Drawing with children 1 3 years. Drawing with kids. You will need to draw with your baby

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Teaching kids 2-3 years old to draw is not only an important period in the development of visual skills and imagination, but also for the subsequent formation of a creative personality.

How to teach a child to draw?

The main thing when learning to draw is to create a "live" image and vivid impressions. After all, all children learn the world through the game. Not a single kid sat down at a desk voluntarily and began to display boring squiggles. Therefore, the union of an adult and a child, based on mutual understanding and respect, will be important in this process. Remember, in creativity you are not a teacher, but a friend of the child. Do not put your skills and abilities on a pedestal, but sink to his level. Do not teach, do not advise “at hand”, but show how to do it at the beginning of the lesson. And then just sit down and watch.

You can not force the baby to draw, it can discourage him from wanting to in the future!

Getting started with drawing With children 2 years old It's important to get the timing right. It is better to give preference to the first half of the day, when the child's brain is not yet overloaded with information, and a lot of strength has been accumulated. A distinctive feature of classes at 2 years old is a close connection with the outside world, because at this age kids are very curious and absorb information like sponges.

Drawing Withchildren at 3 years old also has a number of features. As a rule, kids of 3 years old already have certain preferences in themes for the game and favorite characters. Therefore, in order to teach a child to perform the exercises below, you need to intrigue him. Tell an interesting story, for example, about a hedgehog, and then offer to help him pick apples.

What to draw?

Many parents mistakenly go from simple to complex. They give a child a felt-tip pen at the age of 2, suggesting to teach him to draw without making any effort. After all, felt-tip pens are so bright and they are so easy to draw with! But this way, on the contrary, is the most difficult. After all, then you will have to retrain the child to hold the pencil correctly and learn to press it in order to draw a line on paper. With effort, when you press the pencil from early childhood, the baby trains the pen, develops fine motor skills. It will be easier for him to prepare for school, and study itself. Therefore, it is better not to give the baby a felt-tip pen until the age of 4, until he fully masters the skill of drawing with a pencil.

What pencils to choose?

Here all teachers are unanimous - trihedral. They exclude the possibility of taking a pencil incorrectly. For kids who are just learning to hold a pencil, triangular wax pencils are suitable, and for older children, wooden ones with a soft lead.

So, let's get to work!


: introduce the baby to pencils, rules of use, ways of possession.
Material: sheet of white paper, colored pencils.


Take a sheet of paper and a red pencil. Draw a big and small circle. The child will watch the process with interest: for the first time he sees how the outline of a familiar object appears on a blank sheet of paper.

Invite him to take a pencil in his right hand.

Demonstrate how to properly hold the pencil with your thumb, middle and index fingers, without pressing hard on the paper and without tearing through it.

Holding the child's hand along with the pencil, draw a circle shape. Let go of his hand. Let him try to repeat the movements himself.

Of course, it will be difficult for a child to reproduce the outline of a round shape from the first time. So start with a simple line. Let the kid develop his own hand, creating his own little masterpieces.

The main thing is that he is interested in the process itself, and the result will certainly please later.


Target: teach to draw strokes, strengthening and weakening the movements of the hand with a pencil.
materials: colored pencils, a sheet of paper with a gray shape - “clouds”.


Pay attention to the change in the weather in nature: the sun is shining, then clouds are running in, blocking the sun and it starts to rain.

Show a drawing with a silhouette image of a gray cloud. "What is it? Cloud. It's raining drip-drip-drip"

Take a blue pencil and draw strokes, then increasing the rhythm of the rain, then weakening.

Comment on your actions with pencil movements. "There are puddles on the path." Draw an oval shaped puddle.

Invite the child to continue drawing, encouraging him to first increase the rhythm of the strokes, and then weaken.

Pay attention to hand coordination.

"Balloons for a bear"

teach rotational movements, correctly hold a pencil in your hand without breaking through a sheet of paper.
Materials: colored pencils, a white sheet of paper with a pasted bear and drawn threads for balls.


