Wet to put on! How you can and cannot dry clothes in quick ways after washing. How can you quickly dry clothes after washing? How to dry clothes after washing

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Sometimes life brings surprises, requiring from us an adequate response and considerable ingenuity. For example, everyone at least once in their life had to convulsively decide how to quickly dry clothes. Perhaps, somehow fresh linen suddenly ended, damp weather summed it up, I had to wash my shirt right at work. But you never know what awaits us around the corner! The main thing is to urgently find a reliable source of heat.

Tumble dry

If you need to dry one thing very quickly after washing, send it back to the drum, turn on the drying function. Just don't overdo it with the temperature! Select the maximum mode according to the type of fabric. It is better to spend another 10 minutes and dry the wet clothes with an iron.

How to quickly dry clothes if there is no dryer in the washing machine? No problem! Together with a wet thing, put a couple of dry terry towels into the drum and set it to the maximum spin that the fabric can adequately withstand.

Towels will absorb excess moisture, and the process of parting with excess moisture during the spin cycle will be faster. After such a kind of drying, walk over the product with a warm iron. You will be able to get a completely dry thing in half an hour.


Heat the iron, be sure to turn off the steam function. Iron damp clothing on both sides. Then hang the product on the shoulders, the back of the chair. After 10 minutes, iron again from the wrong side and the front side.

Dry socks with an iron only through a layer of fabric.

Hair dryer, fan heater

But how to quickly dry clothes made of wool, because it can neither be twisted nor ironed? To do this, use a hair dryer, fan heater. Hang a sweater, a woolen blouse on the back of a chair or hangers at a distance of half a meter from the device, direct warm air onto the product. Even jeans can be dried quickly this way. Try to blow clothes from all sides. After half an hour, the thing should dry. By the way, it is very convenient to dry synthetic socks with a hairdryer.


Such drying will take only about an hour of your precious time (depending on the fabric). Turn on the oven. While it is warming, place a chair with clothes hanging on it closer. Open the door and do not close it until the very end of the process. Turn the product periodically so that the fabric dries evenly, especially if it is a wool jumper.

Some extreme sports enthusiasts hang things directly on the oven door to speed up the process. You can take a chance if you are not afraid to fry your favorite sweater (or whatever you dry). Another caveat: inside the oven must be clean. Otherwise, you will smell not of fine French perfume, but of baked duck in apples or fish pie. However, it will give your image a delicious zest.


Hang the laundry on the battery immediately after washing. After a couple of hours you can shoot. Especially well on it mittens, gloves, socks are dried. But large things will need to be turned over for uniform heating. A heated towel rail in the bathroom will also perfectly replace the battery.

Natural drying

On a windy sunny day, clothes after washing can be quickly dried outside. Use the balcony, open the windows on the loggia: let the sun's rays and the warm breeze do their job.


A microwave will help you dry small items quickly. Carefully place socks and other small items on the bottom of the oven. Turn on the warm-up function for 30 seconds. Repeat several times. Don't go too far from the stove. Attention! Make sure that there are no metal elements in the clothes.

Electric dryer

If you have to wash an accidental stain at work, use an electric hand dryer. This appliance is the perfect way to dry clothes. First, soak up excess moisture with paper towels, then boldly expose your wet blouse to the warm air flowing from the electric dryer.

Terry towels and your body heat

  1. Thick clothes (jeans) can be dried in several steps:
  2. Wrap the washed item very tightly in a dry towel.
  3. Sit on this structure so that the moisture from the fabric is transferred to the towel.
  4. After a couple of minutes, remove the product from under you, unwind. If the cloth is very damp, change the towel and repeat the procedure.
  5. Iron with an iron without steam or dry with a hair dryer.

Fast is not always good

There are ways that, at first glance, speed up the process of drying clothes at times. But practice has shown that the quality of the fabric may suffer. So, if you do not want to spoil your favorite little thing, do not neglect simple tips:

  • Refrain from wanting to dry clothes on an electric heater.
  • Do not use open flames (such as a gas stove) when drying clothes.
  • Do not put shoes to dry on the radiator, it is better to push more newspapers into it, changing them from time to time.
  • Never tumble dry woolen garments.

Knowing such subtleties in the art of drying things, you will cope with any surprises in life!

In life, situations periodically arise when it is necessary to quickly dry things. This may be required after rain or an unscheduled wash. Today, there are many ways to solve this problem. Many people use household appliances and other tricks. So, how to quickly dry clothes after washing?

