Child development 1 year game lessons. We develop a child in a year. And now like this

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Here is your child and lived his first year! He changed a lot during this time, turning from a helpless squeaking lump into an almost independent little person. In addition to the need for food and sleep, he also developed other needs - and among the first can be called the need to play. The kid plays, as a rule, all the time that he does not sleep - after all, it is through the game that he gets to know himself and the surrounding reality. Having barely learned to hold objects, he immediately begins to actively study them, and the baby uses absolutely everything that he comes across to play: a spoon, a slipper, a handkerchief and even porridge - everything arouses his keen interest.

And now, after a year when he begins to walk, you increasingly have to catch up with your baby running down the street, wondering when he learned to use his legs so well. "Very active" is the best way to describe children after one year. Kids of this age are very fond of any toys that encourage them to be active - a ball, a swing, all kinds of obstacles that need to be climbed. The hands of children in the second year of life become more dexterous, and now they are already addicted to games such as building towers, collecting pyramids and nesting one object into another.

Toddlers are very amused by experiments like “what happens if I drop this ball?” or “what happens if I pull on the edge of the tablecloth?” The child will drop toys on the floor one by one, watching them fly around the room, and at the same time learning how mom will react to all this. The kid is very interested in the consequences of his actions, and since at one year his memory is not very well developed, he does not get tired of repeating his games and experiments many times. One-year-old children also really want to repeat everything that adults do, so at this age you can buy him toys that you can play with, repeating situations from everyday life.

Toys for a child after a year

What toys should a child have from one to two years old? The choice of toys, of course, depends on which of them may be of interest to a child of this age, and on what games you will teach him to play. Yes, you will need to teach your baby to play, because he himself does not know how to do this. Here are some toys that will help the development of babies after a year:

  • Toys that will encourage your baby to walk

    These can be, for example, wheelchairs with toys attached to them, which, when moving, produce some kind of action and sounds. A duck that rolls its head, slaps its feet and quacks when a child pushes a cane in front of him will delight the baby, and he will stomp and stomp, pushing an interesting toy in front of him. Or it can be a train with trailers that need to be pulled by a rope - it will be interesting for the child to watch the trailers snake one after another, and he will move to make his fun train go. Even if it is just a string with one machine, he will still want to walk, carrying it with him.

  • Sorting and nesting toys can also keep the baby busy for a long time.

    He takes great pleasure in transferring blocks from one box to another or placing parts of special toys in the base nests. For example, it can be a hedgehog, in the back of which grooves of a certain shape are made - a leaf, an apple, a pear - to place in them parts that repeat the shape of the groove.

    A kid who is barely a year old needs to buy the simplest models of such toys to play. For example, a house with windows of various shapes cut through - round, triangular and rectangular. While playing with your child, show him how to push a ball into a round window, a triangle into a triangular window, and so on. At first, the kid will enthusiastically work on pushing the figures inside the house for a long time, and then he will enthusiastically shake the toy, enjoying the resulting “rattle”. And at this time you can do household chores or calmly read the newspaper.

  • All kinds of "climbs"

    You can buy a plastic indoor slide, which will be quite safe for the baby to climb up, and then slide and slide down. This will help him develop more and more motor skills. True, such a toy can be quite expensive, and your baby will quickly lose interest in it or simply outgrow it. You can also make some kind of inclined surface on your own, which would replace the finished store slide, only then try to be close to the child to ensure his safety.

  • Any balls that will be easy to pick up will be a hit for the baby after a year.

    These can be colorful rubber balls, tennis balls, inflatable beach balls - if, of course, they are not too big - balls sewn from fabric, balloons ... Just keep small balls that could be put in the mouth and swallowed away from the child. .

    The age after one year is exactly the time when you should, when spending time with your child, choose games that would encourage him to walk. Balls are the best suited for this purpose, because with them you can come up with a variety of games that would consolidate the movement skills of a one-year-old baby.

  • Pencils and paper

    One or two pencils are enough for a kid of this age - he is more interested in the process of “drawing” than its result. Lay a large sheet of paper on the floor - it is better if it is a piece from a wallpaper roll, turned upside down without a pattern. The child will move right on the paper, enthusiastically drawing "scribbles" without dropping the pencils.