As an illustrative example, show a toy - a bear that holds a red balloon in its paw.

Ask the child what color is the balloon? Give him a red pencil, remind him how to hold it correctly in his hand.

Invite your child to draw balls for a bear on a previously prepared sheet of paper with an image of an animal.

Help the child by holding and guiding the pen and pencil.

"Apples for the hedgehog"

Target: develop a plot and game plan, teach rotational movements.
Material: a sheet of paper with the image of a hedgehog application, colored pencils, a hedgehog - a toy.


Invite the child to guess the riddle: "under the pines, under the trees lies a ball of needles."

Help him complete the task by telling stories about the hedgehog and acting out the story of how he stores mushrooms and apples for the winter.

Show a sheet with a picture of a hedgehog application without needles.

Invite the child to draw needles with short strokes, then apples and mushrooms.

Help him if he finds it difficult to depict these objects.

"My fingers"

Target: learn to trace objects along the contour.
Material: colored pencils, sheet of paper.


Place the child's hand on a sheet of paper and circle it along the contour, naming each finger.

Offer to paint them in different colors.

Then ask your child to repeat your actions on their own.

In case of difficulty, help outline the cube or other object, keeping it in the center and helping the child cope with the task.


introduce new material: paints, brushes, teach the rules for using paints.
materials: paint - red gouache, brushes No. 8-10, sheets of white paper, a jar of water, napkins.


Remind them that the child first learned to draw with colored pencils.

Now he will learn to draw with paints.

Draw his attention to a jar of bright color and a brush, which consists of a stick and soft pile.

Show your child how to draw.

First, dip the brush into the paint, wring out excess drops on the edge of the jar and draw a wide line on the paper.

The result was a "path". Then, firmly applying the brush to a sheet of paper, depict its traces: "walking along the path."

Make circular movements with the brush - it "dances". Draw a circle and sticks around - this is the sun.

Then invite the child to draw.

To do this, put the brush in his handle, holding it with your hand, dip the brush into the paint, squeeze out excess drops on the edge of the jar and draw a line.

Do everything slowly and carefully, voicing your actions.

During the paint change, show how to rinse the brush in a jar of water, and then dry it by applying it to a paper towel.

Give the child freedom of movement, controlling the process.

Encourage experimentation with paint, painting the surface of the sheet with paints of different colors.

At the end of the lesson, rinse the brush, review and discuss the work done.

"Who lives in the forest"

Target: teach motor rhythm.
Materials: a sheet of paper painted in light gray tones with applications of tree silhouettes, a brush, paints, a jar of water, napkins.


Think about the inhabitants of the forest: hares, hedgehogs, bears, foxes and wolves. Read poems, riddles, sing songs.

Draw, on a pre-prepared sheet, with the tip of a brush, small traces of a hare, as he jumps and runs.

Large footprints of a wolf that ran through the forest.

Then, with the whole bristle of the brush, large strokes are traces of a bear, as he walks through the forest.

After showing the drawing technique, invite the child to draw footprints on their own and tell to whom which belong.


Target: learn to draw with strokes in different parts of the paper.
Materials: a blue sheet of paper, white paint, brushes No. 8-12, a jar of water, napkins.


Remember how snowflakes look in the winter season, what color they are, how they spin and fall to the ground.

Sing familiar melodies about the winter season.

Invite the child to draw a white snowball and make a few strokes.

Against a blue background, white snow will look very impressive.

Ask the child to repeat the strokes: in different parts of the paper, apply “falling snow” with strokes.

Important to remember! Expanding your understanding of the world around you, do not forget to encourage the baby in all his endeavors.


Target: use different colors of paints, the ability to wash the brush when changing paint.

Materials: a sheet of dark blue paper, paints of different colors, a brush, a jar of water, napkins.


