Which sling is more comfortable. How and what to choose a sling? The best sling pockets for newborns

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Every mother wants to be closer to her newborn child, wants to see and hear him constantly. A sling for newborns will help with this. What is it, what types exist, and which one is better to choose? Why are not all slings equally useful for newborns?

Can a baby do without a sling: why do you need a carrier?

Sling is needed primarily by parents. Mom always has such a problem - the child needs to be put somewhere. Most often, parents entrust this task to the stroller, in which the baby spends most of the time. But sometimes it happens that the child does not want to sit in the stroller at all and the mother is lost: either take the baby in her arms, or give it to her grandmother, or leave it as it is.

Today there are such super things called slings - helpers in carrying children in their arms. There are a great many of them: different models, designs, manufacturers. When choosing, you need to build on the age of the child.

Choosing a sling according to the child's age

First, we will distribute the types of slings by age, and then we will analyze each in detail:

  • - from 0 to 3 months.
  • - since birth.
  • - from 3 months.
  • Ergo backpack, sling backpack - from 5-6 months.

Ring sling and sling scarf are exactly the two types of slings that can be used from the first days of life. This is due to the fact that only two types of structures involve literally point adjustment along the child's spine. It is possible to manually adjust every centimeter: top, middle, bottom, hips and shoulder girdle. Starting from 2-3 months, the weight of the child makes itself felt and it is already difficult for the mother to carry the baby on one shoulder.

The weight of the baby will be evenly distributed between the shoulders, lower back and back thanks to the sling: it will be much easier for the mother. After a year, the child begins to walk: a sling is rarely required, during the rest of the crumbs.

Sling with rings for a newborn

It is a piece of matter, from one end of which metal or plastic rings are sewn into the fabric. The second side of the fabric is fixed in the rings. Wears on the shoulder. For carrying, the “cradle” position is usually used.

Ring sling is easy to use, just right for mothers with newborn babies. He transfers the entire load of the baby to one shoulder, so the position must be alternated periodically: we go for a walk on one shoulder, from a walk - on the other; or carry the baby on one shoulder in the first half of the day, on the other in the second half of the day. Choose how to alternate it, but it must be done. This is important not only for you, but also for the correct formation of the muscular corset of the baby's back.

Design advantages:

  1. Allows you to adjust the position of the child on the go.
  2. During use, it is easy to get the baby and put it back.
  3. You can take your baby to bed and not wake him up.

The load on one shoulder of the mother is the disadvantage of this carrier.

When choosing a sling with rings, pay close attention to the rings - this is a very important part of the design. Check the strength of the rings by hand for bending and stretching.

Rings should be large: metal - about 8 cm, plastic - about 10 cm in diameter.

Baby sling scarf

It is a piece of fabric measuring up to 0.7x6 meters. This type of carrying assumes a symmetrical position. Here you do not need to alternate shoulders, you can use all the main windings. The load is distributed evenly on the shoulders, back, hips.

Knitted slings-scarves

For the very youngest children, knitted slings-scarves should be used, because they stretch, unlike woven ones, which do not stretch either in width or in length. Knitted slings are not created on looms, but on knitting machines. They are intended for newborns and premature babies.

The older the baby gets, the heavier it is. The heavier the child, the more the knitted fabric stretches, sagging under the weight of the baby.

A knitted sling involves winding, which is called a “cross under the pocket”: the carrier is put on the mother completely close and the baby is placed in the finished winding. If you need to pull the child out, we take it out, the sling remains on the mother, there is no need to rewind.

In summer, it is hot in a knitted sling, because it is stuffy. Woven fabric is much more breathable.

May-sling and fast-sling

This is a fast and easy to learn sling. May-sling is usually used from 3-4 months, however, some designs are suitable for children from birth. Summer has come, it has become hot, and you understand that the sling-scarf has a dense, warm fabric. When it is already over 20-25 degrees outside, it is recommended to use a thin and light May-sling: it will be blown, and it will not be hot in it at all.

My-sling is structurally different from a scarf-sling: it is more rigid, and the child already feels differently in it.

The baby may have an adaptation period: he will cry or break out. But gradually, both mother and child get used to it, getting only pleasure from using it. May- and fast-sling fabric is very durable, they are designed for quite a lot of weight.

Is it possible to use an ergo-backpack and a sling-backpack

The classic ergo backpack is a wide, rigid belt with a back and straps. A backpack is the same sling, and the rules of the sling must be observed: the correct position of the child's legs and tight attraction to the mother relieve the load from the spine. You can pull the baby towards you with adjusting bands, which create quite a high pressure for the newborn.

If your child is not yet sitting independently, then the use of an ergo-backpack is not recommended.

Each ergonomic backpack has a certain pattern of the back, which has the shape of a smile: this shape is supposed to match the bottom of the baby. Naturally, everyone's butts are different, and the shape may not suit your child specifically. Therefore, before buying, you need to try on different sling backpacks and choose the one that suits your baby.

The backpack pattern has all kinds of inserts, seams, zippers, pockets. That is, this is not just a layer of fabric that is evenly stretched, but a construction of material, seams, locks, zippers, a hood in a pocket, which a priori creates an uneven load on the child's spine. No matter what marketing slogans the manufacturers come up with, you should not use an ergo-backpack for newborns. Be conscientious parents.

Any type of sling makes it easier to carry a baby in your arms.

Above, we have analyzed individual types of slings, now let's talk about how to choose a model specifically for you and your child in terms of age, convenience, and load distribution.

If we talk specifically about newborns (children aged 0 to 3 months), then it is better for them to buy a sling with rings or a sling scarf.

Practice shows that when you first look at these two types of carriers, you want to choose a sling with rings. But after trying on, most mothers, in about 70% of cases, still prefer a sling scarf: they feel how much easier the load on the back is, and they see that the scarf is no more difficult than a sling with rings.

In a sling with rings, it is easy to move the baby from a vertical to a horizontal position in just one movement, and this indicates its sufficient mobility. In a sling-scarf, moving the baby from one position to another is more problematic, because more movements are required. In terms of mobility, of course, a sling with rings wins one hundred percent.

What to check before buying:

  • Material must be breathable and natural. Density - medium, synthetics should be absent.
  • Rings it is better to choose metal ones: plastic and wood are not so reliable and durable.
  • Functionality. It is better to choose a sling for several positions of the child.
  • brand and price. Here it is better not to save money and choose well-known brands with quality materials and assembly.

So, we learned that you can wear a newborn in a sling - this greatly simplifies the life of parents. Each mother decides for herself which sling to choose for her child, but you need to be extremely careful when choosing. Follow the recommendations, watch and touch the material live. Remember that from 0 to 3 months it is better to use a sling with rings or a sling scarf - it's safer.