  • Different means of transportation, designed for babies aged from one to two years

    At this age, this mode of movement is still more popular than walking. Buy your child a wheelchair-scooter - something like a bicycle, only without pedals; To move, the child needs to push off with his feet from the ground. It is desirable that such a wheelchair be equipped with a special handle so that an adult can push the cart when the child gets tired.

    Avoid buying electrified versions of such toys. In addition to spending a lot of money, you will also deprive your baby of the pleasure of moving independently, thanks to your own efforts and desire.

  • Toys to help imitate activities in the kitchen

    Children's kitchenettes with a set of items depicting kitchen utensils and products are very popular now. The plates themselves make all sorts of sounds that help the child feel like a real cook during the game. Don't be embarrassed that the child is still too young to play role-playing games - smaller kitchen utensils give him the opportunity to imitate what adults do, and this will keep his interest for many months, and his games will become more and more complex.

  • And, of course, you can already read books with a one-year-old child.

    It is necessary to take those of them in which there are many large illustrations depicting objects and activities familiar to the baby. By reading to your child, you will instill in him a love of books and new knowledge.

Do adults need to structure the child's play activity?

Asking yourself this question, you seem to be asking: what would be better for the child - if he acts on direct instructions, or if he studies the surrounding reality at his own discretion? The answer is obvious: both are important for its development. Both the activities structured by adults and the independent actions of the baby will contribute - each in its own way - to its active development.

Structuring, in other words, the direction of his activities, is a great way to lead your baby to new ideas. For example, if you give a child a set of multi-colored figurines of various shapes, he will play with them for a long time and enthusiastically. But he will not guess that the figures can be sorted by color or shape - it is you who will teach him. And it is you who, directing the actions of the child, will form his skills in selecting and sorting objects.

But in guiding the child, you must give him the opportunity to explore for himself what happens when he tries different combinations. After you give him the items and ideas necessary for the game, you need the kid to decide for himself what and how to do with it all. For example, he may decide that instead of stacking the molds one into the other as they decrease in size, he would rather fill them with water or sand, and then pour out the water or pour out the sand - this, by the way, is an activity that literally fascinates most babies. Or he may refuse to play with molds altogether, preferring them to fuss in the sand. Do not forget that young children use games not just for entertainment, but in order to better understand the things and phenomena that seem most interesting to them at this moment; therefore, it is the kids themselves who, better than adults, can know how best to play. You will only have to monitor his safety, guide him and submit new ideas.

Games for children from one to two years old

What games can you play with a one year old baby? We can offer you several games for children from one to two years old, which will help you not only keep your child busy, but also serve as an excellent impetus for his development.

12 to 16 months

Depicting real life

Imagine as if your baby's favorite teddy bear (or doll - it's not so important) is actually alive: "make" him walk, sleep, jump around the room. Involve this toy in your baby's daily activities: for example, put the bear at the table when the baby is eating and put the bib on it, just like a baby. At the same time, accompany with comments everything that the toy "does" - this will help your child better understand the meaning of words. Show and comment not only how the bear eats, walks or goes to bed, but also how he laughs or is sad - so your child can learn more about feelings and emotions.

Hold on and pull

If your child is still afraid or has not yet fully learned to walk, you can use this game to “lure” him and encourage him to take his first steps. To do this, it is better to use any moving objects - for example, a small bicycle or a plastic box on wheels in which toys are folded. While the child is firmly holding on to the edge of this object, you begin to gently pull it towards you. Pull until the baby takes a step. Immediately praise him, trying to vigorously express your positive reaction to his little step. Soon the child, realizing that he can walk, holding on to a support, will begin to push this object himself, trying to walk at least a few steps. So he can feel more confident, standing on his feet, and when he realizes that he is already ready to walk without support and without your help, he will immediately take his first independent steps.


By the age of one, your baby can already clap his hands, but at first he will play this game with your help. You will need to take his hands in yours and make the necessary movements to the beat of the rhyme:

  • Okay, okay, where have you been?
  • By Grandma!
  • What did they eat?
  • Porridge!
  • What did they drink?
  • Brazhka! The porridge is butter, the mash is sweet, the grandmother is kind! They drank, ate, and flew - they sat on their heads!

