Cuticle oil: how to use and which one to choose. Cuticle and nail oil - how to use and which one is better to choose

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Hands are that part of a woman that always betrays her age and position, so experts insist on being attentive to them. One of the elements of the basic care of the masters of the beauty industry is called cuticle oil, but not everyone understands what composition a quality product should have and what effect it should give. What tasks does this tool solve, how to choose the most effective one, and is it possible to independently make a useful mixture for yourself?

Why you need cuticle oil

Before analyzing the functions of this tool, it is worth emphasizing the essence of the cuticle itself, to which women pay less attention than they should. This thin strip of skin, which is adjacent to the nail plate in the region of the hole, acts as a protective barrier. It does not allow bacteria to get close to the most delicate zone of the nail, i.e. to the matrix through which all nutrients penetrate. When the master does a manicure, he cuts off the keratinized cuticle cells, however, this provokes a reaction from the body in the form of an increase in new ones and drying of the cut site.

A special cuticle oil is designed to solve this problem and perform several more tasks:

  • nourish the nail, because the agent is applied very close to the matrix;
  • prevent the appearance of burrs;
  • disinfect (for some varieties);
  • help soften already dried skin;
  • accelerate the growth of marigolds and strengthen them;
  • relieve inflammation after trimming manicure;
  • start the process of cell renewal.

DIY cuticle oil

Cosmetics stores (both large cosmetic and perfume chains and specialized points for professionals) offer the consumer cuticle oil of any price range, which raises a logical question - how significant are the differences between the drug for 500 r. and a product with a lower price? Can't tell from the photo. If, however, they are almost identical in composition, and there is nothing among the list of components that would justify such a high cost, a woman may think about whether to create cuticle oil at home?

To do this, you need to take into account several key nuances:

  • All products of this type for cuticle care are based on basic ones, i.e. vegetable oils - it can be almond, olive, grape seed, avocado, etc.
  • What kind of oil is good for nails and cuticles in your case, you can only say after specifying the requirements for it: nutrition gives jojoba, moisturizing - almond, regulation of metabolic processes - wheat germ.
  • It makes sense to add vitamins A and E, which are easy to get in a pharmacy (the classic name is Aevit): they are needed for the regeneration of the cuticle.
  • Essential oils in the care of cuticles and nails also play an important role - tea tree, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, etc. will give a pleasant aroma and increase the list of positive properties of the finished product. However, they are always added to the composition according to the classic recipe - 1-2 drops per 15 ml of the composition.

Cuticle oil pencil

This format of care product has an important advantage - it is convenient to use it, even if there is no time to sit down for a few minutes to carry out the procedure. The cuticle oil pencil is designed to be carried around in your purse, as it is the same size as a standard pen or felt-tip pen. The bottle may have a brush or a special tip made of porous material through which the product contained inside is fed under pressure.

You can decide in which format to buy cuticle oil by examining the disadvantages of each option:

  • A brush is more convenient to use, but the product can be applied through it in large quantities, so leakage and marks on the lid and the surrounding area are not excluded.
  • The felt tip dispenses the oil well, but can leave an unpleasant sensation when it comes into contact with the cuticle, since you need to press hard on it. From the reviews on this product format, it can be understood that the material of the tip, with frequent use, can conduct liquid worse.

How to use cuticle oil

The principle of using this tool is determined by the tasks assigned to it. For a preventive purpose, experts advise using cuticle oil after each manicure procedure (completing it), applying a small drop to the hole and gently rubbing with a fingertip for a minute. Such a short gentle massage will help the active substances to penetrate deeper into the cuticle, and the absorption of the product will be faster.

A few more instructions:

  • Owners of very dry and thick cuticles need to use a drop of the product daily, with an interval of 4 hours.
  • You can deeply moisturize the cuticle and help soften it if you steam your hands in a bath, apply plenty of oil to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the nail, be sure to touch the skin, and put on cotton gloves for several hours. It is better to do this procedure at night.
  • For the purpose of general strengthening and growth of nails, cuticle oil is applied once a day.
  • It also makes sense to use this product before any household chores that involve contact with water or chemicals.

