Crochet with school children. Teaching preschoolers to crochet. Pigtail of air loops

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Needlework is an interesting and useful activity, it helps to complement our life with useful, convenient and simply beautiful things. In addition, needlework can fill your leisure time in the most pleasant way. To teach a child to needlework, to teach them to do things with their own hands is a very good goal. But the task of teaching a child to needlework is not always easy to do.

Take knitting, for example. Knitting is one of the oldest types of arts and crafts. Since ancient times, it has been known in all countries of the world, but this does not mean that they began to knit less. Each new generation contributes to the development of this type of activity.

In order to teach a child to knit (and you can do this from the age of 6), you must first awaken his interest in this activity. Well, if the mother knits herself, she can show the child the things she knits for family members. The child sees that it is beautiful, warm, comfortable. In addition, the girl so wants to imitate her mother, to be able to do what she does. However, boys are also not alien to knitting. And there is nothing reprehensible in this. Three hundred years ago, knitting stockings was a male occupation. By the way, it’s also a good idea for a child to talk about the origins of this needlework, interesting historical facts, making, of course, an adjustment for the age of the child.

Tell your child how to choose the right yarn, what kind of threads are, what number of hook or knitting needles you need to choose so that the loops on the knitted fabric are even.

The learning process itself must begin with acquaintance with knitting tools. It can be both knitting needles and a hook. First you need to dwell on one of the types of knitting. It is easier and clearer to start learning to knit with knitting needles. Choose a pair of needles that are not particularly thin, but not too thick (for example, No. 3). To learn the basics of knitting, it is better to take a smooth woolen yarn, well twisted into one thread. Show and at the same time explain to the child how the set of loops is made. Will have to show patience.

When the child learns to independently dial loops, proceed to the next stage of learning - knitting with facial loops. Show and explain to the child how the front loop is knitted. Then get the child to master the garter stitch technique. When this stage is completed, you can begin to explain the knitting of the purl loops. Next in line is the stocking knitting technique, a simple elastic band.

When the child is fluent in these techniques, you can try to knit simple little things: a handkerchief for a doll, a scarf for yourself, etc. You can finish the first thing of the child yourself, along the way explaining the technique of descent (better by knitting two loops of one, and not by tricky dragging the next loop into the previous one). You can work out the technique of lowering the loops by knitting a scarf for the same doll.

Having mastered the basic knitting techniques, you can start knitting things that involve knitting details: back, shelves, sleeves. Dress up the dolls from head to toe. You can continue to master the patterns, starting with simple ones, like a pigtail. After the child learns to masterfully master two knitting needles, you can start learning to knit on four knitting needles. And pretty soon your child will be able to knit their first socks and mittens.

To warm up your child's interest in knitting, buy magazines with photos, descriptions and patterns of knitted things. Look at the magazine with your child, ask him what he liked the most. Do not overdo it in your desire to teach your child to knit, rather say that you have a free hour today to give him a lesson, and next time you can knit with him not earlier than in a couple of days. The proverb about the forbidden fruit is not outdated yet.

If the mother herself does not know how to knit, but wants the child to learn this wonderful needlework, you can find a circle in the institution of additional education for children and enroll the child there. Private training is also possible.

A few tips from Victoria on how to teach your daughter to knit.

“A woman must be able to knit. The opportunity to knit warm and beautiful things for yourself and your family will always come in handy in life. And for many women, knitting becomes not just a necessary thing, but also a favorite hobby, which makes it possible for creative self-realization.

That is why it is very important not only to teach a girl how to perform basic techniques, but to captivate her with knitting. It is best to combine learning with play so that the child is interested. Crocheting is easier than knitting, so I advise you to start with it. Choose a thick yarn in a light shade and a smooth hook of the appropriate number. Eyes get tired faster from dark yarn, and it takes longer to knit from thin threads. The girl may simply not have the patience to finish the product. Namely, this moment is very important: the child must see the result of his work. This will be an incentive to move on to the next product.

