From the life of wives and lovers. Olga Karput: “I would not say that Paris is a fashionable city Olga Karput age children family

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The owner and founder of the concept store and the first cafe of functional cuisine in Moscow "Kuznetsky Most 20", Olga Karput perfectly combines her love for an active and healthy lifestyle with the birth and upbringing of children. Literally 3 weeks ago Olga became a mother for the third time. According to the already established family tradition, little Pavel Pavlovich Te was born exactly 4 years after his sister Sasha, who, in turn, is 4 years younger than the elder Sonya.

Olya, we congratulate you on the birth of your son and the very first question: tell me, did you feel the difference in your own feelings, because you have older girls? Is it different this time?

With the birth of a child, every time everything is new. Since the birth of my eldest daughter, I have matured a lot and changed internally. Now, it seems to me, I experience everything much deeper. This pregnancy was the most conscious for me, I did not want to rush anywhere, to be distracted by anything. When I gave birth to Sonya, my first daughter, I had the feeling that everything, I had finished shooting, and now I urgently need to run somewhere, do something, in no case slow down. Now I am in a state of calm harmony, I enjoy feeding the baby and the daily activities associated with his appearance. I'm happy.

What are your husband's feelings?

He is very proud! And he also has a much more thoughtful attitude towards the appearance of little Pasha. For example, before the birth of children did not affect our travel plans in any way, we immediately began to plan something. Now we are not in a hurry and enjoy spending time at the dacha in parental affairs. In addition, my husband is very pleased that he has a future friend and partner - a man in our big girl's club.

How did you choose the name for your son? After all, your husband's name is Pavel.

We wanted a boy so badly that we just didn't have any doubts. We started calling him Pasha as soon as we found out that I was pregnant, even before determining the sex. The husband even jokingly threatened to kick him out of the house if there was a girl again (laughs).

On Olga: dress, Lemaire; on Sonia: dress, Fendi from Daniel Boutique.

How do you think your life will change with the arrival of your third child? Still, three children of different ages - this is already a much more complicated logistics and movement, and their education, and development ...

I do not think that something will change dramatically, except that there will be a new nanny for the baby. We will raise our son a little differently than girls. For example, I think that it is much more useful for a boy to be in a male society, so I would prefer to hire a tutor for him, and not a teacher. I would like it to be an adult friend and comrade for him. And so, in terms of logistics, everything will remain as it was. We also plan to travel a lot. Soon I have to go to Fashion Week for work, and I think I will take Pasha with me so as not to interrupt breastfeeding.

Tell us about your attitude to breastfeeding, now this is a very hot topic, because many mothers refuse to breastfeed in order to maintain their figure and freedom ...

Well, many women refuse to give birth because of this (laughs). And as for the preservation of the figure, this is, first of all, genetics, and secondly, the mood, regimen and behavior during pregnancy. Many people think that, being in a position, you need to rest more, be less active, eat for two. I think this approach is no longer relevant and outdated at the moment when personal and public transport appeared, a lot of devices to simplify life, and there was no need to work hard in the field in order to have food later.

I watch my diet closely, starting the day with a shot of wheatgrass and a big green juice for a long time and amusing myself with raw food desserts. Quite intense yoga classes are also present in my everyday life. And during pregnancy, I did not stop, but rather paid even more attention to functional nutrition and exercise. I even went to a full-fledged yoga retreat in Bali in May. I can confirm from my own experience that this contributes to easier childbirth and faster recovery after them.

For example, I am sure that breastfeeding also allows the body to return to shape much faster and easier, including at the hormonal level. Still, breastfeeding is a natural process, conceived by nature.

On Olga: jumper and dress, Prada. On Sonia: dress, Fendi from Daniel Boutique and headband, Piers Atkinson.

Did you give birth yourself?

Yes, she gave birth to three babies herself and all of them here in Moscow.

And why did you, like many others, not go to give birth abroad?

I have older daughters, Sonya went to grade 2, Sasha has a lot of classes. I didn’t want to be separated from them for a long time, besides, I don’t think that childbirth is something that can be done qualitatively only abroad. In Russia, there are excellent doctors, clinics, obstetricians and conditions to give birth to a baby and not change the daily course of affairs in the family. Especially in a family where there are older children, because their regimen is also built not so simply. Pasha was born on September 1st. I was lucky, I took Sonya to school in the morning and then calmly went to give birth.

What school does Sonya go to?

She studies at the 57th school with a mathematical bias, where they are quite busy with classroom and extracurricular activities. But so far we love it.

Have you ever thought about sending your children to study in another country?

Girls - no, I think they need to be in the family and next to their mother, who can help with advice, listen, direct. Living in a boarding school will not be useful for them. Anyway, I can't imagine it. Well, I don’t know what will happen to Pasha, it’s too early to talk about it.

