Plan for traffic rules calendar-thematic planning (preparatory group) on the topic. Work program for traffic rules calendar-thematic planning on the topic Calendar planning for traffic rules

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PLAN MKDOU d / s No. 10, Plast

for 2016-2017 academic year


Head of MKDO

d / s No. 10, Plast

M.N. Polyakova



preventive measures

child road traffic injuries

for 2016-2017 academic year


the date of the


1. Work with employees

Provide guidance to caregivers on the prevention of child traffic injuries.


Deputy head according to ACH

Consultation "Content of work with children on the prevention of road traffic injuries in different age groups"


senior caregiver

Exhibition of methodological literature, didactic games, manuals, methodological developments on traffic rules.


senior teacher,

creative microgroup

Assistance to educators in the preparation of long-term work plans for the prevention of child road injuries.

September October

Deputy head for water resources management

on the prevention of child road traffic injuries in preschool educational institutions "

October November


Deputy head according to AHS

senior caregiver

Update and supplement the corners for studying the rules of the road, role-playing games on traffic in groups and on the playing areas of the preschool educational institution.



Consultation "Rules of conduct in motor transport"


Creative microgroup

Self-education of teachers on the topic

During a year


Conducting open classes to familiarize children with traffic rules

During a year



Preparing and conducting entertainment to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road


Creative microgroup

2. Working with children

Excursions and target walks:

Pedestrian monitoring

Traffic monitoring

Traffic light supervision

Considering modes of transport

Walk to the pedestrian crossing

Getting to know the street

Monitoring the movement of vehicles and the work of the driver

During a year


What do you know about the street?

We are pedestrians - places of movement of pedestrians, their name, purpose

Rules of conduct on the road

Cars on the streets of the city - modes of transport

Do's and Don'ts

Assistants on the road - signs, traffic lights, traffic controller

Be careful!

Transport in the city: parking places and rules, pedestrian zones, restrictive signs

During a year

Educators of junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups

Role-playing games:

Journey through the streets of the city

Street and pedestrians

∙ Traffic light

Journey with the Dunno

Travel by car

∙ Car parking

Service station

∙ Auto repair shop

During a year

Educators of junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups

Didactic games:

∙ Our street

∙ Traffic light

Put up a road sign

Guess what sign

∙ City street

∙ What for what?

Road signs: prohibiting and allowing

Yellow, red, green

∙ What is missing?

∙ Answer fast

During a year

Educators of junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups

Outdoor games:

Sparrows and car

Be careful

colorful cars

We're going, we're going, we're going...

∙ Stop!

colorful paths

Whose team is more likely to meet

∙ Cycling

∙ Burners

∙ Find your color

During a year

Educators of junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups

Fiction for reading and memorization:

S. Mikhalkov "My Street", "Cyclist", "Bad History"

S. Marshak "Policeman", "Ball"

V. Golovko "Rules of traffic"

With Yakovlev "Doctor Aibolit's advice"

O. Bederev "If ..."

A. Northern "Traffic light"

V. Semernin "Forbidden - Allowed"

During a year

Educators of junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups

Entertainment (according to the plan of teachers)

During a year

Creative microgroup

Exhibitions of drawings:

∙ At the crossroads

Traffic light, traffic light, our friend for a long time

In the land of road signs

During a year

Creative microgroup

3. Work with parents (see Appendix 1)

Attachment 1

Plan of work with parents for the 2016-2017 academic year according to traffic rules.

Raising a culture of behavior on the street is an urgent task of today. The formation of discipline, organization of stay on the streets and roads, in public transport should begin at an early age, so this issue should become an integral part of the educational process in preschool institutions. The rules learned in childhood become the norm of behavior in the future, their observance is a need.

Our kindergarten "Spark" strives to give its pupils a quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of a safe life should become a recognized necessity. Careful educational work with children is required. And, of course, with their parents.

Work on studying the rules of the road is being carried outin close contact with parents. In the kindergarten, a stand "To parents about the rules of the road" was decorated. Corresponding articles and brochures are placed in sliding folders. Employees of the traffic police are invited to parents' meetings. The joint work of the teaching staff of the kindergarten, the traffic police and parents, of course, gives its positive results in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Many parents have a driver's license, drive a car, but do not always acquaint their children with the Rules of the Road. Therefore, for the academic year, a long-term plan for working with parents on traffic rules was created.