Essential oils for nails and cuticles

Maximum effectiveness in skin care can be achieved only when using a whole range of useful substances, so a good oil for nails and cuticles involves the inclusion of both basic (vegetable) and essential oils in its composition. The latter must be selected with particular care, since even in low concentrations they have a pronounced effect. The following oil extracts are mainly added to hand and nail care cosmetics:

  • grapefruit (from seeds) - to relieve inflammation;
  • rosemary - as a disinfectant;
  • thyme - to increase skin elasticity;
  • lavender - to accelerate the growth of nails;
  • cedar - as a tonic.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil extract has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is desirable to add to the base for skin care around the nails. You can feel the full benefit of this remedy even from a small drop introduced into a standard 10-15 ml bottle. Tea tree oil for cuticles should only be used in combination with any vegetable after cuticle removal to reduce the chance of inflammation, and should not be used on very dry skin as it will only aggravate the problem.

This product in cosmetology is valued above similar ones, because it is ideal for all skin types - from oily to sensitive and prone to allergies. Manicurists also appreciated it, and behind them the baton was taken over by cosmetics companies. Almond cuticle oil is an excellent helper in the fight for soft skin, which works more as a prevention, since it is not able to heal existing cracks. It is difficult to overdo it with it, so you can use this tool several times a day.

Castor oil

This remedy, along with burdock oil, is rarely used for cuticle care - it is often used as a hair growth stimulator. However, the benefits for the skin on his part are also invaluable: castor oil for cuticles has powerful regenerative properties, nourishes, protects, but has the disadvantage of high density, therefore it is recommended only for dry skin. Experts recommend applying castor oil in a thin layer at night, under gloves to help cuticles that are too rough, or as a protective agent during household chores (cleaning, laundry).

Coconut oil

Coconut butter can replace wax when polishing nails at home, but with one condition - the manufacturer must be Thailand. Only there you can find good, high-quality coconut oil for cuticles, hands, hair and body. The use of this product, due to the peculiarities of the structure, requires first heating a small amount until it melts, and then, after waiting for it to cool to a comfortable temperature, apply it. On the basis of a solid coconut butter, hand wraps (similar to paraffin) are made, which help to reanimate dry, cracked skin.

Liquid wax - that's what the masters of the beauty industry call this product. It is distinguished by a high price, due to the difficulty of obtaining it, and an incredible amount of useful trace elements that have a protective, regenerating, moisturizing effect, nourish the skin, keep it young, and stop the inflammatory process. Jojoba cuticle oil is suitable for everyone, can be used in its pure form, especially for polishing healthy nails.

Cuticle- This is a leathery formation in the form of an elastic roller at the base of the nail plate, which protects the matrix (nail growth zone) from infection. Therefore, regular cuticle care at home not only helps to improve the aesthetic appearance of manicure on our fingers, but also contributes to the growth of healthy and strong nails.

Cuticle oil effectively moisturizes, nourishes and softens rough skin around the nail, which is vulnerable to mechanical damage, and also suffers from contact with household chemicals and environmental influences (hot sand, sun, severe frost). By rubbing a special oil into the cuticle growth zone, we improve the process of regeneration of new elastic tissue, prevent peeling of the periungual skin at the edges, and quickly get rid of small cracks and burrs. From this material, you will learn how to use professional oil, which store-bought product is the best, and how to make your own cuticle oil.

Be sure to use a cuticle oil with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties if you prefer to do a trim manicure. This method of correction is very traumatic for delicate skin and can make it very rough and prone to constant inflammation. If even after rubbing in a special emollient oil, redness appears on the periungual skin, then it is best to choose the unedged manicure method. A special liquid (remover) can remove not only the keratinized layer of the cuticle, but also the pterygium film on the nail plate.


On sale there are solid oils in sticks, bottles with applicators and pencils. It is especially convenient to use a tool in the form of a pencil with a special dispenser at the end, with which you can evenly apply oil to the cuticle area, side ridges and the nail plate. Now, many well-known brands that produce cuticle care products can offer emollient oil in a pencil. Professional cuticle care products can be both multifunctional and divided into different categories with separate properties. Cuticle oils can have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, emollient, moisturizing, repairing properties. Some options help to quickly remove the keratinized layer of skin around the nail no worse than the professional "Smart Enamel" remover, but acting only on dead scales. The composition of the oil in the pencil may include.