Relive the impressions of the fireworks seen.

Show together how the rocket fires take off, raising your hands up.

Then draw white stripes on the dark blue background of the night sky to mimic the movement of a rocket.

Draw salute fires with strokes of red and yellow, rhythmically applying them in the form of dots, spots, stripes.

When changing paint, remind your child to rinse the brush in a jar of water, dry it by applying it to a paper towel.

Finger painting in kindergarten. Master class for children 2-3 years old

Safonova Ksenia, 3 years old, MADOU "CRR - kindergarten "Sun" of the Yarkovsky municipal district", p. Yarkovo, Tyumen region.
Supervisor: Kurmanova Gulnara Ruslanovna, educator, MADOU "CRR - kindergarten "Sun" of the Yarkovsky municipal district", p. Yarkovo, Tyumen region.
Description: finger drawing. The drawing can be used as a group decoration, decoration of a creative corner. The work is intended for children of primary preschool age.
Target: learning to draw with fingers, the development of aesthetic perception, a sense of color.
- to form in children a steady interest in visual activity;
- continue to develop figurative representations,
- teach children to draw with fingers;
- learn to freely use a variety of techniques to create images;
- develop figurative and abstract thinking;
- develop fine motor skills of hands;
- develop cognitive activity;
- cultivate perseverance, diligence, patience.
Material: a sheet of paper, paints, a glass for water, napkins.
Butterflies pattern.


Talk to children about butterflies. Butterflies are the most beautiful insects. They are unique in their beauty, shape, color. You can discuss the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Then discuss their colorful wing coloration.
Let's get to work. Let's come up with a color for butterflies.
Butterfly templates are distributed.

We take a template, paints. We use bright colors. Each butterfly will be different from the previous butterfly. For example, for the first butterfly we use yellow color. Dip your finger in the paint and draw patterns on the butterfly wings with dots.

Then dip your finger in red. Similarly, we create a pattern for the second butterfly.

We continue our work with great interest and admiration. We take blue paint. Feel free to dip your finger and also draw patterns. We get another beautiful butterfly this time.

Butterflies usually fly in a clearing where there are many flowers. They drink nectar from flowers. Therefore, these delightful insects love flowers. To make our butterflies more fun, let's draw flowers for them. Let's go yellow again. Draw dots around the butterflies. The more flowers, the more colorful the clearing.

We take red paint. Adding petals to our flowers.

The drawing is ready. Simple and interesting work that any child will like. We make a frame and decorate the group with it.

For example, consider the work done by the same drawing technique, caterpillars.
We draw the heads of two caterpillars.

Dip your finger in green and draw the body of the caterpillar.

We continue.

Similarly, we draw the second caterpillar.

And add flowers. Middles first.

Then petals.

A very simple technique for doing work will interest children in trying their strength and effort again and again. Be ready to bring new ideas to the little artist.
Thank you for your attention!

Children's "kalyaki-malyaki" is nothing more than an effective way to develop fine motor skills and artistic taste of a child. When drawing, the child's imagination grabs the images and transforms them into dashes / dots / blots. In general, one cannot underestimate the full benefits of this simple, but very exciting activity.

You can start drawing with a child from 8-9 months: first with finger paints, then adding other tools. By the age of 2-3, the child already clearly understands what kind of process this is, understands the meaning of color, shape.

If your child sits at home or goes to a nursery, then you will have to act as a teacher of artistic skills (as a rule, in a nursery with kids they draw “anyhow” - too “troublesome” occupation).

What do you need to draw?

How can a child draw?

Don't be afraid to experiment with different tools. Anything that leaves a mark can be used for your lessons.

Standard means:

  • Finger paint. Price - from 250 rubles. There are many recipes on the net on how to make these paints yourself.
  • Wax pencils and crayons.
  • Ordinary crayons. Draw on asphalt, slate, pebbles, etc.
  • Slate pencils.
  • Paints: watercolor, gouache.
  • Markers and markers.