At the same time, from the words “ladushki, patty” to the words “What did you drink? Brazhka! you clap your hands with the baby’s hands, in words about porridge and mash - stroke the baby’s “full” tummy with your palms, in the words “grandmother is kind!” stroke him on the cheeks, and when you say “fly - sat on the head”, then raise his hands up and put your palms on the head.

Over time, the child will learn to reproduce all the movements on their own. He will play this game with great pleasure, and the game itself will contribute to the growth of his language skills and improve coordination of movements.

Who is hiding here?

Undoubtedly, your child will love the game of hide and seek. Of course, this will be the simplest form of this game for now. In the morning you can throw a blanket over the child, after bathing - a towel, and so on. And start asking “frightened”: “Oh, where is my son? Where did he run to? I do not see him!" Then pull off the coverlet from him with the words: “Ah, there he is!” Your child's happiness knows no bounds! For extra fun, you can feel his leg under the covers and say, “Oh, what is that? A pen? Or is it a belly? Or you can say this: “Oh, whose leg is this? Who is hiding here? It must be dad!

16 to 20 months

Tea party for dolls

This game is good to play outside on a warm sunny day. Take a plastic tea set and water with you. Sit the dolls at the table and encourage the baby to fill the kettle with water and then pour it into the cups. Let him "drink" the dolls from the cups. This game will help your child develop imagination and improve coordination, and will also help him learn about the properties of water - for example, that it always flows down, not up.

Roll the ball to me!

As we have said, balls are very popular with children after a year. Here is one game you can play with a ball: you both sit on the floor facing each other with your legs apart. Now you can roll the ball back and forth to each other, being careful not to let it roll away. This entertainment develops the baby's hand muscles and hand-eye coordination very well.

Little collector

When going for a walk, give the child a bucket with you. Show him that you can put found cones, pebbles, twigs there. Just don’t be surprised when he pours out what he has collected and goes to look for new “prey” - in a year, kids love to fill and empty any containers.

20 to 24 months

Let's dance!

Turn on music that would have a different character - sometimes cheerful, loud and rhythmic, so that the child stomps under it, depicting an elephant; then smooth and slow, so that the baby, repeating after you, could sneak on tiptoe, pretending to walk past a sleeping lion, trying not to wake him. Very well develops the imagination and sense of rhythm!


Use light wooden blocks for this game. To begin, encourage your child to create simple models: for example, put three blocks in a row or two at the bottom, and two more at the top of them, to end up with a square. Encourage him to use blocks of various shapes so that he can copy various figures from the drawings that come with such toys. Then let him build what his own fantasy tells him. Such a game requires special focus and concentration, which will form useful skills in the child.

What do you hear?

Walking on the street, sit side by side on a bench, invite the baby to close his eyes and listen carefully. Then ask him to tell you what he heard: wind in the branches of trees, birds singing, a car passing by. This is a great game for your child to develop their attention and listening skills.

Catch Me If You Can!

Babies love to be chased. The goal of the game is to catch the child, especially if your child is sure that he will immediately be hugged and kissed. While playing, you can portray a roaring lion or a stomping bear. You, too, let the child catch up with you. Such catch-ups help develop endurance - both for the baby and for you!

You yourself can come up with different games, because it is you who know best what will be interesting for your baby. The main thing is to devote as much time as possible to it and remember: while playing, your child develops and learns the world.

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P congratulations! In the life of your tiny baby, the first serious date! He turned a year old, and now he is already quite “adult”.

Necessarily this first important holiday. Today, your games with a one-year-old child are entirely devoted to a joyful event: put on funny caps, sing a birthday song, light a candle on a festive cake and blow it out with your baby - let this day be remembered by fun and fun games not only to kid, but also his parents!

  1. We develop and play
3.1. Educational games
3.2. fun games

How I grew up this year, or behavioral features

Let's recall a little the main features of the intellectual development of a child at the age of 12 months, so, your baby already knows how to:

1. The conscious vocabulary is already two dozen words, including the concepts of “can - not”, “where”, “give”, etc. Own words are actively used, denoting basic objects and concepts encountered by the baby in everyday life.

2. Interest in other children is becoming more and more active, the truth is that little is known about the relationship in the team, so little is known, so contact with peers sometimes ends in conflict.

