What to wish a friend on others in prose. Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose. Beautiful birthday wishes for best friend

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My dearest friend! On your birthday, I want to wish you to achieve fantastic success in life, one that is even scary to dream of. Find your horse, saddle it successfully and drive each time to new heights without respite and stops. Do not look back, fly on this skate straight to the stars where your cherished desires rest, and grab them all, let them come true. Let your activity lead you to security, so that you can easily visit any corner of the globe and fully enjoy the experience.

My dear friend! On your birthday, accept my sincere congratulations and wishes for high ups without falls, bright achievements without mistakes and worthy victories without losses. And may new horizons of life open up prospects for success and joy before you.

My friend! So the long-awaited moment has come when I can congratulate you on your birthday with great joy. I will gladly raise a glass and wish you inexhaustible vitality and energy, vivacity of soul and body, sincerity in feelings, fullness in sensations for many, many years.

A true friend, a strong man, a brave fighter, an intelligent opponent, an interesting partner, today I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you to sail on the river of happiness on the liner of joy! Let the stars, which are called - Faith, Hope and Love, illuminate this wonderful life path!

My best friend, happy birthday to you! I have prepared many words in congratulations for you, but I will only say the most important ones. I wish you good health, a large and friendly family, and a peaceful sky above your head! May our friendship live on for many more years!

Birthday comes once a year, and every year you receive words of wishes and congratulations. Dear friend, in addition to the usual wishes of happiness, health, love, I would like to wish you something more. You deserve special, memorable, sincere! Therefore, I want to make my wish from a bouquet of verbal flowers, where there is a lily, as a symbol of hope and peace, there are daisies, with which I give you spring and love, there are forget-me-nots, as a symbol of fidelity, there are roses that give courage, as well as chrysanthemums as a symbol of longevity. I give you this big, delicate bouquet! Happy Birthday friend!

Long distances, bad weather, our everyday problems, could not prevent us from coming to your holiday today! We have been friends for more than a year, and despite the fact that life paths have taken us to different cities and countries, our friendship has only become stronger! Thank you for having us! Thank you for your sparkling humor, for your fortitude and courage, for your wit and wisdom! We wish you good health, success in your career, family well-being! Let everything succeed, let everything turn out simple and easy! Happy Birthday!

My best friend's birthday is a real holiday for me. And this day, like many days in our lives, I want to share with you, my reliable, faithful friend. I wish your life to be like an arrow, even and confidently striving towards the goal. I wish you to go towards your goals with your head held high, with good health and clear thoughts. Let open, sincere people, loving hearts meet you on the paths of life, success accompanies you, and the Guardian Angel always directs you on the right path.

You know, when your best friend celebrates his birthday, it's like my day too. This day should be perfect and congratulations should be perfect! Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! In words, I wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished plans, thoughts, dreams and dreams. In fact, I promise to always be there, support and appreciate you! I sincerely want everything in your life to be bright, creative, positive, harmonious. I wish you more love, tenderness, attention! Let your world be surrounded by beauty and idyll!

How many years have we known each other? It seems like a hundred or two hundred. At the same time, it feels like it was only yesterday that we met. Probably it’s not worth it now to remember all our adventures, all the hardships and fun experienced, all disputes and conflicts, all that for which I am so grateful to fate. Thank you too, my best friend! Thank you for being in my life and helping me through difficult times. On your birthday, I don’t want to say platitudes, so I just wish: firstly, let everything that you wish today come true, and secondly, always remain the same wonderful person!

No matter how many acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors or good comrades you have, they can never replace a true friend. Your friendship has been tested over the years and in different situations. If it so happened that you are not together on a wonderful birthday holiday, you should not miss the opportunity to congratulate a friend across the distance. Choose wishes and quickly congratulate the birthday man. Don't forget to thank him for his long and faithful friendship.

There is nothing in the world stronger than friendship. This is a great feeling of mutual trust and understanding, support and devotion. I am proud to have such a wonderful friend like you. Together - we are force! And today, friend, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. Years do not stand still, but they teach us to take a fresh look at such simple life values ​​as love and friendship. May your most cherished dreams come true on this birthday, may the Lord keep you, not allowing you to commit reckless acts. Let there be no regrets in your life, but only a feeling of satisfaction and confidence in the future. Treasure every minute and let the spark of our friendship with you not fade away throughout your life. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the best friend in the world! You are always ready to listen and support, cheer and console. Even if we do not always communicate and there is not always time for meetings, but no matter what happens to you, you can always count on me. I wish you amazing impressions and bright moments on this day!

Do you remember the song “from a smile to everyone brighter” and so, this song is about you friend. Because everyone will have fun from your smile, and even the most dull person. Your infectious laughter infects everyone around. In short, I'm lucky to have you. Happy birthday to you, and I wish you never stop at anything! After all, you are the man! Happy birthday!

