Fortune telling on family relationships. Tarot divination for relationships “Family boat. How does a husband want his wife to behave?

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Little girl plays with dolls. For her, the distribution of roles in the game is unimportant. She just knows that she is a mother. Her beloved daughter lies in the crib, and soon dad will come home from work. Regardless of whether there is a father in this family, or has been gone for a long time, the girl knows that there should be a father. If we remained children, even at a more mature age, maybe our families would be complete, and our children would be happy. Children are the most precious thing we have, what a pity that mothers or fathers who have left the family do not understand this.

Family is the most reliable support

Everyone should have a family and, whatever it is, you can always turn to it for help. There you will always be understood and consoled. What is a family? How to build, and most importantly, save a family? We all grew up in a family, or rather, almost all of us. And, it seems, they should know and understand what a family is. But, it is one thing to grow up in a family, although not complete, but it is quite another to strive to create and create your own family. Not everyone and not always succeeds. And then, people who want to start a family begin to look for their soul mate. His most dear and close person with whom you can start a family.

Close friends are chosen as consultants and with their help they try to find out what your chosen one thinks about you and how he treats you. In some cases, they turn to experienced fortune-tellers, and if this is not possible, you can make a Tarot story about the family on our website. Here you can make an attempt to understand your relationship yourself and draw conclusions. There are layouts for the compatibility of partners, and a layout for love. The name of each layout speaks of a key card that should point you to both love and compatibility.

How to conduct a tarot fortune-telling about a family?

The distribution for the family is made as follows. We choose the deck of cards we like and draw thirteen cards one by one. Having laid them out, we carefully peer at the images on the cards. Then we begin the interpretation of the cards. Starting with the first card, we will find out what relationships reign in your family. What is the degree of mutual understanding between family members. From the following cards we learn about the financial situation in the family, about loyalty in relations with each other. From the alignment, it will be seen whether there is trust in the family, whether you know how to spend time together, how the distribution of responsibilities in the family takes place, how the needs of each family member are realized, and, finally, how your family looks from the outside. Having made a complete analysis of family relationships, you will understand what needs to be done to make the family even stronger.

According to numerology, the energy vibrations of numbers affect all areas of human life, including marital relationships and family life. If your union with a partner has already been established, and you live a family life (it doesn’t matter whether you have entered into an official marriage, or being in a “civilian marriage”), using the rules and principles of numerology, you can calculate the numerological code of family life and find out what common destiny awaits you and your soul mate during the year of interest.

Calculating the numerological code of family relationships for a certain year is quite simple. To do this, add your own age in the year of interest to the age of your partner and use the method to bring the resulting figure to a single digit from 1 to 9. The numerological code (index, number) of family relations obtained in this way determines how your family life will develop in the year of interest.

For example, you want to know what you and your significant other will experience in 2015. This year you turned (or will turn), for example, 39 years old, and let's say your partner is 35. Let's sum up both numbers: 3+9+3+5=20=2+0=2. The numerological code of your family life in 2015 is 2.

Using the form presented on this page, you can calculate online and find out the numerological code of your family life for a certain year. Enter in the field in numbers without "gaps" your age and the age of your partner in the year of interest and click the "Calculate" button. The online calculator will calculate the numerological number of family life and show the result.

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are guessing at. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to finish mixing the cards.

Free fortune telling - Creation of a family, considers the creation of a family by the querent, whether there will be a union and if not, for what reason, who or what will be an obstacle to this. Not a very simple fortune-telling, primarily because it is necessary to correctly interpret the values ​​​​of the cards that have fallen out, we naturally cannot convey the fullness of the meanings of each of the cards and you will have to think about their combination and interpretation on your own. Moreover, the layout of the cards itself is not complicated and you will remember it after conducting fortune-telling with the help of our system, so that in the future you will be able to perform it yourself. For the alignment provided, we want to thank Katerina, a very worthy fortune-telling, which should be in the arsenal of every fortune-teller, since the issues covered are among the most frequently encountered.

Online divination technique:

For this prediction, we will need a full deck of Tarot cards, there is no specific link to any of the decks. You can guess familiar to yourself. We practice the difference in the interpretation of straight and inverted cards, you can interpret as you like. Before the alignment, tune in, it is best to retire. Ask the cards a question and shuffle the deck until you get an impulse from the cards, after which you need to move some of the cards with your left hand towards you and start removing any of the cards from the deck, laying them out as shown in the figure below. To conduct online predictions on our website, click on the deck of cards

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are guessing at. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to finish mixing the cards.

Free fortune telling - Family, examines family relationships in great detail, a wide range of issues and topics covered. In connection with the foregoing, this alignment will not be an easy walk, twelve significant cards will not be so easy to work out for an unprepared person, but there is nothing that is not feasible. The main thing to remember, if you do not have sufficient experience, is NOT TO HURRY. We have interpretations of the cards on our site, you will need to attach them to current issues and make some logical chains. Let me explain to the question Loyalty in relationships with each other: fell out - 2 Staves, it symbolizes a person with ideas, ambitions, forced to seek a compromise with other people who have their own ideas and ambitions: this is constructive cooperation, linking goals and means, needs and desires, firmness, courage in the enterprise. (You understand that the relationship is very loyal because there is a compromise, and this is one of the main components of a prosperous family life).

Online divination technique:

For divination, you will need a full Tarot deck, you can guess what is familiar to you. Before the alignment, select a card on the form, this is the Empress and the Emperor (depending on who you are guessing for, a man or a woman). Put it in the center of the layout, then mix the deck thoroughly and slide part of it, with your left hand towards you. Lay out the cards as shown in the picture below.


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