In what style to celebrate February 23. Defender of the Fatherland Day: the history of the holiday, how to celebrate, congratulations. Cleaning of premises and territory

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Women have their own legal holiday - March 8, which for many years has been a red day of the calendar and a non-working day. Men, on the other hand, were deprived of such a holiday-day off, but since 2002, our most masculine day of the year has also become a non-working day. No more festive inequality!

Our most masculine holiday, of course, is February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, women congratulate their loved ones - beloved, dear and only: husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. Each family has its own celebration scenario, but there are some common traditions for all.

Gifts for February 23

First of all, this gifts for men on February 23 . They can be very different - from a warm knitted scarf to a fishing set. A gift should be chosen taking into account the taste preferences of the person to whom it is intended. Grandfather can be given a warm sweater or a case for glasses. Husband - an original cigarette case, leather gloves or a book by his favorite author. For a teenage son, a future defender of the Motherland, a designer, a new player with many functions or a computer “shooter” that he had been dreaming of for so long will be a wonderful gift!

In general, it so happened that women, as a rule, do not expensive gifts for men. It is believed that this is the destiny of the stronger sex - to spend a lot of money on gifts. Therefore, our men usually do not expect something grandiose. But it's not about the price of the gift, but about to be a nice person.

A man with a sweet tooth will also be delighted with a cake prepared especially for him by his mother or wife. A car enthusiast will be delighted when, on the morning of February 23, he finds his car that has not been washed for a long time sparkling clean both inside and out. See how many opportunities to do nice gift for a loved one ? And it is not at all necessary to have a plastic card with five-digit amounts with you.

On the eve of the celebration, children love to make crafts by February 23, which you can then gladly hand over to your grandfather, father or older brother. These include products made from salt dough, home-made postcards, and embroidered napkins with holiday symbols. Mothers and grandmothers must definitely participate in the process, helping, where with advice, and where with deed.

How to celebrate February 23

The room in which the celebration will be celebrated can be decorated, for example, with ribbons, balloons and posters with congratulatory inscriptions. Children are also happy to participate in creating a festive interior, drawing pictures on a military theme or making applications. Because February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can arrange a festive room in khaki or camouflage. This, of course, is an option for a creative family.

You can search the Internet for funny ditties and poems by February 23 to perform them at home at the holiday. If children grow up in the family, folklore of too frivolous content should be avoided. It is better to learn a song dedicated to dad or grandfather with your child - everyone will be pleased and joyful.

On this day, any creativity is welcome - singing, reciting poetry, always on a military theme, since this is the Day of the Defender of the Motherland. On the table there can be any dishes prepared simply, “like a soldier”. If the family is large, then some kind of competition or any competition that is acceptable on the scale of the apartment will be a very good pastime. All family members must participate in the event.

You can also organize military style party : the same khaki and camouflage in design, military paraphernalia, aluminum "soldier's" dishes, porridge with stew for hot and military competitions. For example, competition "Best Sanitary" : two couples participate. One in a pair is the “wounded”, and the second is the “orderly”. Give the orderlies a roll of bandage or toilet paper. The task of the orderly is to “bandage” the wounded as quickly as possible, having spent all the bandage or all the paper.

Can be held quick army dress up contest . Remember, after all, probably, that a real soldier must have time to get dressed until the match burns out. You will need loose clothing (it will be worn over your own clothes) - a shirt, pants, a hat, preferably something in a military style. One “but”: clothes must be worn inside out. And be sure to fully zip it up. Who quickly?

Any games are suitable - even children's ones. If only it was fun. Can be held minefield game . Scatter on the floor, for example, tennis balls in a chaotic manner. Blindfold the participant and send him on his way - through the room. If he steps on a "mine", then he lost. Or you can count the number of mines caught - whoever has fewer, he wins. You can joke about the last participant: when his eyes are already blindfolded, you need to quickly remove all the "mines" - it will be very funny to watch how the "soldier" walks along a safe field, afraid to run into a mine that is not there.

In families where there are front-line soldiers, the memories of the elders about the hostilities that took place in the 40s, about the difficult post-war period of the past era, will be very appropriate. You can get a family one and leaf through it, remembering all those who gave their lives on the battlefield for the well-being of their descendants.

The final stage of the military and just a family feast in honor of February 23, to the delight of the kids, will be rockets fired from the balcony into the night sky.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated everywhere - at home, at work, in schools and even kindergartens. For each generation of men, this holiday has a special meaning, and all women, realizing this, are in a hurry to congratulate their loved ones, friends and colleagues. In order to celebrate this holiday in a cheerful home environment or, conversely, in an official working environment, there are many scenarios.

Scenario "Best Defender" for a friendly company or corporate party

It is better to decorate the hall for the holiday in a militaristic style. You can make humorous collages from photographs of men, which they will consider with interest.