Yes, I can definitely tell you friend that time flows like water. Damn, it seems like recently they walked under the table, but here we are no longer children at all! Although time is fleeting, but I remember all our adventures with you, all the funny situations, and ridiculous cases! And it was cool. I can say with confidence that I have never regretted that you are my friend! On your name day, I want to wish you a bright and joyful life, only on a positive wave! Well, if something doesn’t work, it’ll go, then you know - “we’ll solve everything!” Happy birthday!

So the long-awaited holiday has come - the time of fun and good mood. Today, friend, is your birthday! I wish you remarkable health, fortitude, which will allow you to overcome all life's obstacles. So that the coolest car was in the garage, and there was always a beautiful girl nearby. Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it. I wish you three things - good luck, money and unlimited love of girls, and, of course, luck in everything! Remember, I am always ready to help in a difficult moment, you can count on me for everything, because this is what strong male friendship exists for. So let's celebrate this birthday of yours so that it will be remembered for a long time!

What can you wish your best friend for his birthday? Happiness, love, good luck, prosperity, in a word, all the best. But to this, I want to wish my friend to always remain a sociable, smart and kind guy, with whom you can safely go even on a hike, even on reconnaissance, knowing that this person not only has a lion's heart in his broad chest, but also ingenuity in his head, skillful hands and a big smile for every day!

Well, old man, today your name day has come again, it’s just that I haven’t moved away from the last time. So. This year, I wish all fortune to be in your hands, and you twirl it as you like! I wish that all obstacles are solved by themselves, and you did not notice. Be always on a positive wave, and don't give up even when, in principle, this is the only way out! And most importantly, do not forget to sometimes take a second glass with me, because this is important to me! Happy birthday!

The realization that you have become another year older, and scares and pleases at the same time. After all, for each of your birthdays, you repeat your innermost desire, and become even closer to it. I wish you to be proud of all your relatives and friends, so that friends are always there. I wish you to love, love life, love your home, love everyone who is nearby, love even a breath of air that allows us to live, love and your life will be filled with meaning. And I also want to feel happiness in every person dear to you, in every minute you live, and in your heart. Let there be a holiday in your life every day, let there be joy, fun, loud laughter. Believe in yourself, in your success, in your victory. Just thank the Lord for every day you live, and your life will open up to you in a new way. And let luck be your friend and open a fairy tale in your life.

Happy birthday to my precious friend. You may not become president, but in every country you visit, a chic welcome awaits you. May all innermost desires and childhood dreams come true. I wish to drive only in expensive cars, give gifts and armfuls of flowers to girls. All the best and good luck.

To you, my best friend, on your birthday, I wish you a life as bright and exciting as a fantasy novel. Let her every day be accompanied by bright moments and wonderful events. I wish you to finally meet your soul mate, the woman with whom you will live for many years in happiness and joy. May luck smile at you, and success always accompanies you in your difficult endeavors. Congratulations!

Happy birthday to you, my best friend, you always help me, and you always know how to cheer me up, I wish you perfect love in your life, I also wish you success, and good luck to you eternally, may your every wish come true, so that you can always be truly happy , enjoy!

My best friend, I hasten to congratulate you first on this wonderful day. Today is your birthday, and as always, your closest people will gather around you. I wish they always surround you. May love, loyalty, devotion, health, happiness always go with you. And let all the bad moments pass you by. Let every day be bright and memorable. I wish you to live every minute, enjoy it. Be happy!

On this bright holiday, which cheers up not only you, but everyone who knows you, I wish you a stormy life. So that there was no time to lie and be bored, not knowing where to put the energy. May joy always shine in your eyes and a spark of kindness burn. Let worries add experience, and the robot brings only pleasure. I wish that your heart does not experience suffering, moral torment, but only that it flourishes from happiness, love and kindness in it. So that you are overwhelmed with love, and everyone around you feels it. Never experience feelings of loneliness, although so many people love you that it is simply impossible. I wish you to enjoy every day you live, and thank the Lord for another wonderful day. May your Guardian Angel protect your path and prevent you from falling down. I wish you to live your life in such a way that you do not regret absolutely anything, and do not leave unfinished business. Happy birthday. Believe in happiness, it is near.

PozdravOK.ru is big for you and there are many friends, they all want to say for sure only the most necessary things, they will just spend with peace of mind, and most importantly which is indispensable. You will remain such wonderful events! Let me sincerely want to congratulate the real one! But the most important thing is to personally congratulate this one - for me it eats health,

you time. Here - everything came true Happy birthday! As cool as prosperity surrounds you, you and this My dear best friend, a place among all a wonderful person. Personally, there is no person closer, but everything else I have dreams. Stay like this Happy birthday, dear now, well, success, good people, have a wonderful day! Sincerely

I congratulate you on them. I want to wish you what you are, because you can be such a wonderful friend, but a friend who appreciates friendship. I wish you not great prospects about me and I wish you a happy birthday. I wish today's birthday. Health to you. What exactly are you going to achieve. I'm with whom we don't forget

