Girls, is it possible to dance during pregnancy?! Life in the rhythm of dance: pregnancy and belly dancing Belly dancing for pregnant women

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Can I dance while pregnant?

Paying tribute to modern fashion, many women came to the oriental dance class, and, looking out of curiosity, stayed because of great love. As time goes by, you spend it usefully in the dance hall, and one day you find out that you are expecting a baby. And immediately the question arises: should you continue your favorite activities?
The answer of a modern and competent teacher is YES, continue!

After all, the benefits of movements proven by centuries of history are undeniable:

  • maintaining physical fitness, because it is impossible to abruptly stop any kind of physical activity;
  • maintaining a good mood, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, when hormone levels change rapidly, and with it mood;
  • improvement of blood circulation, both mother and fetus;
  • improved coordination of movements;
  • maintaining posture;
  • strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back;
  • perineal muscle training, to reduce the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth.

"And the first thing you should do is alert your teacher that you are now in an "interesting position", because the load you have to change.

Contraindications for dancing during pregnancy

Even if you have perfect health, some movements are undesirable:

  • intense shaking;
  • sharp drops and blows, both with the hips and other parts of the body;
  • sharp turns;
  • active swings with arms and legs.

These recommendations should be followed throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and not just in the first trimester. when a fertilized egg implants and the placenta is formed. Of course, starting from the second trimester (from the 14th week) it will be much easier for you to move and dance, but we are still not Eastern women, so we will listen to the teacher's advice. Your movements should be smooth, soft, "honey". Getting both physical and aesthetic pleasure, you benefit both yourself and your unborn baby!

A special set of exercises for dancing during pregnancy

But what if you have never been involved in sports, dancing or aerobics (due to various reasons, including lack of time)?

Now, bearing a new life, you can make up for this deficiency! To practice belly dancing for pregnant women, no special training is required. The complex of movements is adapted for expectant mothers: a slow, calm pace of classes allows you to correctly distribute the load.


  • all accented movements;
  • active shaking, twisting;
  • sharp turns, lunges and swings.

Clothes for dancing during pregnancy

Clothing should, first of all, be comfortable, comfortable and natural. It is better to choose a knitted top and trousers with a low waistline, a color that pleases the eye. Although belly dancing is performed barefoot, socks or ballet flats should be worn on the feet. If you have a chic belt - feel free to put it on your hips, it will give you oriental charm and beauty, and welcome to the hall!

Health status while dancing during pregnancy

Serious medical contraindications to dancing during pregnancy are strictly individual for each woman., they are determined by the condition and course of pregnancy by a doctor, and most likely this will be a general contraindication to intense physical activity, since there are not many specialists who understand the intricacies of dance.

If you were not limited in the load, and you came to the dance, be sure to monitor your condition during class! Drink water, often and in small sips, to prevent dehydration. Listen to your feelings, during training you should calmly keep up the conversation and feel full of strength and positive energy.

By strengthening the muscles of the back, hips, abdomen, enjoying the dance, you take care of yourself and your unborn child!

Dancing is very popular among women today, because it is not only a way to have a good time, but also the way to a beautiful figure, plasticity and grace. However, after learning about their pregnancy, many are afraid to continue choreographic activities, believing that now the rhythm of life should be measured and smooth. So is it possible to dance in an "interesting" position? Will it harm the unborn baby?

The benefits of dancing during pregnancy

There are still banal stereotypes about dancing during pregnancy in society. First, for many, a woman in a position is associated with sluggishness and slowness. And secondly, the opinion that the expectant mother should only take care of the health of the baby and not think about her desires and “whims” has not been outlived.

Of course, both are big misconceptions. Pregnancy is not a disease, but relatively calm dances that do not overwork the female body, can bring a lot of benefits to the expectant mother and baby - both physiologically and psychologically:

  1. Being a full-fledged type of moderate physical activity, they increase the tone of the body, give energy, vitality.
  2. Strengthen the muscles of the legs, pelvis, back, vagina - that is, they are a kind of preparation for childbirth. In addition, due to such activities, a woman will physically recover faster even after the baby is born.
  3. Train the respiratory system. And proper breathing is also very important for a successful delivery.
  4. Improve blood circulation. As a result, the pressure stabilizes in a pregnant woman, the risk of developing varicose veins and late toxicosis decreases.
  5. Regular exercise improves mood (during physical activity, hormones of pleasure are produced), help prevent depression (including after childbirth).
  6. The fetus at a certain stage of its development begins to respond to sounds coming from outside. He feels them in the form of vibrations, and if the mother dances to pleasant melodic music, this has a calming effect on the baby.