On Olga: jumper and dress, Prada. On Sonia: dress, Fendi from Daniel Boutique and headband, Piers Atkinson. Sasha is wearing a dress, Fendi and hat, Quis Quis, all from Daniel Boutique.

How are the relationships between sisters?

Now Sasha has grown up, and the girls have some common interests. I really want them to be friends, I even enjoy the moments when they unite with each other “against me”, or they have some secrets of their own. I think it's very important that they have a really close relationship. I try never to single out anyone, not to support anyone's side, and immediately stop any snitching.

The girls have a lot of extracurricular activities right now, and Sonya also has lessons, so I'm glad when they just fool around with each other, do nothing or go for a walk. Modern children are deprived of a normal childhood, they spend little time on the street and are rarely left to their own devices, their desires and thoughts. As a result, they simply do not know how to occupy and entertain themselves on their own. I am sure that "doing nothing" is a very important moment in a child's daily life.

Have you and your husband already dreamed about what Pasha will do? What sport?

I think it all depends on the character. The horoscope promises that Pashka will become a very strong personality, a financial genius (laughs). But seriously, I think that everything should be spontaneous.

On Olga: dress, Lemair. On Sonya: jumper, Prada.

That is, you are a mother who is more guided by intuition?

Exactly, I really trust my intuition. And I am categorically against parental competitions - when did your child sit on the potty, at what age did he refuse a pacifier, at what age did he start reading and writing ... I try to be reasonable about the abilities and talents of my children and calmly perceive their weaknesses.

Now it is very difficult to say what exactly Pashka wants to do, but he is definitely long-legged, big and strong. He is not yet a month old, and he is already turning his head with might and main and trying to keep it. My yoga teacher says he must have pumped up too during my classes while I was pregnant.

Did you dream of a large family as a child? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

No, I am an only child, moreover, I grew up in an incomplete family, I have only my mother. Of course, like any girl, I dreamed that I would have a good family and a husband, but three children turned out spontaneously (smiles). This is my unplanned story.

On Olga: dress and skirt, Prada. On Sonya: shirt, jumper, top, dressed like a dress, all Prada; hat, Quis Quis from Daniel Boutique.

Does having children and pregnancy affect your work? Maybe you have already started to change or add something to your business?

Of course, everything that happens to me and my family is reflected in practice in one way or another, these are all parts of one process. We have a cute children's clothing corner at KM20, and I always ask designers to think about children's lines. Selfishly I care, first of all, about my kids, but after all, everyone will like it as a result.

We also like to spend children's holidays, including with "Daughters-Mothers"! For us, this is a kind of tradition that brings a lot of joy to everyone. The cafe has now been relaunched in a healthy format and the veranda has been opened so that Pasha and I can come in a stroller on weekends (laughs).

How do you take care of yourself during pregnancy and after childbirth?

I really like algae wraps based on Thalion cosmetics. This procedure is allowed for all pregnant women, and it not only tones and moisturizes the skin, but also prevents stretch marks. If you do wraps regularly, then both turgor and skin condition improve dramatically. But the coolest thing is that, as experts say, the magnesium contained in algae has a positive effect on the formation of the baby and his future mental abilities. With this idea in mind, I have indulged in body wraps quite often. And I plan to continue. But in general, the most important thing is to move, not to be lazy, not to stay too long, not to overeat. Live life.

Well, will we expect the fourth baby in another four years?

I don’t think about it yet, but it feels like we are fully equipped.

On Olga: dress and skirt, Prada. On Sonya: shirt, jumper, top, dressed like a dress, all Prada; hat, quis quis.

In the first photo: on Olga: jumper, jacket and skirt, all Prada. On Sasha: dress, Fendi; sneakers, Baldinini. On Sonya: dress, Fendi and ballet flats, Dior.

Fashion, like a mirror, reflects everything and always keeps pace with the times. Exclusive items that models demonstrate can be found in designer clothing boutiques. One of these stores is "Kuznetsky Most 20" - the main concept store of branded clothing in Karput is the founder and ideological inspirer of "KM20" on Kuznetsky Most.


Olga is known as the creator and owner of the multi-brand boutique Kuznetsky Most 20. She attends social events and charity events. Photos of Olga Karput can often be seen on the pages of glossy glamor magazines.

Olga has always loved fashion, so she decided to do it professionally. She often travels to shows, places orders for her store herself, looks for new brands, meets young promising designers, supports and develops their ideas, presenting their items in her store. And when it all started, according to Olga, it was not easy to convince designers to come to the still unopened boutique of the capital.