Some mothers say that it is too early to give pencils and thin felt-tip pens to a child at 2 years old, because due to “not weak childish pressure”, the stylus will break and the rods will be pressed. But the argument "for" is the provision of choice, diversity, assortment. Don't feel sorry for markers and pencils (and don't buy the cheapest ones that draw really badly).

In stores like "Fix Price" you can sometimes buy some unusual drawing tools. Let this be a one-time activity, but variety (I repeat) is very important. For example, a kit for painting with glitter on velvet paper. Or felt-tip pens that need to be blown into.

What to draw on?

Most often, children are offered A4 sheets. This is a fairly budget option, given that the baby can draw one line across the entire sheet with a brush and demand a clean one, for a new “plot”. But it will be great if the drawing lesson takes place on a large sheet of drawing paper spread out on the floor. "Scale drawing" is very useful for the child. He is still just mastering the world around him and “methods of influencing” it. It is possible that he wants to paint himself. Or walk with decorated legs on the floor, while experiencing extraordinary delight.

Instead of expensive paper sheets, you can use a roll of cheap white paper wallpaper.

In addition to paper, you will have to stock up: non-spill cups (sometimes you can put larger dishes with water), a palette for mixing paints. It is very good if a double-sided board appears in the house (on the one hand you can draw with chalk, on the other with markers).

What and how to draw with a child in 2-3 years?

A two-year-old baby is able to repeat simple visual shapes: lines, dots, circles, triangles, polygons. If you are studying the alphabet, then letters (a separate material will be devoted to this topic).

At this age, children already understand that it is possible to depict the world around them on paper. Often they ask adults to draw something specific, they begin to make attempts to do it on their own.

baby can paint over shapes drawn by an adult. Painting (hatching) is a good way to quickly master the instrument and develop hand-eye coordination. And let at first the hatching “climbs” beyond the borders, over time the baby will get better and better.

To interest the child, you can come up with games and stories. Draw a mouse and a cat. “Oh, the cat will now catch the mouse! Let's help her hide!"

- Drawing lines. Playing track-wiring is also very interesting. Draw animals at one end of the sheet, and the food they eat at the other. For example: mouse, squirrel, hare and cheese, walnut, carrot. Offer to draw paths along which each animal can reach its lunch.

- Point drawing. Rain, grains for a chicken, sand on the beach, seeds in a ripe watermelon - these and other stories can be played to teach a child to dot. At the same time, pay attention to the pressure, tell the child what the result will be if you press the pencil harder / weaker.

- Stamping. In FixPrice stores or in stationery departments, you can buy simple stamps with animal figures, leaves, drops. Teach your kid how to use them, and then “draw” your story. In addition to prints, a story can “contain” sticker characters.

You can make your own stamps. Cut out a figure from the PVC packaging substrate (on such substrates, greens and packaged confectionery are sold in stores). Glue onto a piece of styrofoam using a hot glue gun. Styrofoam should be of such a shape and size that it is convenient for the child to hold it. Soak a sponge with colored water or ink to color the stamp.

- Using an eraser. Show how to use an eraser. “Here is the path (draw with a simple pencil). Winter came, a strong wind blew, it covered the path with snow and it was not visible. You can think of other stories as well.

Another great erasing exercise: draw with chalk on a slate, give your son/daughter a brush and a glass of water. The task is to erase the drawn lines with a wet brush. If this seems complicated so far, then erasing with an ordinary rag is sure to do!

- Stencil drawing, tracing figures. The child himself will be able to draw on a stencil closer to 3 years and older. But at 2, it’s not too early to start introducing him to this way of depicting objects! Start tracing the arms, legs ... maybe the baby will lie completely on the drawing paper and you will circle him - it's so exciting! Show how to trace the stencils inside and out (cut out the figures yourself from thick cardboard, the edges can be glued with tape to last longer).

