Interesting funny stories about kindergarten staff. “Incredible stories from the lives of children. Mom on maternity leave Anna Nezhevets. “The teacher of labor was screaming so hard that her hands were shaking!”

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I wrote this story for future teachers, for those who decided to connect their fate with work in kindergarten. This work is not easy, but you will not get so many happy moments anywhere else.

my first day

Hooray! Finally, I go to work in kindergarten for the first time.

Yesterday the manager introduced me to the children of the group. All children are small and adorable.

In the morning, the kindergarten met me with silence, peace and a delicious smell from the kitchen. My mood improved, I wanted to start a new working day as soon as possible.

In a group that was on the first floor, a nanny met me with the words: “Where are you going, you don’t see that I’m washing the floor. Take off your shoes in the hallway! A little taken aback by the rudeness, she took off her shoes and went into the room.

The children had not yet been brought, I began to repeat all the words of greeting that I had prepared for the little ones.

Finally the first child arrived. Looking at me, he screamed loudly, grabbed my mother by the dress and did not want to let go for a long time, but my mother was in a hurry to work and, rudely pushing the baby away, ran away. The baby screamed even louder. Fortunately, he quickly calmed down when he was offered a new machine.

The group was gradually filled with children, some calmly entered the group, others had to be calmed down, picked up.

At breakfast, some children refused to eat. The nanny forced porridge into them.

To my remark about the inadmissibility of force-feeding, she replied that she had no time to wait for them to want to eat.

After breakfast, the children scattered around the group, and my experience was not enough to bring them together for a lesson. This session had to be skipped.

The children were small, from 2 to 3 years old, so getting ready for a walk took a long time. The nanny did not help to dress the children, she left "on business" and did not appear in the group until lunch.

During the walk, I ran from one child to another: one threw sand, the other ate this sand. Some of the children quarreled, I had to reconcile them.

I did not manage to organize the planned outdoor game that day.

During the return from a walk, we were met by the caretaker, she loudly began to speak to me to watch the children, did not allow me to touch the walls with my hands, explained that they were covered with expensive material, and because of dirty hands, dirty spots would appear on the walls.

When we barely washed our hands, visited the toilet, our nanny finally appeared. Quickly cleaning up the toilet, she disappeared before lunch. I was left alone with the group again.

Tired children began to act up, it was time to feed them.

The morning mood was slowly changing. I no longer wanted to work in a kindergarten as I used to.

My first day was very difficult.

During lunch, a sanitary and epidemiological station raided the garden. The children ate with appetite when they entered the group.

I was feeding the baby, they stopped near us and began to examine me on hygiene issues. While I was answering, my baby fell asleep next to a bowl of soup. This did not make an impression on the inspectors, for them it was more important to “fall asleep” to the teacher.

When I put the crying and screaming children to bed (again without the help of a nanny), I told myself that the work of an educator is very difficult and thankless.

None of the kindergarten staff looked at me to help, suggest, just calm the crying children.

When I looked at the sleeping babies, at their faces, I decided that everything would be fine, that I could handle it.

My worries didn't end there. At a quiet hour, the head of the team invited the whole team to report everyone on the results of the inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station. Leaving the children alone, I had to go to the meeting.

An hour later, I heard a loud roar from my group's bedroom. When I ran in, I saw the following picture: the boy Vanya walked from bed to bed and diligently bit all the children on the cheeks. From the bite marks, it was clear that he had already gone around the second circle.

For me (and for my parents in the evening) it was a shock!

No one can imagine how much effort had to be made to calm the children, and then their parents.

Everything ends sometime. This first working day in kindergarten is over.

All the events described were real, they really happened to me many years ago.

I have not described in vain one day of life young teacher. A novice teacher experiences a lot of difficulties, so I urge methodologists, heads to be interested in the difficulties, successes of young teachers, to help them.

If a young educator or teacher receives support, help and approval, he will forever remain at work in a kindergarten or school.