▪ OPI oil in pencil.
One of the best products for softening and moisturizing hardened cuticles. You can safely use this tool, even if your nails are decorated with a decorative manicure. The oil is easily applied to the cuticle, plate and side rollers with one movement of the pencil dispenser, evenly distributed over the entire surface and quickly absorbed. The composition of the product includes vitamins B5, A, E, D, as well as organic calcium, keratin, panthenol and natural oils. There are 15 varieties of OPI (aloe, lavender, jasmine, osmanthus, rose and others).

▪ Cuticle Oil (Bohemia).

In a round, slightly flattened on both sides vial with floating dried flowers contains 16 ml. funds that will last you a very long time. Apply oil to the cuticles and side rollers with a brush in one movement and rub until completely absorbed. If the skin around the nail plate is very dry, inflamed, with cracks and burrs, then use the product 2-3 times a day. To soften and moisturize cuticles, use Cuticle Oil once a day.

▪ Rating of professional cuticle care products

- click on the photo and expand the list


You can make your own cuticle oil, which will successfully replace the pencil and many other store-bought nail care products at home. This tool contains vitamins, basic vegetable oils, as well as essential oils and has a complex effect on the cuticle area, lateral ridges and the nail plate.

- in the photo: the state of the cuticle before and after using the home remedy for a month

Beneficial features:

Prevents the appearance of burrs and quickly heals small cracks;

Moisturizes cuticles, lateral ridges and nail plates;

It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the periungual skin;

Softens and soothes damaged cuticles after trimmed manicure;

Accelerates the regeneration of epithelial tissue and germ cells in the matrix;

Strengthens brittle, exfoliating nails and stimulates plate growth.

Preparation and use:

❶ Add to the bowl 2 ml. (about 1/2 teaspoon) unrefined cranberry oil (can be replaced with sea buckthorn, grape seed or jojoba).
Why you need it: moisturizes the cuticle, has an antiseptic effect and prevents delamination of nails;

❷ Then add 3 ml to the bowl. olive oil.
Why you need it: improves the regeneration and protective properties of the periungual skin, gives the nails a healthy shine;

❸ Another base - 3 ml. almond oil.
Why do you need it: strengthens and smoothes the nail plate, prevents brittleness and thinning of nails, softens the cuticle;

❹ Now we combine liquid vitamins A and E with oils (4-5 drops).
Why do you need it: restoration of nail elasticity, improvement of the protective properties of the cuticle;

❺ Add 2 drops of lemon essential oil.
Why do you need it: whitens, strengthens the plates and restores healthy nail shine;

❻ Add 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.
Why you need it: restores the structure of nails, relieves redness on the cuticle and eliminates burrs;

❼ Thoroughly mix all the components with a spoon;

❽ Now, with a soft brush, apply the contents of the bowl to the cuticle area of ​​\u200b\u200beach nail and rub with massage movements, distributing the mixture also on the side rollers, on the nail plates;

❾ Transfer the rest of the mixture into a sterile bottle.

☛ Course: treat problematic nails and inflamed, dry cuticles 2 times a day. For moisturizing, softening the skin around the nail and prevention, it is enough to use the product 3 times a week.
Store in a dark cool place, shelf life: 3-4 months.


The table shows the base vegetable oils, in combination with which some essential oils are most effective for complex care of cuticles and nails. Make mixtures in the proportion: 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 full tablespoon of base oil.


The cuticle consists of a rather tough skin that protects the fingers from bacteria and germs.

You can do nail art, but the final result will not be perfect if the cuticle is not well maintained. A dry, protruding, burr-like cuticle will spoil the whole effect.Cuticle care is an important part of maintaining a beautiful manicure, no one likes dry and chapped cuticles.Thus, you should first take care of the cuticle, and only then apply varnish to the nails.

Cuticle products

There are plenty of nail care products. Some of them are intended only for the nail plate, and some for the skin around the nails. Going to the pharmacy, pay attention to the latter. Cuticle care products are usually bottled in bottles that resemble nail polish bottles. These are basically oils applied with a brush. There are also oils in special retractable pens with a brush.