In his work, Karput relies on his intuition and flair, buying collections from little-known aspiring designers. Of course, this is a risk, but without it, sometimes you cannot succeed.


"Kuznetsky Most 20", or, for short, "KM20", - the concept store, so simply named after its location, was created not as a typical boutique, but as something new with a fresh look at fashion.

The brands sold here were at first either completely unfamiliar or known to a very narrow circle of people. Among the designers and brands that Kuznetsky Most 20 works with are Ashish, Raf Simons, Vetements, Off-White, J. W. Anderson, Lemaire, Marques’ Almeida and many others.

The space of the store includes not only a boutique with clothes. There is a café and a table tennis court on site. If desired, all this is transformed and turns into a platform for parties, holidays and shows. Today, the boutique on Kuznetsky Most is a place where popular DJs perform in the evenings and where the most fashionable residents of Moscow gather.

KM20 hosts children's parties and annual Christmas trees, organizes games and makeshift photo studios.

As a mother, Olga Karput is trying to ensure that KM20 includes not only adult, but also children's collections, and asks designers to pay attention to this.

Karput is proud of his team.


Olga believes that it is very important to take care of her health, she has been actively engaged in yoga for a long time and swims a lot. Even her brainchild - the KM20 project - is not only a home for the most fashionable, it is also aimed at people who understand proper healthy nutrition.

Cafe on Kuznetsky is famous for its healthy menu, here you can find fresh cold-pressed juices and light snacks (snacks). Olga Karput has a desire and ideas for the development of this direction. As Olga herself says: "Food should give energy, not take it away."

Karput is a vegetarian. She refused meat and caffeine, tries not to use pills and rest when her body requires it. And spend as much time as possible with your children.


Paradoxical and ironic combinations. Olga loves to mix sports style with everyday, or even with evening. She can wear jeweled sweatshirts, love flat shoes, and is often seen wearing sneakers. At the same time, Karput always looks stylish.

Sweatshirts in Olga's wardrobe are personalized, especially for her Vetements created a sweatshirt with the name Karput instead of the logo of their company.

From jewelry, Olga chooses massive rings. She wears them anytime, anywhere, easily paired with bomber jackets, tank tops and tracksuits, and looks very impressive at the same time.

Olga Karput is a big fan of pajamas, and can, having fun, go in pajamas even to an important meeting or event.

Another passion of Olga is a men's jumper. She believes that if you tuck it up, it looks very cozy and beautiful. From the men's, or rather, from her husband's wardrobe, Olga also wears a Rolex watch.


Olga Karput grew up in an inferior family and was an only child, so she always dreamed of a big friendly family. Now Olga is a young happy mother of three children: the youngest son Pasha and daughters Sasha and Sonya.

Olga gets great pleasure from communicating with children, while she perfectly combines the upbringing of children with work, sports and travel.

During pregnancy, Olga continued to practice yoga, even more intensively than usual. Olga Karput gave birth to all the children herself, and considers breastfeeding to be a natural process, conceived by nature and allowing the body to get in shape faster and easier, including at the hormonal level.

The eldest daughter, Sonya, attends a school with a mathematical bias, goes in for equestrian sports, ballet, music, and learns foreign languages. From time to time, she acts as a hostess at children's parties taking place on the Kuznetsk bridge.

The second daughter, Sasha, is engaged in swimming and yoga. And the youngest, Pasha, was born on September 1, 2015. He is not even two years old yet, so the parents are just watching their son, determining what is more suitable for their heir, what he will have inclinations for.

Olga Karput and Pavel Te try to be reasonable about the talents of their children and calmly perceive their weaknesses. They do not think about the fourth child yet, they believe that at this stage the family is well staffed.


Pavel Te was married twice before meeting Olga. But all's well that ends well, and now this couple is not only one of the most stylish in Russia, but they are also a happy family with three children. Paul is especially proud of the birth of his son.

Pavel Te is a businessman, oligarch, co-owner of Capital Group. His company specializes in construction.

Pavel loves to spend time with children, cook with his daughters and play with the heir. He does not lag behind his wife and also goes in for sports, loves to swim and ski, and introduces children to this.

The qualities that Pavel Te seeks to develop in his children are independence, goodwill, self-confidence and inner peace.

Age of Olga Karput and the secrets of her beauty

Olga is not yet 35. And does it really matter how old Olga Karput is? It is much more interesting how she manages to look so charming with three children, a family and a job.

According to Olga herself, in order to be beautiful, one cannot be angry, because it is difficult to imagine a beautiful woman with bad thoughts. You need to be able to love and rejoice, wear beautiful underwear, have a good rest and eat right.