Drying clothes refers to the removal of moisture from it under several conditions. These include good air circulation and exposure to high temperatures.

In order to dry a thing qualitatively and not damage the product, certain recommendations must be followed. First you need to study the label on the clothes. This will help you choose the optimal drying conditions depending on the type of fabric.

A number of factors affect the drying rate of clothes:

  • fabric type;
  • spin;
  • density of hanging things;
  • temperature regime;
  • air circulation.

The removal of liquid from the laundry begins even during the spin cycle. The better the product is pressed, the faster it dries. To achieve good results, it is worth putting. When hand washing, the quality of the spin is affected by the material of the product and the strength of the hands.

Experts do not advise strongly squeezing delicate or. When washing such things, it is worth allowing the excess liquid to drain on its own.

Twist clothes carefully - delicate fabrics can be damaged

The type of fabric is important. The stronger the material absorbs moisture, the longer the product will dry. First of all, this should be attributed to natural materials - wool, linen, cotton. Synthetic fabrics dry much faster, because moisture does not enter the structure of the fibers and evaporates rather quickly.

The density of the fabric also affects the rate of drying of things. Thick and dense materials dry much longer than thin and light ones. Therefore, drying a jacket is much more difficult than a shirt or blouse.

Exposure to the sun or frosty air helps speed up the drying process. At home, this effect can be achieved by turning on the stove or heating devices. However, drying in the open air is much faster than in the room.

Another important factor is air circulation. Without this condition, moisture will create a vapor cloud over the laundry, which prevents the remaining liquid from evaporating quickly. That is why things dry much faster in a light breeze.

If you need to dry clothes at home, you should open the window or window. It is best to create a draft. An air conditioner, extractor hood or fan will help speed up the drying process.

Important: A key factor that affects the rate of evaporation of moisture is the density of hanging things. A small distance between the layers of fabrics prevents moisture from evaporating. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang things too close to each other.

How to dry things: popular ways

There are various ways to dry damp clothes after washing. This is done in natural conditions or using special devices. At the same time, it is important to follow specific recommendations.

To dry wet clothes very quickly, you can use a variety of devices. When choosing a specific method, it is worth considering the type of fabric and other features.

Electrical Appliances for Drying Clothes

Washing machine

To dry a wet thing, you should follow these recommendations:

  • take wet linen or clothes and place in a pillowcase;
  • so that the products do not fall out, the pillowcase should be tied;
  • place the item in the drum of the machine and turn on the spin cycle for 10-15 minutes;
  • take out the dried clothes and hang them up neatly.

Hair dryer or fan heater

Such devices are often used to dry products made of light materials or wool. First you need to remove as much excess moisture as possible.

For convenience, the thing should be placed on a hanger or chair back. Then the hair dryer is turned on at maximum power and a jet of hot air is directed. In this case, the distance should be at least 50 cm. To speed up this process, the product is processed on each side. It also needs to be turned inside out.

To make the trousers dry faster, you should force warm air to escape through the fabric.

Drying with a hair dryer takes 10-30 minutes. The specific duration of the process is determined by the density of the material, the size of the thing and the power of the device. As an alternative to a hair dryer, you can use a fan heater.

Many fabrics do not respond well to the application of hot air. If clothes dry out, they become stiffer. To cope with this problem, the item must be sprinkled with water and lemon juice. For 500 ml of liquid, you need only a few drops of the product.


In the heating season, the most ordinary battery will help speed up the drying of things. Of course, this method cannot be called the fastest, but natural drying will take much longer. This method is considered more effective in relation to light small items - T-shirts, socks, etc.

On the battery, things dry out in a few hours.


To dry wet clothes faster, you can iron them thoroughly. In this case, it should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to turn on too high temperature on the iron. With this device it is permissible to dry sweaters, dresses, shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts. This method is also effective for bed linen and handkerchiefs.

Important: Before carrying out the procedure, you must carefully study the information indicated on the labels of the washed clothes. Using an iron to dry a product can damage satin, nylon, silk and organza items.

With special care, you need to iron the seams and the belt - in these places the fabric dries the longest.

How to dry clothes quickly without a hair dryer and iron

There are methods that should be used only in emergency cases, when washed clothes need to be put on urgently. Of course, it will not be possible to dry it in 5 minutes, however, these methods will significantly speed up the drying process.