Hi People! Emergency in kindergarten №52. There, pupils of the middle group seized the teacher, and for four hours mocked her. In particular: they forced her to eat three bowls of semolina, sing a song about a Christmas tree to the accompaniment of an out-of-tune piano, and then forced her to sleep during the day. In the evening, half-dead after bullying, the children agreed to give only her parents. *** Kindergarten teacher asks: - Children, name your pet four-legged friend. Who can? Here you are, Sasha, tell me! - Bed! In kindergarten. - Zaur, you came back unshaven? *** Kindergarten teacher for half an hour pulled the pants on a little girl. When she straightened up with a sigh of relief, the girl said, “These are not my breeches. Growling inwardly, the governess pulled the pants back for fifteen minutes. When she finished, the girl said: - These are my brother's leggings, my mother sometimes puts them on me. *** Kindergarten teacher: - Who peed himself? Hands go up. - So ... five people ... Who screwed up? Hands go up. - So .. four people ... Who abstained? *** Three-year-old children gathered in the kindergarten. - Good afternoon, children. My name is Zhanna Gennadievna. There is no sound in the room ... And then someone's voice in a whisper: - Greedy Beef? *** A little girl runs to the kindergarten teacher in tears. - What? Who hurt you?! - Vovka! - For what? - He said that mother-in-law should be killed in childhood! *** Kindergarten teacher: - Children! Now we will play an interesting game. Whoever makes the most terrible face will be the first to go home. Children begin to make faces intensely. - Good. Won today... Won today... This girl! - And I don't play at all... *** There are drawing classes in the kindergarten. The teacher approaches the girl, who paints something with rapture: - What are you drawing? - God. But no one knows what he looks like! - They'll know right now. *** Educator: - Vovochka, who will you be when you grow up? - Non-tribal alchitectolum: I will build a house without corners ... - Why without corners? - Very tired! .. *** The kindergarten teacher asks: - Children, name your pet four-legged friend. Who can? Here you are, Sasha, tell me! - Bed! *** In the garden, three boys are each doing their own thing: one is an airplane, the other is a car, the third is cutting out a photograph of a fashion model from a magazine. “I want to be a pilot,” one says. - And I - the driver - says another. - And I, - notes the third, - I want to become an adult. *** Seryozha hurries his mother: - Dress me soon! - Where are you in a hurry? - To the kindergarten. My friends are waiting there. - And what do you do with your friends? - We fight! *** The boy says to the kindergarten teacher: - How long are your nails... The teacher asks him: - What, do you like them? The boy replies: - I like it very much. It is very convenient to climb trees with them... *** A father comes to the kindergarten for his son. They ask him: - Which one is yours? - What's the difference? Anyway, back tomorrow. *** A little boy watches a performance by a fashionable pop singer on TV and says so thoughtfully: “And when we are in kindergarten, when we yell like that, they scold us ...” *** A little boy comes from kindergarten all scratched up. Dad asks: - What's the matter? - Yes, they danced round the Christmas tree. - So what? - The Christmas tree is big, but there are few children!

This forum collection of funny stories has been circulating on the Internet for a long time. But every time I smile tenderly when I stumble upon it again on one of the resources.

If you are not familiar with these children's anecdotes from life, do it now. I guarantee you won't regret it!

A mother sends her child to kindergarten. First time for her and for him.

They go, various instructions are given along the way about obeying elders, not to swear with anyone, to obey everyone, etc. They come, she quickly runs off to the side to be kind to the teacher and, returning to the child, passes him into the hands of the teacher ( or nannies?) And she herself steps aside and looks, wiping a mean tear. The nanny takes the child by the arm and leads to the rows of lockers:

Well, - he says, - choose a locker that you like best.

The child has a crisis on his face, slight insanity, then he casts a wistful glance at his mother and holds out the handle to the locker "with a pear." Then everyone went crazy: he climbs into the locker, timidly closes the door behind him and says: "Goodbye, mom ..."

The nanny is shocked, the mother is horrified, and the curtain is slowly lowering...

Antoshka was about 3 years old, having bought groceries, we went into some small shop, in which there was a pub, thoroughly drunk grandfathers at the tables. I stand looking at the cakes and sigh heavily, the child spins among the tables. Suddenly, a grandfather comes up to me, hugging my shoulders, and asks if I want a cake? .. Being afraid of drunks, I pick up Antoshka and hurry out of the store. In the evening, at the table, dad asks what we have for tea, and then the child cunningly gives out: “And the uncle who hugged mom didn’t buy us a cake!”

Andryusha was presented with the first slippers in his life, he tried them on, and said: "Mom, where are the cockroaches?"

Our Masyanya sang Chizhik-pyzhyk at 1.2, "and it turned out specifically" Dedik-faggot. "The father-in-law was furious for the rest of his life - he still hates everyone, I'm sure that we taught this ...