Oils(coconut, avocado, sesame, olive, jojoba, almond, apricot, etc.) provide the skin with nutrients. In the composition of store-bought cuticle oil, you can also find silk, ceramides, vitamin E. This formula perfectly nourishes the dry skin around the nail, softens it.Massage oil for problems with the cuticle should be applied at least twice a day. P With regular use, cuticle oil protects and nourishes the entire surface of the nail,removes bacteria, replenishes nutrients, heals infections and wounds.It has a very high absorbency and does not leave unsightly marks on the skin.Maintains the beauty and healthy appearance of nails.Cuticles will become soft and smooth.

From store oils worth a try: CHI - Ceramic Cuticle Oil; Inglot Cuticle Oil.

Cuticle nourishers can also be presented as a balm.Balm usually absorbed faster than oil and more practical.

From store balms worth a try: Essence - SOS Nail Savers, Nail & Cuticle Balm; Sally Hansen Cuticle Massage Cream.

Another group of cuticle cosmetics are products that help get rid of them.Emollients are applied to the skin for a few minutes, which makes it easier cuticle removal. Typically, such products contain glycerin, allantoin, vegetable oils, so that they not only soften, but also nourish and moisturize.Some are enriched with abrasive particles

Worth a try: Golden Rose - Cutipeel; Manhattan Cuticle Remover.

Cuticle Oil Recipes

Homemade cuticle oil is easy to make at home. Keeping cuticles hydrated and healthy promotes rapid nail growth and health.

Cuticle oil that strengthens nails

2 tablespoons of vitamin E in oil

10 drops of lemon oil

Mix the ingredients together and store in a dark glass bottle. Rub into cuticles and nails twice a week.

Oil for cuticles and weak nails

2 tablespoons apricot oil
2 drops wheat germ oil
2 drops frankincense essential oil
2 drops of myrrh essential oil

Rub into nails twice a week.

Oil for cuticles and nail growth with jojoba

2 tbsp jojoba oil
10 drops frankincense essential oil

10 drops of myrrh essential oil

Mix the ingredients together and store in a dark glass bottle. Carry out the procedure of rubbing the oil 2 times a week.

rose cuticle oil recipe

2 teaspoons almond oil
2 teaspoons apricot kernel oil
5 drops of geranium essential oil
2 drops of rose essential oil

Mix the ingredients together and store in a dark glass container. Massage your nails with rose oil every day to promote healthy growth. You can also take baths by adding a few drops of oil to a cup of warm water. Soak your nails in warm liquid for 10 minutes.

Almond oil for cuticle care and nail growth

20 drops of lavender essential oil
10 drops of lemon essential oil
2 tablespoons almond oil

Add essential oils to the bottle. Then add almond oil. Tighten the cap and shake the bottle vigorously for 1 minute to mix everything well. Massage the nail bed once a day to promote healthy nail growth.

Massage oil to stimulate nail growth

1 drop peppermint oil
1 drop myrrh essential oil
2 drops of lavender essential oil
1 and a half st. l. almond oil

Mix the ingredients. Rub into cuticles and nails once a day, before bed.

Olive oil for cuticles

Olive oil

To apply, use a small amount by rubbing the oil into the cuticles, nails and surrounding skin. Olive oil absorbs into the skin after a few minutes and is also suitable for elbow care.

Cooling cuticle oil

10 drops of tea tree essential oil
2 tbsp sweet almond oil

Mix oils. Store in a small jar. Warm up the oil before doing any kind of massage. Apply to the entire nail bed, surrounding skin and cuticles. Don't rinse.

Anti Aging Cuticle Oil Recipe

10 drops carrot seed essential oil
2 tbsp jojoba oil

Combine oils. Store in a small jar. Lightly heat up the oil before massaging. rub into the nail bed, surrounding skin and cuticles. Don't rinse.

Healing medicated cuticle oil

5-10 drops of tea tree essential oil
2 tablespoons hemp oil

Mix oils. Store in a small glass container. Melt butter before use. Apply to both nails and cuticles. Don't rinse. Hemp oil helps heal wounds on the skin, moisturizes dry skin well, and treats inflammation of the skin and joints.