An alternative way to work with a stencil is to use a roller. Dip a roller (small size) in the paint and run it across the surface of the paper inside the stencil. Let the child repeat. It doesn’t matter that it will go abroad a lot, the drawing will still turn out good.

Most importantly - do not limit yourself to the lessons given! Use your imagination, play with the baby, help develop his sense of beauty and transfer his plans to paper. Here are some more ways to draw.

Examples of custom drawing

Methods can be adapted for younger and older children.

Drawing on sand / semolina with a finger / stick.

All kids love this method. It develops fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. If possible, build something like a light cube - a box with a transparent lid, inside of which a light bulb is lit. Drawing on a thin layer of sand on such a box is very entertaining.

Coloring crafts from salt dough.

Additional reading about drawing with children

I am not an expert, but I am interested in the development of creativity in my child. If you also want to study the topic of drawing with a baby in depth, I can recommend the books that I read:

E.A. Yanushko "Drawing with children of early age 1-3 years." The methodical manual was published in 2010 by the Mozaika-Sintez publishing house. You will find a description and examples of classes (the book is designed for kindergarten teachers and mothers like me :))). If you don’t find the old manual, you can take the same reprinted book (it has become 2.5 times larger, a disk is attached to it). Buy a book in the Labyrinth, on Ozone.

Marina Ozerova "About children's drawing"- at one time I really liked the book (I read it in electronic version). It tells about children's drawing, the stages that a child's drawing goes through. There you will find practical tips for developing and maintaining a child's creativity without imposing patterns. Buy a book in Ozone.

Angelica Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten"(in Ozone, in the Labyrinth).

As for non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten, then, perhaps, such a book by Davydova G.N. will be more complete and interesting. in two parts (I don’t give links, it’s not on sale either, it’s old).

Daria Koldina "Drawing with children 2-3 years old"(didn't read while standing in line to read). Buy at Ozone. In libraries you can find the old edition, the book was reprinted in 2015 (and costs more).

I also really want to recommend the book of a wonderful mother, blogger and needlewoman Kostikova Natalia “Creativity with kids. Drawing, modeling, games with children under 3 years old»(in the Labyrinth, on Ozone). This is a great encyclopedia, a collected storehouse of knowledge and master classes, reworked, beautifully photographed and designed. Natalya posted enough descriptions with classes on her blog, but the book, in my opinion, is more convenient to use. I wish that all busy mothers have such a book on the table :)

We started painting at about 1 year old. At first, Antoshka did it with finger paints in the bathroom. A couple of months later, the husband made an easel, and the son got acquainted with the brush and gouache.

Basically, the child draws whatever he wants with the materials that he wants or that I give. Freehand drawing should be practiced as often as possible. But don't be limited to just that.

In this article, I will share drawing ideas with children 1-3 years old, talk about various drawing techniques with paints, pencils and other materials, even shaving foam.

You can also download coloring pages for the little ones and finger painting templates.

I won't talk about the benefits of drawing with children for a long time. I think you already know very well that it develops the child's imagination, creativity, improves coordination of hand movements and fine motor skills of fingers.

How to draw with a child 1-3 years old

In the article about applications, I talked about the book E.A. Januszko. This author also has a book "Drawing with young children"(Labyrinth). This is a great resource for parents and educators and comes with a demo CD.

The book presents methodology for conducting drawing classes with children 1 - 3 years old. I take a lot of ideas from her.

Before you start painting with your child, here are some simple tips from me:

  • Show your child various drawing techniques (poking, strokes, stamping, etc.) gradually, starting with the simplest ones.
  • I highly recommend buying or making your own easel for drawing. It is relevant as soon as the child learns to walk.
  • Draw as often as possible.
  • Use a variety of drawing materials.
  • Try to immediately teach your child to hold the brush and pencil correctly. But if the child stubbornly refuses to do this, do not insist.
  • Give your child maximum freedom. Let the child draw what he wants and how he wants. Never ask him to draw as you wish. Below I will talk about various drawing techniques with children, but if the child refuses to do something, do not insist.

