Congratulations to Denis on his birthday. Happy birthday to Denis and pranks on the phone Happy birthday Denis

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    Happy birthday, Deniska!
    Life is sweet like toffee
    Happiness without end
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

    Be cheerful, not lazy,
    Both healthy and beautiful
    And rich, fashionable macho.
    Believe in charisma and luck!

    Dear Denis!
    On your name day, we wish you good, light and love. Stay positive and just the best! We want to achieve everything you dream of. Stay positive and aim straight for the stars!

    Happy birthday, Denis!
    Waiting for a pleasant surprise
    On your bright and important holiday,
    The cake is delicious and homemade.

    Let friends not forget
    Help if needed
    Give balls, gifts,
    Make your holiday bright.

    Happy angel day, Denis!
    Be like a sly fox:
    Strive and strive
    Fight and don't give up.

    I want a lot of money
    Do not know resentment and laziness,
    And move forward
    Like a fast plane.

    Dear Denis!
    Happy Angel Day! Let your strong male qualities know no defeat. We wish you to reach any heights. Don't give up in the face of any difficulties on the way to your goal. Go through life boldly and confidently!

    Denis, happy birthday to you!
    I wish you health, good luck and happiness.
    Let your projects bring income,
    Let the soul sing with joy more often.

    I wish to go to the sea with my family in the summer,
    To meet sunrises there with my beloved wife,
    In winter, the family gather by the fireplace,
    Play, have fun, laugh fervently.

    Happy birthday Denis
    Here's what I wish:
    To be cunning like a fox
    And evasive as a snake
    You had strength like a lion
    And eagle wingspan,
    To despise danger,
    You were always the first.

    Dear Denis!
    Happy Angel Day! May only good things happen in your life from today! Let a solid white streak begin, with no end in sight. Let everything work out at work, a loved one will be nearby, and health does not fail even in small things!

Congratulating a person on his birthday is, in fact, not an easy task. But you can safely go shopping in search of a gift, knowing only the name of the birthday person you are going to congratulate. According to psychologists and astrologers, the name of a person retains many characteristics that are transmitted to its owner.

So, the name can not only in some way influence the character of a person, but also contribute to the choice of certain hobbies and hobbies, the choice of profession and the general line of behavior of a person.

Accordingly, it is better for the birthday man Denis to give gifts that will amuse and delight him, will be a pleasant surprise for him. Denis loves surprises, drive and the need to act "not by the rules".

Happy birthday with the name Denis, you can choose in poetic form. At the same time, you can peep a lot of interesting, cool, funny and serious ideas on our website.

What to give Denis on his birthday? Make sure that for the whole day on Denis's birthday he is simply haunted by pleasant surprises. In a taxi, at work, during a lunch break. Send congratulations by e-mail, by courier to the office - flowers or a fruit basket, or there, for example, wine or the year of release of the same when he was born, write congratulations to the DJ on the radio, let him read it on the air.

In fact, it is not difficult to do all this, you just have to want to. And, of course, think about everything in advance.

A gift for congratulations on his birthday Denis needs to Choose a practical and convenient one - one that he will definitely need in everyday life.

You were named Daniel at birth.
God has given you a beautiful name.
What happiness the Almighty gave us,
When the road to your world opened up.

And maybe our humble congratulations,
It won't drive you crazy.
There are no great, golden words here,
But we sculpted this verse from the heart!

On today's sunny day
We give congratulations to the company.
We wish Denis a lot of happiness,
In your soul so that there is no bad weather!

My friend, happy birthday!
Good luck, joy and inspiration!
Denis, for us you are the best friend,
So that you become a billionaire, but what if ?!

Denis, we didn’t sleep tonight,
Everyone suffered and composed congratulations.
Do not judge strictly, accept the rhyme.
With all our hearts, we give this congratulations!

You received the name of the god Dionysus,
And therefore you are always cheerful, kind and sweet.
You are so appreciated, respected by everyone around!
Denis, you are without a doubt the best friend!

Our Denis is mischievous
Celebrates his holiday
Invited my friends
Together will be more fun

Eat cake and delicious juice.
Congratulations to Denis
Together we wrote yesterday -
Here is what we wanted for him:

Long and happy years
Do not be sad and do not get sick,
To be such a nice guy
The best person ever!