Video about the sling scarf "Ideal choice for a baby":

A mother with a “strapped” baby can now be seen anywhere: both in the capital and in a small town. Sometimes you can still find the opinion that this way of carrying a child is a harmful modern trend. The debate about which is better: a stroller or a sling will probably never end. However, historically, the tradition of carrying a child in a special sling appeared much earlier than rolling in a stroller.

Contrary to all kinds of criticism, carrying a baby on oneself is physiological and safe, therefore it is suitable even for newborn crumbs. True, not all positions and means of carrying are suitable for babies. Read more about what slings are and what are the features of carrying for newborns, read below.

Why does mom need a sling?

The question is reasonable, because strollers have entered our lives so thoroughly that the baby in the arms of the mother is already perceived as something exotic and strange. Nevertheless, the sling has many advantages, and all of them are quite significant for both the mother and the baby himself.

  • A mother with a sling is much more mobile than a mother with a stroller. She is not afraid of steps and the lack of a ramp, narrow doorways and heavy doors. Even unaccompanied public transport trips become available when you opt for a sling.
  • The sling frees mom's hands: it seems that the baby is with the mother, and the mother has both hands free, she can easily pay at the checkout in the store, lead the older child by the handle, hold the bag.
  • The sling is convenient not only for a walk, but also at home. With a baby on them, many mothers successfully cope with all household chores: they wash the dishes and the floor, cook, hang out the washed clothes. At the same time, the baby does not need to scream heart-rendingly in the crib, calling for adults. In the hands of his mother, he is included in household chores and is always aware of what is happening around, and this is interesting and informative for the baby.
  • The children themselves, who are in bodily contact with their mother most of the time, are more calm and balanced, they sleep better and give parents much less trouble than babies separated from their mother by the side of a crib or stroller, and experiencing constant anxiety about this.
  • It is very convenient to breastfeed in a sling, and you can do it almost anywhere on the go.

Slings for newborns

There are quite a lot of all kinds of carriers for babies, but not every one of them can be called a sling, since this word itself means a fabric sling without any fasteners. So, for example, "kangaroos" and ergo backpacks are not slings, although in the understanding of the average mother, these carriers also belong to slings. It is not a sling and a hipsit (a carrier that is attached to the reeds of an adult and allows you to carry grown-up babies on the hip in the “sitting” position). Slings are 3 types of baby carriers, and all of them are suitable for carrying children from birth:

Each type of sling has its own characteristics: putting on, fixing, the position of the child, the load on the mother - all this is very different. As a result, the same sling can be convenient for some purposes, and completely inconvenient for others.


The fabric is almost 2 meters long, 60-70 cm wide. Metal rings are attached to the strip of fabric from one end, the other end is free. The free end is passed through the rings and fixed by them, as a result of which the sling takes the form of a closed circle. A sling with rings is put on over the shoulder, forming a “hammock” for the baby in front.


  • Sling with rings is very primitive in use, even a beginner slingo mother will master it.
  • Convenient in hot weather, because it does not involve dense wrapping with several layers of fabric.
  • Easily adjustable, allowing you to change the position of the child.
  • It allows you to get and shift the baby without disturbing him: it is enough for the mother to loosen the rings and “emerge” from the sling.


In a sling with rings, the load on the shoulders and back of the mother is distributed unevenly. Of course, the shoulders should be rotated regularly, but even in this case, walking in a sling with rings for more than 2 hours in a row is not recommended.

How to choose a sling with rings:

  • Rings are a very important element of a sling. They should be metal and large enough (about 10 cm in diameter). Only with this combination, the fabric slides well between them, allowing you to easily adjust the position, and is securely fixed.
  • For a newborn baby, it is better to choose a 100% cotton sling. The fabric should not be too elastic so as not to stretch under the weight of the baby and fix the position of the baby well. In addition, the fabric should not be too slippery. The best option for a newborn baby is coarse calico or waffle fabric.
  • For newborn babies, it is better to use a sling with foam sides: they support the head better.

Where and when is convenient:

Great for indoor and outdoor use as it is very easy to put on and take off and adjust, but for short wear. The limitation is due to the uneven distribution of the load.

Video instruction for a sling with rings:


A sling scarf is a fabric 3 to 6 meters long and 45 to 70 cm wide. . A newborn baby in a sling scarf can be worn both in the cradle position and vertically in the fetal position.


  • The wrapping technology of the sling scarf is such that mother's back does not suffer from uneven load.
  • The design of the scarf allows you to use different winding options, and, accordingly, wear the baby in different positions.
  • A sling scarf fixes the baby better and supports the fragile spine, so for the child himself, being in a scarf is more useful and physiological.


  • For safe use, a sling scarf requires certain skills. Videos with examples of winding a scarf can be found on the Internet, but mom will have to spend some time and effort to learn all the tricks and be able to bandage a scarf even without a mirror and cheat sheets.
  • Due to the design features, a sling scarf is not so easy to bandage in the "field" conditions. If you do this on the street, the ends of the scarf will touch the ground and get dirty.
  • In hot weather, a sling scarf is not very comfortable due to the multilayer winding.

How to choose a sling scarf:

  • Success in mastering and using a sling scarf is 100% dependent on its material. In particular, from the weaving of threads and elasticity. The composition of the best option for newborns would be 100% cotton. The fabric should stretch in the transverse and diagonal direction. In this case, the sling scarf fits the baby's body well and correctly distributes pressure on the mother's back.
  • The width of the scarf depends on its elasticity. The better the fabric stretches, the smaller the width is acceptable. So, a sling scarf made of elastic fabrics can be 50-60 cm wide, and from non-elastic fabrics - up to 70 cm.
  • If the manufacturer produces scarves in different sizes, it is better to use the size chart. The maximum length of the scarf is 6m, but for sizes 42-44 this length is a lot, the ends of the scarf will have to be wound around the waist, creating extra layers.

Where and when is convenient:

After the sling scarf is fully mastered, it is convenient both at home and on the street. There is no time limit for carrying a baby in a sling scarf, there are no restrictions for the mother, so a sling scarf is the most convenient sling option for a newborn.

Video instruction for winding a sling scarf:


May-sling is similar in design to an ergo-backpack, but due to the long straps and the absence of a frame, it is more physiological. In fact, it is a square or rectangle with long straps extending in all 4 directions. The two lower straps are wound around the mother's waist, and the upper ones pass through the shoulders, cross on the back, and are also fixed at the waist. A newborn baby is in a May-sling with tucked-in legs, in the fetal position.


  • It is easy and simple to put on, mastering the May-sling is much faster than the sling scarf.
  • It looks aesthetically pleasing and neat, does not involve many layers.
  • In the May-sling, the load on the mother's muscles falls evenly.


  • A newborn baby can only be in a May-sling in an upright position. The position in which the baby is on the mother is generally safe, but not always convenient for the mother and child. It is impossible to shift the baby to the cradle position in a May-sling.
  • Compared to a sling scarf, the straps of a may sling are thinner and can cause discomfort by cutting into the shoulders.