I have a nephew (4 years old), when they left me to sit with him, he told me in detail about how they drank mash at my grandmother’s, and when the mash was over, great-grandmother began to hit him on the head with a mug, and this despite the fact that they are decent people!

And one more thing: he told how their father smokes and gives him a puff (their father does not smoke).

When I told my sister, she was shocked, and said that he told the whole kindergarten story about mash, they assert themselves so much!

He loves to help his mother in everything. I praise: "The cat and the dog will not help, the son will only help."

Staying with his grandmother, collects the designer. Grandfather passes by and hears a low grunt: "... not a single dog will help ..." Grandpa is in shock, grandmother is out. Until they were given the "original"...

I pick up my son from the kindergarten, the teacher says to me: "Tomorrow bring so much money."

My child answers: “Yes, we don’t have time to earn money and take it to kindergarten! We don’t have anything in the refrigerator, only butter and cheese.”

Glory to the teacher, she calmly said with reinforced concrete, "Well, have breakfast and enough butter and cheese, but you have lunch and dinner in the garden."

Horror! I didn't know where to go from shame!

Once we went to my sister's camp (I was 4-5 years old). They took her and went for berries. We climbed a hill, quite steep and dispersed all in different directions. Mom stayed downstairs near the car. I picked berries for my mother and decided to take them to her. I looked - she was not downstairs and there was no car (just because of the tree it was not visible). I don’t see anyone around anymore, I run downstairs and roar. Then I thought that IF I SUDDENLY HIT THE HEAD ON A TREE (I ran through the forest from a steep hill), then my EYES MAY FALL OUT FROM THE IMPACT. I had to run with my eyes closed. This made it even scarier. Run and roar louder and louder. Then, of course, it was funny ...

We leave the development group, get dressed. I am entertaining as I get dressed - look, nearby my aunt is also putting on a hat ... And Max loudly gives out: "From the kitty." I accelerate, muttering in parallel: "Well, why from kitty ... from mink." "No, from a kitty. From ours?" - Demandingly asks the child (we have a Siamese, and a hat made of light mink). "No" - I'm still speeding up stuffing into the jumpsuit. "A", - Max calms down, and enters into a dialogue with his aunt: "Kitty is warm ..." - he tells her ... I put the child under my arm, I carry it to the exit. And already from under his arm, he anxiously asks his aunt to the whole locker room: “Did you scratch?” ...

Ludmila Kosenko
"Incredible stories from the lives of children"


The boy can not remember the name of the teacher and it torments him. And one morning, having entered the group, he joyfully runs to the teacher. - I remember your name. - Well, what's my name? the teacher asks. - Feeder! - the boy says briskly and, pleased with himself, runs away to play.

"Happy Holiday".

In the kindergarten, a holiday dedicated to the arrival of spring is held, children read poems, sing songs. Beautiful music sounds, and Spring appears in the hall, she reads poetry, and then turning to the children asks: - Children, did you recognize me? Who am I? After a short pause, the child's voice answers: - You, Baba Yaga. Spring was not taken aback: - No boy, I'm not Baba Yaga, I'm the beautiful Spring!


During the lesson, the teacher asks: - Children, name the birds that live next to us. Children together list: sparrow, titmouse, crow, dove. - Children, what other birds do you know? The child raises his hand and begins his story from afar: - This bird lives in the forest and heals trees, but I forgot her name. The teacher is trying to help remember: - Tell Nikita, what color are her feathers? - I do not know, I only remember that she loudly knocks on the tree with her beak. And then it dawned on the boy: - I remembered her name is a snitch!


Two girlfriends of 6 years old are talking, one complains to the other: - You know, my stomach hurts for the third day, but I don’t know why. Girlfriend thought a little, makes the following conclusion: - It's a long time, so you're definitely pregnant. Girl in confusion: - Really?.

"I know it for sure"

Amazing in their "inadequacy" things sometimes happen on the part of parents in kindergarten. Each parent is kind to the child, many times reminds the teacher to put on a scarf, three socks, additionally reduce to the potty, etc.

The teacher usually tries to remember all the requests, even in small things.