Don't correct the child! Have him paint purple skies and red grass. So what if cows don't fly, and there are no fences on the rainbow. Your child's mind is still free of clichés. He is a real creator.

The more different art materials you use, the better.

You need to start with the easiest to learn (for example, finger paints), eventually reaching ordinary pencils.

We draw on:

  • plain paper,
  • old wallpaper,
  • easel,
  • magnetic board,
  • plaster figures for coloring,
  • wood, plywood,
  • fabrics,
  • tiles in the bathroom and in the bath itself.

For drawing with children 1 - 3 years old, you can use the following materials:

  • Finger paint;
  • gouache, watercolor (and, accordingly, brushes of different sizes);
  • felt-tip pens (water-based and regular);
  • crayons (wax and regular);
  • wax pencils;
  • dry pastel;
  • pencils (it is desirable to choose soft ones);
  • gel and ballpoint pens;
  • foam rubber, sponges;
  • cotton buds and cotton wool;
  • stamps;
  • semolina;
  • shaving foam.

Also you will need water cup(preferably a non-spill) and palette for mixing colors.

As I said, we started painting with finger paints at about 1 year old. And they did it in the bathroom. Then they switched to paper.

Finger paint safe and do not require the use of water. You can replace them with gouache.

The simplest thing you can do is draw dots with your fingers:

  • grains for birds, peas;
  • apples, berries, cones, balls for the Christmas tree;
  • bones for watermelon;
  • raindrops, snow, animal tracks;
  • spots giraffe, ladybug, leopard.

You can draw dots with your fingers using ready-made templates.

DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES for drawing with fingers in one file.

And of course, let the kid smear the paint all over the sheet with his fingers, palms.

Drawing techniques with paints and pencils

All drawing techniques involve the use of different materials depending on the age and capabilities of the child. We give paints, crayons, felt-tip pens to a very young child, and pencils, etc. to an older child.

I list all the techniques in ascending order of complexity.

freehand drawing

My son calls this kind of drawing “kalyaki-malaki”.

We introduce the child to drawing materials and give him the opportunity to experiment. At the same time, you do not need to give any tasks to draw something specific.

Practice free-drawing as often as possible at any age of the child. It is great for developing imagination.

Shading sheet

We give the child paints, crayons, etc. and suggest drawing:

  • cow grass,
  • fish water,
  • sand, snow.

The kid needs to paint over the sheet, and not draw individual blades of grass, etc. A one-year-old will cope with such a task.

It's also great to use here paint rollers- simple or curly.

Painting an element

We draw the base (small images of animals and various objects) and ask the child to hide them by painting over:

  • hide the mouse, bunny, fish, bug;
  • hide the moon and stars, the sun, the car.

With very young children it is interesting to do this with a sponge, with children from 2 years old it is useful to paint over the elements with pencils.

Draw dots

First draw the basis for the picture - a bird that the child will feed, a bush on which berries will grow, etc.

Invite your child to draw: grains, berries, snow, raindrops, a bagel with poppy seeds, freckles, polka dots on a dress.

  • Direct: rays of the sun, stems of flowers, tops of carrots, fence, cage, path, rails, paws for bugs, needles for cactus, comb teeth.
  • Wavy: boat waves, worms, octopus legs, car tracks, hair.
  • Broken lines: slides, a fence, icicles, a road with turns, hedgehog thorns.

Draw circles, ovals

Balls, apples, sweets, Christmas decorations, beads, balloons, mountain ash, berries, bubbles, eggs, cones.

Spiral drawing

Invite your child to draw: a snail's house, smoke, a flight of a bee, curls, sheep's rings, threads.