3. Behavioral reactions to this or that situation appear, the baby begins to “test” adults for strength: “what will happen if I drop the toy”, I will indulge instead of eating or sleeping, etc.” Be careful: a small family member is now like a skilled puppeteer, instantly catching the moment when adults gave up - you should not give the baby the opportunity to do unacceptable things at this stage, because the older he gets, the more difficult it will be to "re-educate" him without conflicts.

4. Long-term memory develops: the baby remembers the actions and situations that happened earlier. In addition, now he is already able to remember other people whom he does not see as often as mom and dad, for example grandmother or aunt who comes to visit once a month.

5. As before, like all 12 months before this day and for many years after, the baby is constantly busy exploring the world around him every day, conquering more and more new horizons. While they are very small and insignificant - a bookcase or a washing machine, a mother's bag or a neighbor's cat - everything new is surprisingly interesting and informative for a child, and that's great!

We develop and play

Playing with a one-year-old child is becoming more and more difficult and interesting: the baby studies the properties of objects with interest, and in some cases shows amazing ingenuity. All toys for the baby should be easy to handle, they should not contain small parts, and the baby should not be able to break or tear off one or another part of the toy. When choosing toys for a young child, remember that the young explorer will almost certainly decide to try them out, so it is better to give preference to high-quality options made from safe materials.

How to play with a one year old

I would divide games into two categories.
  • The first is educational games.
  • The second is games. entertainment character

Educational games with children at 1 year old

First group games for one-year-olds may already be enough diverse : starting from games for development and fine motor skills, ending with reading books.In the arsenal of mothers there should be such educational toys as: cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls or “nests”, wheelchairs and cars, balls, simple toy musical instruments (drum or metallophone).

To learn new words, names of objects, animals, body parts, it is very good and useful to play the “find an object” game: for example, you can show your baby eyes at your favorite toy or in a book, and then ask them to find them on their own. If in earlier months such classes withthe child has already been carried out, the baby will easily learn the rules and play with you with pleasure.

  • "Hide and Seek"- approximately the same option as described above, only with the search for a well-known thing - you need to hide a toy when playing with a 12-month-old child so that the baby sees where you put it - behind your back or under the covers.
  • "Treasure Box"- such a toy can be made independently from shoe box packaging and colored paper.Make several slits in it of different shapes and sizes, so that the child can put small toys inside. Several boxes can be made for example one with a hole into which the baby can easily lower the handle, and on the other, it will be necessary to first remove the roof in order to remove the contents lowered through the slot.
  • "First Pictures"- the child will be happy to smear paints on a sheet of paper, creating his first "masterpieces" - sticks, circles, checkmarks. Get special finger paints - they are absolutely harmless to the child. Remember. That in order to conduct art classes with a one-year-old child, it is necessary to first protect the interior and put on a “special suit” for the baby, which will not be a pity to get dirty. Any activities with paints should be supervised by adults to avoid ingestion of materials.

I'm with I will be happy to share with you those games that my children and my pupils in kindergarten really liked.
  • Of course, liners. Moreover, in their various qualitative and quantitative manifestations. Pots of various sizes, and plastic containers, nesting dolls, factory versions of this toy can serve as liners.
  • In leading positions, as well, for a long time, they already remain sound toys, books. It is very interesting for children of this age to repeat the sounds that, say, a cow, a cockerel, dripping rain and etc., so in the game, imperceptibly, you introduce the baby to the outside world.
  • And of course reading books.. Early? No, of course it's about time. Choose books for children age with good illustrations. I really like S. Marshak's Quiet Tale, Turnip, Gingerbread Man, but I think you yourself will understand what to read to your baby.
Let it be 2-3 books that you will read with your child every day. The point is that children at this age are quite conservative in the perception of the environmentpeace. They are reluctant to adapt to new conditions. They like the same fairy tales, the same cartoons. Therefore, if you read one fairy tale for three months, believe me, you will bring extraordinary joy to the baby. He knows everything there, he knows everyone there, and will willingly repeat its content with you, even if he still speaks badly, then mi mi koi, with sounds and gestures, the baby will tell a fairy tale better than you.

Of course, when you first read the book, you will also need artistic talent. Read slowly, look at all the pictures and gesticulate. My eldest son started talking before he could walk. And very often we are with him read " Little Humpbacked Horse". At one and a half year, he “read” the first page of the book by heart.