How to choose a May Sling:

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

  • Be sure to pay attention to the width of the straps. The wider the straps, the more comfortable it will be to wear the May Sling. It is better if the straps are padded with padding polyester. In any case, the width of the straps must be at least 14 cm. In addition to the fact that thin straps can cut into the shoulders, they twist and interfere with normal tying.
  • May-sling fabric requirements are not so high. The fabric should be strong and not stretchy. The presence of synthetics in the composition is quite acceptable if the crumbs are not allergic to it.

Where and when is convenient:

For newborn babies, May-sling is convenient “on the way out”: a trip to visit, a clinic, a short walk. Basically, this type of sling is recommended for children older than 4 months.

Video instruction for May-sling:

Avid sling moms believe that ideally it is better to have slings for all occasions, because different carrying options are convenient for different situations. Moreover, such mothers have slings of different colors to match their entire wardrobe. It turns out that a sling is not only a device for carrying a child on oneself, but also an element of the image of a modern young mother.

Sling Backpack and Fast Sling

In addition to the actual slings, there are other types of carriers for children: the so-called sling backpack and fast sling. As it was written earlier, these devices are not inherently slings, because a sling is just a fabric bandage, and both of these carriers have frame elements, fasteners, etc. However, modern mothers use the word "sling" in relation to any kind of carriers.

Both in a sling backpack and in a fast sling, the child can only be in a sitting position with legs apart. That is why both carriers are not recommended for babies under 4 months old. The minimum requirement is that the child must confidently hold the head and be able to lift it while lying on the stomach, that is, the neck muscles must be developed ( See the article about). It is better if the baby not only holds his head, but sits on his own ( See the article about). The fact is that the back support in both carriers is regulated by the tension of the straps and rarely any of the mothers can set the correct tension. You can tighten the slings too tight or, conversely, weakly. Incorrect tension of the straps loads the baby's spine inappropriately for his physical capabilities. All this dangerously affects the formation of vertebral bends and at an older age can manifest itself as a curvature of the spine.

Ergo backpack or sling backpack


Wide tight straps that can be placed on the back both parallel to each other and crosswise. A back with a head restraint, tucks, rollers. A wide padded belt wrapping around the waist and hips of the mother. It is fastened with plastic fastexes, it is possible to adjust the tension of the back.


  • Divides the load between the back and hips, so that the mother does not have to bend under the weight of the baby.
  • Allows you to carry the child face to face, behind the back and on the hip.
  • Easy to unfasten and fasten, so getting in and out of the child will not be any problem.
  • Suitable even for children 2-3 years old.


  • Sufficiently voluminous compared to carrying other types and designs.
  • Due to the presence of a frame and dense fabric, it can be hot in summer.

How to choose:

When choosing a sling backpack, you should mainly focus on the manufacturer's recommendations and the parameters of the child. All manufacturers indicate the recommended height, weight, age of the baby.

Where and when is convenient:

Thanks to its design, the ergo-backpack is convenient for long-term carrying of a child, and it is perfect for older children.

Video instruction for the use of the ergo backpack:


It is very similar to the May-sling, but it is fixed in a different way: the May-sling has long straps and a belt that are tied to a regular knot for fixation, a fast-sling has short straps and a belt that fastens with fastexes.


  • It is very easy to use: it is easy to put the baby in and out of the fast sling.
  • Lightweight and takes up little space, it is better ventilated, so it is more comfortable to carry a child in it in hot weather.


  • The possibilities of carrying the child (only facing you) and adjusting the position of the straps (only crosswise) are limited.
  • Due to the narrow belt, the entire load falls on the back, so it is not recommended to wear a child in a fast sling for a long time.

How to choose:

When choosing a fast sling, it is important to pay attention to the strength of all fasteners. The straps and belt must be lined with padding polyester. By the way, a fast-sling can be sewn to order, and skilled craftswomen will master the production themselves.

Where and when is convenient:

Best used for not too heavy kids. Great for summer. It is also better to limit the time of continuous wearing so as not to provoke back problems.

Video instructions for using the Fast Sling:

All slingomams, future and present, are faced with the problem of choosing a sling for a newborn. There is an unimaginable amount of slings, information and reviews - too. After reading thematic posts, only questions remain in my head instead of clarity: a scarf or May? With silk or linen? Short or long? 6 or 5? Didymos or Elleville?
Of course, it is very difficult make choices when to navigatefor the birth season, its exemplary weight, temperature of the habitat, family budget, physical condition of the parent, the purpose of the sling, mom's wardrobe, just a desire and a favorite color.
Our hypermarket team slings babysling.ru tried to systematize the available information, which resulted in writing a review article on the topic: “Choice withlinga for a newborn.
General rules for choosing the "first" sling:

1. Purpose of purchase
Before you drown in a sea of ​​information and pictures, you should determine for yourself why you need a carrier. At least for a start. Start from the current problem or situation.
Because it’s impossible to pick up one sling, “so that it’s comfortable on the plane, and go to the beach in hot Egypt, and pick berries in the country, and it’s not cold to get to the clinic in winter,” it’s impossible to pick up. Moreover, “the most inexpensive, and so that it looks modern, and the husband could wear it. The child is 1.5 months old. We were advised some linen. What do you say??? ”Hands drop, words disappear.
Do not try to buy the only sling for all occasions and for all future children. Decide: why do you need it now and in the first place!
Traveling with a baby, going to work / errands, taking an older child to kindergarten / developmental activities, satisfying an increased need for breastfeeding, carrying belly to stomach during evening colic, doing many hours of household chores - this is one thing.
Running to the store, to the clinic, warming up lunch, rocking the child to sleep, walking to the car or the beach is another thing.
If a balanced decision does not come to mind, you want both, feel free to rent a sling and try, try, try! 2. Type of carrying

To make the right choice between a ring sling (ssk), a scarf sling (scarf), a mai sling (mai), an ergonomic backpack or (hopefully not) a baby carrier for your baby, you need to have a general idea of ​​​​all types of carriers and the physiology of newborns. You can get this knowledge from articles slingomamy.livejournal.com/4955239.html and slingokonsultant.ru/articles/sling/babywearingnewborn.php (must read!!!)

Our little summary:

We advise you to stop your choice on: a scarf, ssk and may-sling made of scarf fabric (sharfomai).

