out the basic principles of human physiognomy in order to use them as the foundation for further study.

1. Balance and proportions.

The proportions of some facial features in relation to others are studied. Ideally, they should be balanced.

For study, the face is divided by horizontal lines into 3 parts: upper, middle and lower zone.

2. Zones and forms - this is the second principle.

Each zone controls its own age, for example, the top one will tell about the period from 15 to 30 years and from 64 to 93 years.

The shape of the face is also studied. What are they - oblong, square, triangular or others, which allow you to complement the characteristics of a person.

Interesting research was conducted at the beginning of the 20th century by K. Huter. He also divided the face into 3 parts and showed that the upper part (forehead) determines mental activity, the middle part - sensual and spiritual, the lower part - love for pleasures and benefits.

The Arab physiognomist Abul-Faraj (1226-1286) in the "Book of Entertaining Stories" described a person's appearance and its connection with character.

Some excerpts:

- A strong, courageous person: a slightly oblong face, deep-set eyes, a large forehead, an aquiline nose, coarse hair, thick eyebrows, narrow lips.

- A lover of wisdom: a beautiful face, glowing eyes with power, thin lips.

- Slow person: thick tip of the nose, big ears.

3 . Sis position topic.

In the Chinese face reading system, specific positions on the face are highlighted and they are responsible for a certain age. There are 99 positions in total.

For example, 37 years old - position 37 (pupil of the left eye). The features of this position will characterize a person at 37 years old.

Each position has its own characteristics, and some of them are the most important.

So position 19 (in the forehead) reflects the fate and character inherited from the maternal side. And position 44 is associated with middle age (this is the middle of the nose).

4. Five essential features.

There are five of them: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and forehead.

Other facial features are also studied: a groove on the upper lip, wrinkles, moles, cheekbones, jaws, and chin.

Overall, this is a very interesting way of analysis and introspection. Another reason to look at yourself and escape from the hustle and bustle. And with careful study, this is an opportunity for self-development.

Here's a little help. To broaden your horizons.

And although the physiognomy of the face over the millennia has accumulated a huge array of observations and hypotheses, nevertheless, most of them do not withstand serious scientific verification. Those. not considered scientifically proven.

Although in China Physiognomy was considered a full-fledged branch of medicine.

However, attempts to use physiognomy do not stop. After all, many working in the system " man-man » you need the ability to instantly receive information about the client, partner, interlocutor. This is necessary for teachers and doctors and businessmen and ...., yes, everyone needs it.

After all, few have the gift of clairvoyance, and observant people are sometimes referred to as clairvoyants, because they see what others do not see. Because they know how to see (observe).

This skill is learn to observe and read in the face, I think you can pay attention and time. No magic, just the ability to work with visual information.

Although I do not rule out that long-term studies and experience in the study of physiognomy will allow us to look into the future of man, i.e. read his fate. After all, physiognomy says that this is also possible. There is a chance to check.

Knowing the future, it can be changed if it does not suit you. After all, what is fate , is the track along which a person walks, and since we are all passive and act on the machine (sleep according to Gurdjieff), we are not able to change anything until we wake up.

But waking up and taking responsibility for our destiny, we can change what does not suit us in this rut ​​and even move to another, more preferable, actually built one.

Now this is some kind of magic, but conscious magic, and not the kind when they “manage energy” without understanding what is behind it and how it will affect.

A. Malovichko has such a phrase “ we can’t figure out even with 2% of our physical essence, but we are trying to work with a completely incomprehensible 98% ».

I am not against energy, I myself have been in this topic for more than a dozen years, but what I understand is that you should not climb over the fence when there is a gate nearby.

Abilities will be given to a person when his condition is ready to receive them. To achieve such a state is a worthy and promising task.

Approaches to the study of physiognomy

I will not impose approaches, but I would single out three levels of its study.

The first level is the quality of observation.

Knowledge of physiognomy allows you to remember the faces of a person. After all, so often we simply cannot describe or remember someone. To do this, you need to know what and how to describe, according to which algorithm.

And here the approaches of physiognomy are very convenient - dividing the face into zones, areas, key features and giving brief characteristics of all this.
This makes it easier to remember and easier to describe.

Second level of knowledge is the ability to draw conclusions about a person's character by analyzing his face.

Third levelread a person's fate.

You can limit yourself to one level, but you can, if you wish, deepen your knowledge and become a real physiognomist.

In any case, the knowledge gained from the study of Physiognomy can be useful in everyday life.