Antoshka loves to play this game very much: I say that one boy drew different figures, but did not finish it, and I suggest that his son finish it. He does it with great pleasure. This is how we draw:

  • geometric figures;
  • I draw a road (dashed line) and Antoshka repairs it,
  • any simple and understandable plot drawings.

Drawing simple plots

This is the most difficult stage in mastering the drawing. Here the child combines different drawing techniques on the instructions of an adult.

Alternately invite the child to draw various elements that will eventually turn into something concrete. But give your child as much freedom as possible.

The purpose of such a drawing is to show the child how the finished image appears in stages.

The child can hold the sponge with his hands or with a regular clothespin.

Simple sponge painting:

  • waves, sand, snow landscape, grass, paths - smearing;
  • snow, leaves - poking;
  • hide bugs, fish, etc. - painting.

Draw on the sponge the shape you need - a triangle, a tree, or even letters. Cut out. Invite the child to dip the sponge in gouache and make an imprint on paper.

The child uses a brush to apply shaving foam to the template. In this way, you can cover a Christmas tree, a house with snow, make a snowdrift for a bear, etc.

Foam can also be applied to rubber toys. This is great fun for a toddler.

I talked about drawing with semolina in articles about, as well as about. There are two ways to draw a decoy:

1 way. You need to pour a little semolina on a surface with sides: a tray, a baking sheet, a lid from under a large shoe box. And then the child draws simple images with a finger or a brush - waves, paths, circles, etc., makes fingerprints or various objects.

2 way. Print out the coloring page for the little ones. Invite your child to apply glue to the image and sprinkle it with semolina. It will be more like coloring with semolina. But you can just give the child a brush with glue and let him randomly apply it to the sheet, and then pour semolina, shake it and see what pattern it turns out.

I paint semolina with gouache. Instead of semolina, you can use sand for children's creativity.

On the net, I have repeatedly come across such an opinion that children should not be given coloring books before school. Allegedly, they interfere with the creative development of the child. Some parents are simply afraid to give coloring pages to their child, while others have a real phobia.

I I don't see anything wrong with coloring. But rather only benefit if used in moderation. And give the main priority to free drawing, which I mentioned above.

For kids, offer simple coloring pages that use 1-2 colors. From 1.5 years old, you can try coloring pages that involve the use of several colors. But still, the elements in them should be large. And you need to paint them, of course, with paints.

But it is better to paint small images with pencils or felt-tip pens, because the child simply does not have enough patience for large ones.

At 1 - 2 years old, children are also interested in water coloring pages(Labyrinth, My-shop).

There are ready-made regular coloring pages for sale (Labyrinth, My-shop).

You can also DOWNLOAD COLORING for kids in one file.


Cut out figures in the sheet that could be painted over in one color. You can paint both the figure itself and the background.

There is a large selection of inexpensive stencils on sale (Labyrinth, My-shop).

The child may also be interested in tracing and painting over various objects, his own hand.

All children with great pleasure draw with stamps. You can make them yourself. For example, from sponges for washing dishes, vegetables. You can use improvised objects, toys as stamps.

And you can buy ready-made stamps or even whole sets for drawing (Labyrinth, My-shop).

I really hope that the article was useful to you. Draw with your child and then he will also love this activity. Which drawing method does your child like the most?

Sometimes adults find it difficult what to draw with children 3 years old. They seem to be so stupid. Of course, three-year-olds can do a little. But if we create conditions for development, we will see results not only in drawing.

Who do we draw with?

Let's share our own experience in choosing topics for drawing with Mishenka, 2.5 years old. Mishenka is an active, active boy. I am familiar with paints and brushes. He himself does not remember drawing. But when he sees a container with paints, he says: "Come on paints."

Skills. Firmly knows red and yellow paint. Blue and green are sometimes confused. Draws a circle (uneven) on its own. Vertical, horizontal and any other similar lines are not yet drawn independently and consciously. While trying to round off the line drawn by an adult with his hand and turn it into a spot if it is short.