To do this, it is necessary to heat up to 180-220 degrees. Next to it you need to put a chair and hang clothes. Slightly open the door and wait 30-40 minutes. At the same time, it is forbidden to hang clothes on the oven door, as the risk of fire increases significantly.


This method is suitable for drying small items. To do this, just place the laundry in the tray and turn on the heat for half a minute. Before starting the procedure, you should make sure that there are no metal parts on the clothes.

Handy tools for drying clothes

Electric dryer

This is a modern device that is easy to use. The price depends on the size and properties of the device.

Air conditioner

Things must be placed in front of the air conditioner and turn on the device. After a few hours, the clothes will be dry. This method is safe and suitable for any clothing.

Terry towel

This method works well for drying jeans. Recommendations:

  • wrap the thing with a terry towel, and place a heavy object on top;
  • after a few minutes, unfold the towel and assess the condition of the clothes;
  • if not dry, the procedure must be repeated 2-3 times;
  • each time you need to take a dry towel.

To avoid unwanted consequences, you should follow these recommendations for drying clothes:

  1. To accelerate the evaporation of moisture, it is strictly forbidden to use open fire.
  2. It is quite dangerous to use electrical devices for drying, since wet laundry passes current.
  3. You need to carefully study the information that is present on clothing labels. So, things made of silk or wool are strictly forbidden to dry with an iron.
  4. Do not apply quick drying too often. This is fraught with tissue damage.

To speed up the evaporation of moisture from wet things, you can use special devices. However, before using any of the methods, it is worth studying the composition of the product. Sometimes there is a risk of damaging the fabric and even causing a fire.


How to quickly dry clothes after washing, rain or unplanned washing? These questions can catch inexperienced housewives off guard. Life is unpredictable and extreme situations are possible when you need to dry the necessary clothes to dry in a short period of time. There are many ways to achieve the desired goal, which are detailed in this article.

In some cases, it takes too long to dry things on the dryer, so faster methods have been devised.

Automatic and mechanical way

The owners of modern models of washing machines are more fortunate than others, because they have the ability to automatically dry. Depending on the type of fabric, you should choose the optimal temperature for drying.

Do not rush, deliberately raising the temperature. You can not just dry out a thing, but spoil its structure by overheating. It is preferable to iron not completely dried clothes with an iron.

In the absence of a machine dry function, there is also a good option. It will take a couple of dry terry bath towels to be laid simultaneously with a wet thing inside the drum of the washing assistant.

Given the characteristics of the type of fabric, it is necessary to program the maximum allowable spin. During the rotation of the drum, the terry cloth will absorb moisture from the clothes. After such actions, a simple ironing with a warm iron will be sufficient to complete the drying.

Washing machine in a modern family is an indispensable assistant

A mechanical method is also possible. This drying option consists in using a terry towel to remove moisture from the product by twisting it with your hands. It is very effective for small items, such as socks, but large items will just as easily part with unnecessary moisture.

For example, a woolen pullover, which is forbidden to be wrung out in a typewriter. However, more effort will be needed. The thing is tightly wrapped in a roll in a towel. Moisture is then extracted by twisting or pressing movements.

Methods using electrical appliances

Electrical appliances in the house can be actively used to dry the right thing:

  1. Iron. Ironing is the simplest and most popular drying action. The iron should be set to a mode suitable for the fabric, turn off the steam function. The wet product is ironed alternately on each of both sides, after which it is hung on a coat hanger to cool. Ironing is repeated after 10 minutes. Socks are dried with an iron exclusively through cotton matter.
  2. Hair dryer and fan heater. These devices will help to free woolen, silk, denim products from moisture, as well as synthetic items that are not advisable to twist or iron. Clothes are laid out on the surface or hung on hangers. Warm air flow is directed to the product from a distance of at least fifty centimeters. The intensity of the jet should be moderate, without maximum mode. Periodically, the product must be turned over, dousing it with air from all sides evenly.
  3. Hand dryer. Outside the home, for example, in a cafeteria or office space, small wet spots can easily be dried using a hand dryer located in the toilet, after blotting them with a napkin.

Using an iron to dry things faster

Seasonal Ways

On hot summer days, a natural drying method is most preferable. A light breeze combined with warm air will quickly lead to the desired result.

You can hang clothes on the clothesline of the balcony or outside in the private sector. Wet rainy weather, as well as the location of the balcony in the direction of the roadway, can prevent such drying, from which the linen acquires a dust and gaseous precipitate.

Important in summer drying is that colored products can fade in the bright sun, so they must be turned inside out.