It is better to start learning to knit at the age of 7-8 years. Some girls show interest in needlework even earlier, but at the age of 5-6, the child still lacks perseverance and attention for knitting. Many girls ask their mothers to knit something for the doll. This is the most convenient moment to introduce the girl to needlework. Start with the simplest. Knitting a scarf for a small doll is quite within the power of a child. Start with rectangles and squares, no fuss. Based on the rectangle, you can make a hat, a pillowcase for a doll pillow, a rug, a handbag. Instruct your daughter to tie the base of the product herself, and take care of the finishing. Let the girl knit a scarf herself, and you make tassels. You can make a pom pom for a hat. If the child is engaged in knitting alone, then the work will quickly get bored. If, however, you will discuss together, say, a hat model or a rug finish, then the learning process will become part of the game.

And further. It is not necessary to criticize the daughter's products. Do not say anything even if the loops are clumsy and the rectangle is lopsided. By doing this, you will only offend the girl, she will no longer want to pick up a hook or knitting needles. Accuracy will come with time, if there is interest and desire.

Here are some helpful tips for teaching your daughter how to knit. Having learned simple techniques, the girl will be more interested in mastering more complex patterns and patterns, watching what beautiful things her mother knits in addition to knitted T-shirts and thin jumpers. By the way, you can buy high-quality children's knitwear in bulk here: //

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Discussion: 6 comments

  1. Indeed, a woman should be able to not only knit. What a pity that now many mothers do not know how to knit or sew and, most importantly, do not want to do anything with their own hands. 🙁


    1. Olga, but a person should do what he is good at, what he likes. If everything disappeared in the stores again, we would start sewing and knitting ... And I would go around in crooked skirts and dresses that don’t fit *UNKNOWN*


      1. In recent years, I have met a lot of mothers and grandmothers who not only do not know how to do anything themselves (needlework), but also treat needlewomen with contempt. But many of them have girls, and they convey such a negative attitude towards any needlework to their girls. 🙁


You can knit from different threads: woolen cotton and synthetic. But it is better to start learning to knit from woolen threads of medium thickness.

When knitting, the ball should be on the left, and the thread on the fingers of the left hand. Look carefully at figure 1 and you will understand how to hold the thread. In this position, the thread will be stretched evenly.

Hold the end of the thread with your thumb and middle finger. Figure 2 shows the position of the left hand when knitting.

Take the hook in your right hand. It should be one and a half to two times thicker than the thread.

Grab the hook with your thumb and forefinger like a pencil. The middle finger should be slightly closer to the head of the hook. The correct position of the right hand is shown in Figure 3.

Now let's learn how to make the first loop. Insert the hook under the thread, as shown in Figure 4, and with the movement of the right hand towards yourself, make a full turn.

Get a loop. Do not tighten it tight, it should be loose as shown in Figure 5.

In figure 6 you will see how to hold the base of this loop with the fingers of your left hand so that it does not tighten.

Grab the thread from below and pull it through the loop on the hook. Get the initial loop. Tighten this loop (Figure 7). Pull up the thread.

Now let's learn how to knit a chain of air loops. In order for the chain to be even and all the loops to be the same, do not rush! Knit the chain slowly, carefully. Grab the thread with a hook and stretch it into a loop - you get a new loop. Then grab the thread again and pull it through the loop again. So knit a chain of air loops. If you see that the loops are uneven, do not be lazy, unravel the chain and knit it again. The chain should be the same as in Figure 8. The knitting of the first row, and hence the beauty of the entire product, depends on how even the chain will be.

From chains connected with threads of different colors, you can make various decorations-finishes.

To do this, you need to transfer the outline of the selected pattern to transparent paper, then cut out a figure or flower, put it on the product (hat, handbag, etc.), circle it with chalk or make a basting with a thread. The connected chain must be laid along the contour of the pattern and carefully sewn with a thread of the same color.

From the loop that you learned to knit, begin any crochet. From these loops in different combinations make up patterns of different knitting. Various combinations of loops are called "columns". There are several such columns, but each is indicated by conventional signs.

Oh - this sign is an air loop. She is the beginning of knitting. A chain is knitted from such loops, and such loops are included in crocheting patterns.

Let's learn how to knit with single crochets.

This is the designation of a single crochet.