Fun games for 1 year olds

Second group entertainment games are no less important than the first for your child.
These games contribute to positiveemotional development of the child, and the establishment of emotional contact between you.Dancingit's something. Cheerful music, a dancing mother or both parents and a kid imitating them coolly. This is the pinnacle of creating a family prosperous microclimate.

Singing- even if not all the words are pronounced by your baby, but la-la or tra-ta-ta, he may well give out.Remember simple children's songs and start singing them with your child. “We are going to distant lands”, “Raspberry”, well, in a word, if you don’t know, find the collection children's songs and go.

You can already start playing "mother's daughters". Feed the dolls, swaddle them, take them for walks.

And of course, a super game - "Ku-ku" or mini hide-and-seek. First you hide behind the sofa, the door, it doesn't matter main not far in the child's field of vision. And then, oops - la, - "ku-ku". Then the child yells ku-ku to you. Call him, pretend not to see. One hundred percent positive emotions are provided to both parties.

All these games with a one-year-old child should not be organized before bedtime. Else baby overexcited and it will be quite problematic to lay it down.

It is not difficult to come up with a game for the development of a child of 1 year old - there are a lot of simple and effective options. To do this, you do not need to have outstanding abilities or a rich imagination, you just need to know the main features of the behavior of babies, according to age - what they are interested in and what they can do, and most importantly, observe moreyour own child and his preferences - then you will surely find a way to spend time with interest and benefit for two.

By the age of one year, the baby is ready to consciously join the game. He discovers the unknown with great interest, learns the world, imitates adults in many ways. The child is not yet ready for independent games, so the task of expanding the horizons of the baby, teaching him games, consolidating knowledge and skills should be solved by loving parents.

The more time adults devote to a one-year-old child, the more groundwork they give for the formation of a developed and harmonious personality in the future. Children per year, like a sponge, absorb all the information and are open to the perception of everything new, which allows parents to open new horizons through the game.

How to take a baby?

Classes for a child at 1 year old are games that are constantly repeated throughout the day. Do not overload the child, trying to diversify their assortment to the maximum in a short period of time.

It is important for the kid to see, comprehend and remember what is offered to him. As soon as he understands the essence of the game, he will definitely join the process, delighting adults with his ingenuity. To do this, on one day you can only feed the pupae, put them to bed, roll them in a stroller, on the other - hide and find objects or play with a ball. The main thing is to ensure that the child remembers the entire process and understands what they want from him.

At the first stages, you need to choose the simplest "developers" and introduce the child to them as follows:

  1. only an adult plays, the kid just watches;
  2. all actions are repeated with the child and fixed several times;
  3. The child is invited to play by himself.

It must be said that for many new mothers, these boring repetitions are a real test, and they do not have enough patience and experience to let the child delve into the game. An erroneous expectation of a momentary result can play a cruel joke - the baby, on the contrary, will fall into a stupor and simply will not understand what they want from him.

In addition, adults should show a sincere interest in the games that are offered to the child! It is wrong if the parents:

  • do not show enthusiasm and do not charge the child with it - in this case it will not be possible to captivate the baby and achieve any noticeable progress in mastering skills from him;
  • seek to isolate themselves from the child, accustoming him to independence. A child of one year old is in dire need of communication, in joint games with adults - they are his guides, through his parents he learns the world around him.

A child who is left alone becomes even more attached to his parents and subsequently has problems with socialization - it is difficult to build communication with peers, refuses to attend kindergarten.

Therefore, parents at this stage of the child's life will have to work hard and turn his communication with the world into an amazing, interesting, creative process through the game.

What to play?

Answering the question of parents, what to do with a child for a year with benefit, experts suggest paying attention to the following games:

  • cognitive character. They are carried out with objects that have a different shape, texture, size and sound. During the game, a small person learns to manipulate objects, put them in and take them out of the box, distinguish them from each other, and listen to the sound they make. For such games, cubes, kegs, pyramids, boxes with lids, large books with three-dimensional pictures, musical mallets or maracas are suitable.
  • Strengthening nature. These games can be played both outdoors and at home. In a playful way, the kid is offered to squat down and climb, stand up 1-2 steps, hold several objects in his hand, and step over obstacles. For the development of large motor skills, large dolls, cars, balls are suitable, and for the development of fine motor skills, playing with sand or, for example, with clothespins fastened to the edges of the box, which the child is offered to unfasten.
  • Developing character. For the development of speech, it is recommended to talk a lot with the baby, comment on him and his actions, name objects. In addition, some time should be devoted to reading together with looking at vivid illustrations or flipping through a photo album, where the child will recognize familiar faces.