The celebration begins with the congratulations of all men. To do this, you can read a few verses, sing a song remade especially for this occasion, or just say a few nice words from yourself. Ideally, each of the men present should be mentioned separately in the congratulations. After the men have heard pleasant words, you can invite them to a feast. It is better if it is a hearty and rich table; you should not limit yourself to fruit or a buffet table. After the end of the festive feast, you can start the contests.

army kitchen

The host of the holiday puts two knives and unpeeled potatoes on the table, after which he calls two people. Everyone immediately understands that it will be necessary to peel the potatoes. But when brave men were found for the competition, they are invited not to peel the potatoes, but to name the dishes from it in turn. The one who names the dish last wins. The winner gets a star.

musical cocktail

Competition for the most singing and musically erudite men. There should be two teams of 3-5 people. Each team must take it in turns to sing songs about the war, the army or soldiers in turn. Which team remembers the most songs is the winner. Each member of the winning team receives a star.

Gather your will into a fist

The host announces to all the men that now they will have to gather all their will into a fist. After that, sheets of A4 size are taken out with the word “WILL” printed on them. The task of men is, at the signal of the host, to collect the sheet completely into a fist using only one left hand. The first one to complete the task wins and gets the star.

well deserved award

The host asks the men to divide into teams of several people. Each team is given a round paper blank, markers and paper. In 5 minutes, you need to draw an order on paper and attach it to one of the team members on the chest. Be sure to play it in a playful way, the order can be received "For courage in dealing with dissatisfied customers", "For the battle with faulty equipment", "For courage in the absorption of yesterday's pies in the buffet", etc. The members of the most creative and funniest team get a star.

best toast

At the beginning of the evening, each man is given cards containing three unrelated words, for example, “wind, paper clips, asphalt”, “box, skyscraper, spiral”, “liquid, computer, dress”, and so on. Throughout the evening, the host should ask each of the men to say a toast in which the given words would be logically used. Each man who coped with the task receives a star.

At the end of the holiday, each man can choose a gift for himself, exchanging it for one or more stars. It is advisable to pick up gifts on a military theme - military-style camping flasks, hats for a bath with military symbols, slippers in the form of tanks, etc.

The script "Aty-bats were soldiers" for a holiday at school

The assembly hall or class should be festively decorated using balloons and military pictures.

Host: Hello, dear guests and, of course, the heroes of the occasion - our boys, future warriors and defenders. We sincerely congratulate you on the most courageous holiday of the year!

Host: The heroes of any army are soldiers. They have always been famous for their special ingenuity, strength and courage. We are confident that our boys will become just such people. In the meantime, we will check what you are capable of now, and we will conduct a competitive game program “Aty-bats were soldiers”. I invite participants of four teams to leave.

Pupils must independently distribute themselves into equal teams in advance, come up with a name, motto and emblem. It is better if the names have an army focus (special forces, border guards, etc.).

Each team comes out and introduces themselves.

Host: So we saw our brave soldiers. Representatives of the General Staff will evaluate their efforts:

General - ...

Admiral - ...

School Defense Secretary...

The jury is teachers, parents, administration.

Host: Well, now you can start the competitions. For every correct answer you get a medal.

Competition "Porridge from an ax"

4 cards are laid out on the table, the captain of each team takes one, after which he reads and instructs his team to “execute”.

Task 1 - Each participant must name the name of the edible mushroom

Task 2 - Each participant must name one meat dish

Task 3 - Each participant must name one pickle ingredient

Task 4 - Each participant must name one green fruit or vegetable

Competition "Military Aviation"

Each team receives a piece of paper from which they must make an airplane and launch it to the audience. The person who caught the airplane lifts it up and receives a card with a question from the presenter. When all the planes are caught, the spectator reads the question to the team from which he received the plane.

Questions may be:

  • Which animal is the best border guard assistant?
  • How many stars does a general have on shoulder straps?
  • What is the difference between the border troops and the navy?
  • Where are the soldiers stationed?

The competition evaluates the flight range of the airplane and the correctness of the answer to the question.

Competition "Secret cipher"

Each team receives a small crossword or puzzle on a military or army theme, which they must solve correctly.

Competition "Musical fight"

The competition is an analogue of the Guess the Melody game, only on a military theme. In turn, each team plays instrumental backing tracks of military songs and the participants must guess what the song is and sing its excerpt. If the team does not know what the song sounds like, the move is passed to the next team and so on in a circle.

Songs can be:

  • "Three Tankers"
  • "Tanks roared on the field"
  • "Katyusha"
  • "Blue scarf"
  • "Dark night"
  • "Darkie"
  • "Victory Day"
  • "A soldier is walking through the city"

Host: So our competitions are over. Now a strict jury will sum up the results and you will receive well-deserved gifts.