Woven sling scarf

Woven sling scarf - optimal carrier for newborns and babies, well suited for long walks. The scarf evenly distributes the load on the shoulders and lower back of the parent, it is always possible to breastfeed and lull the baby.
Due to the special weaving of the threads (double diagonal weaving), when the fabric does not stretch along or across, but diagonally, in scarves, the possibility of a tight attraction of the newborn to the parent, thorough adjustment of the sling and support for all parts of the spine and neck of the child are best ensured.
In a scarf, you can wear a child in horizontal and vertical positions.
Slings-scarves come in several sizes depending on their length.
For a slender and short mother (up to size 44), you can take size 5 (length 4.2). But for additional lumbar support, it is better to take a 4.7 meter sling (6-ku), then it will be possible to bring the ends of the sling forward.
For mom 44-48 fit size 6 (4.7 meters).
For mom from size 50 - 7 (5.2 meters).

Sling with rings

Sling with rings will also serve as a great help to you. Due to the speed of dressing, it is convenient to use it for short runs (from the car to the house, from the house to the beach, for example), to do household chores. A sling with rings is also good because you can easily put the baby away with the carrier without waking him up by unwinding.

Your choice of ssk (sling with rings) should be stopped on the option of scarf fabric, without compacted sides, with rings of large diameter and an unsewn tail. So you will have a better chance of learning how to attract the newborn well, adjust the fabric in the rings and straighten it.
The ssk can be worn in a horizontal and vertical position.
When buying a good (scarf fabric, without sides and with an open tail) sling with rings, sizing for moms with clothing sizes from 42 to 48 is largely a matter of personal preference of the wearer: whether you like a longer or shorter tail in cc. For mothers with larger sizes of clothes, it is better to choose a larger size for yourself. You should also pay attention to the fact that the length of standard M-s from different manufacturers can vary quite a lot, which means that if possible, it is better to try on a sling before making a final purchase decision.

Sharfomai (mai-sling made of scarf fabric)

scarfomaiattracts by the speed of winding and a more modern look. May-sling is better to have not as a first carrier, but in addition to a scarf or a sling with rings. May-sling can be worn with a baby in the "quick walk to the store" mode, and the full and longer use of May should be started from 4 months.
May-sling for a baby is also worth buying from scarf fabric, with wide straps and with the possibility of good adjustment in width and height of the back. In a scarf, it is better to learn to wear it in an upright position. The horizontal position of the "cradle" with babies is best used by experienced sling mothers who know how to straighten excess may-sling fabric and ensure even distribution of the load on the baby's back.
3. Budget

Make a budget for buying a baby sling. And choose from the highest price segment for you. Your comfort and the formation of winding skills depend on the quality of the sling and its composition. And high-quality mercerized cotton carriers, as a rule, cost more than Vologda linen, but they will not leave you indifferent and will not seem rude or unyielding.
4. Style

Choose your favorite color or pattern based on your wardrobe or just your preferences. A baby in a carrier will involuntarily attract the views of others. You will be pleased if the sling does not look like just a piece of fabric, but a stylish accessory that emphasizes the color of your eyes or creates the integrity of your image.

5. Composition

But perhaps the most important criterion in choosing a sling for a newborn is what it is made of. The composition of a scarf, scarf or sling with rings determines their lightness, breathability, plasticity and huggability.
The existence of slings from different materials and mixed composition is due to the desire to create carriers for different needs and parameters of a parent-child pair. It is thanks to the different composition and weaving that you can choose a sling for a fluffy newborn and a heavy baby runner, for hot summers and harsh winters, for a weak mother's back and hardy father's shoulders, for back windings or rebozos.
Every sophisticated sling mom has a list of silk-cashmere-bamboo slings that she would buy for the birth of her next baby.
But, if you are just planning to become a sling, our team recommends buying the first sling made of 100% medium-weight cotton to fill your hand, learn how to wind and experience the joy from the first days of wearing. Indeed, often very thin and plastic scarves cannot cope with winding errors, they begin to crawl and cease to properly fix the position of the child.
But after 2 months of practice, training and daily baby wear, while your baby is still a baby, you should definitely try dessert in the form of silk and bamboo scarves.

Let's take a closer look at slings made of different materials suitable for newborns and babies:

100% cotton slings- a compromise between the tenderness of silk scarves and the holding, non-slipping of thick linens. Cotton slings offer plasticity, breathability and the possibility of good adjustment on the one hand, and the stability of even not very careful winding, on the other.

Manufacturers: Ellevill, Didymos, Neobulle, Nati, Girasol, Vatanai, Kokadi, Oscha, Diva Milano, etc.
Example: Vatanai Reims

Slings with silk in the composition are a plastic "oily" canvas. For the most part, slings with silk are thin, so they are well suited for summer babies, for hot climates or trips to the sea. They are very pliable in winding and hugging.
Manufacturers: Didymos, Ellevill, Heartiness, Nati, etc.
Example: Elleville Caelum He

Slings with silk and cashmere- a dream for kinesthetics. An indescribable feeling of tenderness, warmth and comfort :) Among sling appraisers, they are considered the most desirable acquisition for babies. The unique composition allows the sling to "cool" in the heat and "warm" in the cool.

Manufacturers: Didymos, Heartiness, etc.

Example: Didymos Ellipsen Silk Cashmere

Slings with silk and woolhave the softness and suppleness of silk scarves and a warming effect.
Manufacturers: Didymos and others.
Example:Didymos Indio Eisblau mit seide und wolle

Slings with cashmerewell suited for cool evenings and for imperfect thermoregulation of babies. Warm, but not prickly, thin and gentle to wear.
Manufacturers: Didymos, Nati and others.
Example: Didymos Indio Cashmere Graphite

Slings with bamboo- silky, flowing, superbly draped. Thin and not hot, good for the summer.
Manufacturers: Ellevill, LennyLamb, Nati
Example: Elleville Paisley Grasshopper

Bamboolen slingssoft and gentle, with excellent support and airflow. Great for heavy kids.
Manufacturers: Elleville and others
Example:Elleville Paisley Linen Linger Sling Scarf

6. Quantity Although everyone is looking for a sling for a newborn, it would be more correct to look for slings. At least two pieces. Here are a few combinations in which two slings are inseparable from each other and act as indispensable helpers for mom:

1. One for home, one for outdoor.
Coming home from the metro / minibus / bus / car, clinic or guests, it is so nice to lull a child in a “home” scarf, ssk or scarf, smelling of comfort and tranquility. And you won’t wrap a naked baby in a soiled street sling.
2. One scarf, another sling with rings.
For different tasks - different slings.
For tiring walks around the city, trips by public transport, hiking and traveling, a scarf is ideal. Quickly change the position in the sling from vertical to horizontal, put the baby to bed, make purchases in the nearest store - for this it is better to use a sling with rings.
3. For dad and mom.
One type of sling is bright and elegant for mom, the other is discreet and versatile for dad.
You can also mention the situations of the birth of twins, “one sling is washed off - dries, the other is worn”, “a separate sling for each mother's outfit”, but we will not do this. And so everything is clear :)
Using a similar algorithm, your own sense of taste and the flow of information from the sling consultant, the slingomam community, the community of sling-scarf lovers, didi_everyone and other sling communities and sites, you can choose the first sling to make life easier, freedom of movement and closeness with the baby.