A long-term plan for working with parents to familiarize children with the rules of the road for the school year


  1. Round table “Parents are an example for everything. Acquaintance with the plan of work on traffic rules with children for the school year. Listening to the report of the senior educator on the statistics of road accidents involving children.
  2. Questioning of parents "Children and the street".
  3. Memo-booklets for parents "Competent Pedestrian".


  1. Consultation "Safety of children - care of adults".
  2. Open door day: demonstration of an open lesson with children "The traffic police inspector visiting the children."
  3. Exhibition of children's drawings "On the streets of our city Plast".


1. Folder - moving "Child in the car."

2. Presentation "The road to kindergarten and home."

3. Photo exhibition from the family archives "Daddy's car".


  1. Conversation with parents "Caution in ice on the road will save you."
  2. Joint game-competition "Forward, pedestrian!".
  3. Consultation for parents "Child on a sled".


  1. Parent meeting "Psychophysiological characteristics of the behavior of a preschooler on the street."
  2. Literary lounge "What can children read about traffic rules."
  3. Joint leisure "The rules of traffic are worthy of respect."


  1. Information sheet "Rules of conduct with a child in public transport."
  2. Exhibition of children's drawings "Traffic light is my friend!".
  3. Thematic day on traffic rules (involving parents in organizing and holding this day).


  1. Family master class "Traffic light science".
  2. Consultation for parents "Car seat for a child".
  3. Competition of poems on traffic rules.


  1. Questionnaire "How do you comply with traffic rules."
  2. Parent meeting "These cases can be avoided."
  3. Information sheet "Child on a bicycle".


  1. Open demonstration of the final lesson "Journey to the country of the Crossroads".
  2. Acquisition of reflective elements for outerwear.
  3. Watching the film "Three Colors of Life".


  1. Situations for parents to analyze.
  2. Joint musical leisure "The Tale of the Rules of the Road."
  3. Competition of family creative works "Children on the road".

Calendar-thematic planning for traffic rules in kindergarten. Senior group

Thematic planning in the senior group. Circle "SDA for children"

Biryukova Dilara Minullovna, educator, MBDOU d / s No. 27, Chelyabinsk.
Description of work: I offer you the thematic planning of the circle "SDA for children" in the older group (5-6 years old). This material will be useful for educators of the older group. This planning is aimed at ensuring the safety of children on the streets and roads, preventing child road traffic injuries that requires an urgent solution to the problem: to save the life and health of children, to promote the formation of conscious behavior in traffic situations.

Thematic planning in the senior group

-Topic: introductory
The form: Conversation
Goals: To reveal in children knowledge about transport, the rules of behavior for pedestrians, passengers, road signs.
-Topic:"Our Street"
The form: Walk down the street. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic of traffic rules
Goals: To expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior for a pedestrian and a driver in the street.
To consolidate ideas about the purpose of a traffic light. Learn to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibition, prescriptive, informational and indicative)
-Topic: Rules of conduct on the roadway; what is a sidewalk
The form: Excursion. Observation of the movement of transport and the work of the driver
Goals: To expand children's knowledge about the street: the road is divided into two parts - the roadway and the sidewalk. To consolidate knowledge about traffic rules on a suburban highway: walk along the side of the road towards the oncoming traffic.
-Topic:"Road safety" "Road for cars"
The form: Reading “At a traffic light” (How funny little men taught the road alphabet). Drawing "Three-eyed friend"
Goals: Refine your knowledge of traffic lights. Continue to acquaint with the work of the regulator
-Topic: Always remember road signs!
The form: Leisure - entertainment: "Journey to the country of road signs
Goals: Familiarize yourself with some road signs. To consolidate knowledge about warning, information signs. To cultivate the ability to use their knowledge in everyday life.

-Topic:"Cars run in a row" Transport
The form: C / r game "Cars and pedestrians"
Goals: Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct for drivers. Learn to recognize road signs
drivers (cyclists and pedestrians) Consolidate children's knowledge about modes of transport
-Topic:"Hurry do not rush" Rules of conduct on the street
The form: Walk Rules for Pedestrians. Reading S. Mikhalkov "Walk carefully"
Goals: To expand and replenish children's knowledge of the rules of behavior for pedestrians. Cultivate attention, skills for the conscious use of traffic rules in everyday life.
-Topic:"Walking carefully..."
The form: Game - dramatization "Traffic Light"
Goals: Consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await them on the streets, at home. Cultivate attention, the ability to help others.