You have tied the chain. After the chain, you need to tie the first column. To do this, count the third loop from the loop that you have on the hook. Insert the hook into this loop, grab the thread and pull it through the loop. Now there are two loops on the hook. Grab the yarn again and pull it through these two loops again, as shown in Figure 9. So knit to the end of the row, inserting the hook into each loop of the chain. Turn the knitting, knit one air loop - this is necessary for the height of the row and so that the knitting edge is even. Then knit all the rows with the same single crochet.

The pattern of each knitting pattern is indicated by a different combination of conventional icons. Such a combination, given in the figure, is called a scheme. Figure 10 shows a knitting pattern with single crochets. Chain stitches that are knitted for row height are highlighted in a different color.

Work 8-10 rows with single crochets. This will be a sample. The sample should be even at the edges. Therefore, be sure to ensure that the number of columns in each row is the same. If you like the knitted pattern, do not break the thread, but continue knitting with single crochets, but now insert the hook into each loop of the row not for the entire loop, but only for the half that is behind. Look at figure 11. So knit 8-10 rows. Do you see how beautiful knitting you got? Such knitting is called an elastic band.

You don't need to break the thread. You will continue knitting, but already with single crochets, knitted in two steps.

2 - this sign means a single crochet, knitted in two steps. Knit it like this: insert the hook into the loop, grab the thread and pull it through the loop, you will get two loops on the hook. Grab the thread again and pull it through only one loop, then grab the thread again and pull it through 2 loops on the hook.

These columns are slightly higher than those that you have already learned to knit, that is, single crochets. Knitting with such columns is softer and freer.

Now look at the diagram of this knitting in Figure 12. It is similar to the previous diagram, but for the height of the row you need to tie not one, but two air loops.

Knit several rows with the same stitches, do not break the thread, but put the knitting aside. This concludes your first knitting lesson. If during this lesson you were able to learn how to knit a chain and three types of columns that are described above, well done! And be sure to become a good needlewoman.

Before starting the next lesson, let's again, from memory, knit 5-6 rows on the same sample with single crochets, which are indicated by this + sign. It turns out? Very well! And now you will learn to knit curly single crochet. They are shown in Figure 13. Take threads of a different color. Well, if they are the same thickness as you. Knitted before, in the first lesson.

In order to put a thread of a different color into work, it is necessary when knitting the last column in a row, when there are two loops on the hook, knit these loops with a thread of a different color - how to do this is shown in Figure 14. Break the thread of the first color and carefully thread the end of the thread on the wrong side of the work.

Continue knitting the next row with a thread of the second color, but with curly columns.

How to knit curly columns? The first three loops in the row are knitted as usual - single crochets. When knitting the fourth single crochet, you need to insert the hook into the loop, which is three or four rows lower. Look at figure 15. So knit the whole row. When knitting long columns, make sure that the long loop lies freely and does not tighten the knitting. See what a beautiful row you have turned out?

Work five more rows with single crochets as usual, and then again take a thread of a different color and knit curly stitches. Show your fantasy. On fig. 16 gives two options for figured columns. And you try to come up with different options yourself.

And now you and I will learn to knit with double crochets. The double crochets are higher than all the previous columns, and the sign that denotes the double crochets will also be higher. Like this -- +

Start knitting another pattern.

First, knit a chain of air loops. Yarn over your hook as shown in Figure 17.

Insert the hook into the fourth loop of the chain, grab the thread and pull it through the loop of the chain. There were 3 loops on the hook (loop, yarn over, loop - figure 18).

Grab the thread again and pull it through two loops (loop and yarn over, as shown in figure 19).

Then grab the thread again and pull it through the two loops remaining on the hook (Figure 20).

When knitting with double crochets for the height of the row, it is necessary to knit not one, but two air loops. Look at the diagram - figure 21.

When you knit several rows with double crochets, do not break the thread. We will begin the lesson of knitting "squares". As you should, consider the scheme of the “square” knitting pattern in Figure 22. When knitting, strictly follow the order indicated in the diagram. And it is also very important to know that in the description of the knitting pattern, that part of the pattern that is repeated throughout the entire knitting row is marked with two asterisks. Now you know this and you can start knitting a square.