Peppermint massage oil recipe

10 tsp grape seed oils
3 drops eucalyptus oil
4 drops rosemary oil
2 drops peppermint oil
These oils can be bought at any pharmacy or online store.

Combine oils. Store in a small glass bottle. Warm up the oil before applying. Your fingers will love the minty, refreshing feeling!

Natural cuticle oil cream made from grapeseed oil and coconut oil

1 teaspoon 100% pure grape seed oil
1/2 tsp 100% pure coconut oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 teaspoon regular natural yogurt
1/2 tsp 100% pure natural honey


Regular Lemon Cuticle Oil

4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 drops of lemon essential oil
2 drops of your favorite essential oil

Mix and apply on cuticles.

Reusable cuticle oil 1

1 large spoon of baby oil
10 drops lemon juice
5 drops of olive oil

Mix the ingredients well. Pour into a small bottle. Use the oil at night, applying to cuticles.

Reusable cuticle oil 2

lemon juice
olive oil
essential oils (optional)

Mix the ingredients well. Pour into a small bottle, for example, from under the varnish. Shake well before each application. Use the oil at night, applying to cuticles.

Beautiful hands mean not only an original manicure, but also a good skin condition, both on the hands in general and in the area around the nail plate. Cuticle care is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, since this element is necessary to protect against the penetration of infections into the area of ​​​​the nail bed, and its drying significantly impairs this function. The most useful and effective means of care today are natural oils - an affordable and pleasant ingredient.

Why you need cuticle oil

It is oily formulations that are able to provide such an important element as the cuticle with proper comprehensive care. First of all, the protective skin needs to be healthy, and most care products have an antifungal and disinfecting effect. In the absence of additional moisture, the cuticle coarsens and becomes more prone to trauma - here oils are simply necessary for deep moisturizing, softening and nutrition. And the intake of vitamins and other useful components has a beneficial effect on the growth and strength of the nail plate itself.

What oil is good for cuticles

If we talk about base, essential oils, then the following will have the greatest benefit for the condition of the skin around the nail and the plate itself:

  • apricot - the best cuticle softener;
  • almond;
  • little jojoba;
  • castor;
  • wheat germ oil.

In the event that the purpose of the procedure is softening and moisturizing, then the listed products can also be used in their pure form, simply by gently rubbing a few drops into the skin.

The best essential oils

Essential oils in their pure form are not used to treat cuticles, but they are added to the base oil to enhance its individual properties and give your favorite aroma (no more than a couple of drops of ether is required per teaspoon of the base). So, rosemary oil perfectly helps to restore the skin after damage, and tea tree oil significantly accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration and relieves the inflammatory process. In order to enhance the antibacterial properties of the product, it is advisable to add eucalyptus or lavender composition, but cedar and sandalwood oils will contribute to strengthening the plate to the greatest extent.

Overview of professional oils and how to use them

Professional oils have one significant advantage - in their composition all components are balanced and selected in such a way as to most effectively solve existing problems with the cuticle. The products differ both in base oil and in the type and quantity of additional components.

Oil in pencil for cuticles and nails OPI

Inexpensive and very effective. Available in small pencils with an applicator brush at the end in different flavors: peach, rose, cherry, lemon, strawberry, pineapple, orange, apple, grape, lily, aloe, jasmine, lavender, etc. When applied to the cuticle the effect becomes noticeable immediately - the skin is moisturized and softened, and thanks to pleasant aromas, the whole procedure resembles an aromatherapy session. The composition contains vitamins, fruit oils, keratin and calcium, that is, all components that are useful for the skin and the nail plate. With regular use, the nails stop exfoliating and begin to grow more actively.

Healing oil "Smart Enamel"

Oil from "Smart Enamel" is available in a glass bottle, similar to regular nail polish, with a volume of 15 ml. Among the ingredients are vitamins A and E, as well as beta-carotene, which together allow you to heal the cuticle and deeply nourish it. The tool can be used not only as a cosmetic, but also as a therapeutic, as it helps to relieve inflammation, which is often localized in the area of ​​​​the nail folds for various reasons. This oil also has a preventive property, preventing the plate itself and the area around it from drying out and cracking.