-Topic:"Beware the street!" If there is no traffic light on the street
-Topic: Exhibition of joint drawings with parents on the topic "SDA"
The form: Entertainment "Red, yellow, green"
Goals: Promote caution. Teach children to cross the street where there is no traffic light.
-Topic:"Want to know everything"
Goals: Consolidation of children's knowledge about traffic rules.
The form: Guessing riddles on the topic: traffic rules. D / and "Pick up a road sign"
Goals: To consolidate the acquired knowledge about the rules of behavior on the streets of the city and village. Clarify knowledge about the work of the traffic police, road signs
-Topic: We are walking across the road. Children should know this.
The form: Practical work.
Goals: Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of the road.
-Topic: Service station
The form: Didactic game
Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge of the road sign "Service Station". Develop the ability to put together a whole from parts.

-Topic: Special purpose vehicles
The form: Teacher's story
Goals: To give children an idea about special purpose vehicles.
-Topic: We're walking across the road
The form: Practical work
Goals: To consolidate in children the knowledge of the correct crossing of the road (how to bypass the bus, trolleybus and tram).
-Topic: Drivers, let's go!
The form: The game is a competition.
Goals: Develop dexterity, ingenuity, fine motor skills of hands.
-Topic: Build a car
The form: Board game
Goals: Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to bring what has been started to the end.

-Topic: Driver labor
The form: Conversation
Goals: To expand knowledge about the work of the driver and the causes of road accidents. To consolidate knowledge about traffic signals. Raise respect for the work of adults.
-Topic: Rhymes
The form: memorization
Goals: Develop the ability to clearly pronounce each word. Cultivate the ability to use the counting rhyme in the game.
-Topic: What was gone
The form: Didactic game
Goals: Develop attention in children.

-Topic: Service cars
The form: Reading
Goals: Teach children the ability to listen carefully and understand the content of what they read. To consolidate knowledge of special purpose vehicles.
-Topic: Street of a big city.
The form: Conversation
Goals: To expand children's knowledge about the street, its features. To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of the sidewalk, the roadway. Raise the desire to obey the rules of the road.
-Topic: Truck
The form: Application
Goals: To develop in children the ability to correctly place truck blanks on a sheet of paper, talking about the sequence of their gluing. Develop an appreciation for your work.
-Topic: Dial the correct number
The form: Didactic game
Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge of emergency phone numbers: fire brigade, ambulance, police. Develop the ability to correctly dial on the phone.

-Topic: Your friend is a traffic light!
The form: KVN
Goals: To consolidate knowledge about traffic rules. Raise the right pedestrian in your child.
-Topic: Proverbs
The form: learning
Goals: Introduce children to proverbs. Develop expressiveness of speech.
-Topic: Domino. Road signs. Learn road signs.
The form: Game Library
Goals: Reinforce knowledge of road signs. Develop the ability to find a road sign to a traffic situation. Cultivate attention.
-Topic: My street
The form: Construction
Goals: Develop imagination, fantasy, the ability to build houses, vehicles from various building materials.

-Topic: History of transport
The form: Conversation
Goals: Expand knowledge of the history of transport. Develop the ability to compare old vehicles with the present. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.
-Topic: smart little animals
The form: Reading
Goals: Teach children the ability to listen and understand the content of what they read. To develop auditory and visual perception in children .. To educate a competent pedestrian in a child.
-Topic: Who knows more?
The form: Puzzles
Goals: Develop attention, ingenuity, thinking.
-Topic: Journey to the Land of Road Signs.
The form: Holiday
Goals: Create a positive emotional state in children. Arouse the desire to know and comply with traffic rules.

-Topic: find the mistake
The form: word game
Goals: Teach children the ability to find an error in a sentence and correct it. Develop auditory attention.
-Topic: We are pedestrians. We are drivers.
The form: Games in the car city.
Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules and the ability to comply with them in the game, in the world around them.
-Topic: Final
The form: Conversation
Goals: Clarify the amount of knowledge and skills acquired by children during the year of study.