First, knit two air loops for the height of the row. Then insert your hook into the first st of the row, knit * one double crochet, make one air loop, skip one loop of the previous row * and then knit as you already knitted - from * to *.

At the end of the row, double crochet once into the last stitch of the row.

When knitting with "squares", make sure that all double crochets are knitted exactly above the double crochets of the previous row.

To do this, insert the hook not just into the loop of the previous row above the columns, but into the center of the “head” of the column, into its dense part, as shown in Figure 23.

If you knit several squares, and then pull threads of different colors from top to bottom (or from bottom to top), you get a knitting pattern “under a checkered fabric”. The plaid pattern is shown in figure 24.

Now let's learn how to knit double crochets. Such columns are higher than columns with one crochet. The symbol for such a column is a stick with two dashes -ǂ. Two dashes mean that you need to make two crochets.

Tie a chain of air loops. Yarn over twice, then insert your hook into the fifth loop of the chain. Grab the thread and pull it through the loop. There will be 4 loops on the hook (loop, double crochet, loop). Grab the thread, pull it through the first 2 loops on the hook (loop and yarn over); grab the thread again and pull it through the next two loops (loop and yarn over); the third time, grab the thread and pull it through the two loops remaining on the hook.

Tie a sample - 3-4 rows with such high columns. And then start knitting squares with double crochets. The knitting pattern is given in Figure 25.

The diagram shows that for the height of the row when knitting with double crochets, three air loops must be connected. The distance between the two columns is 2 air loops. This means that you must knit one column, two air loops and then insert the hook into the third loop from the column of the previous row and again connect the double crochet column.

Knit several rows in this pattern.

So you learned to knit a chain, single crochet, single crochet and double crochet. Now you just have to find out what a “half-column” or connecting column is.

To tie a connecting column, insert the hook into the loop of the chain, grab the thread and pull it through the loop lying on the hook, fig. 26.

With a half-column, the end of the knitting row is connected to the beginning, separate knitted parts. The edges of the product are tied with such a column so that they are tight. With the help of the same half-column, or a connecting column from the chain, you can make a "ring".

Knit a chain in several loops. Then insert the hook into the first loop at the beginning of the chain, grab the thread and pull it through two loops at once, Fig. 27. You will get a “ring”.

Everything that you have learned so far will come in handy for knitting "magic" squares.

Let's start knitting the simplest square. First of all, you should know that a square is a geometric figure in which all four sides are equal. Decide what size you want to knit a square, how many centimeters one side of it will be.

The same length you must tie the chain. The chain is the beginning of knitting. Then you can knit row after row with any kind of columns in height. Having connected the square, do not break the thread, tie all sides of the square with the same thread as follows: the first row - with single crochets (do not forget to knit not one, but three columns in all corners), the second row - knit with columns, between which there is an air loop, the third row - again with single crochets.

You can start knitting a square not from a long chain, but from a “corner”. To do this, knit a chain of five loops. Then, in the third loop from the hook, knit a single crochet, in the next loop - three single crochets (this will be the center of the corner). In the last, remaining loop, you need to tie a single crochet.

Turn knitting. Work 1 chain stitch for row height. Then, in the first 2 loops, knit one single crochet, in the third - the central loop - knit 3 single crochets, and then in the remaining two loops - one single crochet. So you will knit row after row, and the sides of the square will increase due to the fact that in each row you will knit three single crochets into the central loop. Look at the knitting pattern (Fig. 28). The square can be connected with any kind of loops - as you want.

Such a square can be a convenient "grabber" for hot dishes. Only it is better to knit it from simple, cotton threads.

And now we will knit squares, starting not from the corner, but from the center. Knit a chain of four air loops and connect it into a ring with a half-column. Then, in each loop of the ring, knit two single crochets. In this row you will already have eight single crochets. In the next row, in order to get 4 corners, you need to knit like this: one air loop for the height of the row, then in the first loop - 1 single crochet, in the next loop - 3 single crochet *. And so on throughout the row from asterisk to asterisk (* - *). Connect the end of the row with the beginning of the row with a half-column. For the height of the next row, knit one air loop, and then continue to knit row after row, knitting 3 single crochets into each central loop of the corner - “increase”. Due to this increase, each side of the square will increase by two loops. Look at the square knitting pattern in Figure 29.