A sincere interest in the study of physiognomy is the possibility of natural memorization, and not that mechanical one like "5 steps to remembering a person's face." After all, showing a sincere interest in studying people's faces, you do not have to strain yourself, everything happens naturally, and memory works much better under such conditions.

Books on physiognomy

Many books have been written for the study of physiognomy. And among them there are those with which you can start an introduction to physiognomy.

I'll start with two - which, in principle, are enough to start with.

Physiognomy. Series "The Fourth Dimension". Compiled by G.M. Novoselov. 1993

This book contains:
Timothy Mar. Face Reading, or the Chinese Art of Physiognomy.
Eldar Razroev. The mirror of one's heart.
G. Durville, A. Durville. Reading in the face of character, temperament and morbid predispositions.
M. Gibadullin. Physiognomy.
F. Thomas. Secrets of the face Physiognomy.

As a source of information for developing the skill of observing faces, the following book is most suitable for this purpose.

Popov S.V. visual observation.2002

In addition to a lot of interesting and useful information that helps in visual observation of a person, the book provides detailed information and guidelines for remembering a person's face, which I talked about at the beginning - this is the first level of using the knowledge of physiognomy. Practical and most applicable knowledge in life.

I. Lavater. One hundred rules of physiognomy.2008

Johann Caspar Lavater (1741-1801) - Swiss writer, theologian and poet.
From 1769 he collected materials for Physionomics, which was published in 1772-78, with many drawings by the best engravers.
The published work was the quintessence of all physiognomic experience and brilliant insights of Lavater.

Ivan Sikorsky. General psychology with physiognomy. 1912

Ivan Alekseevich Sikorsky (1842-1919) was a Russian psychiatrist and anthropologist.

Fulfer M. The art of reading by faces. 2004
The author is a lawyer with twenty years of law practice, having studied many books on physiognomy, he gained experience in practice by offering “Reading faces with a guarantee” for more than 2 years at various fairs and festivals. This allowed him to gain practical experience.
Then he was invited to various companies, he trained teachers, artists, photographers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers. He was invited as a consultant to select jurors in court. This is a person who has gained practical experience, so reading it is interesting and useful.

Nami Tickle. The face is the mirror of the soul. Physiognomy for everyone. 2010
It is interesting to read how the author of the book came to physiognomy. Many examples and descriptions related to psychology.

Velkhover E, Vershinin B. Secret signs of the face. 2002

Closer to the scientific and systematic presentation. The historical perspective of this science and the deep detailing of the descriptions.

Roshal V.M. Physiognomy. Signatures of life. 2006
We are talking about four signatures: the first is the face of a person, this is what physiognomy does. The second - hands, palmistry is engaged. The third - bumps and bulges on the head, deals with phrenology. The fourth - prints on the body (moles, etc.), is called morphoscopy.
In the book:

Western method of face shape analysis. Hindu method of division into castes. Chinese method of five elements. Fundamentals of classical physiognomy.

Theodor Schwartz. We read faces Physiognomy. 2010
A popular presentation, as examples - the description of the faces of famous personalities.

The book is accompanied by a program on CD PiterFizio, which allows you to make portraits.

Physiognomy. Eldar Razroev. 2005
Having become acquainted with the Typology, Socionics and IIT (the theory of information interaction), the author found much in common with his analysis technique. This is what he described in his book, proposing an eight-sector structuring. On fig. below.

Each sector carries information about the properties of a person in a certain area:
1. Insight. 2. Spirituality.
3. Persistence. 4. Learning.
5. Practicality. 6. Adequacy.

7. Makings. 8. Perspective.

The next block of books - books are also interesting, and although many of the information is repeated, but each has something of its own. It is also useful for expanding knowledge.

List of books in this block:

1. B. Higir. Physiognomy. 2006
2. Angelo Repossi. Physiognomy or the art of determining the character of a person by the features of his face. 2003
3. Francis Thomas. Face secrets. 1993 (The peculiarity of the book is about the connection between physiognomy and astrology).
4. Parshukova L.P., Karlyshev V.M. Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy. 2004 (A textbook for higher educational institutions in the service sector. It is interesting because it is a textbook. What it teaches students can be read).
5. Parshukova L.P., Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy: read the face. 2004 (This is already a popular edition by the same authors).
6. S. Panfilov. Physiognomy of human emotions and characters. 2007
7. T. Klipina, V. Leonkin, I. Gribulina. How to read a person's face. Physiognomy accessible to everyone. 2008
8. Jonathan Dee Chinese physiognomy. 2004
9. Kuai Ch. How to learn to read faces. 2003
10 Jonathan Dee We read in the face. How to know the character of a person. 2007
11. Jeffrey Ford. Physiognomy. 2005
12. Khomich E.O. How to read a person's thoughts: physiognomy. 2006
13. Morok A, Razumovskaya K. We read in the face. 2000
14. Schegolev I. Secrets of the face: Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
15. L. Nimbrook. Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
16. Jean Haner. The wisdom of your face. Change your life with the Chinese art of physiognomy. 2013
17. Rose Rosetree. Face reading. The art of seeing people through. 2011 Series: Mentalist.
18. B. Lynn Henry. Face reading. 2003
19. Mente Boy Lafayette. Asian Face Reading Techniques. 2005

Physiognomy brings many interesting impressions to those who approach it with an open mind.

Of course, we can say that this is not scientific, especially since attempts to simulate on a computer the connection between a person's appearance and his character did not give a positive result.

But still, a person is not a machine and observation is not only in the fact that he evaluated a person by formal signs and that's it.

No, he adds to these signs his experience and knowledge in other areas, i.e. has a complete picture of what he sees.

That is why there are people who are insightful and really read a person like a book.

Why not try?

Sincerely, Nikolay Medvedev.

Good day, who decided to look into my review!)))

Today I would like to write a review about one very interesting book that I saw quite by accident on a hypermarket shelf. The book is called "The Wisdom of Your Face" and the author is Jean Haner.

I'll start with a little background) When we first met my man, I was very surprised at how accurately he describes the character of people, and how they are in life. He described my acquaintances, so I had no doubts about the correctness of his words. It is enough for him to look at the appearance of a person, and he will easily tell about this person everything that interests me. Sometimes he manages to tell such facts about a person that he tells very few people. And later it turns out that my man was right. We can say that by looking at people, he "reads" them. To my surprised questions in the spirit: "How do you manage to do this?", he replied that there is such a science of physiognomy, and he encountered it while undergoing practice during his student years in the police.

Of course, this interested me. After all, the ability to understand a person, his inclinations, his thoughts, what drives him is a very useful skill both in personal life and professionally. In general, I asked him to teach me at least the basics of this science))) In addition, I myself began to look for information. But on the Internet, this information is presented concisely, often without clear pictures or without them at all, in general, excerpts from scraps)) Therefore, my knowledge in this area was not systematized. And I wanted to find some book or manual, where everything would be written in detail and clearly.

And quite by accident I saw this book in a hypermarket. It cost more than 300 rubles. But I decided to buy it. This is how it looks like:

Author - Gene Haner. At first, she expresses her gratitude to those who helped her write the book, and also tells how she got acquainted with this amazing science. Now she conducts seminars and trainings in physiognomy at various levels.

The first part talks about the origins of science, and where it is applied. The second part talks about five types of appearance:

  • Water,
  • Wood,
  • Fire,
  • The soil
  • Metal

Then each chapter tells about the main features of each type, how to "read" them correctly, abilities for something and possible professions. All material is illustrated with visual photographs:

At the end there is also a small section on reading the faces of children.

After reading, you are unlikely to be able to claim the title of guru of physiognomy)) But for starters, it will be very useful. although I already had some knowledge at the time of purchase, I still discovered a lot of new things for myself))

The book will help you to discover yourself first of all, to understand those around you. Many people are skeptical about physiognomy, do not believe in its objectivity. But when they ask me to describe a person I don’t know from a photo, and I succeed, the dialogue takes place in a completely different way))

Sofia, 2013, 978-5-399-00505-8

Availability in online stores

Book Description

The face is not just a mirror of the soul: it is an instruction for the care of the soul. Jean Haner, who has been studying Chinese physiognomy for over 25 years under the guidance of experienced masters, will help you instantly "read" faces using the doctrine of the five elements. By the end of the book, you will know how certain facial features reflect the inner world, life experience and destiny of a person. With this information, we can - and must - correct our destiny! This is a centuries-old system that really works and does not require prior in-depth knowledge of metaphysics. Start to know the wisdom of your face now.

You can buy this book online

Unleash the angel
Part I. Mirror
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part II. Wisdom
Chapter 4. Universal Principles
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Part III. Watch with love
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Afterword. Liberation and only
about the author

about the author

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