Story games with toys are very interesting and useful for children - they feed the doll and put it to sleep, the dog hid from the bunny, and after searching he finds it, the kid treats the bear cub with cookies, and he says: “Thank you.” Also, the child can be shown that the bunny is jumping: "Jump-jump", - and the bull is mooing and butting: "I gore, I gore."

A one-year-old baby actively reacts to music. To the incendiary rhythms, he can dance himself or portray his toys dancing.

A child of one year old can be offered to draw with finger paints or crayons. His first doodle arts will delight him himself, and besides, they will help strengthen the visual center, coordination and fine motor skills of the hands, which is directly related to the brain center of thinking.

Finger games, such as “Ladushki”, “Forty-white-sided”, during which each finger is assigned a role and with its help perform an action, not only amuse the child very much, increasing the positive emotional background, they are excellent developmental games that train fine motor skills, strengthen muscles, develop coordination.

What skills to teach?

With the help of educational games, a one-year-old learns skills that should correspond to his age and by which the level of development of the baby is determined.

So, thanks to active games, a child per year:

  • learns to walk more confidently, run;
  • knows how to squat;
  • climbs on a low surface;
  • jumping;
  • throws and tries to catch the ball.

Cognitive games encourage kids to imitate adults, arouse interest in new objects and toys, form a desire to examine the toy from the inside.

The child in the form of a game must be taught:

  • respond to your name;
  • distinguish body parts and show them both on yourself and on others;
  • recognize family members, distinguish them by name;
  • imitate animal sounds, characteristic signals;
  • understand what adults want from him.

At a year and a half, a child, thanks to the acquired skills, can already hold a mug, distinguish objects around, understand the meaning of such words as “hot - cold”, “how big I am”, “goodbye”, “sleep”, “walk”, etc. d.

Examples of interesting games

Games for a one-year-old baby do not require serious expenses and very often include household items, kitchen utensils and improvised material. How and at what time to do it depends on the regimen of the baby, on his well-being and on his mood. If everything is in order, then you can play the following games.

  • "Magic Bag"

Put several toys and objects in a bag and invite the child to take them out in turn, each time naming the toy distinctly and characterizing it with sounds: a bunny - “jump-hop”, a car - “bee-bee”, a doll pillow - “bye-bye”. Then invite the child to fold them back, while adults name the item, and the baby takes exactly the one that is needed and puts it in a bag.

  • "Come on."

You need to put the child in front of you and, holding out an object to him, say: “On!” - then stretch your hands to the child and say: "Give!". These manipulations can be carried out with several toys at once or with one. It must be repeated until the child loses interest.

  • "Animation Poems".

The simplest nursery rhymes need to be told to the child, while accompanying each word with a certain action - “top-top”, “clap-clap”, “bang-bang”.

Jumping gallop!

Jumping gallop!

That's how the boy grew up!

Jumping gallop!

Jumping gallop!

Look how high!

Leg - top,

Palm - clap,

Rattle - right in the forehead!

Bear clumsy walks through the forest

Collects cones, sings songs,

The bump flew right into the bear's forehead

The bear got angry and kicked - top!

  • "Mom's Helper"

You will need several cups, a spoon and small balls that need to be transferred from one container to another. Then you need to wipe the cups with napkins.

A child of one year, compared with a one and a half year old, has less perseverance and requires more attention. Games for the baby should not be dangerous (that is, you should not use small, sharp, fragile objects) and should take place not only under the close attention of adults, but also with their direct participation. Only in this case the child will receive everything necessary in order to please his parents with his physical health and high intelligence in the future.

Good afternoon, dear readers! I recently wrote about what to do if . And now we will analyze in more detail - how to prevent such a situation? How to teach a child to play? And you need to start it at 1 year old!

Of course, we lay in the child independence and up to a year. We give you as much freedom as possible. We allow you to study a variety of subjects. We organize for him ... But the conscious elements of the game appear only closer to the year.