Dancing for a pregnant woman is a wonderful way to quickly cheer up and avoid disturbing thoughts.

How to dance during pregnancy, so as not to harm yourself and the fetus

As for the specific terms of pregnancy, it is better to limit any physical activity, including dancing, in the first trimester. You can do it - but only with the utmost care, carefully assessing your well-being. This is a period of adaptation of the female body to its new position. In addition, many expectant mothers suffer from toxicosis at the beginning of bearing a child, and at this time they will simply not be up to dancing.

But the next three months are best suited for choreographic classes. Toxicosis is already behind, the stomach is not too big, the woman is not particularly worried about back pain, heaviness in the legs.

The most favorable time for dancing is the second trimester, when the body has already adapted to its condition, and the stomach is not too big

In the last trimester, dancing will not be very comfortable due to the large size of the abdomen. Loads, as in the beginning of pregnancy, will have to be reduced.

In general, the best option for a woman is to engage in special groups for pregnant women, where the process is controlled by a professional instructor. For expectant mothers, special programs are being developed, where potentially dangerous movements are excluded, an appropriate rhythm and degree of load are selected. But unfortunately, such choreographic studios are not available everywhere (only in large cities), so when going to an ordinary dance hall or moving at home to rhythmic music, a pregnant woman should consider the following important recommendations:

  1. Dances should not include sudden movements, quick turns, spins, jumps, or too high arm raises. In addition, it is necessary to avoid stress on the abdominal muscles: this can provoke uterine tone. It is best to choose slow, simple dances, because in an “interesting” position, it is not the technique that is important, but the pleasure received from the lesson.
  2. Before the lesson, be sure to do a warm-up: this will avoid potential muscle injury and sprains.
  3. If a woman did not exercise before pregnancy or only recently started doing it, the load should be increased gradually.
  4. It is advisable to do it regularly, but no more than three times a week. The duration of each lesson is 20-30 minutes. However, if a woman feels tired or any unpleasant symptom (palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness), the session should be stopped immediately. Dancing should bring only joy, and not be a burden.
  5. Be sure to take a bottle of water with you to the dance hall to make up for the loss of moisture. Only you need to drink not in one gulp, but in small sips.
  6. Since dancing is a physical activity, it “takes away” additional calories from the expectant mother. Therefore, a woman needs to eat especially well so that there is enough energy for everything.
  7. At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to lie down, raising your legs higher. This will improve the outflow of blood from the lower extremities and avoid swelling.
  8. For classes, you need to choose comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics. It is better to refuse synthetic fabric, besides, the outfit should not be too tight on the stomach. If heels are needed for dancing, then you need to choose only a low option (4–5 cm).

Each dance class should begin with a warm-up, and at the end it is advisable to lie down with your legs up to improve the outflow of blood.

Video: a pregnant woman is dancing at home (a kind of dance gymnastics to rhythmic pleasant music)

Video: a pregnant woman performs an oriental dance at home

Is it possible to dance during pregnancy: contraindications to choreographic classes

It is important to consider that any physical activity is indicated only for women with an uncomplicated pregnancy. And there are certain conditions in which dancing classes for a future mother are contraindicated:

  1. Increased uterine tone, placental pathology, when pregnancy is at risk.
  2. Severe toxicosis with occasional bouts of vomiting.
  3. Preeclampsia with severe edema, jumps in blood pressure.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. If a previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.
  6. Multiple pregnancy (it is often accompanied by increased risks).
  7. Existing chronic diseases in a woman: bronchial asthma, thyroid disorders, heart pathologies, gastritis in the acute stage, problems with muscles or joints.
  8. Acute viral and colds.

Specific types of dancing during pregnancy: permitted and prohibited

There are many types of different dances, and not all of them will be equally beneficial during pregnancy. Options are suitable where sudden movements are excluded, there is no significant load on the abdominal muscles, but there are smooth movements of the arms and legs, back and neck.