Wonderful man,
You are our dear Denis,
Happy Birthday!
This is our surprise for you.

Have fun and smile
Improve your career.
What do you want to do
If only he was always in business.

Rest only in the Bahamas
And live in a luxury hotel.
Drive around in a Ferrari
And feel the taste of life.

There is a pie on the table
Garnished with jam.
And you read congratulations -
Today is birthday!

We wish you, Denis
Always been very happy.
Fulfill your every whim
Wife let this night.

Congratulations to the birthday boy Denis!
Birthday is just on the doorstep
You are in the circle of your family and friends,
Read this congratulations!

Let there be no time for sadness
Be the happiest in the world!
And health, to become stronger,
And in all matters, so that success awaits!

Cheerful handsome man, sparkling look
Smile from ear to ear
Meets Denis and is very happy
See all your friends!

Today is your holiday
Buddy, happy birthday!
We give congratulations as a gift -
Here are our congratulations!

Always, always be cheerful
Same as always
And pour us a little soon -
After all, vodka is not water!

We wish you to always be drunk ...
Not from her, from happiness,
Sweep away with a filthy broom
All troubles and misfortunes!

And so much money to have,
So that the chickens do not peck.
In the fire of love always burned
But the feelings didn't fade.

Let the pure sun warm you
How you, Denis, warm with a smile.
You never live for yourself
If a friend's life becomes torture.

You are noble, sweet and high,
And it would be wild not to love you.
From that I send you congratulations:
And you read it gently and quietly.

Today is an unusual day
The usual postman will come to us
And he will deliver at the right time
Congratulations to Denis from us.

Here he will get it out of the bag
All gifts are from friends.
All gifts from the heart
How good are they.

Wait there will be congratulations
Bright moment for performance,
To put on a show
A holiday for all to see.

We wish, as always,
Health, happiness and success.
Everything else is not a hindrance
And all you need
May good luck bring.

Oh, Denis, because today is Saturday,
You don't go to work in the morning!
And I send you my congratulations
Read it, dear friend!

So that your heart does not hurt
And only sang for joy,
In the hall, I set the table for you!
I am grateful to fate for you!

If it wasn't for my life
With you next to the days lived,
I don't know what I would do
Honey, I love you very much!

Wonderful man,
You are our dear Denis,
Happy Birthday!
This is our surprise for you.

Have fun and smile
Improve your career.
What do you want to do
If only he was always in business.

Rest only in the Bahamas
And live in a luxury hotel.
Drive around in a Ferrari
And feel the taste of life.

He knows where Don is, where Nisa is,
Where is the river, where is the reservoir ...
On the birthday of Denis
Glory to him we sing!

Wishes only these -
Here's what we're dreaming of:
Be the most, Denis, in the world
Kind, smart rich man!

Happy birthday, Denis
(You are not a hundred, not two hundred years old!),
Please don't be alone
Celebrate the holiday with us!

To in the city, in the village
Ile on mother nature
We were tipsy
(Drunk, in a way)!

So that, rowing among the bushes,
smeared in fat,
We all praise you
Wishing the best!

Denis, congratulations on the name day,
We will send warm words to you.
Let the days rush like a sleigh
And you just stay with us.

We will warm you all in the evil cold,
And we will cheer your soul.
Live happily, wonderfully
Let the sun shine bright and clear.

Let life boil with a key
To any fate whim
You were nothing.
Good health, love,
Wish fulfillment,
So that your days are full
Happy excitement.
Creative success in everything
Good luck everywhere, always
So that forever in the blue sky,
Was your star.

Dear boy, look around
If I knew what was in my heart, I could
Rushing to be close to me
And hug your love, your own, Deniska, -
Since recent times, you are my god!

Be happy you always, Denis!
Let life boil with a key
To any fate whim
You were nothing.

Good health, love,
Wish fulfillment,
So that your days are full
Happy excitement.

Creative success in everything
Good luck everywhere, always
So that forever in the blue sky,
Was your star.

Denis has a holiday - mood,
We wish him great luck.
To make this holiday a success,
Never let you give up!
Happiness to you, joy from now on,
We congratulate you on your name day.
Good health and nerves to you,
So that all friends are only faithful.
Smile more often, make us happy
Congratulations, we hug you now.