If you knit several rows with single crochets, and then want to continue knitting with double crochets, then in the center of the corners you need to knit three double crochets and between them one air loop.

Now I want to introduce you to knitting small multi-colored squares. For knitting such squares, you can use the remains of threads of different colors, each 2-2.5 m long. The scheme of knitting such squares is given in Figure 30.

Very similar to small squares and squares with circles in the center.

First, knit a chain of ten air loops and connect it with a half-column into a ring. Tie two air loops and then, inserting the hook into the middle of the ringlet, knit 23 double crochets. Connect the end and the beginning of the row with a half-column. Then, for the height of the next row, tie two air loops. Then, in each loop of the previous row, knit a double crochet, and after it - an air loop. When you knit the whole row in a circle, there will be 48 loops in it. Now the circle must be turned into a square. To do this, first knit two loops for the height of the row, and then knit, repeating the pattern like this: * 10 double crochets in a row in 10 loops of the previous row, then 7 air loops. Skip 2 stitches of the previous row *. So knit from star to star three more times. Connect the end of the row with the beginning of the semi-column.

The knitting pattern for such squares is shown in Figure 31.

Now you only have to learn how to knit one more square. See how it looks in finished form in the figure and how many different products can be knitted from such squares.

To knit such a “magic” square, you can use the remains of different threads, but all threads must be of the same thickness. If some threads are thinner, they can be connected into two, three, four threads.

Before you start knitting a "magic" square, take it and draw it with colored pencils on paper, arranging the colored rows in the order that you like best. Colored pencils should match the colors of the threads with which you will knit.

Start knitting a square from the center. For the initial, first rows of knitting, threads will need less. Start knitting a square with those threads that you have little.

Knit a chain of 4 air loops. Connect it into a ring with a half-column. Then knit carefully, doing everything exactly as shown in the diagram (look at figure 32).

How to introduce a thread of a different color into knitting? To do this, knit the last loop of the row with a thread of a different color. Insert the hook into the loop, grab a thread of a different color and pull it through two loops at once - through the loop of the row and the loop that lies on the hook, that is, knit a half-column. After that, you can continue knitting.

When you knit a square of the size you need, carefully tuck all the ends of the threads on the wrong side of knitting.

If the product that you are planning to knit consists of several squares, before sewing them together, fasten the sides of the squares in the middle and at the corners with pins.

The squares can be sewn with a needle and thread, can be connected to each other by tying them with single crochets. Just do not forget to knit three columns in the corners.

The squares can be used as a trim on a dress, blouse, skirt. From such squares, you can knit the entire product, or you can alternate knitting with simple double crochets with small colored squares.

You can certainly come up with many different products connected from squares.

Now that you've learned to knit, I hope you teach your girlfriends how to knit.

It's not a secret for any parent that in today's world, full of computers, tablets and other gadgets, it is quite difficult to get a child involved in useful activities, such as various crafts and needlework. Therefore, the task of teaching a child to needlework is not always easy to do.

As for knitting, the ideal option here is when the mother knits herself and can arouse the child's interest in this activity. After all, daughters, as a rule, always strive to imitate their mothers and want to do what she does.

So, your child is interested, so where do you start learning? Of course, from acquaintance with knitting tools.


It can be either knitting needles or a hook. First you need to choose one. An important point when a child works with knitting tools is their safety. Knitting needles and hooks must always be with blunt ends. In any case, always be extremely careful when a child has a hook or knitting needles in his hands. Explain to him that games and pampering with tools are unacceptable.

For training, it is better to take knitting needles or a medium-sized hook, for example 3-3.5. The yarn should be smooth, also of medium thickness, the thread of which will be well and tightly twisted. Show your child how to hold the instrument, how to cast on loops. The next step is to master various basic knitting techniques. Most likely, you will have to show the same element many times, but it is worth showing patience and endurance.