And today we will talk about the game. Let's move away from the topic of separation from the mother, carrying in the arms and attachment to the breast ... How to play with a child at 1 year old?

Simplicity of games

Scientists believe that at this age the baby is most receptive to everything that happens. That he can be told about the structure of the world, read "Onegin" - and all this will be deposited somewhere inside him.

I don’t know how true this is, but it’s better to play games that are appropriate for his age. Only in what he can understand... And repeat.

The most striking example: I played rather strangely with my eldest daughter at this age. It seemed to me that the child was not yet able to play. In my understanding, the game was a whole performance of toys.

This game would be good for a 4-5 year old child. But not in a year! My daughter could not repeat my actions for a year. She sat and watched with pleasure how the toys “talk” among themselves, solve some problems ...

I was constantly coming up with new stories. It seemed to me that the child would be bored watching the same "play". And so it went on for up to 2-3 years, until the child began to join the game. However, by this time, the daughter was already used to being entertained all day long. And we ran into a number of problems.

All of this could have been avoided if I had done the right thing. In one year, the little one is able to perceive only the simplest actions. For example:

  • spoon feed toys;
  • put the doll to sleep, rocking;
  • comb the doll;
  • roll cars;
  • collect something in a box;
  • “vacuuming”, sweeping, washing something with a rag and imitating simple household chores;
  • "talking on the phone";
  • roll a stroller with a doll;
  • "stomp" with a doll, etc.

Toddler repeats the game

Once upon a time it seemed to me that two identical toy "performances" should not be shown to a one-year-old. And then it turned out that the opposite is true - at this age you need to play the same thing many times. Only then will the baby remember the game and understand what is required of him.

In one year, you can “feed” dolls all day long. And perform some simple actions with toys. The main thing is to teach your child to do it with you.

First, do the game action yourself several times. Then try to repeat it, but with the child. Feed your army of toys with your little one's hand. If he resists, don't be upset. Continue to enthusiastically stick a spoon in the mouth of the dolls.

All children grasp new games differently. Someone immediately connects. And someone needs to see it 20-30 times from the outside. The main thing is not to complicate the task. Choose only the simplest games. We go through them in three stages:

  1. Only the mother plays, the child watches.
  2. A child plays, but with the help of his mother.
  3. Only the child is playing.

And remember that our task is to teach the baby to play independently. At least a few minutes. In my opinion, this is more useful for development than any activity with looking for a spout or smearing plasticine.

How to make the game more interesting?

In one year, it will be enough for a child if you just turn toys in your hands, put them somewhere, constantly “feed” and roll them in a stroller. However, not all mothers can withstand such a test.

With the second baby, I learned the main rule: the game should be interesting for mom! If you don't like the game, then:

  • the child does not receive a portion of enthusiasm from you and also does not want to play, preferring to hang on his chest or in his arms;
  • motherhood begins to seem like hell to you;
  • you seek to isolate yourself from the child, to engage in it less. He feels it - and tries to become stronger attached to you.

But there is good news: you can make the game interesting! However, for this you will have to work a little.

And if you, like me, have no idea what to play... Download yourself a lot of books about games at this age. There are a lot of these books. And different books give different approaches to the game. Download, read and try.

Sooner or later you will find something that inspires you. Some people like games with handicraft elements... Some people are more interested in something that develops. I like playing with poetry more.

I will give an example of our favorite game... I already wrote about it on my Vkontakte page, but I will duplicate it.

We pick up any large toy and “walk” with it, repeating the words:

"Get out of the way cat,
Our Hare (Doll, Girl, etc.) is coming!
Our Zainka is coming
It won't fall for anything.

And then we say: "Wow! Fell!" and with these words we drop the doll. Then we continue to stomp again.

The theme of the first steps for the year-old is very relevant. And our son enthusiastically joined the game. Moreover, this game forms a calm attitude towards falls in the child. which are unavoidable in this period.

The subtext of the game is this: if you fall, get up and move on. Falls are normal.

In addition, the son tries to repeat simple words - “top” and “bang”. In this case, they are not in vain included in the text. This is how it is easier for a yearling to start talking.

You may not be inspired by our game. This is fine. But believe me, there are millions of different games in the world. Look for them. In books, on Internet sites, in educational programs... You will definitely find "your" games. You just need to be patient.

Here is a video - one of the game options:

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