  1. Rumba. Smooth sliding dance. The main movements are forward and backward steps, the body weight is transferred from foot to foot, and the steps are accompanied by a swaying of the hip.
  2. Salsa. The basic pattern of the dance is also related to the steps. The only thing - a pregnant woman needs to reduce the rate of hip movements.
  3. Flamenco. Spanish dance is full of passion and femininity. It remarkably strengthens the back muscles, which is important for the expectant mother. The emphasis is also on spectacular hand movements, which is completely safe for a pregnant woman. The main thing is to choose the average pace of execution.
  4. Indian dance. This is not just a set of beautiful movements, but each time has its own little story. The basis of the dance is light movements of the arms, neck and even eyes. Every gesture matters.
  5. Oriental dances (no wonder they are called female fertility dances), the most popular of which is belly dance (bellydance). Extremely plastic movements make the spine of the expectant mother more flexible. The risk of stretch marks in the abdomen is reduced, the muscles that move the joints in the pelvis and the muscles of the perineum are trained (this will be very important during childbirth), bowel function improves (for many, the problem of constipation and heartburn is eliminated). Only the most beautiful outfits designed for such choreography can lift a woman's mood and self-esteem. You need to build a pregnant dance on the movements of the arms, shoulders, back. But the characteristic shaking and spectacular writing out the eights with the hips do not need to be practiced.

Oriental dances will bring a lot of benefits to a pregnant woman, prepare the body for childbirth, the main thing is to avoid strong shaking and vigorous writing out eights with hips

Video: oriental dance - exclusive program for pregnant women

Video: belly dance for pregnant women

Under the ban during the gestational period are modern club dances (for example, strip dancing) and street styles (for example, the well-known hip-hop). They are full of sudden movements that can provoke detrimental consequences during pregnancy.

Naturally, the expectant mother has no place in discos and nightclubs, even if she loved to dance there before pregnancy. Nothing but overwork, such leisure will not bring.

It is generally accepted that a woman "in position" needs peace. One cannot but agree with this, however, moderate physical activity will come in handy. Of course, in this case, the set of exercises should be adapted to the special state of the future mother's body - whether it's fitness, aqua aerobics or dancing. All movements should be smooth, it is better to perform them at a slow or medium (but not fast) pace, sharp or too complex movements should be excluded.

Belly dance (in an adapted version for pregnant women) will not harm the mother and baby at all, and on the contrary, it will prepare the woman's body for the upcoming birth. Being engaged in oriental dances, you will achieve important results:

Strengthen the muscles of the back (namely, they bear a large load as the stomach grows
- achieve elasticity of the ligaments
- learn to relax certain muscle groups (which is useful during childbirth)
- Strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles.

Regardless of whether you have previously practiced oriental or other dances, during pregnancy it is better to attend special classes with a qualified trainer. He will teach you to perform movements smoothly and carefully so as not to harm yourself and the baby. So, for example, such elements as shaking or sharp turns are completely excluded from the dance. The most mobile becomes the upper body (arms and shoulder girdle), while the movements of the pelvis and legs are minimized.

So, if you enjoy dancing, if you feel better with daily (albeit moderate) physical activity, you should not refuse them! Do not deprive yourself of your favorite activity, but be sure to take precautions. A preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Pregnancy is considered the most special, wonderful and interesting time in the life of any woman. At this time, each representative of the fair sex requires care from others and harmony in the world around her.

A woman feels that soon global changes will take place in her life, she cannot but be worried about this. The soul longs for maximum relaxation, which is often replaced by states of need for maximum activity. It is very important during this period to feel harmony and peace of mind. Belly dancing for pregnant women can help with this.

Whether to do belly dancing (belly dance) during pregnancy or not is up to you. There are different opinions about whether or not to do this. However, do not forget that adequate physical activity within reasonable limits is beneficial to the expectant mother. Before taking up dancing, choosing them as prenatal training, you should consult with your therapist and gynecologist. Not the last role is played by your inner feelings and intuition, because until you try it yourself, you will not be able to determine whether you like it or not.

In fairness, it should be noted that among modern pregnant women, belly dancing, which is organized by numerous fitness centers, is becoming increasingly popular. It turns out that this dance was developed for prenatal preparation of a woman's body in ancient Egypt. In fact, it turned out that such movements give a moderate and gentle load on all reproductive organs. Relaxation, muscle development and breathing techniques developed in dance contribute to an easier pregnancy.