  • Orientation on the sheet and in space: top-bottom.
  • The use of primary colors (blue, yellow, red, green) as intended.

Drawing conditions

The first prerequisite is a small motivating story.

The machine lived and lived (animal toy, doll ...). One day she wanted to go for a walk. I went out into the street from the garage (at home, mink ...), and everywhere there was a swamp. Let's draw a path for her, shall we?

The second prerequisite is to play with what is drawn. You can only play with dried drawings. Dry them with a hair dryer if the baby is not afraid of his "buzz".

Typical class time: 10 minutes. Like in kindergarten. After about this time, Mishenka says: "I'm tired." Gets up and leaves. It is useless to force a child of this age to work additionally. So we try to fit everything planned in the lesson into 10 minutes.

Themes for drawing

We immediately clarify: joint work is expected. We have already drawn something, something is just planned.

It is useful sometimes to give free drawing. paints are not in jars, but on a palette. So we minimize losses, because the colors will be mixed and become shades of a pleasant marsh color. Freedom is not limited within the sheet (better than a large one). Be sure to discuss the results of creativity, even if it is a big blot. For an adult blot, and the kid sees the whole story.

And another rule for those who want the ideal right away. It all starts with one hesitant step with support.

1. Tracks are vertical.

The brush is wide (so that a small car can pass). Paints of one or all primary colors. When drawing, we comment: "The path (color) starts at the top and runs down."

2. Tracks are horizontal.

Same as vertical. A car can drive, any small animal toy can move. Thanks to different options for playing, you can draw tracks many times, of different colors, widths, lengths. Only not in a row, but alternating with other drawings. To not get bored.

3. Wavy track.

I'm not sure what will work, but we'll try to draw.

The sun (circle), grass (vertical lines at the bottom of the sheet), berries, flowers (of different colors by sticking or poking). Drawing lines-blades of grass: put a point, the child draws a line down from it.

5. Holiday.

Colored balls. Circles and ovals of different colors. Draw the threads with a felt-tip pen.

6. Rain.

Theme: sky-earth (top-bottom). First we look out the window (we are from the second floor). Where there is a sky above and flowers below.

Drawing: a cloud in the sky (horizontal lines), flowers on the ground (circles of different colors). From the clouds, raindrops drip onto the ground so that the flowers (multi-colored rounded shapes) drink some water. Option: puddles on the ground. A lot of drops dripped. Let's go walk in the puddles.

If the pile on the brush is soft, draw raindrops by priming. We have a bristle brush from the hardware store. She withstands Mishenka's pokes. Drawing with poke, kids concentrate raindrops (flowers, berries ...) usually in one place. It is useful to show empty space in the picture and say: "And here the rain has not passed yet."

5. Tales. "Kolobok".

We draw a kolobok with handles (we count fingers), eyes, a mouth in the upper left corner of the sheet. (In general, everything drawn is considered). From it is a path with sequentially encountered animals.

We draw animals schematically, only heads: a hare is a circle with long ears, a wolf is a circle with a toothy mouth, a bear is an oval, flattened from top to bottom, with round ears, a fox is a triangle with triangular ears. Draw the attention of the child to the features of animals: the ears are long, round, sharp.

To the question: who is drawn where, Mishenka absolutely correctly listed everything, showed who ate the kolobok.

6. Tales. Teremok.

Top of the sheet: draw a teremok - a rectangle (walls), a triangle (roof), a square (window). The animals will be drawn below all in a row. Telling a story and drawing at the same time. Looks like this.

Let's draw a fairy tale about the tower, shall we? Stands in the field Teremok. It has walls (vertical lines), floor, ceiling (horizontal lines). And so on.

Here are the options: we draw with the child’s hand or on a separate sheet, showing an example of how I can (this is for older guys). The option depends on the skills of the baby.

There will also be a topic for drawing with a baby, we will write.


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