The manufacturer offers several products for cuticle care at once:

argan oil product. Among the components of the product are antioxidants and vitamins A and E. The product helps to cope with inflammatory processes, nourishes the skin, moisturizes dry cuticles and gives the nails a beautiful well-groomed appearance;

oil with extracts of orange and cherry bark is designed to nourish and relieve inflammation on the skin around the nail plate. Additional components: grape seed oil, safflower oil, aloe extract and vitamin complex.

Oils are produced in standard glass jars with a volume of 11 ml. You can also purchase a cuticle remover from Orly.

Eveline / Evelyn Nutrient

The 12 ml bottle is packaged in an attractive box with basic information about the product and its properties. The product is declared as ultra-concentrated, with a vitamin complex and natural avocado oil. The oil is designed to soften the cuticle, nourish and saturate the nail plate with useful components. Almond oil in the composition is rich in substances necessary for the normal growth of the nail, which penetrate rather quickly when applied. As a result of the use of the product, the manufacturer promises the rapid growth of strong and healthy nails, surrounded by moisturized skin without burrs. It is recommended to use the oil daily before going to bed.

The product consists entirely of natural ingredients and contains: jojoba oil, rice bran oil, almond oil, and vitamin E. The composition is used as the final stage of the nail modeling or manicure procedure to moisturize the skin around the plate. The oil actively softens the cuticle, moisturizes it, relieving unpleasant dryness. With regular use, the tool allows you to achieve an improvement in the condition of the nails themselves - they cease to be brittle, do not split, the cuticle grows more slowly, and in general, the hands look more well-groomed and beautiful. Oil is produced in glass bottles in two volumes - 15 and 3.7 ml - and has a very high price.

Belweder / Belvedere

Revitalizing and protective oil for nails and cuticles is offered to customers in an average volume of 8 ml. The product is based on natural jojoba oil (more than two thirds of it) and its use gives the following results: acceleration of regeneration processes, which is important in the presence of minor injuries and damage; moisturizing the skin, due to which unpleasant hangnails disappear; the cuticle becomes soft and moisturized; the skin of the cuticle becomes smooth and thin, while it does not grow much on the nail; nail plates restore their strength and elasticity.

Do-it-yourself oil mixture recipes

You can prepare the oil mixture with your own hands, using only those components that you like the most. The process of creating a product should take place according to the general scheme, and it is up to you to decide which specific ingredients to choose. So, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • a tablespoon of base oil is heated in a water bath to a warm state;
  • then add up to 5 drops of the essential composition to it (you can use different oils at your discretion);
  • to completely combine the components, the mixture is stirred and left for several minutes;
  • after that you can add a couple of drops of vitamin E from the ampoule;
  • the resulting composition is used for application to the cuticles and the nail plates themselves.

Video: how to make butter at home

If you want to make your own cuticle and nail oil at home, then this video will come in handy. It describes the process of creating a nutrient product consisting of three components: a base oil, an essential oil, and vitamin supplements.

The secret of perfection is in the perfect details. The cuticle is a very small part of our body, but caring for it is very important for the beauty of the hands and for the health of the nails. NameWoman will talk about what cuticles are, why cuticle oils are needed, how to make them yourself, which ones are the best and how to use them correctly.

What is cuticle on nails?

The cuticle is a dense periungual skin area, a kind of roller from the skin covering the base of the nail bed. This “manicure-damaging imperfection” has a very important function - protecting the nail growth zone from dirt and bacteria. That is why a trimmed manicure is considered harmful and even dangerous (because of the possibility of infection, and also because of the risk of damaging the nail hole, which will provoke even more overgrowth of the nail with coarser and thicker skin - excess cuticle).

Why can the cuticle become inflamed? In addition to mechanical injury to the area of ​​the nail bed and the skin around the nail, inflammation of the cuticle can be caused by the negative effects of household chemicals (protect your hands with gloves), an allergic reaction to a new cream or even a new oil for cuticles and nails, the use of low-quality varnishes and a nail extension procedure or wearing artificial nails (due to the compositions used, glue, and also due to the fact that the cuticle and nail growth zone are blocked from access to air).