Here is a small example-illustration of how the algorithm we proposed can be used:

1. Purpose: I need a sling to take my older child to developmental activities, walk with both children daily + I want to establish breastfeeding and feed on demand.

2. Type of sling and size: Because I will have to walk long and often, and right from birth, so I will take a sling scarf.
I am a size 44, so I choose a 6-ku (4.7 meters).
3. Budget: 4000 - 4500 rubles.
4. Style:I want something in the color of the sea wave under the breastfeeding dress and summer raincoat.
5. Composition : No experience, I'll start with 100% cotton.
6. Quantity: I only have money for a scarf, I'll rent it.
Outcome: Didymos Wellen Acqua

Small F.A.Q. baby slings:

1 . But what is still better for a newborn: a sling with rings or a sling scarf?

The question is incorrect, because these carriers cannot be compared in this way. These are equally useful devices for different situations and conditions.
If you are still in doubt, then buy a woven sling scarf. This is a carrier that has no drawbacks (and the fear of windings and the length of the fabric is the first impression (exaggerated besides), which passes very quickly, it is worth watching video master classes, attending a sling meeting or visiting a sling showroom).

2. Is it possible to carry a baby in an ergonomic backpack with a special insert for newborns?

Many manufacturers do offer to buy special inserts in ergo backpacks or put a diaper inside to reduce the volume of the carrier so that the newborn does not fall out of there and for a tighter attraction.
In fact, this is not an option at all. Firstly, this insert does not add more huggability to the backpack, but simply flattens the child closer to the mother. The ergo backpack still has excessive attraction in the shoulder area (in the places where the straps are attached), but the upper and lower parts of the child’s spine remain poorly attracted without the possibility of adjustment and tension. In addition, the baby with this insert is very hot.
We recommend using carrier bags from the age of 6-7 months.A knitted sling scarf is very good for learning the basics of sling wearing: different windings, straightening the fabric, tying knots, and so on. But a knitted scarf is a sling for a very short time (for a couple of months, up to about 6 kg), because when a child reaches a certain weight, it becomes difficult to wear it (knitted fabric stretches a lot under weight). In addition, it is hotter in a knitted scarf than in a woven cotton one. Ideally, buy knitwear during pregnancy, train your husband and relatives on it, and with the birth of a child, purchase a woven sling scarf.

4. The sling scarf scares me, it is so long and so difficult to wrap. I will never master. What should I do?
The complexity of the scarf is greatly exaggerated. For a newborn, you will need to master one or two simple windings. This can be done through video tutorials, at a sling meeting or in a sling showroom. If you are still afraid of not coping and doing something wrong, then you can always invite a sling consultant to your home, who will explain to you the basics of baby wearing and teach you how to wind the sling and adjust it correctly.

5. Can I wear in a sling "facing the world"?

The answer to this question is well stated in the article mama.tomsk.ru/babywearing/carriers/sling10/ on the mama.tomsk portal. In short, the world-facing position of the baby deprives the sling of its benefits of good support and comfort, and the baby can be adversely affected by the abundance of impressions and visual information.

6. Can twins be carried in a sling? How many slings do you need for this?
Need! You can wear twins in slings in combination: one parent - one child. Then you need two slings: ss or scarves.
If a mother plans to carry two children on herself at the same time, then you can learn how to wind two children in one scarf (together in the position on the stomach or one on the stomach, one behind the back) or buy 2 slings-scarves: one for the back winding, one for the position front.

7. How long can I wear a newborn in a sling?
The duration of babywearing for newborn babies depends on the needs of mother and child.
Some children need long-term babywearing, while others want to quickly change position and look around. But in general, newborns are worn in a sling as much as in their arms.
The main rule for wearing baby slings is that an awake baby needs to be taken out of the sling to warm up, exercise and change position approximately every hour. With a sleeping baby, you can do these manipulations after waking up.

8. Can I wear a newborn in a sling in winter?
It is possible and necessary! A couple of additional purchases will be required for comfortable winter wearing of a baby sling: namely, a special insert in a mother’s jacket or a sling jacket that will warm mother and baby in a sling. And a sling overall for the period of frost with elongated legs for ease of wearing.

Today, slings are in increasing demand among mothers. And this is not an accident. The fabric construction of the baby carrier, known since ancient times and different from hipseats and physiological backpacks, is suitable for newborn babies. This is a bandage or scarf to hold the baby without using the mother's hands. What are the best baby slings to choose to ensure the comfort of mother and baby.

Baby Sling Excellence

  • the direct connection of the child with the mother affects his well-being and calmness;
  • ergonomic shape contributes to the safety of the spinal column;
  • wheelchair replacement;
  • maternal mobility;
  • comfort during breastfeeding.

Products are important for parents and children. There are cases where you can not do without adaptation. Not busy hands, agility and mobility provide trips to supermarkets, housework and breastfeeding in comfortable conditions.

Product Division

  • Sling scarf. A large number of winding versions are available. The length of the product is about 6 m. It is used until children reach 3 years of age.
  • May sling. A rectangular or square piece of material with straps that are attached to the mother's belt and back and distribute the load evenly on the muscles.
  • With rings. A small hammock attached to metal rings. A two-meter fabric is used.
  • Sling pocket. Suitable for newborns and older children. Allows the baby to be positioned horizontally or vertically.

Video tips for choosing a sling:

The best baby slings on the Russian market


Sling scarf from a Russian manufacturer. The texture is cotton. Gives baby softness and comfort. Anti-allergic fabric that allows children's skin to breathe. The two-tone combination is a hallmark of the design. There are about 10 coloring versions in the assortment. The convenience and simplicity of the device does not cause difficulties for beginners. The maximum weight of the baby does not exceed 12 kg. It is used for carrying the baby around the house and for walking along the street.

kengurush baby slings

Video instruction for a sling with rings:


  • optimal price;
  • convenient winding;
  • harmless and environmentally friendly fabric;
  • stylish appearance.


Average cost: 2000 rubles.

Experience in the production of practical and durable slings by an American family company is 10 years old. The model has been tested on the children of the owners, which speaks of ergonomics, comfort and good quality. The use of cotton in the composition is responsible for 100% ventilation.

The correct posture of the head and neck of the child is ensured, the body is in a natural position. Conditions are created for the safety of the location of the child. It is just right for crumbs from birth and a child who weighs no more than 10 kg.

Boba baby slings


  • invoice quality;
  • uniform load on the mother's back;
  • comfort;
  • ventilation;
  • presentable look.


  • expensive.

Average cost: 3900 rubles.