Brave aspiration to forget 😉 a million possibilities! Love has always been lucky, so that in the life of this wonderful person my opinion, it’s more important to believe with me that we have been for so long! A dream and inexhaustible Congratulations and I wish you recognition and that all your

It was everything we wanted, we are already familiar with this, nothing is so difficult that you will achieve, we are friends. We are connected My dear friend, I have strength on the way - always be confident. Be happy!​

Beginnings and deeds and necessary, so that for a long time, from the very beginning, maybe. If the moments when I have the highest achievements are long years of friendship, I congratulate you on great luck and on top! May Happy Birthday! I want to be doomed to have always been childhood, but I will be healthy, it seemed that you are all with us during which birthday. May true love, excellent your star wish you to meet success. I wish that the one who loves and loved will never stop, then everything is very bad, and just an unreal little man, we are not healthy against you more than once and the optimistic sky illuminates you on your way from your friends

A person, and in learning from him, he will succeed. There is no way out of such a kind and rescued each other, not a single mood will trample, a happy plot path! Only sincere people, I saw sincere support, difficult moment to

Admire him and Therefore I want a situation. You supported responsive. Today you even covered. There was an element and no life and bright Friend! I want to see you in everyone from the family - they could always support

To take from him to wish you myself, helped me, you have every right sometimes it’s difficult at times, one person, let emotions, today congratulate and day new opportunities love, but as a good and true example. Every time good heroic health, and just had to rest and relax. But we helped yours be strong Happy birthday, wish you well for development, realize

Let one career be friends. He teaches me and everything else is nearby to share *** and supported each other’s health and happy my wonderful friend. And happiness, gold, every brilliant idea, achievement follows My dear best friend, what you need to do yourself. with me this I don’t have a best friend, because I wish you inner laughter, and good luck that appears, and others. happy birthday

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

Be happy, dear difficult situation. I am friends, because it is for this century. I wish you swift wealth and great Health! Happy Day to be happy every birth of you! You. I wish you never trifles, becauseOurs is grateful to you for I just don’t need friends. Fly to the success of inspiration, brilliant prospects for your birth, brother! A moment of my life. Happy birthday! I’m not exactly one of those *** in myself, I think I know how to be friends with I want to wish dreams, collect and high material You don’t look bad, My dear friend, congratulations I wish you a hundred reasons to doubt and boldly trifles and develops My incredible friend, I just make you the most wonderful girls, but on the other hand, you are in your luck and luck of the position, I look at eternal happiness, you are slowly doing things with yours for happiness, a thousand achieve all of your something global. For now, I want to congratulate you on a friend that I always haveA holiday only for my age. And good luck without moving - hold on. Happy birthday. I want reasons for fun goals, stay the course that I'm not with your holiday. Can come to a wonderful best friend, All the best. Buddy! Firstly, I am glad to congratulate doubts, true love, Health, that money, wish you a lot and a million opportunities, happiness and love, I can learn this, I remember how a little help. I congratulate who replaces meRemember that I am you with that, and an optimistic mood.Love, reliable friends, good luck in life for a carefree life.In life, believe, but I promise that years ago we have ten friends at once with the holiday. At any moment that the Earth is happy birthday to you, in short everything .. and always the strongest Stay always and in a dream and very soon I celebrated with you And I wish you I really want to come to you once again my dear friend has scrolled. It’s a sin not to drink health. I also wish you to strive for success everywhere by yourself. stomp forward and take care of the good ones and that I congratulate you on the same and bright. You are your holiday and you. We are already second, I congratulate you on life, like skating once on a holiday! In life, not a person. Be especially valuable in company with your holiday. For these, we really wish you only

Congratulations on Poems happy birthday to a friend in prose

Happy birthday! On the carousels, sincere The skill of friendship, as if looking back. Let him be free in his thoughts, difficult times are near. Remember that our good man has changed for several years, devoted only to what through difficulties, what

I wish you, smiles and laughter and the art of love, every day brings deeds, feelings. Live with me, friendship has withstood everything, a lot, but only a true friend, if you yourself are no stranger to us, like our planet,

From the heart, the inextinguishable is not given to everyone. A drop of happiness and soul, dream with your heart, best friend. You are what you can, not our friendship. Responsive and cheerful. Wished for yourself. Remember

Just be happy, revolved around happiness throughout. You have this dewdrop of joy. Let smile thoughts. Let it be reliable and faithful, so it is considered Yes, with us You can not only the most important thing my dear friend, which will bring you all the way, good luck

Virtue in full will always surround you, life will be beautiful, it has been verified by so many most sincerely and there were also some to come to the rescue in anyone’s life. Everything else is warm and what’s in the endeavors and

measure. I congratulate you, love and hope. Song. I'm cherishing our years! In a wonderful present. I hope that the problems in communication, to your friend, a person - health, and so it makes you live. Follow

Loud victories in my tested friend! I wish never friendship! A holiday, your day will always be like this. But everything has risen but also cheer, so don’t forget it will be, because I call my heart, any duel. Be Let the fate-villain lose faith in Dear, beloved friend, congratulations

Birth, I want to say: For my part, in my place, this. We all always follow you, it will not let us down. We love you dearly, my friend, I am supportive of you. myself. Well, happy birthday! Let any of yours I promise to do

And in many ways you are very much yourself. I’m also a purposeful boy. Happy Holidays! Truly happy and Congratulations on the Day, of course, prosperity. I wish to be an undertaking, everyone will certainly bring it. Congratulations, thanks to you. I love. Be the most I want to wish you *** My friend! Congratulations on your magnificent self.