The very edge of the cuticle is made of dead cells, so it can be slightly pushed back with an orange stick or removed with a tissue after applying a softening agent (cuticle oils are already included in its composition). Do not use rough metal manicure tools, be extremely careful and regularly care for the skin of your hands and cuticles. For the last task, special oils will come in handy.

Why you need cuticle and nail oil

Cuticle oil is a must for keeping your hands beautiful and healthy. Natural compounds soften and moisturize the skin, provide the nail growth zone with nutrients, so that the nails grow faster, become stronger, more elastic, and smoother. It is also very important that cuticle oil promotes the healing of small wounds in the periungual zone, is a treatment and prevention of burrs. Many oils have bactericidal properties.

Oils for cuticles and nails are now very widely represented. They are sold both in ordinary small bottles and in bottles like lacquer containers - they have a convenient brush for applying the product. Cuticle oils used by professionals can be viewed and ordered here: for example. Some of the fair sex prefer options in bottles with rollers. But, from the point of view of NameWoman, the distribution of funds with a brush is still more convenient and economical.

In addition to the cuticle oils themselves and various plant extracts, the composition of ready-made professional products may include auxiliary components that give the composition a more pleasant aroma and color, as well as ingredients aimed at inhibiting the growth of the cuticle or improving the color of the nail plate - whitening, giving shine.

How to make your own cuticle oil

Finished products are complex, rich, and targeted for specific purposes, but you can make your own cuticle oil at home. All you need is base vegetable oils and essential oils, as well as a glass container for storing the resulting composition (you can take a bottle from the base oil). To make butter at home, mix the ingredients in a glass or ceramic bowl and use unpainted glass, ceramic or wooden spoons or chopsticks.

The recommended ratio of base oils and essential oils for a homemade cuticle care product is 5:1 (or better, up to 10 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base). Be sure to test your chosen essential oils to see if you are allergic to them.

What is the best cuticle oil?

The answer to this question is quite individual. NameWoman tried to point out what cuticle oil is needed - for which task is best suited.

Options for cuticle base oils that can form the basis of a recipe: almond oil, peach or apricot. All of them are very nutritious, well absorbed, perfectly moisturize, help strengthen and grow nails. Almond cuticle oil is recognized as a particularly strong growth stimulant in various reviews. You can also use castor, burdock, olive or very nutritious wheat germ oil.

In the event that you have very dry cuticles and suffer from nail burrs, weak and brittle nails with furrows, it is better to take cuticle softening avocado oil as a base oil. You can also use jojoba oil directly in its pure form, which heals wounds well and allows you to forget about irritated skin. Sesame oil has high antibacterial properties.

Essential oils for cuticles and why you need them:

- tea tree - has an anti-inflammatory effect;

Rosemary is another antiseptic that helps to restore damaged skin, eucalyptus and grapefruit, which has a wonderful noble smell, have similar properties in homemade cuticle oil;

Lavender - allows you to heal burrs and serves as a preventive measure against their occurrence

Lemon - a firming oil that also whitens nails and gives them a beautiful, natural shine;

Conifers (pine, cedar and sandalwood) - nourish and strengthen the cuticle.

Cuticle oil recipes often include an oil solution of vitamin E, which can be bought at a pharmacy. Just a couple of drops per tablespoon of the base is enough.

Store oils only in glass containers! A handy bottle for storing cuticle oil can be bought at the store to create homemade cosmetics. In the same place, in a wide range that successfully competes with the pharmacy, base and essential oils are usually presented, which you can include in the composition of a do-it-yourself product.

NameWoman Tip: If your bottle doesn't have a brush, it's convenient and hygienic to use a regular dropper.

How to use cuticle oil

Use cuticle oil before manicure and after cuticle treatment. For well-groomed hands, the regularity of useful procedures is very important, so it is recommended to apply cream or oil for cuticles and nails every evening. This is great to do before bed.

Apply to each nail, cuticle area and just above. The result from using the oil will be even better if you massage the base of each nail in a circular rubbing motion. After the massage, wait five minutes, let the oil soak in. Remains can be removed with a paper towel.

Share your review of the best cuticle oils. What brands and compositions do you like the most? Or do you prefer home care and beauty products? What essential oils do you use to create DIY nail and cuticle oils?

Nadezhda Koshenkova


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