Denis is a wonderful person!
Such people - one for a century!
He is a storehouse of a strict mind!
The hero of novels from Dumas!
These are the only ones to be respected.
Cherish, cherish, adore.
Carry it on your hands
And sing in such verses!

We wish you more chances
On your life's long journey!
When luck will give advances to everyone,
Let you stand in front!

Don't forget your family and friends:
They will always help, so that they never turn sour.
Never do low deeds
After all, we know that you are well done, Denis!

Wonderful Denis,
Benefit lasts in life.
Everyone applauds you
Brightness to your destiny.

Congratulations dearly
Live interesting.
Love yourself and everyone around you
Be successful friend.

Try spice in life pour,
And do not fall out of the clip of joy.
Happy holiday to you, Denis, today I congratulate you,
I wish you extraordinary luck.
Unbearable prosperity and victory,
Instantly let any troubles scatter.

On today's sunny day
As a company, we give a poem.
We wish Denis a lot of happiness,
In your soul so that there is no bad weather!

My friend, happy birthday!
Good luck, joy and inspiration!
Denis, for us you are the best friend,
So that you become a billionaire, but what if ?!

Let the pure sun warm you
How you, Denis, warm with a smile.
You never live for yourself
If a friend's life becomes torture.

You are noble, sweet and high,
And it would be wild not to love you.
From that I send you a poem:
And you read it gently and quietly.

You are a good friend, faithful,
You will never betray.
With everyone you are extremely honest,
Help, if needed, give.

Fulfill every whim
If only we ask.
We congratulate Denis,
We always ask you to smile.

Protect your fate from problems
To prevent the same black topics.
Congratulations on your holiday today
To you, Denis, we wish you unlimited luck.
Let love wrap around you
And fun, and gently let you live.

Denisov has all weekdays - holidays,
Full of sparkling happiness,
All Denis are so different,
But with anyone - and it's not cold in the cold,

Whether snow, heat, only their pranks
We warm up, of course,
All Denis are so different,
All Denisovs are so loved by women!

Save yourself from suffering
And from all unnecessary throwing.
There will be no boredom,
And evil rumors will not creep.

We congratulate you on the holiday
We wish you well, Denis.
Strong strength, faithful health,
And the success of the best and first.

I know the fiery motto! -
Denis told once.
I know: the truth is in wine.
Submit it to me now!
Who will drink half a glass,
He will not go to God in heaven,
Roasted on fire
Knowing half the truth in wine!
Looking down on vodka
And I say: Come on, Denis,
Forget the truth!
Well, for health?! We will!

Denis, you are dedicated to fun to God,
But difficulties lie in wait for you
Your task is to pave the way
To the world of joy and happiness, let everyone know
That you know how to relax beautifully,
But you also understand something at work,
Let no doubts torment
You are a joyful possessor of knowledge.

D holds the will in a fist,
E there is such a thing.
H omer first he is everywhere,
And handsome in face and in body.
FROM cleverly says, then right,
To how about the other way?
BUT beloved always, shares the road with him!

You love to have fun
Looking for adventure.
Reach for the star
We want without a doubt.
Let in your soul, Denis,
The flame will light up.
Smile quickly
And joy suddenly awakens.

According to Denis
The name of the god Dionysus.
Although he is a resident of heaven -
Very useful for people.

We know one thing for certain:
God invented wine.
That's why we celebrate
Birthday is not with tea.

And you can congratulate
And Denis, and guests.
We wish the birthday
For the year to be fruitful

But not only for wine.
And to the "golden bottom" -
For ranks, for orders
And for good deeds.

You are a true friend, you are the best
You will be a good, honest husband.
Love your wife, kids too
Small animals, perhaps.

You are interesting since childhood,
Congratulations, Denis!
Now there's nowhere for us to go
We wish you happiness to the eyelashes!