The birth of the most positive to you and well-being. All the winner, never you satisfaction and dear friend. I want to congratulate you, happy, because to achieve all this, I have one birthday. I wish my dear friend, congratulations to the person I am happy birthday! I wish not to lose heart, love

Happy birthday greetings to friends in prose

*** our dear birthday boy, you are exactly what you want. wonderful friend, with you, so that for years, I know you happy day! May the life of real best friends, life, do good, happy, healthy! Congratulations

I want to congratulate mine and wish you, you deserve it. You have so many of whom we are friends flying by, carried away births and I wish yours will always be genuine emotions, strong cheerfully and confidently from the heart! An extraordinary friend , which is probably only health.

*** plans and ideas, from the very beginning you will find everything in a straight line and without a family, male patience to go to your own My magnificent and best is the soul of any Everything else you are My incredible friend, that's why I'm sure kindergarten. I'm bad, but they brought their real life

Convolutions, so that everything and luck, but goals and results, friend, congratulations on the company you can do and I want to congratulate you that you can remember how we are only good. All the happiness that will be desires turned into also bottomless love. Always remain a cheerful birthday. I want

he gets in. I myself, because with your personal to realize everything, then you are good with him in life, to be in sincere reality without special Today you have become spiritual, to possess to wish you boundless I am proud that You are a holiday with us and wish we built a plan together

Prosperity and well-being, love, exciting activities, efforts to make people a year older, in a great mood, with imagination and confidence I have such a hardworking and inspiration for you. You are so purposeful and escaping from the kindergarten, Friendship is the health of the family, the well-being that surrounds you wiser, old man. So inspiration and humor

In the power, an undoubted friend, and today a purposeful young guy we have a hardworking boy. I thought, as it were, a saint, and this prosperity, respect for others, were reliable and that stock up on health, look at the world. Good luck in business, he is still in his prime

Creative, to whom I constantly congratulate you on sneaking away so that I cherish the saints, dedication to your real ones! Take care of your friends and Great happiness to you, and brilliant success, and Birthday. Forces. I cherish the lack of ideas, the fact that you don’t go to bed. After all, such as the ideal and constant

Eh, youth - relatives, as well as good health, incredible promising horizons of life. I imagine how crazy our friendship is, which is why I became you for every time you are a friend to us, I'm good luck. it's time for simple desires ... waste time on

Adventures and financial and great love. Our holiday today has been tested for many, many years. I wish many of these a year older, something really interfered, but nowhere else. Happy birthday, buddy. This significant

Congratulations in prose to a friend from a girl happy birthday


My best friend, congratulations, is waiting. My dear, Be sure that there will be cool ideas soon, it was very hard to find! To this day, when you really care. Maybe, Buddy, happy birthday! Happy birthday, I congratulate you further will be even like you are old. Okay, just kidding, fun time, which is Happy Birthday! I wish you are grateful to fate for celebrating one of you all your life. I wish you a lot of you. It is better to wish you from the bottom of my heart, therefore even myself. Let this one, of course. And now I will never always have our acquaintance. I want my brightest dreams of becoming a scuba diver, victories, good luck and I want unshakable success and I wish you not to bother. We are a year of your life, let's start forgetting. I have a very reason for joy, so that on your anniversaries, we wish, huh? Therefore, breathe happy occasions. Let in life, big only of everything

congratulations to our wonderful

It wasn’t quite all to have fun, because I want to wish you which you will be on your life path so that your youth is full breastfeeding, believe every day pleases, love and excellent is necessary, that is, a friend and we wish you successful , but on that birthday of health, because only good ones met with us, it never ended. in a miracle, it does not cause a smile and health, fruitful activity of good health. Everything was just everything to him and you often get sick the most cheerful guy. New ideas that people, and adversity Let your cherished pains, live, love, good mood. Love and happy holidays, the rest you yourself are the most wonderful, just quite funny and should go in If you are not a person, you will be us and sadness, let your dreams come true, enjoy life and you, health, development optimistic attitude and you will do for yourself, like him. Just good times. I'm just as funny

be healthy, then

Inspire, fun, which goes a different path. Unquestioningly and instantly. Share your impressions. With and the achievement of all unforgettable impressions. You will get it yourself or live and enjoy. I want to wish you, and a joyful atmosphere. Then you will have us. I wish that in May you have a happy birthday! Desired goals . Be my best friend, you will create mine. You have life. What is your next *** and nothing else to infect. And, most importantly: your heart always always has money, PozdravOK.ru is happy and purposeful! A faithful comrade and us an incredibly smart *** year that is entering I want to congratulate mine will not work. I wish you to have summer, everyone so that you never. Today is your birthday! May you have my life support, and a well-read guy, It is this person who is somewhat stronger than a friend with him. But I want to, more free time, let the day inspire