In winter, the washed garment is dried on radiators or a heated towel rail located in the bathroom. Smaller items will dry quickly, while larger items will need to be turned over occasionally to dry evenly.

The original device will allow you to optimally use the heat of the battery

Do not use heating appliances and a rope to dry woolen clothes. Stretching and deformation of the form with such methods are guaranteed.

extreme ways

Fast drying methods with increased risk include oven and microwave use. Compliance with safety regulations is especially necessary here.

Having figured out how to quickly dry clothes using the oven, you need to be on the lookout. Open flames are very dangerous for fires. It is important not to hang laundry on the appliance door. The location should be near the open door on a chair or stool. You need to carefully monitor the process and periodically turn over the products. The convection mode is able to double the drying time due to the forced blowing of warm air.

There are many tips on the net for drying small items in the microwave. However, this is a very dangerous procedure for ignition. You should act with the utmost caution and not leave for other things. Small clothes are placed inside the oven and heated for 30 seconds. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. Do not put clothes made of synthetics and with iron elements inside the oven.

Drying things in the microwave may well end in a fire

Having chosen drying with a microwave oven or oven, it is advisable to first make sure that they are clean. Foreign odors can easily "get over" to wet things.

Emergency drying is an additional load on the fabric fibers of the product. Therefore, to prevent damage to clothing, important rules should not be overlooked:

  • Electric heaters for drying fabrics are prohibited.
  • Open fire is not safe for drying (gas stove, fireplace, etc.).
  • Wool items should not be tumble dried.
  • Shoes are dried by stuffing with crumpled newspapers, the location on the battery is prohibited.

Easy to wash and dry quickly. It is important to choose the right method that is safe for the thing and its owner.

How to dry clothes in 5 minutes? Act calmly and consistently. The first step is to rid the fabric of excess moisture. This can be done by pressing. Delicate items can be wrapped in a dry towel to absorb some of the moisture. A small area is enough to get wet with a paper towel. Further actions are determined only by your ingenuity and technical capabilities.

How to dry clothes quickly: emergency methods

By learning how to properly dry wet clothes at home, you can quickly “return” a product that got wet after rain or underwent an unplanned wash. Ingenuity, household appliances and the forces of nature will come to your aid.

In the washing machine

How to dry a sweater, jacket or sweatpants in the washing machine? Modern models of washing machines are equipped with a drying function. But if the device does not provide such an option, with a little skill, you can solve the problem.

How to act

  1. Place a wet item in the drum, as well as a couple of dry towels.
  2. Turn on spin mode. Determine the intensity of rotation, taking into account the type of tissue.
  3. After the end of the process, the towels should absorb water and the clothes should become dry. This will take about half an hour.
  4. If the fabric is not completely dry, iron it with an iron.

When in contact with wet clothes, the colored towel may shed. Therefore, send only white towels to the machine.


An iron will help dry wet clothes without a dryer. With it, you will not only remove excess moisture from the fabric, but also immediately smooth out the wrinkles, preparing the item for the exit.

How to act

  1. Turn the product inside out and place it on an ironing board or table.
  2. Iron on both sides.
  3. Shake it off and hang it on a chair or hanger. Give it ten minutes to cool completely.
  4. Turn the item inside out and iron the front side.
  5. Re-hang on a chair to cool completely.
  6. If the item is still damp, repeat the cycle.

If you iron white or delicate items, this should be done through a sheet or several layers of gauze. Otherwise, yellow spots may appear on the fabric.

hair dryer

By analogy with wet hair, you can dry wet clothes with a hairdryer. The method is perfect for woolen or synthetic items that cannot be wrung out in a typewriter or ironed.

How to act

  1. Hang the item on a chair or hanger.
  2. Place the hair dryer half a meter from the product and turn on the hot air.
  3. Blow the fabric from all sides for half an hour.
  4. Let the product cool for five to ten minutes, then feel free to put it on.

Based on the reviews, we can say that a hair dryer is an ideal device for drying socks. Just put the product on the concentrator and turn on the air supply. After five to ten minutes, the sock will be dry.

Next to the oven

If you can't find 30-40 minutes to work on damp clothes, you need a method of drying without an iron and without a hair dryer. A conventional kitchen oven will help.

How to act

  1. Preheat the oven well and open the door.
  2. Place a chair about a meter from the kitchen appliance and hang the wet item on the back.
  3. Drying will take about an hour. During this time, you need to periodically turn the product over so that the moisture evaporates evenly.

