How is the day of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrated. Police Day (Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies) November 10 is the day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies

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Ensuring the protection of public order, peace of mind of citizens and domestic issues are the main tasks of the police, honorably performed by law enforcement officers of the state. The work of the department is organized in accordance with international standards. Militiamen (police) promptly and skillfully respond to threats of terrorism, solve crimes in the economic sphere, expose mafia structures, successfully identify and eliminate criminal groups.


The history of the police is calculated more than one century. At any time and in any social system, it is necessary to control the observance of order among the population.

Historical dates:

  • 1715 - Tsar Peter I founded the police in the Russian Empire, protecting and controlling public order;
  • 1802 - creation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire;
  • 1908 - the creation of operational-search units;
  • 1917 - the formation of the workers' and peasants' militia by the People's Commissariat and the introduction of a single uniform for employees;
  • 1946 - the police are transferred to the subordination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • 1962 - government decree on the introduction and celebration of the professional day of law enforcement officers;
  • 2011 - the holiday date became known as the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

A policeman is a reliable defender of the tranquility of Russians, who around the clock maintains order in the territory entrusted to him, solving both everyday problems of people and protecting the state from criminal encroachments.


The officers of the department celebrate their professional day, being in the service and protecting everyday work, peace and measured life of the population.

For many years, solemn events have been held on this day, at which the highest officer ranks on behalf of the state and grateful Russians congratulate the employees of the departments of the ministry on the holiday and celebrate distinguished guards with memorable gifts, medals, and diplomas. The program includes obligatory congratulations to veterans, former employees of the internal affairs department, a minute of silence and a tribute to the memory of those who died in the line of duty. Festive concerts in open areas of the country with the participation of show business stars. Police Day ends with fireworks.

Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Police Day) is a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of rank, position and length of service. The date is marked by employees of the operational-search, investigative units, precinct, patrol, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances, close people join the event. The professional holiday is considered by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the adoption of the resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia" on 11/10/1917.

On this day, a concert is traditionally held at the State Kremlin Palace. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, medals, orders, promoted in ranks and positions. Rituals of washing the stars are carried out in work collectives.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The celebrations begin on November 10, 1917. Then the Soviet government adopted a resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia", creating a power structure. The event began to be celebrated in 1962, and at the official level, the celebration took place for the first time in 1980 after the signing of the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The tradition of the disintegrated country has been preserved in the Russian Federation.

After the renaming of the police in 2011, it was decided to change the name of the memorable date. Her month and date remained the same. The event was fixed at the official level by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348 “On the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”. The document was signed by D. Medvedev.

Holiday traditions

The day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation gathers all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the festive table. Congratulations to the workers. An important part of the celebrations was the ritual of the so-called washing of the stars.

There are wishes of health, success in hard work. The leadership awards those who have distinguished themselves with medals, orders, certificates of honour. Orders for promotion in positions and ranks are signed. Thematic programs are broadcast on television. They tell about the everyday life of the police, interviews are taken from veterans, heads of departments. It tells about high-profile crimes, the course of the investigation and their disclosure.

On Police Day 2020, the State Kremlin Palace hosts events dedicated to the event. Creative groups, stars, top officials of the state perform on the stages.

Task for the day

Watch a feature or documentary film about the work of the police in the Russian Federation.

  • The Russian police originated in the 16th century. She was in the maintenance of the inhabitants of the cities. In large cities, police officers were called Zemsky yaryzhki. In Moscow they wore red and green uniforms.
  • During the Russian Empire, there was a palace police. The main function of this body was the external protection of palaces, the king and princes.
  • There are streets in Moscow that are named after policemen who were wounded and died in the line of duty. This honor was awarded to Lev Lvov, Konstantin Tsarev and Vasily Petushkov.
  • There are several versions of the origin of the word "ment". According to one of them, it came from the Polish expression mente, which means soldier. According to another version, this word comes from the concept of "mentik" - the so-called guards. According to the third version, the uniform jackets worn by policemen in Austria-Hungary were called "mentik".
  • Policemen are often referred to by the slang word "garbage". It comes from the abbreviation of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MCC).
  • According to statistics, 20% of Russian police officers are women.


“Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Worker's Day of the Internal Affairs Bodies! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. Let working days be safe, reliable - the partner's shoulder, strong - willpower and convictions. Health, prosperity and all the best!

“Thanks to all employees of the internal affairs bodies for the fact that we can sleep peacefully, take a walk on a dark night under the starry sky and the bright moon. May there be more sincerity, peace, as well as joyful, bright, wonderful and good moments in life.

“We raise a glass to the employees of the internal affairs bodies with a holiday. Let the troubles and problems pass by, and luck and success will become your inseparable companions. A fast-paced career, the realization of goals and the realization of grandiose plans.


Portrait. A portrait or cartoon of a policeman in uniform will be an excellent present for a professional holiday. Such a portrait will decorate the office and will remind you of the donor.

Sports Equipment. Employees of internal affairs need to maintain good physical shape. A home simulator, balls for sports games or a subscription to a gym will help with this.

Hobby gift. A police officer will appreciate a gift that will match his hobbies. A fisherman or a hunter will be pleased to receive equipment for outdoor activities as a present. The car enthusiast will be delighted with the accessory for the car.

Bottle for alcohol. A damask for alcohol with the emblem of the Russian police will serve as a stylish themed present for the holiday.


Know yours
Two teams with the same number of participants take part in the competition. Their task is to recall and name the heroes of fiction books or films who were policemen by profession. The team with the longest list of names wins.

Banquet charter
All interested guests of the holiday take part in the competition. It can be done at the table. The host invites the heroes of the occasion to announce the charter of the banquet. Those gathered at the table should come up with and take turns pronouncing the charter. After the charter is announced, the heroes of the occasion raise their glasses.

Synonyms for profession
An arbitrary number of players can take part in the competition. The host gives the contestants leaflets and pens and offers to write a list of synonyms for the word policeman. For example: policeman, detective, detective, district police officer, detective, etc. After the end of the allotted time. The contestants read out their lists. The one with the longest list wins the competition.

About the profession

The tasks of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation include patrolling the territory, responding to calls, conducting operational search activities, and interacting with citizens. To work in the ranks of the police, you must complete military service or have a special education. It is obtained in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Applicants must carry out training in the profession, have knowledge of the laws, the procedure for performing duties. You need to demonstrate the ability to handle weapons. The state body has ranks and insignia identical to military ones. Occupation of positions takes place in strict accordance with age and stars on shoulder straps. The work of a police officer is classified as life-threatening. Dozens of law enforcement officers die every year while on duty.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, July 4 is National Police Day. On March 4 Belarus celebrates Police Day. April 16 is the Day of the Police Officer in Armenia. June 23 is celebrated as Police Day in Kazakhstan.

  • Various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their memorable dates. Transport police of Russia - February 18, patrol service - September 2, district commissioners - November 17, river police - July 25.
  • April 6 is the Day of Investigative Bodies.
  • April 17 is the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops.
  • July 3 is the Day of traffic police.


    We would like to sincerely congratulate you on Police Day,
    We are ready to glorify your hard work every day.
    And we want to wish your boss not to be strict,
    It was less so that you have force majeure and anxiety in your service,
    In the country, crime began to actively decrease in order to decrease,
    And so that your dreams begin to come true all at once.

    Happy Police Day! I wish you luck
    May good luck visit you often.
    May the mood be good in the morning
    And every day and hour will be happy.

    Let our people respect the laws
    And every citizen will be exemplary.
    May it always be calm on the streets,
    And work will not add gray hair to you.

What date is the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in 2021, 2022, 2023

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November 10 WedNovember 10 ThuNov 10 Fri

On November 10, we will celebrate the main holiday of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies, one of the most famous professional holidays in our country.

How is Police Day celebrated?

According to the established tradition, on November 10, on Police Day, a minute of silence is held in memory of employees who died in the line of duty.

Meetings are organized at which state and departmental awards are presented to the best specialists, including orders and medals, as well as certificates of honor and valuable gifts.

An increase in ranks and positions is timed to coincide with the holiday; a ritual of "washing the stars" is arranged. The police officers are in uniform.