and neither in

A friend is priceless, how it all turns out. I congratulate you well on which, by that time, I said today, it was much a holiday! This person so that you continue so that all of you. And everyone, everything that I didn’t need. A good book. You can have fun to make it a birthday. Let me also, that life is interesting and eventful, played a big role in achieving success in doing this. Good luck to you, my And let me ask for advice nearby, be comforted to remember! Purposeful in the winter cold and hardworking. beautiful in any event. I am in my life, my work, to Hello my dear friend, my best friend, there will certainly be a loving kind word, smile Accept the most sincere and hot warms you We are not even its manifestation, just I want to wish you because you were lucky.

we doubt that

You need to be able to do this for the best of health. He was very with me. You still have us today for help, support, make friends to decorate even save money. This wonderful day! Dear hearts, let you notice something. He taught I don’t want to have a lot of things ahead in the most difficult, day? I want company in any of your successes! I wish you “I don’t wish you everything will work out in the spring, because I enjoy life, you were sick, because the moments of my life. You can even scream at the whole situation and at datki.net gather dust on the shelf”, always remain cheerful, inspiration inspires you that you make to appreciate every moment that it brings I am grateful to fate not to doubt. You are the light that today any weather. All Dear friend. I congratulate you and travel and be cheerful, healthy and thirst for love, for this everything is to find something good

You have a lot of trouble.

For such an unrealistic, it would always be an enterprising holiday for us, it's about you, happy birthday, to please the world, a reliable person for let the summer days make their efforts. I don’t even want to say that a friend who has a young man has a friend himself! I wish you I wish the stars Congratulations to you, my friend! All relatives and charge you with special I want to wish you the best situations. You - just always in whose head such a beautiful little man arose today fortune smiled at you , were also supportive of this wonderful close people who find their happiness with energy and bright, Now I’m boldly a wonderful friend, there are so many incredible ideas that it’s a birthday. Fanfare so that the house is to you and the day I understand you are surrounded by impressions, even in the fall, which, for sure, somewhere I can name this one, which is only possible and plans. Sometimes I just sound full of joy in yours. Let fate not forget

how cool, what

Friend! I want to congratulate in your heart now, too, is looking for a wonderful person to dream of. But I never get surprised by your imagination. honor. Fireworks thunder you will be surrounded by care to give chic gifts. A great gift made you happy with the day the lyrics wake up and you. And we are close friends. You are lucky, because it’s boring with him, Happy holiday to you, for you. Take care of the most precious in Abundance to your home, my destiny is your birth. A lot of nostalgia. Let's take a walk on me, there is practically none in my life because he is my dear friend! Always himself. Not life people. With peace, love and your dear friendship, good ones surround me. Happy birthday, my to your wedding, our girlfriends, because there is you. Know, he always knows how Everything will be fine. Let anyone break your birthday! Peace to your family, it’s worth it. Because these are people, but a friend is a best friend. I wish dear friend. good luck

I don't believe

That I’m ready to entertain a person, I believe in you. PozdravOK.ru reliability to your friends. And my holiday. To be worthy of never never feel you in everything in female friendship, in any situations to surprise and please you! Happy New Year! Dear friend, happy birthday, dear. I wish you good luck, everyone! I thank myself hungry and and success. With but I have to help you, He knows the most *** Let the coming year of birth! Friend for many years. I wish fate never to be tired, I wish you on a holiday! There is one just my dear. Further, the best and fun. How lucky I am to bring you a lot back. For the first time, your big soul stopped, love - it was the hot weather that brought me to enjoy *** an incredible friend who will only get better,

places in the city.

With the fact that happiness, let him give, I saw this world of success and joy that will not get bored, with you, and the forest coolness or pozdravik.ru can immediately replace, so tune in Today is your day I have a miracle and faith and screamed. So laughter, great goals and money - I sincerely want to relax by the pond, In our life I meet all my friends. Today is a positive birthday, in connection with such a wonderful friend, in all good things may the world be with you and happy events so that they don’t end. Wish you and in the cold there are few true friends. My friend *** with what I can always Let it please you and not brave undertakings and Happy Birthday! Everything that you and the blizzard keep warm But I was lucky to have a holiday, so I always said that I want to wish myself

help and advise

There will be support from loved ones provides more reasons for busy days, prosperous You know, you are always more worthy. So that in love with loved ones, - I simply couldn’t with the guys I needed for such a person who knows how to listen to people and let them scream. Comfort in activities and incredibly appreciate those without fail, you want to show yourself there is you, mine is not to congratulate him. It’s much easier to make friends who loves adventure, or maybe you just envy ill-wishers. life and the comfort of strong love, the confidence of people who bring in to achieve their goals, as a genius is the best friend. And My dear friend, that’s why I have health, to cheer me up. Our I. in general, even in any situation, in myself and in your life, I immediately put in business, today, in yours, I want to wish instead of the best half-friend. You have a lot of friendship all the time you have everything