You can dry things in front of the oven only if it is perfectly clean. Otherwise, the fabric will be saturated with the smell of baking, meat, fish or other products.

On battery

In the cold season, a battery will come to the rescue. The algorithm is extremely simple.

How to act

  1. To protect the item from possible rust contamination, cover the battery with a clean, dry sheet.
  2. Lay the wet product on top.
  3. Drying will take from 40 minutes to several hours.

The radiator is ideal for socks, underwear, hats or mittens. But T-shirts and sweaters can be deformed due to protruding sections of the battery. To prevent this from happening, shake and turn the item every 15-20 minutes.

Electric hand dryer

If you are not at home, but, for example, in a cafe, shopping center or train station, a hand dryer will help to cope with the problem. So, if you spilled a drink on yourself or planted an ice cream stain, immediately wash the stained area and follow three manipulations.

How to act

  1. Wipe wet area well with paper towels.
  2. Move the product to a source of warm air.
  3. Depending on the type of fabric and the area of ​​the wet area, drying will take you from five minutes to half an hour. During this time, constantly turn the thing over.

in the microwave

It is quite possible to dry some small things like laces, socks or underwear in the microwave. The main thing is that there are no metal fragments on the products.

How to act

  1. Put the item in the microwave.
  2. Set the timer for 30 seconds and “warm up” the product at medium power.
  3. Check the condition of the item. If it is not completely dry, repeat the manipulation.

Drying things in the microwave requires close attention. Do not leave the appliance even for a second so that you can turn it off if something goes wrong (for example, the fibers start to melt).


In summer, the right solution is to dry clothes outdoors. Direct sunlight in a matter of minutes will evaporate all the moisture from the fabric.

How to act

  1. Turn the wet item inside out to prevent fading.
  2. Hang the product on a clothesline. Use a coat hanger to avoid creases or clothespin marks.
  3. Typically, this drying takes from ten minutes to an hour, depending on the type of fabric and degree of humidity.

Outdoors, it is quite possible to dry wet clothes without heat. If the temperature is below zero, hang products on the balcony. When the fabric is covered with an ice crust and hardens, transfer things to the room. The drying process will go much faster.

air conditioned

To dry wet clothes overnight, you need a stream of air that will "push" moisture particles out of the fibers. If it is not possible to hang your clothes in the wind, place them in a room with air conditioning on.

How to act

  1. Hang wet items in the dryer.
  2. Install the structure opposite the air conditioner.
  3. Turn on the device and close the door to the room.
  4. By morning, the clothes will be dry.

What not to do

The desire to dry wet things very quickly can lead to rash acts. The following three methods should not be used, even if you are in a hurry.

  1. Electric heater. The high surface temperature of the appliance can damage clothing. In addition, the contact of moisture with electricity can lead to a short circuit.
  2. Open fire. If you get things wet on a camping trip, discard the idea of ​​drying over a fire. Products must be located no less than a meter from the source of fire. This also applies to gas burners.
  3. Hair straightener. The device can hopelessly ruin things, leaving brown marks or melted fibers on the fabric.

By remembering a couple of ways to quickly dry things, you will feel more confident and face all this kind of trouble with honor. But these methods are best left as a last resort, because emergency drying does not have the best effect on the condition of the fabric and can even cause damage to clothes. Therefore, try to wash and dry products in a timely manner. And when planning an outfit for some important event, consider two options. Thus, you will have a plan "B" in case of force majeure.

Everyone is familiar with this situation: they washed clothes, but it is imperative that they dry as quickly as possible. There are several secrets on how to achieve this. It is very important to follow the rules of drying.

Drying rules for different types of fabric

First of all, you need to understand that the type of fabric is important when choosing a drying technology. There are two main points:

  • The better the fabric absorbs moisture, the longer the drying process. If we rank the most famous types of fabrics according to this property, then natural materials will lead, and synthetics will remain at the end of the list, that is, it dries almost instantly. The rating will look something like this:
    • wool;
    • viscose;
    • silk;
    • cotton;
    • capron;
    • lavsan.
  • The denser and thicker the fabric, the slower it dries.

It is equally important to take into account the principles of proper drying for various products, otherwise the clothes will dry out, but lose, for example, their shape and become unusable:

And the most important rule, which applies to fabrics of all kinds: before drying things, they should always be shaken. This will avoid unnecessary deformation of the products.