Karput monitors the condition of his hair and skin, often makes masks and facial massages, tries to avoid sunlight. Olga's everyday makeup is a good moisturizer and lip balm. Coconut oil is one of my favorite skin care products.

During her third pregnancy, Olga did body wraps with algae and magnesium. The skin, according to Olga, is tightened and healthy after this procedure, and sleep is sound - and this is a very pleasant additional moment.

Recently, Karput began visiting the Chinese acupuncture center in Moscow. As a result of acupuncture, the lymph flow is stimulated and excess fluid is removed.

Olga considers hammam to be another useful procedure for her skin and visits it once a week without fail. The Turkish bath is especially beneficial after flights.

All this, combined with yoga classes and a healthy vegetarian diet, gives excellent results.


In Ibiza, literally ten steps from the sea, there is a house in which the family of Olga Karput and Pavel Te with children loves to relax from the capital.

The house has a name, and its name is Gaviota, which means "seagull" in Spanish.

Having bought a house from the previous owner, Olga and Pavel first of all took up its redevelopment. Now there is a simplicity of forms and everything for a pleasant family stay and meeting numerous guests.

The house has Italian furniture. The living room has an Arabic theme. Treating antiques with caution, Olga nevertheless acquired several vases from an antique Moroccan store and a 19th-century mirror at an auction.

One of the family rituals in Ibiza is a boat trip to the neighboring island, where the sulfur springs beat. There the whole family spends time with health benefits.

The eldest daughter Sonya is engaged in equestrian sports on the island, here in the stable is her own horse.

A crisis

In one of the interviews about how fashion feels in our time of crisis in the country, Olga Karput said that she does not give up. According to her, there is no reason for this yet. Olga continues to believe in talented people whose collections are sold in her fashion house. And even vice versa, the crisis activates all the forces and abilities of a person in search of something new, interesting ideas are born that help to stay afloat.

The wife of the owner of Capital Group Pavel Te, Olga Karput, demonstrated her Mediterranean yacht and spoke about the life of a socialite (photo)

Olga's driver, with a habitual movement, leaves for the autopista, and immediately the tower of Ushuaia, one of the three main establishments of sleepless Ibiza, rises in front of us. But we turn left and drive across the industrial zone, at the far end of which - I remember how it is now! - club "Amnesia". We pass the turn to "Pachu", and I start to panic. How is it possible - to escape to Ibiza to a beautiful woman only to eat baked sweet potato with her?! Olga Karput's obsession with healthy food is widely known and growing. In the summer, she changed the cafe menu at her Moscow concept store KM 20: kombucha and rejuvelac replaced burgers and pizza. But what should I tell about upon arrival from a paradise island? How did I get drunk with whitgrass shots?

Not having time to think through this thought, I find myself on the spot - the whole way from the airport to Rock Lewis takes about a quarter of an hour. Karput meets me in a milky silk slip dress and flat Simone Rocha sandals. It looks - even now at the screensaver of the KM 20 online store: the tiny son Pal Palych is squeezed under his arm, the jack-russell and shorthaired pointer are spinning underfoot, eight-year-old Sonya and four-year-old Sasha are peeking out from behind. Somewhere in the bowels of the one-story villa Gaviota (Spanish for “Seagull”), the head of the family, developer Pavel Te, is preparing a vegetarian breakfast (yes, he is also in the subject). To the right, behind the surf line, a family yacht is rocking with an inscription in a strict font on the hull - Pumpkin.

“Pasha from the very acquaintance affectionately calls me Pumpkin. At some point, we grew into a whole pumpkin family, so he named the boat the same way, ”Karput shrugs. Accustomed to Russian surnames ending in "-in" - Lenin, Putin - the Spaniards in all marinas in vain ask Senora Pumpkin. You haven’t heard of such people on a yacht, but secular Moscow is presented on board the ship in the best possible way: either photographer Ilona Stolie and her husband, deputy Vitaly Yuzhilin will drop in, then Mikhail Druyan will close another event on the island and drop in for a couple of days to warm up on deck, then Andrey Bartenev will drop in on the way to one of the clubs inaccessible to me at the moment and will be terribly lamented that he did not grab the Mickey Mouse costume. The last time the man-installation did not come empty-handed - he brought to the ship the sculpture "Armless Centaur" by Ernst Neizvestny.