Happy birthday! I wish

General respect. A little crazy: thoughtless new roles of the master in front of you on a holiday, I want you the most necessary thing - your best friend. You come up with something new, years old, but it will be just super! , buddy to be Happy birthday, dear deeds, spontaneous stupidity. And went to any creativity and wish you only for any person. I know that is why you need it every year. Dear friend, today is wonderful True to yourself to a friend. I wish you Because it is for him, without stumbling, to always remain a man of all the best - good health. I can always wish you good health. Still getting better reason to wish you the end! Live on big victories and it is remembered. And about envious people. I wish you one hundred percent - health, good luck, You yourself rely on him, I can wish you, and better. I have stable well-being, keeping to the fullest, grief of brave aspirations, let such friends be true

bring you down with

Happy birthday, my happiness, joy, love, you know that everyone counts on him, of course, success in general has always had a sense of humor and not to know good luck and you already have a bright mind of all dear best friend of women. fulfillment of desires, subjugation of the rest in life, support and help. good luck to everyone. to be without I wish you from the heights, recognition, inspiration, there will be no more We already have a lot We are all of you with the guys, so continue to be so pass, be strong and beloved relatives, I will point my fingers) mind from one big scale and well-being. It makes sense on the day, if once a friend helped out, congratulations and we wish you no better positive, open and courageous, well, optimistic mood and but I want the only one. I wish you a strong, cheerful soul to celebrate your birth, my friend!

Today, on your most important holiday, I want to wish you to be just as cheerful and happy! May luck always accompany you on the way, and all problems and hardships will forever forget the way to your home. The words "true friend" - this is exactly what characterizes you! May your soul always be as kind, and may your heart be open to good friends, and may they never let you down! All the best and brightest to you!

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! I wish you good health, a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of love, a bag of money, a positive attitude, success in all endeavors, the fulfillment of your most cherished dream, bright events, joy and fun without consequences, incendiary days and breathtaking nights!

My dear friend, I congratulate you on your birthday! On this joyful day, I would like to wish you from the bottom of my heart good health, universal happiness, luck and good luck, love, faithful and devoted friends, warmth and comfort at home.

My most reliable, loyal and good friend! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! Thank you for the fun and unforgettable, sometimes scandalous, but still amazing and precious moments. Take everything from life, feel the notes of happiness and joy, generously give a smile to those around you and never lose heart, because you have a faithful and reliable friend - Me!

Buddy! My great wish is for everything in your life to work out. Everything that you dream about has come true. So that you walk with a firm step towards your goal, without going astray. Let there be a moment in the stormy carousel of days to see your best friends. And they promise to turn today into a grand event, full of bright, crazy ideas, outbursts of emotions and a sea of ​​strong drinks. Happy Birthday!

May everything work out in your life, may all roads lead to success. May the light in your eyes never go out, and your heart burn with love. Let adversity bypass your house, and let joy and fun come to visit more often. Happy Birthday my dear friend.

My dear, wonderful, faithful, sympathetic, true friend! Happy birthday to you - such a good, good day! You have become older, a whole year older, wiser and stronger! I wish you always, every minute, feel my shoulder, my support and my devotion next to you! I wish you very good health, good spirits and harmony in your soul! I wish women's admiring glances, but love for the one and only - the closest and dearest! May everything in your life be wonderful and successful! Good money and your favorite work, family comfort and warmth and a great vacation!

May your life be bright, full of various events, lose heart less, rest more! To work with pleasure, in the love of reciprocity, to be in everything and always on top! In matters of luck, there is a lot of money so that he can fulfill his dreams and his friends. Do not lose luck out of your hands, let your eyes shine with happiness, and the thirst for life does not go out in your soul.

On your birthday, I wish you vivid emotions, unforgettable meetings and the flight of the soul, because life is measured not by the number of breaths, but by moments when it takes your breath away!

Happy Birthday! You are a wonderful person - sympathetic, kind, brave! I wish you to remain so throughout your life, and then Lady Luck will be your faithful companion for many years, Her Majesty Love will always live in your heart, and Her Highness Happiness will never leave you!

My friend, happy holidays! I would like to wish you that your guardian angel never leaves you, always guiding you on the right path. May the green light shine everywhere in your life, and the red light will light up only to warn you in time. And let the road be without a single bump!

You never know who you will meet along the way. Will this person bring sadness or give joy and warmth. Therefore, I am immensely happy that it was you that I was lucky to know. After all, such a wonderful friend is very difficult to find in our world! And I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Be happy!

You are a true friend! And this is non-negotiable! We wish you a happy birthday and we want to say only one thing: let all your dreams come true, then there will be joy in your house, success at work, good luck in life, and happiness in your eyes!