Every year on the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, a festive concert is broadcast on television in the State Kremlin Palace with the participation of Russian pop stars, films and television programs dedicated to police officers.

Police Day - the history of the holiday

As early as the 16th century, the so-called “labial elders” appeared in Russia, who are considered the forerunners of modern district commissioners. The public order protection service or the police (from the ancient Greek ἡ πολιτεία - “state”, “city”) was founded in our country in 1715 by Peter I.

In 1802, during the reign of Alexander I, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire was formed, in 1810 the Ministry of Police was established.

This department provided fire safety, maintenance of public peace, timely payment of taxes, and was also engaged in the construction and repair of roads, maintaining shelters, and supervised the work of medical institutions and the post office.

The service was repeatedly reorganized, and during the years of Soviet power changed its name.

Already in 1917, the Soviet state faced the problem of protecting citizens from criminal elements. "To protect the revolutionary social order" the Workers' and Peasants' Militia was created (from the Latin militia - "army", "service", "campaign").

Citizens who had reached the age of 21 were admitted here, who recognized the current government, enjoyed the right to vote and were literate.

A resolution was adopted stating: "The workers' militia is wholly and exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, the military and civil authorities are obliged to assist in arming the workers' militia and supplying it with technical forces, up to supplying it with state-owned weapons."

Initially, police officers were subordinate to the local Soviets, then this service was transferred to the NKVD, and since 1946 it became one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The tasks of this structure were regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1991 by the Federal Law "On the Police", the regulation "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies" and other documents.

On March 1, 2011, the law “On Police” was adopted in the Russian Federation, according to which this service was again called the police.

It is designed to counteract crime, protect public order, property and ensure public safety, to guard the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens.

Its tasks also include the fight against terrorism, extremism and the spread of drugs, control over the circulation of weapons, and road safety.

To become a police officer, you need to have the appropriate physical training, complete military service or have a special education received in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the police is one of the most numerous services in our country: about 900 thousand people serve in it.

The history of the name of the holiday Police Day originates more than a hundred years ago. In memory of the fact that on November 10, 1917, the resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR “On the People's Militia” was issued, the Day of the Militia was established in the Soviet years.

The Presidium of the Supreme Council transferred the informal date to the rank of a professional holiday, which since 1980 received the status of a state holiday (until 1991 it was called the Day of the Soviet Police, until 2011 - the Day of the Russian Police).

And when did Police Day get its current name? Since October 13, 2011, which is enshrined in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1348 "On the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation." This is a brief history of the holiday Police Day.

How can you congratulate on Police Day?

On November 10, on the holiday of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we honor everyone who has devoted himself to this profession that people need: specialists from operational-search and investigative units, district police officers, patrol officers, veterans of this service, etc.

Also, congratulations on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies are accepted by teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

Send your colleagues, friends and acquaintances on November 10, Police Day, warm congratulations on the holiday.

Thank you for protecting Russia!
Let the service be difficult and sometimes dangerous,
Your efforts are not in vain.
Peaceful skies and sunny days to you,
The road through life is longer and smoother.
May pain, loss not meet you,
Let the stars on your shoulder straps shine!

On the Day of Internal Affairs Officers
Congratulations to all those whose destiny -
To protect peace of peaceful citizens,
Protect them from criminals!
We wish you health, warmth,
Life to be easy and bright.
Every year - in pursuit of a star,
And good luck always and everywhere!

Happy Police Day! I wish you luck
May good luck visit you often.
May the mood be good in the morning
And every day and hour will be happy.

Let our people respect the laws
And every citizen will be exemplary.
May it always be calm on the streets,
And work will not add gray hair to you.