While Olga is praising the centaur, the Tatler film crew drives up to the villa, and we all get into the tender together - a small boat that rushes us to the yacht. Pavel Te rules himself and manages no worse than the subsidiaries of his Capital Group - with summer state tenders for the expansion of sidewalks in the center of Moscow. On board, we are met by a team of nine people: a captain, a boatswain, a technician, two sailors, three stewardesses and an Australian chef who, with the help of gluten-free bread and sugar-free desserts, expands Olga Karput's kingdom of healthy food to the scale of a maritime empire. Pavel Vladimirovich hands him a package with fresh celery and spinach: island ones are twice as thick and juicier than Moscow ones. Soon they will go into cold pressing, while the first bottle of champagne is opened for adults, and children go offline. Under the supervision of one of the sailors, a whole water park is at their service: a slide along which you can go to the sea from the flybridge, a raft, a pool, seabobs, several jet skis. “Usually there are six or seven kids on the boat - ours plus the children of friends who have joined. They need to be entertained somehow so that they do not interfere with adults, Karput apologizes. - Girls are able to swim almost from birth and have mastered all yacht gadgets to perfection. Sonya loves to ride guests on an inflatable cheesecake tied to a tandem. On it or on the seabob, she can spend six hours in a row. Guests can withstand much less: this is a real test of the strength of the spine.

Numerous toys for children, however, fade against the backdrop of a fifty-meter adult toy on which we stand. This model was developed by the Italian shipyard Overmarine two years ago, equipped with Rolls-Royce engines (usually two, but the Pumpkin has four), which allow thirty-seven knots (almost eighty kilometers per hour) with a load of three hundred tons. In the basic configuration, the new Mangusta 165 costs thirty million euros. Why should she cost less when four luxurious cabins differ from the rooms of a five-star hotel only in that the Wi-Fi is caught perfectly and does not require additional payment?

Olga conducts a short tour and goes on her nose to do what she loves - to be photographed. I settle into the lounge area closer to the stern and, taking this opportunity, ask Pavel Te if it is true that among his ancestors is a Korean celebrity. He says that just in May he was in Seoul at the opening of the museum of his grandfather Cho Men-hee (in the Russian version - Mikhail Cho). It turns out that he was an outstanding poet and fighter against the Japanese occupation. At the end of the twenties he moved to the Soviet Union, in 1938 he became a victim of repression. Pavel Vladimirovich goes into details: in style and subject matter, one part of his grandfather's poems is close to Fyodor Tyutchev and Afanasy Fet, the other to Vladimir Mayakovsky, whom Mikhail Cho translated into his native language.

Girls and photographers join us, and the conversation smoothly turns to Paris Fashion Week - the Carpathian has just come from there. The father categorically forbade taking Pal Palych, so Olga went to shows with a cooler bag in her hands to collect milk for her son on the way from one first row to another. Regular clients of KM 20 also did not remain without gifts: “We bought a lot of Raf Simons, we even like his departure from Dior - there will be more time for our own brand, which we have been successfully selling for a long time.” Then Karput recalls how the designer Simon Jacquemus came out in the final all in white in the company of a white living horse, and the next day in the showroom, without a gram of self-irony, he asked each buyer: “Did you cry?”

Karput herself has complete order with self-irony. She laughs in the high voice of Clara Rumyanova from “Well, wait a minute!”, And in about half of the cases - at herself. “Well, I'm a blonde,” she says easily. Or instead of words, she switches to onomatopoeia - she spends a lot of time in a children's society, she can. In the guise of a pumpkin mother, there is little in common with a vegetable: blond hair, green eyes, thin bone. And almost transparent skin - when it freezes (and this happens infrequently: Pavel Vladimirovich is nearby, three children - and everyone needs attention), you can examine in detail the intricacies of veins in the collarbone area.

It is believed that women of this constitution give birth with great difficulty. Only not Olga Karput. Although all of her children have exactly four years of age difference, she assures that all pregnancies are unplanned. She trusts her intuition and therefore decided on the name of the youngest before the gender became known: “I immediately felt that I had Pashka there. In the summer, between shopping and travel, I spent a lot of time here in Ibiza. Yoga, proper nutrition, the sea and healthy sleep did their job: on the first of September I gave birth to a son.

Olga was distracted from yoga for just a few days - she gave birth and immediately returned to her important work. At the ninth month, she empirically found out that the baby in the stomach likes it when her mother does a handstand (I understand the guy: for him this is an opportunity to stop hanging upside down for a couple of minutes). The family story says that on the second day, Mark Kurtser, who took delivery, went to the Karput ward in Lapino, saw the mother feeding the baby in the lotus position, and left amazed. You understand, it is not so easy to surprise the chief obstetrician of all Russia. A week later, Olga was already in a plaid dress A.W.A.K.E. with origami frills at GQ's "Person of the Year" ceremony . “I received a bunch of comments - they say, mother cuckoo, abandoned the child. What now - not to have dinner if I gave birth? In modern maternity hospitals, they emphasize in every possible way that it is impossible to lie too long. In general, the concept of "eat and sleep for three" seems outdated to me. I even during pregnancy did not deny myself a glass of good red wine. If in a pleasant company and for pleasure, then why not?