Sling with Norwegian design rings. A variety of textures: linen, bamboo cotton. It will create comfortable conditions for the baby in the heat. Suitable for babies from birth up to 12 kg. The brightness of colors and great design do not leave mothers indifferent. A characteristic feature of the model: the length of the bevel and its triangular shape. Guarantees safe carrying of the baby.

baby slings Elleville Zara


  • first class fabric
  • unusual and stylish appearance;
  • rich selection of colorings;
  • resistance to heat treatment: washing, ironing.


  • not cheap.

Average cost: 4999 rubles.

Fil up Blue Jean

Sling scarf from a French manufacturer with a length of 4.5 m. Technical excellence, coupled with strength and comfort. Exquisite wicker model will please both mother and child. The thoughtfulness of the device to small details allows the product to stretch in width, but forbids transforming in length.

Helps to securely fix the baby in the correct physiological position. The softness and elasticity of the sample create a feeling of naturalness. Made from high quality cotton. Suitable for children aged 0 to 2.5 years.

baby slings Fil up Blue Jean

Fil up sling overview:


  • reliability;
  • optimal ventilation;
  • repeated washing does not affect the shape and appearance;
  • comes with a shopping bag;
  • machine washable.


  • missing.

Average cost: 3310 rubles.

Miracle Child

May sling. It is used from birth to 3 years. Attracts with the brightness of colors, the beauty of the ornament and images, a choice of 12 variations. Pure cotton is characterized by delicacy in contact with baby skin. It is a strong evidence for this model.

baby slings Chudo-Chado

Video review of the sling of this manufacturer:


  • acceptability;
  • goes to young parents;
  • natural fabrics.


  • loss of color during washing.

Average cost: 1700 rubles.

May sling. Suitable for newborns and two year olds. The width of the back is adjustable, which is important for the development of the baby. Ideally supports the child's head and neck. Equipped with a hood that guarantees darkness during sleep and protection from raindrops. Available in trendy color options. The fabric is cotton.

AMAMA baby slings


  • ease of attachment;
  • practical hood;
  • backrest adjustment;
  • original interface;
  • preservation of shape and color during operation.


  • missing.

Average cost: 2700 rubles.

Sling scarf from Italian designers. The length of the product is 3.7 m. The target audience is a child from birth to two years of age. Raw materials: bamboo and cotton. A wide range of product colors are available. It provides for the duration of socks without feeling pain and overloading the mother's back. Suitable for home and street promenade. The baby feels a sense of comfort. The material used allows the skin to breathe.

baby slings Diva Milano


  • modern look;
  • naturalness of the canvas;
  • goodness and durability.


  • expensive;
  • difficult to buy: not sold everywhere.

Average cost: 5249 rubles.

Sling with rings. An incomparable design is available: an amazing pattern on a high-contrast background. Moms have a chance to choose from three coloring pages. The convenience of the rings is responsible for the ease of attaching the sample. The natural position of the child guarantees quick falling asleep and comfort. Contributes to the correct formation of the baby's spine. Thin high-quality material deprives undesirable consequences for the skin during the heat.

baby slings 40 weeks


  • budget cost;
  • attractive design;
  • comfort of form;
  • ease of attachment.


  • inconvenient to do everyday things;
  • one shoulder is overloaded.

Average price: 1400 rubles.

A distinctive feature of the copy: natural texture, providing excellent ventilation and does not cause allergies. The sensitive epidermis of the baby is guaranteed breathing and the absence of negative sensations in hot weather. An extensive line of exceptional products is recommended. With trendy drawings. The rings of the models differ in shades and are made from a safe texture.

baby slings Donna Vera


  • aesthetics;
  • wear resistance;
  • convenience of placing the baby;
  • increased ventilation;
  • fabric safety.


  • uneven load on the shoulders;
  • It is rational to use with a small mass of the baby.

Average cost: 2700 rubles.

Sling with rings, the main material is natural linen. Differs in ease, compactness and simplicity of winding. Reliable, stable rings will insure and protect the child. The shape of the model allows the baby to take the correct posture. It has a positive effect on the growing body. However, a regular load on the shoulder requires periodically changing sides, this is not very easy to do without strangers.

Mum's Era baby slings

Video review of the device:


  • elementary regulation;
  • decent invoice;
  • first class properties.


  • shoulder overload;
  • the appearance of pain symptoms in the back a short time after wearing the product.

Average cost: 2400 rubles.

Sling pocket. Produced from a dense texture. Particularly suitable for use in winter. Allows being in different positions with the mother. It is offered in 2 versions and is calculated for babies weighing up to 12 kg. It is supplied with elastic straps and a system for supporting the back of the mother. In stock adjustment of volume of a sample proceeding from growth of the child.

baby slings SELBY

Video review of the shoulder sling:


  • fashionable look;
  • quality factor of dense material;
  • affordable price.


  • hinders use;
  • the child is in an unnatural position.

Average cost: 1100 rubles.

Ergo backpack. Suitable for newborns weighing from 3.5 kg. Supports a child up to 20 kg. There is a built-in insert for babies. The physiological form provides the position of the "frog" and is a stimulator for the development of the baby's muscles that have not had time to get stronger. The adjustable waist belt is securely fastened with a multi-point semi-automatic buckle.

Manduca baby slings


  • the use of cotton as a layer inside;
  • comfortable;
  • the possibility of carrying a child up to two years of age;
  • strap adjustment;
  • safe fastexes.


Average cost: 9000 rubles.

Difficulties of choice

The sling pocket is an original device for carrying the baby vertically and horizontally. Outwardly very different from other types of products. It often resembles a physiological backpack or hammock. The child is calm. Some models are suitable for older children. The weight limit for a child is 10 kg. Not all manufacturing companies produce products.

Ring slings are shaped like a bag by threading the end of the material through metal rings that attach to the other end. The maximum length is 2 m. The carrier is characterized by convenience and ease of winding, which is not difficult for a novice mother, and can also be removed with ease. The child is provided with comfort and coolness even in the heat due to a single-layer winding with a cloth. Rings make it easy to adjust the correct posture of the baby and remove the product.

My sling is similar to an ergonomic safe backpack. The frameless design makes the product suitable for newborns. It is produced in a rectangular or square shape with straps leaving on the sides. The sling is comfortably fixed at the waist. Ease of use allows you to dress the model quite quickly. However, carrying a child is possible only vertically, and this is not always rational. It implies the same distribution of the load on the mother's back.

Slings-scarves are made from a specially designed highly elastic fabric, the length of which ranges from 3 to 6 m. They allow the child to be in the position of the fetus, as well as a horizontal posture.

Winding occurs forward, behind and on the hips. It is a guarantee of safety for the child and is actively used from birth. Suitable for three year olds. It is valued for the uniform distribution of the load on the back of the mother. Does not cause pain and discomfort during prolonged carrying of the baby. But competent winding requires skill practice. Functionality requires a benign texture and compliance with technological parameters.