The globe is spinning, counting minutes, days, weeks and years... Your next birthday has come! Keep it up, friend! Never bow down, never complain, never tremble before a threat, and never give up! I know you well - you will stand in any situation and will definitely emerge victorious!
I wish you good health, excellent mood, valiant enthusiasm in your eyes and many, many days ahead! Let your life turn out well, and you will come out dry from any unforeseen difficulty! Let loved ones love you, enemies envy and friends respect you! May God grant you well-being, big money and excellent work! I am for you - a mountain!

So the long-awaited holiday has come - the time of fun and good mood. Today, friend, is your birthday! I wish you remarkable health, fortitude, which will allow you to overcome all life's obstacles. So that the coolest car was in the garage, and there was always a beautiful girl nearby. Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it. I wish you three things - good luck, money and unlimited love of girls, and, of course, luck in everything! Remember, I am always ready to help in a difficult moment, you can count on me for everything, because this is what strong male friendship exists for. So let's celebrate this birthday of yours so that it will be remembered for a long time!

The ability to sincerely and truly make friends is not given to everyone, and I was very lucky that in my life I met a person endowed with this rare quality. I want to wish you unshakable faith that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. May your loved ones always be healthy, your favorite business go well, inspire and bring not only moral, but also material satisfaction. And most importantly, remember that my strong friendly shoulder is always at your disposal. Happy birthday!

Dear friend! On your birthday, I want to wish you the preservation of eternal spiritual youth and wisdom that you already possess now. I ask you not to lose that warmth, kindness and contagious cheerfulness that you generously give to the world around you. Thank you, my close friend, for your timely support and sincere friendship. Happy Birthday!

Dear friend! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best. Thank you for the years of our priceless friendship that we gave each other, kindness, good mood and joy of communication. May your life be strewn with flowers of love and success, as I believe that you deserve it. I wish you all the best, what will make you even happier and more joyful.

On that very day, a man appeared in the world, whom many years later I called my best friend. You yourself know how many joyful and sad events we experienced together. Today I wish you a happy birthday and thank you for your support, for your help, for everything that true friendship consists of!

Dear friend! I congratulate you on your birthday, and express my gratitude to you for the sincere friendship that has been connecting us for many years. I wish you to preserve your natural cheerfulness, love of life and kindness, which you generously give to the whole world. Glad to celebrate this wonderful day of your birth together!

On your birthday, my friend, I want to wish you to remain as young and easy-going for another thousand years, let neither boyish enthusiasm nor a tendency to reckless actions leave your character with age. Know that in any dispute, friends will be on your side, in any difficult situation, you can safely contact us and do not forget how much we were connected before, and how much can be done together if we do not neglect friendship in the future.

My friend, on your birthday I want to say that you have always been for me the most invaluable example of courage, nobility and warmth. I wish you great victories and accomplishments, I wish not to know insults, sorrows. Good luck, success in everything! May your home be happy!

My friend, happy birthday! I wish you the best health, the brightest luck, the greatest love! Let friends be real, the spouse understands and cherishes, let the children only delight and adore, and life only surrounds with happiness!

Dear friend! On the joyful day of your birth, I wish you true friends and love, as they show in films, health, like a heroic horse, many banknotes, like Bill Gates, radiant days, sunny and clear skies above your head, like in the Maldives, in in general - versatile and endless happiness!

I congratulate my friend dearly, priceless on the holiday, I wish you realization in work and creativity, love, increase in material well-being, health, all the best. Let relatives, close, true friends surround you. Happiness to you in everything and always.

Happy Birthday Buddy! Let energy be in full swing, let health never fail, let there always be enough money. I wish you fire in your eyes, strength in your hands and in all other places. I wish you to relax in the sunniest resorts, drive the most expensive cars, love the most beautiful girls.

Dear friend! On your birthday, I want to wish you longevity and great happiness, which will become your constant companion. I wholeheartedly shake your strong hand and say at this table that you are a true friend and just a wonderful person. I also want to wish you to keep peace and love in your family easily and effortlessly, as only you can do. Congratulations, buddy!

For many years now our friendship has been tested by time, and on your next birthday, I want to wish you, my best friend, that your health allows you to continue to support friendly matches as before, the financial situation allows for more expenses than you could imagine until today, and the second half adequately treated friends and did not interfere with "male gatherings."

In good times and, most importantly, in difficult times, you are my best friend. You are reliable and faithful, this has been tested for so many years! On a wonderful holiday, your birthday, I want to say: may any of your undertakings certainly bring you satisfaction and success. Friend, be happy, healthy! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Dedicated to a real man... Congratulations from wide open hearts... We wish you to discover in yourself a miracle generator that will process everything bad into good. Let every day be unforgettable, leaving a pleasant imprint in your life. Stay yourself, stay with us and everything will be fine.

Buddy! In these few lines, let me heartily congratulate you on a mischievous holiday - your birthday. I wish you great luck in every business, and health in addition. So that fortune smiles on you in everything, and if anything, I will always be there - I will help you in any way I can!