Today, however, Olga touched the champagne purely symbolically: she plans to be Pal Palych's personal catering company for at least three weeks. On the farthest voyage - around Mallorca and Menorca - the Pumpkin yacht went before the birth of Te Jr., and now it is trying to turn into one day. And today, seeing the first signs of a velvety Balearic sunset, Karput commands from the iPad: “To the port!” She needed to have time to serve the boy, who was bored on the beach, the first of his three or four dinners today and have an afternoon yoga class on the roof of the Seagull. I am already big and will go now to the closing of the season at the Space club, and Olga will make plans to open the second KM 20 concept store here in Ibiza. Realizing that there will be no better case, I muster up the courage and ask Karput the main question. She mentioned that she was friends with Sveta, the first wife of Pavel Vladimirovich, and their son Hera, but evil tongues remind that there is also a second wife, who seems to be even acting. Olga's answer is extremely incomprehensible. “The wedding, then, was squeezed, what are you talking about?” she draws thoughtfully. Then she coquettishly corrects herself: “And I’m already married!” In the finale, he gives out his trademark chuckle - and, looking into his eyes, adds: “Of course, there will be a wedding. All will be!"

"" , 26. 03.15, “the photo of the oligarch - the husband of Olga Karput with a half-dead snow leopard on the hunt shocked the Internet”

The wife of the owner of the famous Moscow boutique "Kuznetsky Most 20" Olga Karput - millionaire Pavel Te, who owns the Capital Group, was angered by numerous animal advocates. The reason for this was a photograph that got on the Web, where a man, like two drops of water similar to an oligarch, proudly poses with a half-dead snow leopard, from whose paw blood oozes. Hunting this animal, by the way, has been prohibited by law since 2014. Bloggers were outraged by a picture with a wounded animal in the arms of an oligarch from the Forbes list.

It is noteworthy that Pavel's wife Olga Karput often boasts in numerous interviews that she has long abandoned meat and is a vegetarian. In an exclusive interview with SUPER, the society lady also stated that the scandalous photo was a photo montage and an attempt to undermine the image of the oligarch.

My husband Pavel is really into mountain hunting. - Olga shared with SUPER. - But this photo, which is quickly spreading on the Internet, is a photomontage. This is noticeable in the blurry contours around the head. Any person can be attached to this animal, just like any animal can be attached to a photograph of my husband. He is chosen to hunt and always obtains all the necessary licenses in advance. For us, this looks like an attempt to negatively affect his image.

Representatives of the oligarch himself also said that the sensational frame is the result of work in a photo editor.

This photo is a photo montage, the outline around the head has been edited, - commented Pavel's representative Tatyana Alekseeva to SUPER. - Obviously, someone used Pavel Cho's well-known passion for hunting mountain goats.

Photo: Igor Klepnev

Olga Karput, the owner of the main concept store in Russia, Kuznetsky Most 20, is constantly in the lens of international fashion publications. As a new columnist OK! she is ready to share fashion insider and inspiration with readers. In the meantime, he tells us about his brainchild and why in Russia, if we talk about style, there is much more potential than in Paris.

Success concept

I traveled a lot, saw a lot, it seemed to me that there is no real concept store in Moscow, but there is a need for it. During the launch of the project, the crisis of 2008 occurred. We were just in the middle of a renovation at the time. Sometimes we joke in the team that the project is our child. It took exactly nine months for the idea to become a reality - from the moment of the first purchase to the opening. A funny story happened when we crossed paths with the House of Margiela in choosing a location. Almost at the same time with us, they considered the same point - Kuznetsky Most, 20 - as the flagship of Maison Martin Margiela and even made a deposit for rent. But my husband (businessman Pavel Te. - Approx. OK!) decided to leave behind us the historic mansion, which his company did not easily get. So we cut Margiela at the entrance. (Laughs.) The place is historical, commercial. There used to be a Valentino boutique here - with gilding, monograms and an armored currency exchange office inside, one of the first luxury stores in Moscow, a “prayed” place.