The belly dance program contains exercises focused on relaxing the muscles of the abdomen, lower back and back, while eliminating all sudden movements and pushes. The most important rule to consider if you want to get the maximum benefit is to follow the recommendations of an experienced instructor. It should be borne in mind that oriental dance classes are contraindicated for pregnant women with a uterus in good shape, placental less than 5 cm, hypertension, fibroids.

As scientists have found out, this type of dance is directly related to childbearing, as it contributes to successful conception, preparing the body for childbirth and bearing a child. In some Arab countries, oriental dance movements to this day are a prenatal ritual.

Belly dance for pregnant women has an organic combination of the main four factors of pregnancy: physical activity, emotional charge, will training, being in society. The task of the expectant mother is not just to set some records, but to learn how to move smoothly, beautifully and, of course, have fun. After all, the positive emotions of the mother will bring joy to the baby.

For pregnant women, the instructor includes calmer music compared to classical dance options, and the movements are more plastic. They are designed to train the muscles of the pelvis, the press and perfectly train the spine.

We list the benefits that belly dancing gives expectant mothers:

They contribute to the relaxation of all deep muscles, as a result of which the painful spasm of the woman in labor decreases;

Increase tone;

Dancing tightens the buttocks without much stress;

Help to strengthen and increase the elasticity of the muscles of the perineum, preventing the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth;

Improving bowel function;

Prevention of varicose veins;

Normalization of blood flow;

Preservation of the shape of the breast;

They help to quickly restore prenatal form after childbirth.

Sensual music and the atmosphere of the East set up a pregnant woman for a positive, which contributes to an emotional charge, an increase in mood, an incitement to fantasies and dreaminess, which is not always possible due to physiological and hormonal changes.

Women who practiced belly dancing during pregnancy claim that the feeling of a holiday, the opportunity to be in bright oriental clothes, the manifestation of artistry and openness to creativity triumph over inexplicable tearfulness and irritability.

Belly dancing brings up the ability to harmonize one's condition, builds endurance, mobilizes the body's resources, trains willpower, etc. Classes teach you to instantly relax, which will allow the expectant mother to respond correctly to contractions.

Staying in society lies in the fact that most pregnant women lack communication. Therefore, a great reason to get out of the house and spend time for the benefit of yourself and the crumbs is to sign up for oriental belly dancing classes!

Belly dancing is an ancient art that has not lost its relevance today. It is especially useful for expectant mothers who are just preparing for the birth of a child or are already wearing it under their hearts.

Any woman who is "in position" understands that her pregnancy does not mean an absolute rejection of exercise. Moreover, physical activity is very beneficial for a pregnant woman, because it helps to keep the body in proper physical shape.

Sports alternative

But sometimes it happens that there is absolutely no desire to go in for sports, while as an alternative to sports physical activity, you can use such an interesting dance as belly dancing.

In the East since ancient times, women have been taught this art almost from childhood, and the oriental sages believed that it was this kind of dance that prepares a woman's body for her most basic purpose, namely, for the birth of a child.

Movements develop certain muscle groups that are involved in the process of pregnancy, as well as during childbirth. If you are just about to get pregnant, then this particular dance can help you properly prepare for the upcoming important event, and if you are already expecting a baby, then it will help you prepare perfectly for the upcoming birth. Today, almost any dance school in Kyiv or any other major Ukrainian city will offer you its services in studying and practicing this art.

What are the benefits of belly dancing?

  1. Thanks to him, it becomes possible to train those muscles that will be involved in childbirth.
  2. It will also teach you how to relax the deep muscles, which greatly relieves pain during contractions.
  3. Belly dancing well trains the muscles of the legs, but they still have a pretty big load during childbirth.
  4. This healthy dance can protect against diseases such as varicose veins, which many pregnant women are prone to.
  5. It perfectly trains the pectoral muscles, which makes it possible for a woman to keep her breasts beautiful.
  6. Muscle training helps to avoid stretch marks on your skin.

Belly dancing is absolutely safe for pregnant women because all movements are smooth. If you decide to engage in this type of art, you should consult with your doctor, and if there are no contraindications, you can safely practice it, right up to the very beginning of the third trimester.

Belly dancing is also very useful after childbirth, because it helps a woman to return to her previous shape as soon as possible.


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