In addition to Police Day, other professional holidays of this service are known. We list when and which of them are celebrated in our country:

  • February 18 - Day of the transport police of Russia,
  • March 1 - Day of the forensic service of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
  • March 18 - Tax Police Day,
  • March 27 - Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
  • April 17 - Day of veterans of internal affairs bodies and internal troops,
  • June 14 - Day of workers of the migration service,
  • July 3 - Traffic Police Day (GIBDD),
  • September 2 - Patrol Service Day,
  • July 6 - Day of the financial service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
  • October 5 - Day of Criminal Investigation Workers,
  • October 29 - Day of private security,
  • December 29 - Day of special purpose units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

For a long time of its existence, the law enforcement service has been repeatedly renamed and restructured. Today, the valiant policemen stand guard over our security. However, not every Russian knows what date Police Day is celebrated in Russia. This article is devoted to the hard work of police officers and their professional holiday.

history of the holiday

The day of the Russian police originates from the reign of Peter I. It was this great reformer who introduced a special service aimed at protecting public order. It was called the police and existed until the October 1917 revolution. Immediately after the October Revolution, the police was reorganized into a different power structure. This happened on the basis of the decision of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of November 10, 1917. 1962 was the year from which the police day began to be celebrated by employees of internal organs, then still policemen. These events were unofficial until 1980. In 1980, the official status of the militia day was assigned by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

More, neither after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, nor in connection with the renaming of the militia to the police in 2011, did the date of the celebration change.

Thus, the answer to the question of what date is the day of the police is given by Decree No. 1348, signed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on October 13, 2011.

Holiday traditions

Like representatives of any other profession, on the day of their professional holiday, police officers organize small festive feasts, congratulate each other, accept congratulations from the leadership. In honor of the holiday, some employees are awarded extraordinary titles for special merits in the service. According to centuries-old tradition, stars are washed in a glass of vodka. Most employees of the internal organs meet the day of the police, performing their official duties, therefore, on November 10, it is allowed to wear a festive uniform.

Many police schools hold an open day on November 10th. On this day, it is customary to honor service veterans and remember departed colleagues.

Celebrations on Police Day

According to rough estimates, the number of police officers in our country is slightly less than 750 thousand people. Therefore, Police Day is celebrated on a grand scale. The Kremlin Palace hosts ceremonial events and concerts, at which representatives of the government always make congratulatory speeches.

It should be noted that the police officers themselves are not deprived of talents. The Academic Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has a huge number of fans.

Also, the day of the police is widely covered by the central television. Leading Russian channels broadcast films and series about policemen, and police officers are invited to popular TV shows.

How to congratulate those who guard our peace?

The best congratulations for police officers on the day of their professional holiday will be your sincere gratitude for their hard work.

Friends and relatives can be presented with a modest gift in the form of a souvenir. It can be a funny figurine of a policeman, you can pick up figures that correspond to the department in which your friend works. Various talismans-amulets are also very popular, because this profession is often accompanied by risk.

About the police profession

The day of the police officer is widely covered by the media. On the day of the Russian police, festive parades and demonstration performances by special services employees are held. Watching the beautiful and fit officers and employees of special units, many young men and women are thinking about choosing the profession of a policeman. But a holiday is a holiday. And what are the weekdays of the police?

The main task of the police service is to maintain law and order. However, it should be understood that not only precinct officers work in the police. The modern police of Russia includes several departments and units responsible for order and security in various areas. The activities of the modern police are very diverse. It includes the traffic police department, the migration service, the anti-extremism service, the criminal investigation department, the transport police, the tax police, the military police, the forensic center and other departments.

Police officers keep order in public places, at enterprises, in residential premises and so on. Therefore, they have legal grounds to visit any place in case of suspicion of an offense.

At the disposal of the police is a special ammunition, as well as a baton and firearms. At the same time, police officers are obliged to strictly observe the Charter and the law.

In addition to appropriate education, police officers need to regularly improve their skills. Only physically strong, hardy and strong guys and girls with such qualities as integrity and stress resistance are accepted into the ranks of police officers. A modern police officer must be ready at any time to provide assistance and even endanger his own health.

In addition, police officers must have a sufficient level of legal literacy. This is necessary for the correct establishment of the boundaries of what is permitted, as well as the legal explanation of their actions or the illegality of the actions of violators of the law.

Heroes of our time in the ranks of the police

Most of the work in the police is always accompanied by risk. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is always a place for achievement. Often these heroes are modest people, so only the closest people know about the importance and hardships of their service.

How many lives have been saved, how many crimes have been prevented thanks to the courage and dedication of the valiant police officers!