Revolutionary ideas

We were making a revolution. The project is still fresh for Moscow. The space of the store itself is mobile, it includes a boutique with clothes, a cafe, and a table tennis court. And if desired, all this can be easily transformed into a gallery installation or a party area, since all the furniture is on hanging hooks or on wheels. We have repeatedly heard criticism of the non-standard design and space on Kuznetsky, and the online store, where "everything flashes and it's hard to choose." But we take it easy. The team that opened the store had no direct experience in retail, so a lot of things happened intuitively, without relying on the experience that colleagues had in the Russian market. We were not faced with the task - and even now it is not worth it - to compile assortment matrices and purchase so many black trousers. In our case, if the pants are not interesting, then they will not sell. The team and I track strong positions in the collection of a particular designer, we buy pointwise and we can afford to change the purchase quite flexibly from season to season. And most often it happens like this: things sell themselves. Professing a creative approach to the choice of models, for a personal six-year period we have achieved good results. I speak without false modesty. The world press never misses us in their ratings and selections of the best concept stores in the world. Looking globally, the first concept stores, including the cult Colette and Dover, are gradually losing their former strength: they are often commercialized and become less “sharp”. And some new venues were inspired by our project. For example, the Parisian Broken Arm: its owner is dating a Russian girl, and four years ago he bought Gosha Rubchinsky's things from us...

Natural selection

"KM20" accumulates the most talented. Among the designers we work with are Raf Simons, Vetements, Gosha Rubchinsky, J.W. Anderson, Lemaire, Marques' Almeida and many others. These are the people who influence the development of fashion.

It is extremely important for us that the things we choose and sell are original sources. Not a copy and not a print run... Without talent, I think there is no commerce. If you copied something in order to “grab” the season and earn money by getting into the stream with some kind of thing or form, then after a season or two the deception will be revealed. What can you suggest then? This is also where the theme of "new luxury" comes in. Talented young designers put a piece of their soul into every thing, while the mass production of large famous Houses does not give this chance. Making a choice in favor of the young and talented, you have the opportunity to wear absolute luxury every day, you do not need a reason. And these things have a completely different energy.

The most stylish in Russia

For me and for my team, the Buro 24/7 rating (Olga Karput was named the most stylish girl in Russia. - Note OK!) Was a big surprise. After that, I read a lot of unflattering reviews about myself on the Internet. Interesting. I like the definition given to my style by the extremely cultured publication Amuse in the article about retail in Russia - East meets West (“East meets West”). There is lightness, vitality, and lyricism in this. Before that, in response to a question about my style, I joked: sport plus fashion. (Laughs) In general, it's nice to see how lively and with great interest the world press now supports everything that happens in the fashion industry in Russia. And we, in turn, are doing everything possible to confidently integrate Moscow into a number of world fashion capitals. And in this I see an important, even ennobling function of KM20 for Moscow.

Moscow is not Paris

I would not say that Paris is a fashionable city. If you look at it not during the next Fashion Week, then the locals, in principle, are not interested in the modern fashion context. Everything flourishes there only during a mass gathering of fashion crowd: journalists, buyers... It seems to be an incredibly fashionable city! Even on the street you can peep the trends for the next season. And concept stores are starting to get hysterical: people seem to be dying if they don't buy Raf Simons or J.W. right now. Anderson. But as soon as the Week ends, the fashionable “aftertaste” will also go away. Moscow has much more potential in this sense. Now the number of young people is rapidly increasing, which easily agrees to fashionable experiments. We can confidently say that we are educating a new generation of fashionistas. They are sometimes very young, but they know more about fashion than other fashion journalists. The pool of our clients is those who believe in us, our selection. Even in doubt, they still decide to buy, and already in the process they realize the beauty of the thing. And let it be long sleeves for some reason, but then you see the same ones at Rihanna. It seems to me that this is our merit, the educational function. We believe that all our clients are united by the presence of some inner freedom.

New religion

I don't like the word "religion". Detox and yoga are my routine. Vegetarianism and healthy eating is something I can no longer live without. This is my choice for taste preferences and for ethical reasons. As for detox, this is the only way to save yourself in the metropolis. Taking care of yourself is what I would call true luxury. It's really cool when you can dedicate a day just to cleansing yourself. It seems to me that we will gradually come to an understanding of this, it's just that such a nutrition model is still innovative for the Russian mentality. Too much mayonnaise in Russia. Eating balanced and functionally, you become a pleasant person to communicate with. Ecocatastrophes in the world occur only because humanity must provide itself with animal feed. When you realize this, you do not want to participate in it. When people opened fire, they sped up the cooking times. And now smoothies and cereals are generally a new round of evolution.

"I love sweets in the morning"

I have three children. The son was born in September 2015. And in October I was already at fashion weeks. I myself go to all the purchases, it is important for me where the fashion is going, it is important not to miss anything, “watchfulness” is important. I remember that on the fourth day after giving birth, I went to the GQ magazine award, which stirred up the entire Moscow public, and comments from the “cuckoo mother”, “left the baby” series rained down. And what is it, not to have dinner with your husband, or what? This is absolutely modern history. My family always comes first. There is always time for her. My girls (Sonya - 8 years old, Sasha - 4 years old. - Approx. OK!) are keenly interested in what their mother does. I envy them a little: in my store they look at the best examples of modern fashion.