If mom knits herself, then joint knitting of things for her favorite toy or doll will be a great way to learn. Start with the simplest things, like a scarf or a small pillow.

If the mother herself does not know the technique of knitting, but wants her child to learn this useful activity, then here many master classes available on the Internet will come to your aid. Also, if you have the opportunity, then send the child to a knitting circle and be sure that the result will be visible soon.

When the child has mastered the basic techniques, he will be able to learn to knit scarves, toys, small decor items.

Remember that if the child does not like it, in no case should you force him to do it. Always help, explain and answer all questions. Perhaps a future designer and fashion designer is growing in your family!

This type of needlework, like knitting, has always been held in high esteem. And knitted things are usually beautiful and unusual. Knitting is back in fashion, and for the first time many are trying to pick up knitting needles and hooks. Try it and you and your child will join this useful hobby.

Knitting is the process of making knitted garments from a continuous thread using hand tools such as knitting needles and a crochet hook.

You can learn more about all types of useful needlework with children in the article.

Why teach children to knit?

What are the benefits of learning to knit? And there are certainly benefits:

  • Knitting perfectly trains the little fingers of children, develops their fine motor skills.
  • Knitting teaches perseverance, patience, because it is not so easy to knit even a scarf for a doll!
  • The artistic taste of the child, his imagination develops.
  • The child's memory is being trained.
  • Knitting classes perfectly bring together the child and the mother or grandmother helping him.
  • Knitted things are unique gifts for your relatives, which the baby will be terribly proud of.

Types of knitting

The most common types of knitting that are good for children are:

  1. Knitting. Such types of loops are used as purl, front, edge and crochet. With their help, you can knit any thing. There are two ways of knitting:
    • English way. The working thread is held with the right hand, and when a new loop is received, it clings to the right knitting needle.
    • Continental (German) way. The working thread is held in the left hand, and clings to the right knitting needle.
  2. Crochet. An easier way to knit. Such types of loops as single crochet and double crochet, half-column and air loop are used.

What You Will Need

To begin with, determine with the baby in what way you will knit: on knitting needles or crochet. Start with one type of knitting. Each method has its own difficulties and advantages.

You will need:

  • Spokes. For a child, choose wooden or plastic, medium-thick (No. 3) knitting needles. It's great if you go shopping together. It is better if the knitting needles are just children's and bright.
  • Or a hook. Normal, medium thickness will do.
  • Yarn. Choose woolen smooth, twisted into one thread. The color should be light, not cutting the eyes.
  • Knitting guide. There are many on the Internet and in magazines.

How to teach a child to knit

You can introduce the baby to knitting at the age of 5-6 years. At this age, the child is already diligent and attentive enough to delve into the complexity of the technique. Moreover, both girls and boys can get involved in knitting.

When learning to knit:

  • first show the child how to cast on loops;
  • then show how to knit facial loops;
  • learn garter stitch together;
  • then proceed to the technique of purl loops;
  • and finally show how to knit in plain rib and stocking st;
  • later master the knitting of braids and plaits.

When the child can easily cope with different types of loops, then try to knit the simplest thing - a scarf for a doll.

Then you can try to knit products from several parts: shelves, backs and sleeves. Let it be clothes for your favorite dolls.

Try knitting small toys. Help and advise the child.

When the child masters everything, then you can switch from two to four knitting needles.

When learning to crochet:

  • show that the hook should be held like a pencil;
  • hands should not be tense;
  • show how to knit the first air loop;
  • then a chain of air loops;
  • go to the second row;
  • master the lifting loop.

  • Do not write off with the development of the stages, classes should be no more than half an hour.
  • Be patient and do not scold for tangled threads, praise the little knitter more often.
  • Conduct learning in the form of a game, telling stories.
  • Make sure that the needlewoman or needlewoman is sitting upright, the hook or knitting needles are held correctly, and the threads are lying in a basket on the floor.
  • Encourage your child to knit, buy knitting magazines and choose interesting patterns together.
  • Keep knitted masterpieces carefully.

Be patient, consistent and diligent, and then knitting will become your child's favorite hobby!

Alexandra Naroditskaya for the Creative Moms website.


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