Denis celebrates his name day.
In honor of the namesake of Dionysus will put up wine
And brands of various, and all sorts - -
On the day of the Angel, he is ready to treat everyone!
Denis has a lot of friends in life -
If he were not capricious, there would be more of them.
In communication, easy and quick to rise,
And he does not care about difficulties in life.
Cheerful and joyful often happens
But Denis does not throw a word into the wind.
He is a true comrade and a devoted friend,
Will support in work, decorate leisure!
We congratulate Denis on Angel Day
And we wish him all the best!
And remember, Denis, that we love you,
As a friend is very valuable and necessary!

Denis, today is your holiday
And we sincerely wish
So that you love your native land,
What do we bless you for?

Happy Denis Day, congratulations,
I always wish you to live happily.
You are a smart, honest guy, young,
And so lovely you are very mad.

You angelically know all your ways,
May all your roads be happy.
In love, I wish you only the best,
The wife will be more reliable than the flag.

Your sociability knows no bounds
The fountain of ideas never dries up.
You bypass obstacles, Denis, easily,
Your destiny is calling you so far away.

We wish stardom so that it does not appear,
The star of luck, so that it lights up brightly.
Merry life has always only become,
Luck in the wilds of life did not get lost.

You are dedicated to the god of wine,
Wine, maybe subdued,
And himself, like a young wine,
Accepted with joy by fate.

So let it be for you
Faithful in every way.

I give congratulations to a dear person!
If you hear, if you see
I'll lift my spirits!
And for a birthday party

I send a hundred beautiful words!
Try to smile: I’m burning - “no” and “yes” - good!

Holds will in a fist
There is such a thing.
Number one is everywhere
Handsome in face and body.

The word will say, it means right,
How else?
And the beloved always shares the road with him!

Wonderful man,
You are our dear Denis,
Happy Birthday!
This is our surprise for you.

Have fun and smile
Improve your career.
Whatever you want, do it
If only he was always in business.

Rest only in the Bahamas
And live in a luxury hotel
Drive around in a Ferrari
And feel the taste of life.

Happy birthday, Denis!
Let life be easy
And let any your whim
Performed suddenly in an instant!

Always with you everywhere
Let foot to foot, step by step
Both happiness and income come.
This is our congratulations.

Denis, today is your special holiday, on which I want to congratulate you. You are an extraordinary, cheerful person, able to support in difficult times. And this is not all your virtues that you have. You are kind, sociable and purposeful, which is very important, given the specifics of our time. Today, I want to wish you harmony, prosperity, peace. Do not be afraid to learn new skills and learn all facets of life. This will not only open up new opportunities and perspectives, but will also help you find happiness and know real joy.

I, Denis, you today
I want to praise everyone.
You are a great, kind guy.
Let everything be on the shoulder.

Only happy work
Your family is waiting for you at home.
It will be bright, interesting
Your life is fun.

You are active and impatient since childhood,
But businesslike, smart, handsome!
We will not get tired of praising on your holiday, Denis,
And you give us a wide smile in response!

We wish you peace, faith in success,
Family to give care and tenderness,
Things to be excellent, measuredly went,
Good luck and joy would find you!

Denis, I congratulate you,
I want to wish you success.
You will achieve a lot, I know
Let everything work out for five.

With the beautiful name Denis,
Today is a benefit performance.
We wish you soon
More bright days for you.

Good-looking, educated, stately,
And gallant to those around him.
Be happy, joyful, contented
Always free in your decisions.

Our Denis is mischievous
Celebrates his holiday
Invited my friends
Together will be more fun
Eat cake and delicious juice.
Congratulations to Denis
Together we wrote yesterday -
Here is what we wanted for him:
Long and happy years
Do not be sad and do not get sick,
To be such a nice guy
The best person ever!

If life puts a barrier -
Give her a big smile
I always want to win
Radiant my Denis.

Farta I wish you
Hit the target nicely
Let the ship carry happiness
Don't let him run aground.

Congratulations, Denis. Another year of your life has passed. I have no doubt that it was quite interesting. I wish that all subsequent ones were better and more interesting and, it would be very good, without dramas and suffering. Be always happy and cheerful. Happy birthday!

The name Denis comes from the name of the ancient Greek god of nature and wine. You're a great friend, shirt-guy, ringleader. At the same time, you can be counted on, you can be trusted, and in difficult situations you make well-considered decisions. Go through life without barriers and easily overcome minor difficulties! Happy birthday, Denis!


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