Sonya was with me at a buying session once and gave me a great choice, even the brand managers were surprised. We ran for seven hours to meetings, and she did not seem to be tired at all. And at the end of the day, she said that she liked Hood by Air and Natasha Alaverdyan's squirrel the most. Great memory! The example of parents always works. Only with it you motivate children for successful and happy activities and life. It is only important to be realized by the parents themselves.

Photo: Igor Klepnev. Style: Svetlana Tanakina.

Text: Irina Svistushkina. Makeup and hairstyles: Julia Tochilova

In Ibiza, they believe that the main thing in a house is not the architecture and not even the interior, but the name. This house is called Gaviota, which means "seagull" in Spanish. Like a seagull, he spread his wings right on the edge of the cliff at the southern tip of the island, next to the capital of Ibiza, literally ten steps from the sea. True, this seagull looks like an element of a children's designer. This is in the tradition of Ibiza: they used to build houses here in the form of a cube with windows facing the sun. “Here you can’t even drive a nail in without permission,” Olga laughs. “According to Spanish laws, it is forbidden to build on structures on the coastline, so we cannot change the shape of the house, even the palm trees in the garden are under special supervision so that we do not cut them down.” Olga and her husband, co-owner of the Capital Group company Pavel Te, will not agree to such barbarity. On the contrary - it was the riot of nature that attracted them three years ago to this cliff.

“The house was built in the eighties, its first and only owner decided to sell due to a serious illness. It was a very colorful building that struck the imagination: a bright orange, sometimes terracotta or almost red Lego cube - either the castle of the king of the Arab pirates Barbarossa, or the mythical palace of Scheherazade.

First, Olga and Pavel repainted the house white. Then they entered the struggle for living space. “There were too many levels, intricate layout, zoning and extra steps, but we wanted a clean and concise interior. I respect designers in fashion, I am ready to play by their rules, making up a wardrobe. But at home, it is not excessive decorating that is important, but simplicity of form and content.

And yet, help was needed. Then the owner of a concept store with an interior designed by eminent Moscow architect Alexander Brodsky, and an assortment from Maison Martin Margiela Artisanal to limited-edition Puma, adidas and New Balance lines, hired Italian decorator Sergio Gerbelli to work on the house. And at the same time a team of Italian builders. “If we had invited local residents, they would probably still be undergoing renovations, they don’t like to work, although as neighbors they are just great - responsive and friendly.”

But the Italians were pleasantly surprised by their diligence. Sergio knows how to find, order and deliver any furniture. This is how the house got a bed, a table and poufs created in Italian factories on an individual order. “We did repairs for a little more than six months, we wanted to finish it faster so that we could come to a new house the very first summer, so there were no particular whims. True, I fought for a 19th-century mirror at Sotheby's - I just saw it in the catalog and immediately fell in love. Now it decorates the living room, and we have placed the carved removable top of the frame in the dining room.”

In the spacious living room, the Arabic theme sets the tone. In the niches is the hostess's favorite find: seven vases from an antique shop in Morocco. From there, the lamps in the dining room. They are modern, stylized antique. Olga is generally wary of antiques. “Age goes only to carpets, in other cases I carefully weigh the need to buy an object with history - I think that every thing keeps the energy of the former owners, and it is far from always so positive.”

The carved door in the bedroom, generously decorated with oriental decor, was also not looked for from antique dealers - Olga ordered it in a small Moroccan workshop, as well as a floor lamp in the dining room.

The hostess's favorite little thing is a panel in the dining area, on which the Arabic script reads: "Bon appetit." “There are already a lot of jokes connected with him. Guests take it for the work of one of the serious contemporary artists, for which we laid out a fortune, and are surprised to learn the true meaning and origin of the inscription.

The guests in this house are very fond of, and the eldest daughter, five-year-old Sonya, often acts as the hostess of receptions, - the youngest, one-year-old Alexandra, is still too small for receptions. “Sonia has a birthday in the summer - this is the main event of our vacation. This time, the large pool was occupied by clowns who arranged a holiday for the children on the water.” Sonya has a lot of things to do in Ibiza, the main and favorite thing is equestrian sport. “My daughter does not miss Moscow, but she misses her horse very much, so I had to look for a stable here.”

Olga herself prefers a terrace, a huge sofa and her favorite carved table from the Italian brand B&B Italia. Here she rests from Moscow: “I don’t turn off the phone, I just stop responding to it after a couple of days, plunging into absolute bliss.”

But in order to please the tastes of her husband, I had to build a new room. “Pavel is a sports person, now we are completing the construction of the gym, and he is already dreaming of how he will spend his days and evenings there.”


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