It so happens that without hesitation the best representatives of the profession give their lives for us and our peace of mind.

With such an ambiguous attitude of society towards the police, it is important to remember the daily risk to which law enforcement officers are exposed, and other disadvantages of this profession.

Police officers often have irregular working hours, unscheduled shifts and long business trips. With all the difficulties, the police are ready to work for the safety of the citizens of their country. That is why their work, not always appreciated, is important for everyone.

How to become a police officer?

The celebration of the day of the policeman is also accompanied by the popularization of this difficult profession. It is on this day that many young men and women ask themselves the question: “how to become a policeman?”.

You can become an ordinary police officer after serving in the army or after graduating from a police school. You can enter such a school on the basis of secondary education. And in order to take a serious position in the police, you will need a special higher education that gives knowledge of the law. The most prestigious universities where you can get this knowledge are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk, Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok.

Now you know everything about Police Day: what date is celebrated, how to congratulate law enforcement officers, etc.

Since Soviet times, we have become accustomed to the fact that November 10 is the Day of the Militia in our country. This day has always been one of the most prominent professional holidays, as well as the profession of a policeman - one of the most important and prominent in Soviet and post-Soviet society. There has been no police for a long time, and since 2011, in our country, again, as before the revolution of 1917, there is a police. Of course, there may be questions about whether the old holiday has been preserved in November. Police Day in 2018: what date do the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrate their holiday, what is the name of Police Day today, how old is the Russian police this year.

Police Day in 2018: what is the name of the professional holiday of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The former Police Day is now called Happy employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and it is celebrated, as before, 10th of November every year.

November 10 last, 2017, marked the hundredth anniversary of the creation of the Soviet police. In Soviet times, a television series (or, as it was then called, a multi-part feature film) was shot about the police called “Born by the Revolution”. The name for the TV movie was not chosen by chance - indeed, one of the first actions of the Bolsheviks who had just seized power in the country in 1917 was the creation of their own law enforcement agencies - the police. The decree on this was signed by the first People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in the Soviet government, Alexei Ivanovich Rykov (21 years later, he was repressed and shot by the same department, the NKVD).

The term "militia" itself meant an irregular people's militia created for the duration of the war.

Such a name really made sense in 1917, when Russia took part in the world war, and later, when a civil war broke out inside the country. Subsequently, they got used to the word “police”, it was used, among other things, to emphasize the difference between the Soviet police and the tsarist police, although by and large there was no difference - the Soviet police performed exactly the police functions of maintaining order in the country. The police survived the Soviet regime for exactly 20 years and was renamed the police only in 2011. By that time, the vast majority of the former Soviet republics had long abandoned the term militia, replacing it with the police.

Formally, we can say that on November 10, 2018, the Russian police will be 101 years old. Since this date has been preserved as a professional holiday for modern police officers, we can assume that the Ministry of Internal Affairs still considers itself a successor to the Soviet system of law enforcement agencies. In fact, of course, the police in Russia have existed for much longer. The first similarity of the future police appeared in the Moscow Principality in 1504, and the existence of a special state department for the protection of order - the Robbery Order - was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1571.

It is clear that, celebrating their holiday on November 10, the modern Russian police rather simply remains faithful to habit and tradition. In this there is no particular desire to emphasize its continuity with the Soviet militia. It's just that this date has been a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for so long that it is impossible to imagine any kind of transfer to another day or a complete cancellation.

The holiday itself, the Day of the Soviet Police, appeared on the 45th anniversary of its creation - in 1962. In 2018, this day is already 56 years old, so whole generations are used to November 10 as the Day of the Police / Police.

The modern Russian police is more than 700 thousand employees who celebrate on November 10 of each year the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. By tradition, the top leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and especially distinguished employees gather on this day for one of the most notable festive concerts of the whole year at the State Kremlin Palace. As for ordinary policemen, they are only expected to receive verbal congratulations from the country's leadership for their professional holiday, maximum cash bonuses.

The profession of a policeman remains as important and necessary as it is ungrateful - ordinary employees have to deal with the most unpleasant and even disgusting manifestations of Russian life, while public respect for the profession of a policeman does not always remain high.

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