"It's just the temperature"

And then the “X-hour” happens, the child has a fever / diarrhea begins / the ear, tooth, neck hurt. The teacher has a logical request - to quickly pick him up from the group and take him to the doctor. We note right away that in kindergarten no one has the right to treat, diagnose, give drugs. A preschool institution is not a clinic or a hospital, even an antipyretic tablet has contraindications and side effects that may first appear at preschool age. “Treating” a child before the arrival of the parents is a dangerous practice, fraught with huge problems for the caregiver and the child. An experienced worker will never get involved with drugs, his function is to quickly transfer the child into the hands of legal representatives, reporting the symptoms and other necessary information. By the way, a nurse in a preschool institution is also not always present on site due to the nature of the work and differences with the work schedule of the educator, the treatment of children is not part of her duties.

Strange, but this request so often goes unheeded that the scale of parental irresponsibility frightens. The child has a temperature of 38, 5 - 39 after sleep. The mother promises to come within an hour, the child is shivering, he is crying, the rest of the children are without due attention - after all, the baby is really sorry, and there is only one teacher. Parents' phones stop responding to the calls of the educator, four hours later, after the end of the working day, the mother, smiling, appears on the threshold. “It’s just the temperature”, “didn’t manage to take time off”, “did it take me so long to get there?” … these are the arguments. To be honest, the teacher has the right to call an ambulance and send the baby to the nearest hospital ... But how to leave him alone with other people's "aunts"? The child is sincerely sorry, because hysteria will be added to the temperature. And throwing a group of children in the middle of a working day does not always allow circumstances. If we add here the risk of getting sick for other children in the group (and not every kindergarten has an isolation ward), then the situation becomes critical.

This is fine?

There is a tendency to bring children into the group until the very peak of the disease. This is also a variant of the norm in many gardens. When the child is frankly ill, but there is no temperature, the parents continue to bring him as if nothing had happened. And it is precisely those, the most caring, who are asked to wear 10 clothes each and not stick their nose out from under the scarf. Caring for show is not always caring. Yes, and love too.

Sometimes it happens

There are “super advanced” specimens that have reached a fundamentally new level in parent-child relationships. They take the child to the garden even with the temperature, which they “carefully” bring down before coming to the garden. By lunchtime, she naturally returns, the child becomes lethargic, teachers notice this and call the parent. The next day, the baby is back in the garden, he was “treated” and recovered urgently. Again, before lunch. Such mothers manage to prove that the child does not have any temperature, teachers come up with it in order to reduce the number of children in the group. In such cases, the teacher fixes the fact of the presence of temperature in the presence of someone from the administration of the garden. Without a certificate that the child is healthy, he is no longer accepted into the group. It remains to hope for the humanity of pediatricians. The very attitude of the parent to the baby is shocking.

Well, it's just a holiday!

It is much more fun for the aunt to the teacher if the child is brought with diarrhea. After all, it is always a surprise, which means that the “festive” mood is provided for everyone. Without mentioning that something is wrong with the child, the parent sends him to other children in the “good luck” group. "Luck" usually happens an hour or two after arrival. In a good way, the group should be quarantined. An upset parent takes the child away (well, if right away, more often the teacher's assistant, suppressing gag reflexes, selflessly struggles with the consequences of the “surprise” or his “encore”). It’s great if the parents don’t start to find out what they “fed” him here, what happened ... These cases automatically fall into the “golden collection” of the educator, it’s hard to forget about them, such moments are very bright. If this is ordinary diarrhea, and not, for example, rotovirus, then all the children in the group and the workers themselves can be considered lucky.

Are children people too?

It is especially pitiful for the children who are brought in almost asleep when the kindergarten opens and are taken away when the watchman closes it.

The behavioral motives of some parents when they are on vacation are interesting and varied. Vacation, as a rule, involves the absence of a child at home. He is not supposed to leave and rest ... apparently he did not deserve it.
A preschool child should rest in the summer for at least a month, this is not enough, but most children do not have such an opportunity. Parents have rest, shopping, they frankly do not want to spend time with such a beloved and dear baby. "He loves the garden so much" that he automatically settles in it. Despite the five years of experience in the garden, it is impossible to get used to this phenomenon. I want to grab the breasts and shake the “miracle parent” so that he understands that his son or daughter desperately misses him, desperately sobs when the door closes; that soon the baby will grow up and also turn away from him ... That the small hand will become big ... and time will be lost.

I have been tormented by the question for so long, why do some people have children if they do not need them at all or frankly interfere? For check?


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