The right of the mother to choose a model that is convenient for her and the child.

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All slingomams, future and present, are faced with the problem of choosing a sling for a newborn. There is an unimaginable amount of slings, information and reviews too. After reading thematic posts, only questions remain in my head instead of clarity: a scarf or May? With silk or linen? Short or long? 6 or 5? Didymos or Elleville?
Of course, it is very difficult to make a choice when you need to focus on the season of the birth of a child, its approximate weight, the temperature of the habitat, the family budget, the physical condition of the parent, the purpose of the sling, the mother’s wardrobe, just a desire and a favorite color.
Our babysling.ru sling hypermarket team tried to systematize the available information, which resulted in writing a review article on the topic: "Choosing a sling for a newborn."

General rules for choosing the "first" sling:
1. Purpose of purchase

Before you drown in a sea of ​​information and pictures, you should determine for yourself why you need a carrier. At least for a start. Start from the current problem or situation.
Because it’s impossible to pick up one sling, “so that it’s comfortable on the plane, and go to the beach in hot Egypt, and pick berries in the country, and it’s not cold to get to the clinic in winter,” it’s impossible to pick up. Moreover, “the most inexpensive, and so that it looks modern, and the husband could wear it. The child is 1.5 months old. We were advised some linen. What do you say??? ”Hands drop, words disappear.
Do not try to buy the only sling for all occasions and for all future children. Decide: why do you need it now and in the first place!
Traveling with a baby, going to work / errands, taking an older child to kindergarten / developmental activities, satisfying an increased need for suckling at the breast, carrying belly to stomach during evening colic, doing many hours of household chores is one thing.
Running to the store, to the clinic, warming up lunch, rocking the child to sleep, walking to the car or the beach is another thing.
If a balanced decision does not come to mind, you want both, feel free to rent a sling and try, try, try!

2. Type of carrying

To make the right choice between a ring sling (ssk), a scarf sling (scarf), a mai sling (mai), an ergonomic backpack or (hopefully not) a baby carrier for your baby, you need to have a general idea of ​​​​all types of carriers and the physiology of newborns. You can learn this knowledge from the articles of the slingomam community and the website of the sling consultant (must read!!!)

Our little summary:

Woven sling scarf

Woven sling scarf - optimal carrier for newborns and babies, well suited for long walks. The scarf evenly distributes the load on the shoulders and lower back of the parent, it is always possible to breastfeed and lull the baby.
Due to the special weaving of the threads (double diagonal weaving), when the fabric does not stretch along or across, but diagonally, in scarves, the possibility of a tight attraction of the newborn to the parent, thorough adjustment of the sling and support for all parts of the spine and neck of the child are best ensured.
In a scarf, you can wear a child in horizontal and vertical positions.
Slings-scarves come in several sizes depending on their length.
For a slender and short mother (up to size 44), you can take size 5 (length 4.2). But for additional lumbar support, it is better to take a 4.7 meter sling (6-ku), then it will be possible to bring the ends of the sling forward.
For mom 44-48 fit size 6 (4.7 meters).
For mom from size 50 - 7 (5.2 meters).

Sling with rings

Sling with rings will also serve as a great help to you. Due to the speed of dressing, it is convenient to use it for short runs (from the car to the house, from the house to the beach, for example), to do household chores. A sling with rings is also good because you can easily put the baby away with the carrier without waking him up by unwinding.
Your choice of ssk (sling with rings) should be stopped on the option of scarf fabric, without compacted sides, with rings of large diameter and an unsewn tail. So you will have a better chance of learning how to attract the newborn well, adjust the fabric in the rings and straighten it.
The ssk can be worn in a horizontal and vertical position.
When buying a good (scarf fabric, without sides and with an open tail) sling with rings, sizing for moms with clothing sizes from 42 to 48 is largely a matter of personal preference of the wearer: whether you like a longer or shorter tail in cc. For mothers with larger sizes of clothes, it is better to choose a larger size for yourself. You should also pay attention to the fact that the length of standard M-s from different manufacturers can vary quite a lot, which means that if possible, it is better to try on a sling before making a final purchase decision.

Sharfomai (mai-sling made of scarf fabric)

scarfomai attracts by the speed of winding and a more modern look. May-sling is better to have not as a first carrier, but in addition to a scarf or a sling with rings. May-sling can be worn with a baby in the "quick walk to the store" mode, and the full and longer use of May should be started from 4 months.
May-sling for a baby is also worth buying from scarf fabric, with wide straps and with the possibility of good adjustment in width and height of the back. In a scarf, it is better to learn to wear it in an upright position. The horizontal position of the "cradle" with completely newborns is best used by experienced sling mothers who know how to straighten excess may-sling fabric and ensure even distribution of the load on the baby's back.
3. Budget

Make a budget for buying a baby sling. And choose from the highest price segment for you. Your comfort and the formation of winding skills depend on the quality of the sling and its composition. And high-quality mercerized cotton carriers, as a rule, cost more than Vologda linen, but they will not leave you indifferent and will not seem rude or unyielding.
4. Style

Choose your favorite color or pattern based on your wardrobe or just your preferences. A baby in a carrier will involuntarily attract the views of others. You will be pleased if the sling does not look like just a piece of fabric, but a stylish accessory that emphasizes the color of your eyes or creates the integrity of your image.

But perhaps the most important criterion in choosing a sling for a newborn is what it is made of. The composition of a scarf, scarf or sling with rings determines their lightness, breathability, plasticity and huggability.
The existence of slings from different materials and mixed composition is due to the desire to create carriers for different needs and parameters of a parent-child pair. It is thanks to the different composition and weaving that you can choose a sling for a fluffy newborn and a heavy baby runner, for hot summers and harsh winters, for a weak mother's back and hardy father's shoulders, for back windings or rebozos.
Every sophisticated sling mom has a list of silk-cashmere-bamboo slings that she would buy for the birth of her next baby.
But, if you are just planning to become a sling, our team recommends buying the first sling made of 100% medium-weight cotton to fill your hand, learn how to wind and experience the joy from the first days of wearing. Indeed, often very thin and plastic scarves cannot cope with winding errors, they begin to crawl and cease to properly fix the position of the child.
But after 2 months of practice, training and daily baby wear, while your baby is still a baby, you should definitely try dessert in the form of silk and bamboo scarves.

Let's take a closer look at slings made of different materials suitable for newborns and babies:

100% cotton slings- a compromise between the tenderness of silk scarves and the holding, non-slipping of thick linens. Cotton slings offer plasticity, breathability and the possibility of good adjustment on the one hand, and the stability of even not very careful winding, on the other.