State budgetaryeducational institution

basic comprehensive school

Primorsky village

I approve

School Principal: /N.M.Shirmanova/


Modified educational program

"Game modular course on traffic rules,

or the schoolboy went out into the street"

for grades 1-4

(Author: V.I. Kovalko. - M.: VAKO, 2008)

Age of children: 7-11 years old

Duration of study: 4 years

Teacher: Pomazkova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Experience: 25 years


Municipal district Stavropol

Samara region


Explanatory note

Teaching the rules of the road should be considered as an integral part of the educational work of the school.

In the classroom, students acquire knowledge and skills of behavior on the street, learn the rules of behavior on the road, learn to understand traffic lights and traffic controllers, where they can arrange games, ride sleds, skates, skis; learn to use a bus, trolleybus, tram; get acquainted with the meaning of the most important road signs, signs, road marking lines.

In the process of teaching schoolchildren the rules of the road, one cannot do without conversations. In order not to bore children with constant instructions on the need for strict observance of traffic rules, conversations are based on an analysis of a specific incident (how it happened, who was to blame, could it not have happened), on an analysis of a traffic accident: why a traffic violation was committed, let students downthoughts on the patterns of accident for those who constantly break the rules.

The role of parents' participation in the preparation and organization of work on the safety of the movement of younger schoolchildren is great. Successful results in the training and education of disciplined pedestrians can only be achieved if there is a strong relationship between the family and the educational institution and all their actions are purposeful..

The purpose of the lessons: to familiarize younger students with the rules of the road.


1) To acquaint students with the meaning of some road signs that are often found in the place of residence.

2) Expand vocabulary using road terminology.

3) Develop the habit of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Expected results

In the classroom "The student went out into the street» students acquire knowledge and skills

behavior on the street;

learn the rules of the road; learn to understand traffic signals and traffic controller gestures;

assimilate where you can arrange games, ride sleds, skates, skiing; learn how to use buses

trolleybus, tram;

get acquainted with the meaning of the most important road signs, signs and marking lines of the carriageway.

The knowledge and skills acquired by students in the first year of study in the Schoolboy Out in the Street program are expanded in subsequent years of study. Additional material is given, learning is connected with the observations of the students themselves using examples from everyday life. "The schoolboy went out into the street" will help children systematize, expand and deepen their knowledge of traffic safety, will form they have respect for the general law of roads and streets, bring up disciplined pedestrians, passengers, and possibly future drivers.

personal resultsstudying the course "The student went out into the street" is the formation of the following skills:

  • evaluate, explain, define and express the simplest and most general rules of behavior on the street;
  • in the proposed situations, based on the rules of the road, make a choice in favor of safety.

Metasubject outcomesstudying the course "The student went out into the street" is the formation of the following universal educational actions (UUD):

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher.

Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson.

Learn to express your assumption (version) based on work with illustrations.

Learn to work according to the proposed plan.

- Learn to distinguish the right task from the wrong one.

To learn together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment of the activities of the class in the classroom.

Cognitive UUD:

Navigate in your system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.

Make a preliminary selection of sources of information.

Get new knowledge through your life experience and information from other sources.

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class, compare and group.

Communicative UUD:

Communicate your position to others: correctly formulate your thought in oral speech.

Listen and understand the speech of others.

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior and follow them.

Learn to play different roles in a group.

Substantive resultsstudying the course "The student went out into the street" is the formation of the following skills:

Name the most important traffic signs studied, traffic lights and traffic controllers, road markings.

Explain how to behave as a pedestrian and a passenger, where you can play and how to bypass vehicles.

Evaluate the correct behavior of people on the road and in public transport.

additional educational program for grade 1


No. p / p

Name of topics






We go to school

Our street.

City, town, village where we live.

General rules for crossing streets and roads.

Signals (gestures) of the traffic controller.

Acquaintance with the scheme of the village and the ability to show on the scheme the street, crossing, intersection, school, your safe way to school and home.

Acquaintance with the terms "roadway", "green lawns", "roadside", "pedestrian".

How to walk pedestrians on the sidewalk and the roadside and where you can cross the street.

The purpose of the traffic light and the role of the traffic controller.