Scenario "Dad can do anything" for home celebration

A few days before the holiday, you need to prepare a poster or a collage of photographs that depict dad in various situations. For example, a photo where he is driving a car and the caption “The best driver in the world”, or a photo from a hike with the caption “The best tourist” and so on.

After dad wakes up, present your gifts and a prepared poster to him, read a poem, or just congratulate him in your own words. You can also remake his favorite song and sing as a congratulation.

Mom should prepare a festive breakfast in advance and present a list of dishes from which dad can choose a few favorites for the evening feast. It will be prepared by the mother with the help of the children. And dad can be presented with a TV remote control and a favorite magazine on a pillow. Also, while waiting for the feast, you can invite dad to watch your favorite movie, recorded in advance.

When the festive table is prepared, you can meet guests - dad's friends, who were invited in advance. Dad will certainly be happy with such a surprise. After a gala dinner, you can offer to play dad's favorite games - dominoes or cards. Then you can leave dad alone with friends so that they can talk heart to heart and remember interesting situations from life.

Below you can find an interesting video on how to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day.

What is February 23rd? According to the calendar - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In my thoughts - the official holiday of the men of the whole country. In dreams - a day of increased attention from women. Colleagues, girlfriends, loved ones, daughters. Day of gifts, surprises, unexpected meetings and calls. The day when many desires are embodied in matter and go next to you, to the envy of everyone around you. But in reality? In reality - fake official smiles, cheap standard gifts and alcohol in a bar with friends who also have no one to warm with attention on this day. But it might be different! Let's rewrite the history of the annual Men's Day together and make it happy and memorable!

Some of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity believe that by giving a bottle of cologne and a pair of socks to a loved one on Defender of the Fatherland Day, they made him incredibly happy. Oh yes, to all this you can still add dinner at a restaurant and sex in an unusual place. Now, let him just try not to surprise with something on March 8! Girls! Now I will tell you a terrible secret! We, like you, want to be surprised, pampered, delighted! And our holiday is once a year. And it was created just to make us feel truly loved and needed! Today we don't want to be strong, tough, responsible men who carry the burden of responsibilities. Only once a year we want to return to childhood, where all our “I want!” answer "Yes, of course!".

In practice, it is very easy to realize the cherished male dreams! Do you want a hint? Catch! Here is the schedule for the holiday of a real, FAVORITE man!


7.00. army rise

In principle, it is customary to get up at seven in the army only on Sundays and public holidays. On weekdays, wake up at 6. But today is a holiday, right? And just because it's festive, wake up your loved one early to catch as much as possible! You can wake up with a cannonade, or you can - with a loud march-chant, to the drum accompaniment. Oh yes, do not forget to sing in your ear: “Rota, rise!”, For sure, he will appreciate your wit.

After such an awakening, the pre-infarction "holiday" state of your dear Protector is guaranteed. If your plans for the day do not include a visit to intensive care, the “army wake-up call” should be replaced with something more pleasant. For example, good glorious strong and aromatic coffee in bed. Coffee can be served with his favorite blueberry pie or vitamin bright fruits. At the end of February, this is more relevant than ever!

7.25. Morning physical exercise

After a "dose" of an invigorating drink - we return to the army regime! Next on the plan - physical exercises! As a rule, in the army it is "running in formation over rough, or not very, terrain, followed by physical exercises." But in honor of the "professional" men's holiday, the race can be replaced with something more pleasant. For example, 15 minutes of perky laughter and presentation of gifts!

7.45. Cleaning of premises and territory

To beat off the edging on the bed and line up all the furniture under the string is the sacred duty of every defender, even if he was not in the army! And on a holiday too! Joke, of course! Why make the bed if today the bed is the main stage for the festive action? But to scare the Defender by offering to use the vacuum cleaner for its intended purpose is still worth it!

8.00. morning toilet

Oh yeah! It is worth talking about this point in the schedule of the day in more detail! An invigorating morning shower should be taken together. Then the energy charge will be twice as high. And, all of a sudden, your beloved Defender needs to rub his back, but no one will be around?

After the shower - the second wave of gifts and surprises. After all, who, better than you, will take care of the uniform of your general? And now we are not talking about washing and ironing everyday things at all! Give your loved one something shocking, out of the ordinary, something in which he will look amazing, insanely attractive! For example, here is such a unique costume. Turquoise is the hit of the season! And the best man in your life deserves the best things!

9.00. Building

Usually, at the formation, they check the presence of personnel, collars and footcloths, handkerchiefs and belt buckles. You can just kiss your favorite Defender and say that he is simply stunning, amazing, looks great!

9.15. Breakfast

After morning exercises and a shower, the king of the day will probably get hungry. Yes, and you, too, will not hurt to restore strength! There are many wonderful things ahead! Breakfast should be very hearty and beautifully served.