Manufacturers:Ellevill, Didymos, Neobulle, Nati, Girasol, Vatanai, Kokadi, Oscha, Diva Milano, etc.
Example: Vatanai Reims

Slings with silk in the composition are a plastic "oily" canvas. For the most part, slings with silk are thin, so they are well suited for summer babies, for hot climates or trips to the sea. They are very pliable in winding and hugging.
Manufacturers:Didymos, Ellevill, Heartiness, Nati, etc.
Example: Elleville Caelum He

Slings with silk and cashmere- a dream for kinesthetics. An indescribable feeling of tenderness, warmth and comfort :) Among sling appraisers, they are considered the most desirable acquisition for babies. The unique composition allows the sling to "cool" in the heat and "warm" in the cool.

Manufacturers: Didymos, Heartiness, etc.

Example: Didymos Ellipsen Silk Cashmere

Slings with silk and wool have the softness and suppleness of silk scarves and a warming effect.
Manufacturers: Didymos and others.
Example:Didymos Indio Eisblau mit seide und wolle

Slings with cashmere well suited for cool evenings and for imperfect thermoregulation of babies. Warm, but not prickly, thin and gentle to wear.
Manufacturers: Didymos, Nati and others.
Example: Didymos Indio Cashmere Graphite

Slings with bamboo- silky, flowing, superbly draped. Thin and not hot, good for the summer.
Manufacturers: Ellevill, LennyLamb, Nati
Example: Elleville Paisley Grasshopper

Bamboolen slings soft and gentle, with excellent support and airflow. Great for heavy kids.
Manufacturers: Elleville and others
Example: Elleville Paisley Linen Linger Sling Scarf

6. Quantity Although everyone is looking for a sling for a newborn, it would be more correct to look for slings. At least two pieces. Here are a few combinations in which two slings are inseparable from each other and act as indispensable helpers for mom:

1. One for home, one for outdoor.
Coming home from the metro / minibus / bus / car, clinic or guests, it is so nice to lull a child in a “home” scarf, ssk or scarf, smelling of comfort and tranquility. And you won’t wrap a naked baby in a soiled street sling.
2. One scarf, another sling with rings.
For different tasks - different slings.
For tiring walks around the city, trips by public transport, hiking and traveling, a scarf is ideal. Quickly change the position in the sling from vertical to horizontal, put the baby to bed, make purchases in the nearest store - for this it is better to use a sling with rings.
3. For dad and mom.
One type of sling is bright and elegant for mom, the other is discreet and versatile for dad.
You can also mention about the situation of the birth of twins, “one sling is washed off - dries, the other is worn”, “a separate sling for each mother’s outfit”, but we will not do this. And so everything is clear :)
Using a similar algorithm, your own sense of taste and the flow of information from the sling consultant, the slingomam community, the community of sling-scarf lovers, didi_everyone and other sling communities and sites, you can choose the first sling to make life easier, freedom of movement and closeness with the baby.

Here is a small example-illustration of how the algorithm we proposed can be used:

1. Purpose: I need a sling to take my older child to developmental activities, walk with both children daily + I want to establish breastfeeding and feed on demand.

2. Type of sling and size: Because I will have to walk long and often, and right from birth, so I will take a sling scarf.
I am a size 44, so I choose a 6-ku (4.7 meters).
3. Budget: 4000 - 4500 rubles.
4. Style: I want something in the color of the sea wave under the breastfeeding dress and summer raincoat.
5. Composition: No experience, I'll start with 100% cotton.
6. Quantity: I only have money for a scarf, I'll rent it.
Outcome: Didymos Wellen Acqua

Small F.A.Q. baby slings:

1 . But what is still better for a newborn: a sling with rings or a sling scarf?

The question is incorrect, because these carriers cannot be compared in this way. These are equally useful devices for different situations and conditions.
If you are still in doubt, then buy a woven sling scarf. This is a carrier that has no drawbacks (and the fear of windings and the length of the fabric is the first impression (exaggerated besides), which passes very quickly, it is worth watching video master classes, attending a sling meeting or visiting a sling showroom).

2. Is it possible to carry a baby in an ergonomic backpack with a special insert for newborns?

Many manufacturers do offer to buy special inserts in ergo backpacks or put a diaper inside to reduce the volume of the carrier so that the newborn does not fall out of there and for a tighter attraction.
In fact, this is not an option at all. Firstly, this insert does not add more huggability to the backpack, but simply flattens the child closer to the mother. The ergo backpack still has excessive attraction in the shoulder area (in the places where the straps are attached), but the upper and lower parts of the child’s spine remain poorly attracted without the possibility of adjustment and tension. In addition, the baby with this insert is very hot.
We recommend using carrier bags from the age of 6-7 months.

A knitted sling scarf is very good for learning the basics of sling wearing: different windings, straightening the fabric, tying knots, and so on. But a knitted scarf is a sling for a very short time (for a couple of months, up to about 6 kg), because when a child reaches a certain weight, it becomes difficult to wear it (knitted fabric stretches a lot under weight). In addition, it is hotter in a knitted scarf than in a woven cotton one. Ideally, buy knitwear during pregnancy, train your husband and relatives on it, and with the birth of a child, purchase a woven sling scarf.

4. The sling scarf scares me, it is so long and so difficult to wrap. I will never master. What should I do?
The complexity of the scarf is greatly exaggerated. For a newborn, you will need to master one or two simple windings. This can be done through video tutorials, at a sling meeting or in a sling showroom. If you are still afraid of not coping and doing something wrong, then you can always invite a sling consultant to your home, who will explain to you the basics of baby wearing and teach you how to wind the sling and adjust it correctly.

5. Can I wear in a sling "facing the world"?

The answer to this question is well stated in the article Sling and the position "facing the world" on the portal mama.tomsk
In short, the "facing the world" position of the baby deprives the sling of its benefits of good support and comfort, and the child can be adversely affected by the abundance of impressions and visual information.

6. Can twins be carried in a sling? How many slings do you need for this?
Need! You can wear twins in slings in combination: one parent - one child. Then you need two slings: ss or scarves.
If a mother plans to carry two children on herself at the same time, then you can learn how to wind two children in one scarf (together in the position on the stomach or one on the stomach, one behind the back) or buy 2 slings-scarves: one for the back winding, one for the position front.

7. How long can I wear a newborn in a sling?
The duration of babywearing for newborn babies depends on the needs of mother and child.
Some children need long-term babywearing, while others want to quickly change position and look around. But in general, newborns are worn in a sling as much as in their arms.
The main rule for wearing baby slings is that an awake baby needs to be taken out of the sling to warm up, exercise and change position approximately every hour. With a sleeping baby, you can do these manipulations after waking up.

8. Can I wear a newborn in a sling in winter?
It is possible and necessary! A couple of additional purchases will be required for comfortable winter wearing of a baby sling: namely, a special insert in a mother’s jacket or a sling jacket that will warm mother and baby in a sling. And a sling overall for the period of frost with elongated legs for ease of wearing.


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