Acquaintance with traffic lights and traffic controllers, the formation of the ability to use them





Road signs.

Prohibition road signs.

Warning road signs.

Service signs.

Purpose of road signs. Road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Ground pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Children".

Prohibitory road signs "Entry prohibited", "Movement prohibited", "Movement on bicycles prohibited", "Danger".

Signs "Bicycle path" "Pedestrian path".

Signs "Traffic light regulation", "Railway crossing with a barrier", "Railway crossing without a barrier", "Intersection with a tram line", "Intersection with a bicycle path", "Sharp turn", "Traffic directions", "Place parking", "Pedestrian crossing".

Signs "Point of first aid", "Telephone", "Point of food", "Gas station", "Maintenance of vehicles".


Where can you play?

About riding bicycles, scooters and roller skates only in specially designated places, and not on the carriageway.


We are passengers.

Duties of Passengers.

About the transport standing on the road (bus, trolley bus, car) and how to get around it (behind, and the tram in front).

About the rules for using public transport


Elements of streets and roads.

The movement of pedestrians on the streets and roads.

Use and consolidation of knowledge about safe behavior on the streets and roads.

About the components of the street, as well as the rules for crossing streets and roads.

Introduction to road markings.

About the rules of safe movement on country roads; features of pedestrian traffic in winter (spring) time.


Competitions on the rules of safe behavior of students on the streets and roads.

Games and competitions in traffic rules on a site with specially applied road markings in the school yard. A test on the topics covered.


1 class

No. pp

Name of topics


theoretical hours

Number of practical


The amount of hours

We go to school

Our street. City, town, village where we live

General rules for crossing streets and roads


Signals (gestures) of the traffic controller


Road signs


Prohibition road signs.


Mandatory road signs.


I warn you

common road signs.


Where can you play?


We are passengers.


Board games according to the rules of the road.


Basic rules for the behavior of students on the street, the road.


Elements of streets and roads

Pedestrian traffic on streets and roads

Service marks

Obligations of Passengers

Competitions on the rules of safe behavior of students on the streets and roads

Generalizing lesson

Final lesson

Grade 2

section number

Name of topics

The amount of hours

Number of theoretical



practical hours

Basic rules for the behavior of students on the street, the road.

Elements of streets and roads

Pedestrian traffic on streets and roads

Rules for crossing streets and roads

Traffic regulation

Road signs

Obligations of Passengers

Generalizing lesson

Final lesson

3rd grade

section number

Name of topics

The amount of hours

Number of theoretical



practical hours

Correspondence tour of the village with Petya Svetoforov

Types of vehicles. Stopping distance of vehicles

Traffic Laws

Rules of the Road: Obligations of drivers, pedestrians and passengers.

Rules of the Road:Organization of traffic,

technical means of traffic control.

Rules of the Road: Traffic light regulation. Passage of special vehicles.

Rules of the Road: Road signs.

Rules of the Road: Railway.

Rules of the Road: Duties of Pedestrians

Petya Svetoforov's stories

Brief history of the car

History of the wheel

E.A. Yakovlev is the founder of the domestic auto.

Tasks of Petya Svetoforov

Games according to the rules of safe behavior

Final practical lesson

4th grade

section number

Name of topics

The amount of hours

Number of theoretical



practical hours

Repetition of the three-year training at the School of Traffic Light Knowledge

Detachments of young traffic inspectors

The history of the development of motor vehicles and the problems of safe traffic

Consolidation of knowledge of traffic lights and traffic controllers. Vehicle warning signals.

Road signs and their groups.

The history of the emergence and development of road signs.

Road markings and their purpose

Oral propaganda of the rules of the road among pupils of kindergartens.

General requirements for bicycle drivers

Providing first aid to victims of accidents on the roads

traffic police and traffic police

Basic concepts and terms

Outdoor games

Games and competitions on the rules of safe behavior of students on the streets and roads

Final event "Know the rules of movement as a multiplication table"

Methodological support of additional educational program

Forms of study For younger students, the rules of the road are very diverse:

  • thematic classes;
  • game lessons;
  • practical exercises in "safety towns";
  • competitions, competitions;
  • quizzes on the best knowledge of the rules of the road;
  • board, didactic and outdoor games.