9.45. Divorce

In the military unit, during a divorce, they announce the order for study, work, and outfits. And you, on a holiday, can offer your loved one possible options for further pastime. Several current examples. together

Departure to nature

Invite his friends, go all together out of town. Barbecue, a lot of beer, sledge races and a cheerful company - what could be the best gift on Defender of the Fatherland Day?

However, if the weather is not particularly conducive to unity with nature, a country trip can be replaced by a trip to the skating rink, or to the paintball club. Very characteristic fun for February 23, don't you think?

Water procedures

After an active outdoor recreation, you can give your Protector to the incredibly gentle embrace of water or steam. For example, go to the bathhouse, sauna or spa. Relax, drink miraculous herbal tea, even order a Thai massage - and February 23 this year will remain in your memory forever!

Meeting with friends

It is not necessary to be limited only to events with the family on a holiday. Give a dear man the opportunity to spend a few hours with old friends. Surely they have something to remember, something to talk about. Beer, bowling, billiards or darts and a shooting range will be a great continuation of the day for real men! And even if they were destined to serve in the ranks of a real army, there is something to remember and talk about!

Somewhere between the sauna and friendly gatherings, you can arrange a lunch. Although, as practice shows, the outfits for the day are so tightly scheduled that a measured lunch break will simply have to be canceled. True, it is not advisable to exclude an afternoon nap from the schedule ... This procedure is most effective if carried out together.

However, it's still worth relaxing a bit in real time. After all, ahead of the army schedule - mass sports work.

17.30. Military actions

Yes Yes! A surprise attack from the enemy will help bring your loved one back from the world of sweet afternoon dreams! "Defend yourself, sir! Weapons for battle! On this festive day, the bedroom can turn into a battlefield in the blink of an eye, and pillows into weapons!

18.00. Dinner

Evening dress, good suit, restaurant. Romantic atmosphere, a certain touch of seriousness and sensuality - perfectly contribute to the soldier's digestion!

Usually, in the location, after dinner, watching the news release. But we, allow ourselves to deviate a little from the charter again, and offer you a trip to the cinema. A good romantic movie (or horror movie, if you wish), the last row of kisses is a great end to the cultural part of Real Men's Day!

21.00. Free time

It will be natural to complete a very eventful festive day with the most ancient and exquisite of women's dances. And sleep peacefully, in the most reliable and strong embraces of your native Defender!

However, the military charter provides for one more item in the schedule of the day. Before going to bed, all soldiers are given time to "write a letter about the difficulties and hardships of army life and send it to dad and mom." Having slightly adapted the charter to the realities of the holiday, you can write a letter of thanks to your beloved, for an excellent, unforgettable, happiest day - Defender of the Fatherland Day! She will be very pleased!

So, Defender of the Fatherland Day should start in the morning accordingly. Since the army rises at 6.00, but this day is still a holiday, wake up your chosen one at 7.00. And make it original. You can sing a military march or put on a recording of a drum accompaniment. And yes, do not forget to gently add: "Rota, rise!". If you are sure that your wit will not be properly regarded, make the awakening more pleasant and calm. For example, bring a cup of coffee in bed with toast.

Morning exercises are an integral part of the soldiers' daily routine. Therefore, after a hot and invigorating drink, immediately return to army mode. According to the rules, fighters carry out "cross-country running in formation with physical exercises." However, this is still a holiday and your loved one should be pleased. Replace this item with something more pleasant. For example, keep the chosen one busy presenting gifts that can be hidden by handing him a map with a detailed description of where to follow.

Morning toilet is an important item in the soldiers' daily schedule. Take a shower for two. This will be the best solution. Give your protector a dose of tenderness on February 23rd. Then boldly proceed to the next lesson - construction. As a rule, military personnel are checked for the presence of a neat uniform, clean collars, footcloths and handkerchiefs. You can simply dress your man in a pre-ironed set of clothes, kiss him and assure him that he is irresistible.

Breakfast on this festive day should be special. You can cook him a typical army dish - porridge, bread and butter and stew. Or, on the contrary, please the hero of the occasion with your favorite goodies. Just remember that breakfast should be hearty and tasty.

Original pastime ideas

On the day of February 23, you need to do everything the way your man wants. Therefore, meeting with friends will be a great way to spend time. Let your chosen one spend a few hours with old friends. As a gift, you can rent a bowling alley, billiards, darts, etc. for a couple of hours. Remember that this entertainment should be masculine and entertaining.

Departure to nature - leave this item of the daily routine for a family celebration. Hearty barbecue cooked on the grill, cold beer in glasses, sleigh races and a friendly family company - what could be better on this day? You can rent a wooden house on the outskirts of the city or even go out of town for a couple of days. Remember that in such houses, as a rule, there is a bathhouse or sauna. It is enough to walk through the forest area, play snowballs or go sledding, and then take a steam bath in the bath - your chosen one will appreciate it. Moreover, such a vacation will appeal to all family members.


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