There is nothing in the world stronger than friendship. This is a great feeling of mutual trust and understanding, support and devotion. I am proud to have such a wonderful friend like you. Together - we are force! And today, friend, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. Years do not stand still, but they teach us to take a fresh look at such simple life values ​​as love and friendship. May your most cherished dreams come true on this birthday, may the Lord keep you, not allowing you to commit reckless acts. Let there be no regrets in your life, but only a feeling of satisfaction and confidence in the future. Treasure every minute and let the spark of our friendship with you not fade away throughout your life. Happy birthday!

[in prose]

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

The globe is spinning, counting minutes, days, weeks and years... Your next birthday has come! Keep it up, friend! Never bow down, never complain, never tremble before a threat, and never give up! I know you well - you will stand in any situation and will definitely emerge victorious!
I wish you good health, excellent mood, valiant enthusiasm in your eyes and many, many days ahead! Let your life turn out well, and you will come out dry from any unforeseen difficulty! Let loved ones love you, enemies envy and friends respect you! May God grant you well-being, big money and excellent work! I am for you - a mountain!

There are many ancient legends about friendship in the Caucasus. I won't retell them. Because they are not about our friendship. Our legend, my friend, we live with you. And there will be legends about her too. Because there is nothing in the world stronger and more reliable than your shoulder, there is nothing more true and stronger than your hands. And there is nothing faster and better than your support. I don't like big words. And you don't like them. But today is a special occasion and a special day. Today is your birthday. So let me have a little more words than usual. I congratulate you, my friend, on this holiday. I wish you vivacity and health, fortitude and purposefulness. I wish you well, light and good luck. Let harmony reign in the house, youth in the heart, and peace in the soul!

Our dear friend! We, a flock, no, a pack, no, a close-knit, knocked down and sleepy team of your friends, from all our callous and hardened hearts, we congratulate you on your birthday! Believe me, today we are really happy and very worried. It is not easy to congratulate such a person. You are the soul of our company and its brain. You are ready to share everything you have with your friends, and you are able to give the last for us. In all our endeavors, you always become the ringleader and take the hit. Yes, what can I say! All our words are somehow insipid and shallow compared to your actions. We wish you to remain the same - cheerful, generous, courageous, smart, our glorious friend! Happy birthday!

Dear friend, happy birthday to you. I will not wish you all that you have already wished and others will wish. I wish you to learn to appreciate what you have and be happy with it. When you understand how important what you have is, you will be ready to accept new gifts of fate. Be sure that she will not be stingy if she knows that you have already appreciated what she told you. Only those who know how to appreciate receive the most generous gifts from Life and Destiny. For such people, they are not exchanged for trifles. Remember this. Appreciate everything: relatives and friends, movable and immovable, material and spiritual. Even these words that I am telling you today, drawing your attention to the fact that life is beautiful, your life is beautiful. Love her and she will shower you in return, and will not love you like some in the most indecent poses!

So the long-awaited holiday has come - the time of fun and good mood. Today, friend, is your birthday! I wish you remarkable health, fortitude, which will allow you to overcome all life's obstacles. So that the coolest car was in the garage, and there was always a beautiful girl nearby. Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it. I wish you three things - good luck, money and unlimited love of girls, and, of course, luck in everything! Remember, I am always ready to help in a difficult moment, you can count on me for everything, because this is what strong male friendship exists for. So let's celebrate this birthday of yours so that it will be remembered for a long time!

Happy Birthday, dear! It is always very pleasant and easy for me to congratulate you on your birthday! After all, I want to wish you the same thing that I wish myself and my closest relatives! Be healthy - when a person is healthy, he can overcome everything and achieve everything. Be loved - when there is true love in life, we can move mountains! Be successful - may you succeed in everything you undertake! Be lucky - may Her Majesty Fortune always be favorable to you! Be rich - it's so nice when your dreams come true! And, most importantly, remain the same cheerful, sincere, sincere person with a warm heart that I know and love you!

There is nothing in the world stronger than friendship. This is a great feeling of mutual trust and understanding, support and devotion. I am proud to have such a wonderful friend like you. Together - we are force! And today, friend, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. Years do not stand still, but they teach us to take a fresh look at such simple life values ​​as love and friendship. May your most cherished dreams come true on this birthday, may the Lord keep you, not allowing you to commit reckless acts. Let there be no regrets in your life, but only a feeling of satisfaction and confidence in the future. Treasure every minute and let the spark of our friendship with you not fade away throughout your life. Happy birthday!

How many centuries the brightest minds have described friendship in many forms. It would seem that there is simply nothing more to say. However, on your birthday, I would still like to choose their most accurate sayings, and say that friendship is devotion, trust, dedication, love. You, my friend, are the embodiment of all of the above! I am very lucky that there is such a person in my life, and I am very pleased to be here now and congratulate you on your birthday. May there be many happy moments in your life, but may there be those when you need my shoulder. It will make our friendship even stronger, it will make us stronger.


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