Technical equipment:

  1. television;
  2. DVD player;
  3. DVD disc with the animated series "Smeshariki. The ABC of Security. - St. Petersburg: "Video-Replica", 2008.

posters and schemes for traffic rules;

  1. set of road signs.

Literature for the teacher

1. Everyone is supposed to know the rules of the road: Cognitive games with preschool children and schoolchildren / Ed. M, S, Kogan. - Novosibirsk: Sib. univ. Publishing house, 2008.

2. Kovalko V.I. A game modular course on traffic rules, or a schoolboy went out into the street: grades 1-4. - M.: VAKO, 2008. (Teacher's workshop)

Thematic planning according to the rules of the road Grade 1 No. p / p Theme of the lesson Date 1 The city, town, microdistrict where we live. Features of the movement of pedestrians on wet and slippery roads in autumn and spring. 2 Traffic light and its signals. How do traffic lights help you cross the street? 3 Acquaintance with road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Children", "Pedestrian path", "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited" (the main groups of road signs). 4 Rules for the behavior of children on the street. Why can't you play on the streets and roads? 5 "Road traps". "Household habits" - the causes of accidents. 6 Rules for the safe behavior of children on the street in winter. 7 We are passengers. Rules of conduct for children in transport. 8 On a country road: sidewalk, verge, carriageway, footpath. Rules for the movement of pedestrians on a country road. 9 We learn to follow the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads. Modeling and production of board games. 10 Excursion around the city (village). Practical consolidation of knowledge and skills of correct behavior on the streets. Grade 2 No. p / p Theme of the lesson Date 1 Basic rules of behavior on the street, road. Children's road traffic injuries. (Analysis of DDTT in the microdistrict based on the materials of the traffic police). 2 Elements of streets and roads. Road marking. 3 Regulator signals and their meaning. Pedestrian traffic light and its signals. Signals given by drivers of vehicles. 4 Crossroads and their types. Rules for crossing streets and roads. 5 Road signs. Review what you learned in class 1. “Stopping place for route vehicles”, “Entry prohibited”, “Med. help”, “Phone”, “Stopping place”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”. 6 Obligations of passengers. Rules for boarding and disembarking from route vehicles. Rules for crossing the carriageway when disembarking from vehicles. 7 Rules for the safe movement of pedestrians on a country road. 8 "Road traps". From a "household habit" to a tragedy on the road. 9 Features of the movement of pedestrians and vehicles on wet and slippery roads. Why can't you play on the road? 10 Excursion around the city (village). Consolidation of knowledge on traffic rules. Grade 3 No. p / n Theme of the lesson Date 1 Basic rules for the safe behavior of students on the street, road. DDTT. Repetition of the studied material according to the program of the 2nd grade. 2 Rules for crossing streets and roads. Situations of deceptive safety "Road traps". 3 Braking distance of vehicles. Danger of crossing the street (road) in front of nearby vehicles. 4 Crossroads and their types. Road marking. The main lines of road markings and their significance for pedestrians. 5 Obligations of passengers. Rules for crossing the street (road) when disembarking from route vehicles. 6 "Household habits" - the causes of accidents. Why not play on the road? 7 Traffic signals. Traffic signals, their meaning. Signals of the traffic controller, their meaning. 8 Road signs and their groups. Significance of signs for pedestrians. Locations for road signs. Consolidation of students' knowledge of road signs studied in grades 1-2. 9 Rules for safe driving on a country road. 10 Practical exercises and games according to traffic rules. Grade 4 No. p / n Theme of the lesson Date 1 Causes of DDTT. Analysis of specific accidents based on the materials of the traffic police. 2 The concept of braking and stopping distance. Danger of crossing the street (road) in front of nearby vehicles. 3 Road signs and their groups. Consolidation of students' knowledge of road signs studied in grades 1 - 3. 4 Basic concepts and terms of traffic rules. Elements of streets and roads. 5 Rules for the provision of first aid in case of an accident. 6 From a "household habit" to a tragedy on the road. 7 Traffic control. Traffic lights, traffic controller. 8 Behavior of pedestrians at intersections. Giving drivers warning signals with light direction indicators. The significance of these signals for pedestrians. 9 Rules of conduct at stops and when crossing the carriageway at intersections. The concept of "road traps" and how to avoid them. 10 Practical lesson to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules in children.


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