Drying in a washing machine: advantages and disadvantages

Many modern washing machines are equipped with a drying function.. Their clear benefits:

Among the minuses can be noted:

  • high power consumption;
  • the high cost of such technology;
  • drying is only available with a half-filled drum.

And yet such a device deserves close attention of the hostesses.

Video: washing machines with a drying function - is it worth taking

Drying in a conventional washing machine

If you are already a happy owner of a washing machine with a drying function, the issue can be considered resolved. But even if your machine does not have such a function, it can still help dry the laundry. So, the procedure is as follows:

  1. We take the washed wet thing and wrap it in an ordinary dry light pillowcase, and the product must be well folded and tied tightly.
  2. We load it into the machine, you can additionally put a few white towels in the drum.
  3. We start the “Spin” mode (in this case, the type of fabric must be taken into account).

As a result, excess moisture will go into the pillowcase and towels, and the product will become much drier. It remains to iron it a little and it will be possible to use it for its intended purpose.

Natural ways to dry outside

Weather conditions in most cases can be called upon to help with quick drying of clothes. The only exception is rainy weather or heavy fog: high humidity will not let clothes dry, on the contrary, the fabric will absorb moisture even more.

It is best to dry clothes outside:

I really like to dry my clothes in the cold, and in winter I never leave it on the dryer, but always take it out to the street (fortunately I live in a private house). In addition to the fact that it really dries quickly, it also acquires an extraordinary freshness, which lasts for a long time even after ironing.

When you need to speed up the drying process

There are times when clothes need to be dried as soon as possible. Simple helpers that any home is equipped with will come to the rescue.

Drying individual wet areas and entire clothes with an iron

The iron is a faithful assistant when you need to speed up the drying process. It will remove excess moisture from the thing, and at the same time give a neat look, smoothing out the folds. They can also dry the wet part of the clothes. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Let's turn the product inside out.
  2. Lay it out on an ironing board and iron it well on both sides. Ironing without steam.
  3. If the product is very damp, then before starting work with the iron, you need to lay a towel on the board so that it absorbs excess water from our thing.
  4. Then gently shake the thing, hang it on a coat hanger and leave it for 10 minutes.
  5. We turn out and iron the thing from the front side. Particular attention should be paid to the seams, pockets, collar and cuffs, if they are on the product.
  6. Hang again and leave to cool.
  7. If the effect is not achieved, you need to repeat the simple procedure again.

Dry clothes in this way for a short time. Iron drying is suitable for natural fabrics and denim. It is impossible to dry woolen and knitted products in this way.
The iron dries the fabric and removes wrinkles at the same time.

Video: how to dry a wet shirt in 10 minutes

Using a hair dryer to dry wet spots

You can easily dry wet stains on clothes with a hair dryer. To do this, you need to bring the device to the thing no closer than 30 cm, and preferably half a meter, and blow the product with warm air. Gently dry the stain on both sides. You will not spend much time, but the result is achieved.

Video: how to blow dry wet jeans

Drying on the battery

Drying things on a battery is a classic option used by most Russians. The sequence of actions is known to everyone. There is only one piece of advice: lay a cotton cloth over the battery to avoid rust stains. It is good to dry mittens and socks on the radiator, but blouses and T-shirts can change their shape.
It is good to dry small things on the battery, large ones can lose their shape

Drying clothes near the oven

If the thing is wet and urgently needs dry, and there is no time to take an active part in drying it, then the oven will help out:

  1. First you need to properly heat the oven and open the door.
  2. Place a chair a meter from the oven, place a damp product on the back.
  3. From time to time you need to turn the clothes over so that they dry evenly.

This drying option is suitable only for those housewives whose oven is sparkling clean and there are no foreign odors in it. Otherwise, there is a high risk that your favorite thing will smell great of fish or something else.

other methods

The most effective ways to dry clothes are listed above. But there are rarely used options:

  • A rather controversial way is to dry things in the microwave. But with this device, you can easily dry socks or shoelaces. The main thing is that the oven must be clean, otherwise there is a risk that things will smell like food. And categorically it is impossible to lay things with metal elements in the microwave.
  • Fan and air conditioner. If you hang things near such devices that create the movement of air masses, they will dry out faster.

How not to do

Due to the fact that often a wet item needs to be dry urgently, not the best ideas may arise on how to dry it. Therefore, the following drying methods are prohibited:

  • open fire;
  • electric heater.

Both methods are dangerous by igniting the fabric, which can lead to a fire.
A damaged thing is far from the most dangerous consequence of drying things over an open fire.


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